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Foreigner round-up

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Hi interested!

This is the foreign rikishi round-up for Kyushu- Basho.

In Makuuchi, 1 foreigner (Asashouryuu, who was also at his highest rank ever) got the Yusho, Musashimaru went Kyujo, Kyokushuuzan and Kyokutenhou went 7-8.

In Juryo, there are 2 foreigners at the moment, Asasekiryuu (Mongolia)

and Kasugaou (South Korea). They fought each other on day 15 for the yusho. Kasugao got it, with an 11-4 record. Asasekiryuu ended up 10-5.

They both were at their highest ranks as well.

In Makushita, of the 9 (!!) foreigners ,only four

Sentoryuu, Kokkai, Kuniazuma and Ryuuou, who was at his highest)got KK while the other five (Hoshitango, Wakaazuma, Kyokutenzan, Hoshizakura and Ama) got MK.

Only Hoshizakura (who was at his highest rank) will be demoted.

In Sandanme, of the 21 there, 10 got their KK.  11 evidently

did not, one going kyujo and coming back to win one. Three of them, Hakuba (Mongolia), Musashiryuu (Mongolia) and Rohou (Russia), will definitely be promoted to Makushita, all of them for the first time, all of them at their highest rank.

17 year old Kakuryuu (Mongolia, Sandanme west 40)who was

makekoshi - less after 5 bashos, hit the wall and went 1-6.

Of the 12 who held their highest-ever ranks in this division, 5 got their KKs.

In Jonidan, there are 9 foreign rikishi.

7 went KK, only 2 went MK.

Of the 5 who were at their highest-ever ranks, four, including hitherto unbeaten Tokitenkuu (Mongolia, 14-0 career,15-0 counting playoffs, who knows what else counting Mae-zumo..)and Nakanokuni, the 12-2 career Chinaman, managed a KK.

In Jonokuchi, there were 3 rikishi- one (Ako, coming off a serious injury))was 6-1, but the other two shin-deshi (Mongolian Dewahikari and the 15 year old Texan Kagamifuji) got 3-4 MKs.

We still have one guy, Bontenshou, off the Banzuke.

The foreigners as a whole were 208-163-15 overall, which is good.

Of the 25 foreign rikishi in all divisions who were at their

highest-ever rank this Basho, 13 managed to get their KK.

To make a very tedious story short, of the 49 foreigners in all of Sumo,

25 were KK and 21 MK, 2 were mostly kyujo,and one is off the Banzuke.

Three (Asashouryuu, Kasugao and Tokitenkuu) won their divisional Yusho, and the rest are still at the party.

For more (career records, number of Bashos, age, shoe size,

etc..updated to include Aki):

Thank you for walking my way.

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Just a bit more details on the Europeans:

Brothers Roho and Hakurozan finished 6-1, Orora and Takanoyama 5-2, Amuru and Kokkai 4-3, all kachi-koshi.

Veteran Hamanoshima managed to win his last bout, as did my semi-adoptee Kotokaneko, so they finished 3-4 and 2-5, respectively...

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, including hitherto unbeaten Tokitenkuu (Mongolia, 14-0 career,15-0 counting playoffs, who knows what else counting Mae-zumo

Tokitenku said in yusho interview that he relies too much on leg-techniques and tries to learn powerful yorikiri as his foes in sandanme are already significantly bigger.

His play-off win was beautiful susoharai with perfect timing. You can download the bout from Dale's site. Other than that Tokitenku's 14 straight wins consists of:

4 yorikiri

3 uchigake

2 sotogake

1 uwatenage

1 uwatedashinage

1 sukuinage

1 nimaigeri

1 susoharai (the play-off win)

1 hatakikomi

7 leg techniques including two very rare ones and 3 rare uchigake. No pushing techniques yet. We will keep an eye on this new Mongolian.

It is doubtful that he can take sandanme yusho in Hatsu though as he isn't that overwhelming even at jonidan level.

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Slight change of subject,but can anyone give me a site where I can check on the lower ranks(below Juryo) I'm intersted in keeping track even if I never see the bouts.

The reason Im asking here is that you mentioned the lower ranks in your post.

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Slight change of subject,but can anyone give me a site where I can check on the lower ranks(below Juryo) I'm intersted in keeping track even if I never see the bouts

There are many good sites for that:

Bandey's detailed stats of all bouts of honbasho. Just change the "11" to corresponding month's number (add the 0 in front of singular numbered month, like 09 representing Aki basho) and you will get detailed results of Hatsu, Haru, Natsu, Nagoya and Aki basho since the beginning of 2002 + Kyushu 2001.

