Akinomaki 40,568 Posted August 25, 2016 (edited) doyho-iri pics are all together after the 1st group, career shindeshi makushita 7-0 yusho as ms11, Aki 1974, juryo promotion keiko for Kyushu 1974 as sekitori first time with his own kesho-mawashi Aki 1975, new makuuchi dumbbell training 1979 - started as a measure against his frequent shoulder dislocations charity baseball May 1980, with Asashio Oct. 1st 1980, fund raising Kyushu 1980, new sekiwake, day 3 win against Takanohana I - it's said he ended the career of the father like the son ended his, but intai was during next basho, and that last was their 10th meet - he won the first though, like the son did against him - and the end for him was Takatoriki more training 1981 Hatsu basho 1981 Day 1 against Kotokaze yusho ketteisen against Kitanoumi with peak TV ratings of 65.3%, the whole 2nd half of makuuchi had an average of 52.2%: eternal top for sumo first yusho day after interview and ozeki promotion on Jan. 28th 1981 - Isegahama-riji the messenger with Kokonoe-oyakata (Kitanofuji) and o-kami-san with pro wrestler Giant Baba Haru 1981 new ozeki, day 6 loss to Hokutenyu by shitatenage yusho portrait presentation before the Natsu basho for the 1st yusho, with Kitanoumi for Haru Mexico koen, June 1981 farewell party, with Kirinji Nagoya 1981 day 15 against Kitanoumi for the 2nd yusho and yokozuna promotion maybe this (undated) dentatsu-shiki the others have fun: riji Isegahama with shimpan Jinmaku were the messengers press conference press conference in August with some injury: after 2 days he went kyujo as new yokozuna in the Aki basho Aug 1981, Hokkaido honor praise for him and Hokkaido honor award for Kitanoumi training at a golf competition 1981 yusho portrait presentation before the Hatsu basho 1982 for the 3rd yusho in Kyushu, with Kotokaze for Aki Hatsu 1982 yusho ketteisen against Kitanoumi yusho portrait presentation before the Natsu basho for his 4th yusho Haru 1982 and Kitanoumi for Hatsu Natsu 1982, 5th yusho parade engagement announcement the next day June 1982 Sep.20th 1982, Prime minister Maggie Thatcher on a visit to Japan: rather a talk with Takamiyama Hatsu 1983 day 15, kyokai go-aisatsu fom Kasugano-rijicho 8th yusho Haru 1983, first zensho - no pics 9th yusho Kyushu basho 1983 Natsu 1984, losing to Kitanoumi on day 13 with Konishiki, Aki basho 1984 day 14 a loss 10th yusho Kyushu 1984 with TV ratings of 38.9% - no pics sandan-gamae double dohyo-iri in the new kokugikan with Kitanoumi, Jan. 9th 1985 Hatsu 1985 - 11th yusho, 2nd zensho - on day 7 training for Haru 1985 Natsu 1985, against Onokuni for 13-0 US embassy before the start of the New York koen, June 5th 1985: tee from the ambassador, Kasugano-rijicho, ozeki Asashio Aki 1985, 13th yusho, 3rd zensho training for Hatsu 1986 15th yusho Hatsu basho 1986 fire fighting exercise with kids in Nagoya, June 1986 Nagoya 1986, 17th yusho Aki 1986, 18th yusho Hatsu 1987 day 7 - loss against Konishiki Natsu basho 1987 day after, Hokutoumi gets the nod for yokozuna promotion - celebration with the oyakata training for Kyushu 1987, with a kyujo beard win against Onokuni for 14-0 the 22nd yusho Kyushu 1987, 4th zensho, with his son Hatsu 1988, day 14, another loss to Konishikii with later Chiyononada, when he entered Kokonoe-beya for Haru 1988 23rd yusho Natsu 1988, with his 2nd daughter, the future model - the winning streak of 53 has started Sylvester Stallone in the heya, June 16th 1988 24 and 25 of course 5th and 6th zensho yusho parade after Nagoya Kyushu 1988, last basho of his winning streak 50th on day 11 against Konishiki 53rd win in a row on day 14 against Asahifuji Onokuni stops his winning streak on day 15 27th yusho, but not happy with Onokuni at the Shinjuku Imperial garden on Feb.24th 1989 - funeral service for the Showa Tenno: Taisou no rei 27th yusho Haru 1989, decided on day 14, but he dislocated the left shoulder against Onokuni yusho with a fusen loss on the last day and the arm fixed - with his 3rd daughter June 6th - one of the fathers of the year 1989, among the others actor Masahiko Tsugawa and film director Nagisa Oshima - on the 12th his 3rd daughter died at 4months of age Nagoya 1989 going into the basho grieving about the death of his daughter, with a string of Buddhist prayer beads 1st loss to Mitoizumi on day 8 yusho ketteisen against Hokutoumi, first ever of 2 yokozuna from the same heya 28th yusho press conference Aki 1989 day 13: career win 965 against Ozutsu, a new record 29th yusho, 7th and last zensho with his wife at the ceremony for the National honor award from prime minister Kaifu, Sep.29th 1989 - for most career wins ever (967 at the time) a vase as the commemorate item - the award winner chooses what he wants to get celebration for the citizens honor award - from baseball: Kinugasa and O with Hokutoumi doing the opening shots at the first rikishi-kai organized charity golf tournament 30th yusho Hatsu 1990 some old trophy: here is the cup: Feb, 21st 1990 - preparing to go for 1000 career wins as the first ever advance celebrations for 1000 career wins before the Haru basho 1990, Hokutoumi, with Nakamura in the middle, celebrating his rebirth as coach of the Hanshin baseball team Haru 1990, day 7, 1000th career win against Hananokuni interviewed of course and a fish just for that, or? - rather re-used by Hokutoumi for the yusho celebration (maybe he had 2) Natsu 1990 - day 14 loss against Konishiki gives the lead to Asahifuji at the first Garden Party by the Imperial couple of the Heisei era, the one for Spring, on May 31st Last time the cup: 31st yusho, Kyushu 1990 keiko soken for the Natsu basho, May 2nd 1991, lending his chest to Takahanada Last basho - Natsu 1991 day 1 loss against Takahanada at their first meeting Terao watching last bout on day 3, loss to Takatoriki after the bout with Takahanada intai announcement that day in the kokugikan: "I reached the limit of my physical strength" press conference in the heya - with oyakata and MP Muneo Suzuki from Hokkaido (his koenkai top?) family photo after intai, before the danpatsu-shiki family photo for the last Chiyonofuji appearance danpatsu-shiki Feb. 2nd 1992- last cut by Kokonoe-oyakata 2nd career now as Kokonoe-oyakata last cut at Hokutoumi's danpatsu-shiki, Jan 31st 1993 new Kokonoe-beya, Aug 28th 1993 - the old becomes Hakkaku-beya Chiyotaikai new juryo for Nagoya, May 24th 1995 as deputy head shimpan at the Hatsu basho 1996, handing the juryo yusho certificate to Rikio new juryo for Natsu Chiyonowaka, Mar.27th 1996 Dec. 12th 1996, with Taiho at the funeral service for Kagamiyama-oyakata (Kashiwado), who died at age 58 the Chiyonoyama-Chiyonofuji Memorial Museum in the home town of the 2 yokozuna and Kokonoe-oyakata, opened April 1997 Chiyotaikai new makuuchi for Aki 1997 and new komusubi for Natsu 1998 the yusho flag for Chiyotaikai, Hatsu 1999 - but he stopped at deputy head shimpan, because he was no riji and new ozeki for Haru 1999 visiting the Kintetsu Buffaloes training camp, 2000 press conference for Chiyotaikai's yokozuna run Aki 2002, Aug.26th shimpan ringside pics - Aki 2005 Kyushu 2007 Natsu 2010 day 9 riji at last, Feb, 1st 2008, Nishonoseki (sekiwake Kongo) new as well - Kitanoumi 4th time in a row riji-cho press conference as new PR top, Feb.4th handshake duty Natsu 2008 - first basho in the Kokugikan with the new members as PR top at the YDC meeting after the basho, with YDC top Ebisawa as sumo museum acting top receiving the donation of a kesho mawashi from Azumazeki-oyakata (Takamiyama) and some thanks and a small gift in return intai press conference of Chiyotaikai, Hatsu 2010 day 4 danpatsu-shiki of Chiyotaikai, 2010 after the rijikai about the gambling scandal, June 21st 2010 Congratulations to Hakuho for 54 wins in a row, one more than his record, Aki 2010 day 7 and again for the yusho on day 14 Sylvester Stallone and Dolph Lundgren join Meeting Silvester Stallone again after 22 years, kokugikan lower floor danpatsu-shiki of Asashoryu, Oct. 2010 Student yokozuna