
Harumafuji activities

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  On 31/08/2018 at 16:20, Akinomaki said:
  On 31/08/2018 at 12:20, rhyen said:

Shouldn’t Harumafuji get his own dedicated thread?

He is in several threads in ozumo discussions because he is still in ozumo as a member of Isegahama-beya


  On 15/08/2018 at 17:23, Akinomaki said:

Coach Harumafuji had returned from Mongolia for the Isegahama Nagoya senshuraku party, but went back there shortly after to prepare the opening in September of the "New Harumafuji Mongol school" primary and middle school - Japanese style education in cooperation with and as preparation for the existing private New Mongol Academy high school and so on. He had started this project Kyushu 2 years ago, with the scandal and his intai it seemed endangered, but apparently the opening will take place as planned. It's already very popular: they received 10 applications for each available place they offered.

The New Harumafuji school opened today, at first for about 740 pupils with 70 teachers, in the end planned for 1800 pupils and 140 teachers.





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  On 01/09/2018 at 15:03, Akinomaki said:

The New Harumafuji school opened today, at first for about 740 pupils with 70 teachers, in the end planned for 1800 pupils and 140 teachers.

Asashoryu was also present at the grand opening




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An exhibitions of about 20 of Harumafuji's paintings to celebrate the opening of the new Harumafuji school will take place at the Gallery Nichido https://www.nichido-garo.co.jp/en/

The opening party with the artist on the 19th, 18:30h-20h, and on the 20th, 11h-19h, free entry





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  On 12/09/2018 at 16:14, Akinomaki said:

An exhibitions of about 20 of Harumafuji's paintings to celebrate the opening of the new Harumafuji school will take place at the Gallery Nichido https://www.nichido-garo.co.jp/en/

The opening party with the artist on the 19th, 18:30h-20h, and on the 20th, 11h-19h, free entry

Harumafuji with the president of the gallery in front of the main painting at the party today


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  On 12/09/2018 at 16:14, Akinomaki said:

An exhibitions of about 20 of Harumafuji's paintings to celebrate the opening of the new Harumafuji school will take place at the Gallery Nichido https://www.nichido-garo.co.jp/en/

The opening party with the artist on the 19th,

mentioned in an English article https://www.japantimes.co.jp/sports/2018/09/23/sumo/sumo-101-hobbies/



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link fixed - embedding working again would save a lot of time
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  On 01/09/2018 at 15:03, Akinomaki said:

The New Harumafuji school opened today, at first for about 740 pupils with 70 teachers, in the end planned for 1800 pupils and 140 teachers.

Harumafuji talked about the school: "I want to make good use of what I learned in Japan to develop human resources in Mongolia."

In the schoolyard there's an empty pedestal for a bronze statue with "Nobel prize winner" engraved, he also wants to have the kids aim for things like Olympic champion or yokozuna.

"With the new hairstyle also the intentions got new, going for new objectives and dreams, with complete devotion" - zenshin-zenrei: the phrase he used for yokozuna promotion.




Asashoryu the businessman - he looks more the artist

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  On 17/12/2018 at 07:10, Jakusotsu said:

Does the "70" on his sleeve mean what I think it means?

he has a whole private fashion series

  On 27/09/2018 at 14:40, Akinomaki said:



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That reminded me: Ages ago, I made a Asashoryu shirt but unfortunately never came to the point of actually ordering or wearing it.

(Off topic in this thread, I agree.)



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  On 15/12/2018 at 18:06, Akinomaki said:

Harumafuji talked about the school: "I want to make good use of what I learned in Japan to develop human resources in Mongolia."

Today the NonStop wide-show had a (top) report on the new Harumafuji school  - looks like he might become a teacher there - art teacher.

Harumafuji is now rijicho of the school and apparently is studying business administration at a Japanese university.


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He might be the most educated rikishi ever. At least he knows very well what school is like and can bring that to his project. So amazing this is happening so quickly. Hopefully it works well, and he can put a statue on that pedestal some day.

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  On 18/12/2018 at 09:48, Akinomaki said:

Today the NonStop wide-show had a (top) report on the new Harumafuji school  - looks like he might become a teacher there - art teacher.

Harumafuji is now rijicho of the school and apparently is studying business administration at a Japanese university.


for miomio, this is an example of the code

<source src="http://hd82a.ririqq.com/42215C2486DF20181A8AC2383E3812148801181218MTU0NTY3Mzgw68OTQxMDViMThiMTQ4OD14880115456738050093DF6CFBA5CEF2.ic" type="video/mp4">

so just copy and past the html in the source?

Edit: didn't get any data block, so where else should i search for the playlist video code?

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  On 24/12/2018 at 18:00, rhyen said:

for miomio, this is an example of the code

<source src="http://hd82a.ririqq.com/42215C2486DF20181A8AC2383E3812148801181218MTU0NTY3Mzgw68OTQxMDViMThiMTQ4OD14880115456738050093DF6CFBA5CEF2.ic" type="video/mp4">

so just copy and past the html in the source?

Edit: didn't get any data block, so where else should i search for the playlist video code?

Youtube-dl is THE tool to get the videos - this variety blog lists other options for use with the browser http://variety111.blog.fc2.com/

Chrome http://www.douga-getter.com/

Firefox: Video download helper

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The Voice of Mongolia has a nice site with English and Japanese pages - and plenty of coverage of the Mongolians from ozumo, some on the Japanese ones, several on teh English ones http://www.vom.mn/en/search?search=sumo

The new Harumafuji school donated equipment to a hospital, like HF did regularly while active http://www.vom.mn/ja/p/42168

the man in the middle


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Harumafuji yesterday was at Yamagata Sagae technical high school for the presentation ceremony of crime prevention goods for his Harumafuji school. Since the 2016 Sagae jungyo he has connection to the local school.



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Harumafuji as Niigata pref. tourism special envoy (also for Niigata city and Yahiko village http://www.kenoh.com/2019/01/19_haruma.html) at the start of this month took part in the 100days pre-event to this year's Niigata culture festival

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he also was at the governor's office, on the 27th



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In that picture Harumafuji looks like he’s in a courtroom, flanked by his defence counsel, hearing his arraignment by a judge and doing his best to look apologetic and innocent in the hope of getting bail. Has the karaoke incident caught up with him?

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I get that vibe sometimes, too.  The poor guy has a pockmarked face from all that chanko-induced acne.  Whenever he appears in open collar and slight beard (compare with suit-and-tie in above pictures), he looks like he's been "assisting the authorities in their investigation."

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  On 17/06/2019 at 12:00, Yamanashi said:

I get that vibe sometimes, too.  The poor guy has a pockmarked face from all that chanko-induced acne.  Whenever he appears in open collar and slight beard (compare with suit-and-tie in above pictures), he looks like he's been "assisting the authorities in their investigation."

That is the most charitable explanation of his scars I've heard. If it were true, however, we'd see it throughout the sumo world...

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(from Tachiai blog) Harumafuji looking for exchange of teachers, ideas with Gifu Prefecture officials:


(world-class Google translation of one paragraph: "Ms. Fuji, who retired as a man, is now the director of “New Mongolian Nima Fuji Gakuen” in Ulaanbaatar, the capital of Mongolia.")

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