Excellent filters to screen out whatever division/stable etc. rikishis' results and banzuke position and you can create your own "rikishi whose career I wish to follow closely" with the customized results-option. Results will be updated daily during honbasho too so keeping in track is easy.

All foreigners, oldest rikishi, makushita in English....

There are more too but these are good for starters.

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Hi interested!

This is the foreign rikishi round-up for Hatsu- Basho.

In Makuuchi, there are 5. One, (Asashouryuu, who was also at his highest

rank ever) got the Yusho, Musashimaru was Kyujo, Kyokushuuzan was 7-8

and Kyokutenhou was KK. Kasugaou, in his Makuuchi debut, went 10-5.

In Juryo, there is 1 foreigner at the moment, Asasekiryuu (Mongolia)

who ended up 11-4 and got the Yusho.

He was at his highest rank as well. He will be pretty high up in Makuuchi next Basho.

In Makushita, of the 11 (!!) foreigners ,six got KK

while the other five got MK. One of them, Musashiryuu, was injured and

left in the middle. Kokkai won the Yusho after a seven-man playoff.

Of the 4 who held their highest-ever ranks in this division, 3 got

their KKs.

Three  will be demoted- Brazilian Wakaazuma, after a very long stint

(including Juuryou) in Makushita,Kyokutenzan after a very long stint as

well, and injured Musashiryuu.

In Sandanme, of the 22 there, only 8 got their KK.  14 evidently

did not. Tokitenkuu continues his unbelievable streak (21 wins + 2 in playoffs)and of course won the Yusho, his third already in as much tournaments. Hakuhou will probably be promoted to Makushita.

Of the 9 who held their highest-ever ranks in this division, 4 got

their KKs.

In Jonidan, there are 7 foreign rikishi.

6 went KK, only 1 went MK.

Of the 2 who were at their highest-ever ranks,one was MK,

the other - KK.

In Jonokuchi, there are 5 rikishi- 4 got KKs , one, Kagamifuji the

Texan, left after getting injured on day 1. The Bulgarian Giant

Kotooushuu got the Yusho. They were all at their highest ever ranks..

We still have one guy, Bontenshou, off the Banzuke.

The foreigners were 221-156-8 overall, which is good.

Of the 23 foreign rikishi in all divisions who were at their

highest-ever rank this Basho, 14 managed to get their KK.

To make a very long story short, of the 52 foreigners in all of Sumo,

28 were KK and 22 MK (including two who got injured and left in the

middle), Musashimaru was  kyujo,  and one is off the Banzuke.

FIVE(!!!) (Asashouryuu, Asasekiryuu, Kokkai,Tokitenkuu and Kotooushuu) won their divisional Yusho, and the rest are very envious indeed.

For more (career records, number of Bashos, age, shoe size,

etc..updated to include Aki):

Thank you for walking my way.

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Thank you the summary Kintamayama-zeki -- very interesting informtion.

The 5 foreign rikishi winning yusho is amazing.  It brings a question to my mind.  Maybe this is only a question to me because I know very little about the high school and lower sumo divisions, but I will ask anyways hoping the more knowledgable people (everyone  :-( ) on this board can answer.

Do you think the relative success of foreign rikishi the past few years is due to the fact they start later, and therefore have less chance of injury?  Even though they have less experience, they are physically mature and strong when they start, unlike high school kids and even some jonokuchi/jonidan wrestlers.  Maybe there are many very talented future rikishi in Japan who start too young, get injured, and never realize their full potential?

Or am I completely wrong, and the foreign rikishi stat wrestling as early as the japanese ones do?

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do you think the relative success of foreign rikishi the past few years is due to the fact they start later, and therefore have less chance of injury?  Even though they have less experience, they are physically mature and strong when they start, unlike high school kids and even some jonokuchi/jonidan wrestlers.  Maybe there are many very talented future rikishi in Japan who start too young, get injured, and never realize their full potential?

Or am I completely wrong, and the foreign rikishi stat wrestling as early as the japanese ones do?

Hi Yoav!

If you check out my site

you'll see all the ages as well, and note that there is no difference in ages between foreigners abd locals, except for some cases, like Tokitenkuu and Kotooushuu(who is 19, not that old)..

The guys in sandanme who have been is sumo for two three years are around 18-19 years old.

so age probably isn't the main factor. Maybe they are more motivated, I don't know..

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Kokkai won the Yusho after a seven-man playoff....

but wasn't promoted to juryo! And I was so sure...

I have to admit I first thought

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