Meigetsuin (Chiyotairyu) joins the heya, announcement at Nittaidai, Jan. 24th 2011 on the way to the Hyogi-inkai, Feb.3rd 2011 and to the riji-kai dealing with the yaocho scandal, Apr.1st 2011 in front of his statue at the Gyokurin temple in Tokyo's Taito-ward, at the unveiling ceremony Jun.2nd 2011 congratulations to Kaio for pulling even with 1045 career wins, Nagoya 2011, day 4 press conference for Chiyoarashi and Chiyozakura new juryo in Aki 2011 Dec. 20th. 2012 with his 2nd daughter, the model same day at the party to celebrate the citizens honor award for Yoshida Saori, Asashoryu is a bit happier, +Antonio Inoki Dec.27th 2012 Jan. 2013 after the death of Taiho Chiyootori new juryo Natsu 2013 and brother Chiyomaru for Aki at a talk-show about health promotion with NHK's Kariya announcer, Oct 18th, 2013 announcing his candidacy for riji again, Jan. 30th 2014 putting in the registration for that heading to the riji election, Jan. 31st the kyokai no.2 executive not re-elected as riji Chiyotairyu new komusubi, Sep.1st 2014 later in September Hamamachi (Chiyonoumi) joining Kokonoe-beya, announcement at Nittaidai Apr. 15th 2015 with Konishiki, 2015 after surgery for cancer at a boxing match with Yoshida Saori, Sep. 22nd 2015 at a talk-show on Oct.24th 2015 visit to Taiwan, Nov 3rd. 2015 Chiyoshoma juryo promotion for Hatsu 2016 party for that, Feb 7th 2016 fund raising for Kumamoto in front of his statue, June 6th 2016 one of the last pics - leaving after work on day 2 of the Nagoya basho the press gathers at Kokonoe-beya after the announcement of the sad news, July 31st 2016 the yokozuna dohyo-iri the first tsuna - a Morinaga kesho mawashi set for the Meiji shrine, most likely from Kitanofuji dohyo-iri training from the oyakata the new yokozuna at the Meiji shrine, Jul.25th 1981 - tachi-mochi Asashio, tsuyu-harai Fujizakura his parents watched Aki 1981, tachi-mochi Hoshi (Hokutoumi/Hakkaku), tsuyu harai Kongo Hatsu basho 1982 day 3 Natsu basho 1982 1983, with Hoshi just tsuyu-harai, Wajima as shimpan Aki 1984 - Tochiazuma, the father Hatsu 1985 compare with Hatsu 1987, day 4 - perfect routine match June 1985, New York koen: doyho-iri in Washington for Secretary of State Shultz, with the ambassador of Japan tachi-mochi Wakashimazu, tsuyu-harai Konishiki more from Hatsu 1987, day 4 after Natsu 1987: teaching Hokutoumi how to do it, Konishiki among the tsuna-makers Aki 1987, day 5 Hatsu 1989, the one day late basho and first in Heisei, day 2 day 10 Aki 1989 - after the citizens honor award Kyushu 1989 Hatsu 1990 day 9 another day Apr.16th, 1991 at the Kamou shrine, Utsunomiya, Tochigi Last basho: Natsu 1991 day 1 last dohyo-iri on day 3 and much of that also as oyakata teaching it to Akebono at Taiho's kanreki dohyo-iri as tsuyu-harai - tachi-mochi Kitanoumi, June 8th 2000 with Hakkaku at the kanreki dohyo-iri of Kitanofuji - no oyakata anymore, so not in the kokugikan, Feb 2nd 2002 tachi-mochi of course tachi-mochi at Kitanoumi's kanreki dohyo-iri, with Takanohana, Jun. 9th 2013 the white rope for an attendant at the tsuna-uchi for his own kanreki dohyo-iri, with Sanoyama, May 28th 2015 this time the red rope for him tachi-mochi Hakuho kanreki dohyo-iri with Hakuho and Harumafuji, May 31st 2015 press conference afterwards Edited August 27, 2016 by Akinomaki 10 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
orandashoho 720 Posted August 25, 2016 Great collection of pictures, Akinomaki! I am still shaken that he is gone. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
I am the Yokozuna 193 Posted August 26, 2016 amazing collection of the life of Chiyonofuji. Thank you for your efforts. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Swami 245 Posted August 26, 2016 Brilliant, brilliant photos of a truly brilliant yokozuna! Swami 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Naganoyama 5,927 Posted August 26, 2016 Excellent, thorough piece of work. (As usual of course) Thanks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites