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Plagiarism in music ?

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Was it (or not) one of the most amazing plagiarism of these last ten years :

Michael Jackson himself, the pop-music king would have made plagiarisms ?

Just Listen to this :

D'ya remember the song Thriller from the album with the same name (most ever sold album in the world) ?


If not just listen to it.

And now, listen to this !

If this is a plagiarism, we can recognize the copy is much better than the original made by Luixy Toledo "Exorcismo", a singer almost unknown even in Spain, from Toledo, and who left the music since.

But recently, in 1990, into his album "Dangerous"


there was a song called "Will you be there ?" that everybody has in memory and which was a big success in the world and you can listen to it by clicking on this.

Well, 3 years before, the very famous (mainly in Italy, a bit in France and in Europe) italian singer Al Bano composed "I cigni di Balaka", last song of his album "Libert

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