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Sumo in video games

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Capcom announced a new deformation figure of a rikishi style character appearing as representative of Japan in Street-fighter T.N.C-. 08(The New Challenger): Edmond Honda

in the game


the figure - with his hissatsu technique of 100smash harite




Edited by Akinomaki
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My favorite sumo related thing:  the animal picture scroll,  with sumo of frog and rabbit  -  now it is in a video game: Choju-Giga Wars for Nintendo Switch, as download available in the Nintendo eShop on March 1st

not much sumo left - just the frog loves it and is fond of harite

Edited by Akinomaki

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I'll post real sumo video game news from Japan here as well, except about the official NSK game.

"Sumo Roll - the road to yokozuna" is a new game from Studio Kingmo, to raise a yokozuna all the way from jonokuchi - free from App store and Google play, but maybe only available in Japan? Even if so, with APK managers one can get it just like the NSK game app.


with more pics:

someone played it a bit:

Edited by Akinomaki
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In Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, you do some sumo training with the mayor of a local town, and you later take on a bigger character. Sadly, despite being just a small part of the game, it's about the most developed video sumo I've seen.

I would LOVE a really developed game for PS4 or X-Box. I doubt it would be too difficult to make, but I guess the demand's not there.




Edited by Katooshu

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10 hours ago, Katooshu said:

In Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, you do some sumo training with the mayor of a local town, and you later take on a bigger character. Sadly, despite being just a small part of the game, it's about the most developed video sumo I've seen.


I remember playing that years ago, but I hadn't seen sumo before, so I did not make the connection.

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I used to be an avid gamer back in the day, my favourite games were beat-em-up's and apart from E.Honda (who figurine Akinomaki has posted) I can remember two other characters who were rikishi.

E.Honda was one of my favourite characters in SF, he would shout 'Dosukoi!" during his victory pose and his bouts took part in a communal bath, he also wore red kumodori (隈取) make-up. Capcom(street fighter's developers) were eager to capitalise on sumo's international interest and created the character for foreigners to ignite interest in Japan as a whole (hence the kumodori, blending two very Japanese things together, Kabuki and Sumo)

Great thread...


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4 hours ago, Akōgyokuseki said:

his bouts took part in a communal bath

My apologies this should read "took place in a communal bath"... autocorrect is such a pain.

I can't edit my posts. I'm sorry to add a pointless message to this thread.

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Some new action game with sumo in it, but which has nearly nothing to do with sumo: Circle of Sumo, from Yonder developed for Nintendo Switch


Edited by Akinomaki
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This thing is polluting the YT sumo video search now: Morodashi sumo もろだし相撲 was just released by Bakumatsu Games for Win.10. You win if the mawashi of the opponent falls off, if the rikishi falls down it automatically falls off. A light hides the nudity. I won't post links or pics for this.


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17 hours ago, Akinomaki said:

This thing is polluting the YT sumo video search now: Morodashi sumo もろだし相撲 was just released by Bakumatsu Games for Win.10. You win if the mawashi of the opponent falls off, if the rikishi falls down it automatically falls off. A light hides the nudity. I won't post links or pics for this.


wtf is this? Is there anyone who could believe this is fun? Is it a "one button" game? The strategies seem to be infinite...

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