
Songs and sumo

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Rikishi of course sing sumo jinku, and they sing (mostly traditional) popular songs at sumo events like Hakuho again today or on TV like at the NHK Charity Ozumo.
And then we have of course the semi-professional singers like Ikioi and the professional ones like (retired Mihogaseki) Masuiyama (I think Ikioi is better).
Also at other events on TV:

At the zenya-sai for the Kirishima jungyo tomorrow:

sang one of the (world wide) most popular Japanese golden oldies "Ue o muite arukou"

He and Satoyama (and Ex-Kyokutenho and Asahisho) will also sing on Fuji TV on New Year's Day: song battle against a baseball team http://news.mynavi.jp/news/2015/12/07/516/

The year end singing season is near, so I thought we could have another music thread - with close connections to sumo if possible - thus with mainly enka and pre-J-pop popular songs.
Many foreign rikishi use karaoke to train Japanese. Therefore, fitting for this sub-forum, I try to post some of my favorite selections with as much Japanese lyrics on screen as possible.

First the one from today:
The original from Sakamoto Kyu

no video yet of Hakuho singing it, so I post the version from my favorite Japanese male enka singer, Hikawa Kiyoshi

Hakuho is especially attached to the break-through song for Natsukawa Rimi, Nada sousou.
She did sing it also at a party of his heya and he as well - maybe he'll sing that on New Year's Day: the rikishi on that program tell the story about their connection to the songs they perform.
I found a version with her and KONISHIKI

And for this 1st post at last the favorite one of Ikioi, Arigatou Kansha, which he sang at the zenya-sai for Kyushu

And the original by Koganesawa Shoji
Edited by Akinomaki
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Ikioi actually caught my attention on the dohyo because he's such a good singer. Now I'm cheering for him.

Here's a good performance from him in a TV music show singing one of my favourite Japanese songs, Michinoku hitoritabi (みちのくひとり旅).

However, no matter how good he sings, this is my absolute favourite version of this song:

Edited by torquato
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Not yet on YouTube, but a short Twitter video of Hakuho yesterday


-> https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/673834551580344325/pu/vid/720x1280/m7nll_OyOmbBy-0g.mp4

And the lyrics of both the Japanese and the English version of Nada sousou, but no romaji or a least furigana to make the information for the song complete.


I haven't found that for Michinoku hitori tabi, though the singer has an English version on YouTube.

Just the plain Japanese: http://www.uta-net.com/movie/4347/

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Michinoku hitori tabi, though the singer has an English version on YouTube.

I'm curious. Could you give a link?

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And the lyrics of both the Japanese and the English version of Nada sousou, but no romaji or a least furigana to make the information for the song complete.


The song is massively popular on Okinawa, as it was co-written by Begin, a group from hailing from Ishigaki Island in the prefecture, and Moriyama Ryoko.

Lyrics: http://www.jpopasia.com/lyrics/9249/rimi-natsukawa/nada-sou-sou.html

The song received national attention after Natsukawa Rimi covered it.

Even more so after a few years ago a popular film came out with the same title and this song as its theme. Nada Sōsō (film). The pictures in your first YT video derive from this film. Worthwhile to watch, I think. To confess, actually it's one of the few Japanese songs and modern films I really like.

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Most older videos and pics from the forum are gone, several related threads:
Ikioi sings the Blues
Mihogaseki Oyakata to release CD single
2013 NHK Charity Ozumo
Nishonoseki-o-kami-san sings again
Sing/song search selection from rikishi extra activities
Enka search selection from a music thread
Masuiyama new career as a singer

the only remaining video in there with a rikishi singing

Kakuryu sings.

Complete lyrics info for the song Yukiguni
From the original singer:

Recently 1080p videos from especially the weekly NHK kayou concert are all over YouTube.

Michinoku hitori tabi, though the singer has an English version on YouTube.

I'm curious. Could you give a link?

I haven't found the version again that I thought of, only this fan-made English version with the Japanese version afterwards

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professional ones like (retired Mihogaseki) Masuiyama (I think Ikioi is better).

PR at his Chanko Masuiyama for the former ozeki's new single 男のコップ酒 "A man's cup-sake"





He had a try at the production of a glass for that drink as another PR event.




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PR at his Chanko Masuiyama for the former ozeki's new single 男のコップ酒 "A man's cup-sake"

And he sang it live on NHK recently

2 1080p versions awere on YouTube /replaced with 720p still there, but maybe soon gone as well

this from the last NHK Kayou concert


this from NHK BS New - Songs of Japan


Lyrics - for use with a dictionary tool like rikaichan: http://j-lyric.net/artist/a0020a2/l039341.html

no romaji and translation yet


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The video about yokozuna Ozutsu http://www.sumoforum.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=24052&page=8#entry299486 mentions that the play by Hasegawa Shin "Ippon-gatana (one sword) dohyo-iri" was inspired by Ozutsu - something about this appears regularly in my dohyo-iri search.
The text itself is not yet on the Japanese free eBook site Aozora-bunko http://www.aozora.gr.jp/index_pages/person1726.html#sakuhin_list_1 and might not be for ages, if Japan is forced by the US to raise copyright protection from 50 to 70 years after the death of the author.

