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Sumo calender 2017

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The photo shooting for the 2017 calender was before last basho, several pics from that have been published already, I hope I find them all again to put here. The PR video appeared recently:






On 11.9.2016 at 14:44, Akinomaki said:

the PR events, for the new sumo calender



Edited by Akinomaki
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The 7-11 convenience stores 7&i holdings company had put the sumo calender on their new net platform for sale, where an official NSK store was opened Sep. 1st. - the calender is sold out by now at the other NSK publications site - with 3 original B2 size posters as set


And for Setsubun they have a campaign: for ordering in advance 3 ehomaki (about 400 yen each), one gets a voucher for an NSK mini-tenugui in the design of the calender cover page - the first 610 000 get it. They have to bring it to the store when they get the ordered ehomaki between Feb 1st and 3rd.


A representative of the company was at the rikishi-kai on the 27th to present it. Terunofuji had eaten a proper meal before the meeting but couldn't resist - ashamed though, with a "Don't shoot this!" to the press corps - but too late, he could only try to cover the scene:





no problem for Aminishiki?


Edited by Akinomaki
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Got it from Terunofuji this year as usual.  I love the Ozeki pic.






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