A sample of the Kodansha manga of the story (Amazon has a shorter sample) http://akm.md-dc.jp/book/carrier/00000006/binb1.4/000000b9/binbReader.jsp?url=&shareUrl=http%3A%2F%2Fmd-fp.jp%2Fservice%2Fnc%2F0000000d%2F000000%3Fisbn%3D9784063524215%26lastUrl%3Dhttp%3A%2F%2Fkc.kodansha.co.jp%2Ftrial_lastpage%3Fisbn%3D9784063524215&cid=0002ayvt00000006&dlEngine=0000000x&title=『劇画・長谷川+伸シリーズ+一本刀土俵入』試し読み|講談社コミックプラス&dataName=劇画・長谷川+伸シリーズ+一本刀土俵入&productName=サンプル&param=1

Nothing from the 1957 film, the shin-kabuki play (NHK intro) was posted recently on YouTube: act 1 - act 2 - act 3

But mainly there are the songs inspired by the story that are popular: several shorter enka type, slowly changing to more and more roukyoku

the one from Minami Haruo is maybe the best - text: https://mojim.com/usy114115x1x5.htm

Shimazu Aya - text: https://mojim.com/usy110533x42x10.htm
Futaba Yuriko - text: https://mojim.com/usy115191x1x1.htm
Mihashi Michiya is not such a good singer, but the video is not bad - text: https://mojim.com/usy114081x1x8.htm

a longer roukyoku version by Itsuki Hiroshi (who also sings the Mihashi version) and my favorite female Japanese enka singer, Sakamoto Fuyumi
(She replaced Ishikawa Sayuri as my no. 1 with this enka song, that made it into the general charts and actually created my real interest in enka: Mata Kimi ni Koi Shiteru - Text: https://mojim.com/usy107874x7x7.htm - original Billy BanBan version)

the real long version is this, by Kasugai Baiou I: roukyoku only Edited by Akinomaki
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A sumo history researcher collects song recordings of rikishi etc. that were on sale and held an event where he played them and told stories about the rikishi. http://www.asahi.com/articles/ASJ725WK1J72UBNB00L.html

Wakanohana II/Wakamisugi: Naki-bokuro (mole under the eye - from crying) 若三杉「泣きぼくろ」


no video with him, but a cover version from Ryo Wakabara

a song about him: Soul Wakamisugi

in this rikishi song collection on NicoNico it might be included: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm8459919

Of course with the usual Masuiyama songs - a playlist with Kotokaze and Masuiyama songs:


Kotokaze (Oguruma-oyakata): Mawari-michi (detour): from sekiwake a drop to makushita and then to ozeki

Tokoyama Tokoju: Hare-sugata furedaiko (sumo jinku)


about his tokoyama work, pics with Asashoryu https://www.jili.or.jp/kuraho/2008/mywork/web09/web09.html

recent articles:



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Just for gee-whiz, Jesse (Takamiyama) made a record (at least a single) back in the late-70s (I remember singing the song along with the record.) I still have the sleeve it was in buried somewhere, but have no idea what happened to the record. If I can find the sleeve, I'll post a pic.

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Akinomaki. Oh, Akinomaki. Why "ue wo muite arukou" but Hakuho? 

Join the kana club!

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for known names I don't use full romaji: no Toukyou

I use them if I think that the short form will definitely lead to an utterly wrong pronunciation and often a totally different Japanese word: like Touki vs Toki

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2 hours ago, McBugger said:

Akinomaki. Oh, Akinomaki. Why "ue wo muite arukou" but Hakuho? 

Join the kana club!

Isn't it "aruko-u-o-u"?

At least that's what I always heard. :-)

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The quite new Tokyo local Sumida ward rock bank Adimus (you will have problems searching for them) has put their song "yokozuna" on their YouTube channel, with a sumo enriched video - I have no idea though what they are really singing about.


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Only a sumo connection but no sumo content:

The former-girls group (i.e. the members are former girls transgendered) Secret Guyz dreams to do a live concert in the kokugikan, because as girls they wouldn't be allowed to perform on the ozumo dohyo (for all other events there women can be on it anyway - it is underground then). http://www.sponichi.co.jp/entertainment/news/2016/11/26/kiji/K20161126013790260.html


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On 11/25/2016 at 13:10, Akinomaki said:


The quite new Tokyo local Sumida ward rock bank Adimus (you will have problems searching for them) has put their song "yokozuna" on their YouTube channel, with a sumo enriched video - I have no idea though what they are really singing about.


This is sad. I watched all their music videos. It's just sad.

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On 11/26/2016 at 05:28, Akinomaki said:


Only a sumo connection but no sumo content:

The former-girls group (i.e. the members are former girls transgendered) Secret Guyz dreams to do a live concert in the kokugikan, because as girls they wouldn't be allowed to perform on the ozumo dohyo (for all other events there women can be on it anyway - it is underground then)


Isn't it torn down and rebuilt for each basho?

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6 hours ago, Rocks said:

Isn't it torn down and rebuilt for each basho?

The dohyo gets put underground after the basho and stays there till before the next basho, to be usable for other sumo events, like amateur or danpatsu-shiki. It could be used for a jinku singing presentation, and maybe also if someone wants to do a concert or the like on it and can get the NSK to consent - e.g. to profit from the new sumo popularity. A concert with Masuiyama would certainly get the OK, but otherwise?

About a week before the basho the old dohyo gets torn down and rebuilt, using much of the old one with maybe up to one third of new soil.

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Without having to transform into a boy, Sumire Uesaka had a concert in the kokugikan: Uesaka Sumire's hitori-zumo psychedelic jungyo. With a warning to fans from overseas: "This is not sumo, just a joke. If you saw this and got interested in sumo, please watch real torikumi." The first half of the show was in pro-wrestling fashion, the 2nd sumo styled - there she performed with the dosukoi dancers.  http://www.nikkansports.com/entertainment/news/1755738.html

a photo with the dosukoi dancers in the sub-floor


and a better look at her gyoji style outfit


Her new single"psychedelic jungyo" is maybe BGM at her tegata challenge video on this site: http://king-cr.jp/artist/uesakasumire/

also on niconico: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm30273525

 a dohyo stage and the usual stage


with girls on the dohyo



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Don't know if this was already posted somewhere here. It is a beautiful song celebrating the hawaiian sumotori Akebono, Musashimaru and Konishiki.

Israel Kamakawiwo'ole - Tengoku Kara Kaminari



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29 minutes ago, Benihana said:

Israel Kamakawiwo'ole - Tengoku Kara Kaminari

I heard it last year -- nice to hear it again. I love his voice and the little syncope in the music. Thanks for posting this.:-)

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Daishi explained and presented jinku at an event in Hitachi-city to revitalize the district. http://ibarakinews.jp/news/newsdetail.php?f_jun=14864681293000


several new videos of his song performances on this channel:



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On 9.7.2016 at 14:19, Akinomaki said:

A sumo history researcher collects song recordings of rikishi etc. that were on sale and held an event where he played them and told stories about the rikishi.

Wakanohana II/Wakamisugi: Naki-bokuro (mole under the eye - from crying) 若三杉「泣きぼくろ」

Kotokaze (Oguruma-oyakata): Mawari-michi (detour): from sekiwake a drop to makushita and then to ozeki

Tokoyama Tokoju: Hare-sugata furedaiko (sumo jinku)

On 10.7.2016 at 12:36, Washuyama said:

Jesse (Takamiyama) made a record (at least a single) back in the late-70s

1 hour ago, Akinomaki said:

Masuiyama's song debut was in 1972. His 2nd song "Sonna Yuko ni horemashita" (1974) had at first sold 600 000 times - the record company then went bankrupt and at the new one he for the first time got a royalty contract. Afterwards another 650 000 records were sold.

In 1978 he won a best hit award for 1.3 million sold records of his 1977 song "Sonna onna no hitori-goto" and also had a chance for the best record of the year award, but didn't get it. Looks like he also got an offer for the NHK year end kouhaku uta-gassen song festival, but apparently the NSK refused.

Shukan post had a longer list recently of the principal records by rikishi, till song recordings were prohibited by the NSK. http://www.news-postseven.com/archives/20170204_488914.html

●Kitanofuji『ネオン無情』Neon mujou(heartlessness)(1967)
 sold 500 000. Later that year he published an LP『北の冨士“艶歌”をうたう』"Kitanofuji sings enka"

●Hanada (later Takanohana)『男なみだのブルース』Otoko-namida (tears of a man) no blues(1969)
 debut song the year after entering makuuchi the first time

●Masuiyama『そんな夕子にほれました』Sonna Yuko no horemashita(1974)

●Takanohana I『貴ノ花 男の花道』Takanohana - Otoko no hanamichi(1975)
 as ozeki, folk song style - the B side was sumo jinku

●Ryuko『沈丁花』Jinchouge - winter daphne(1977)
 debut song after intai, then left the NSK and turned TV talent

●Masuiyama『そんな女のひとりごと』Sonna Onna no hitori-goto(1977)

●Kaiketsu『男の旅愁』Otoko no ryoshu - a man's travel loneliness (1977) 

●Takamiyama『ジェシー・ザ・スーパーマン』Jessie the superman(1979)
 disco sound and Jessie shouting "superman"


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