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Aminishiki in 2019 - the veteran question

Aminishiki's 2019  

27 members have voted

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  1. 1. When will Aminishiki retire?

    • January / February 2019
    • March / April 2019
    • May / June 2019
    • July / August 2019
    • September / October 2019
    • November / December 2019
    • He won't retire in 2019!
  2. 2. What will be Aminishiki's *best* record in 2019? (excluding any bashos in Makushita or below.)

  3. 3. What will be Aminishiki's *worst* record in 2019? (**Not including any bashos where Aminishiki does not compete on day 1**) - Excluding any bashos where Aminishiki is ranked in Makushita or below.

    • 12-3 or better
    • 11-4
    • 10-5
    • 9-6
    • 8-7
    • 7-8
    • 6-9
    • 5-10
    • 4-11
    • 3-12
    • 2-13
    • 1-14
    • 0-15 (must have appeared on the dohyo for day 1 to count)

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  • Poll closed on 13/01/19 at 02:00

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Previous Aminishiki polls:


Aminishiki has been the oldest Sekitori (a rikishi ranked in either Makunouchi or Juryo) for the past three years.  He turned 40 years old in October 2018. 40 is very old for an active sekitori!  Is it a record? Certainly top 5, methinks.  (Anyone who can work the Sumo database better than me, please check to see the ages of the oldest active sekitori!) 

But what will 2019 bring for Aminishiki?

Please include your predictions (be as precise as you can!) in the comments below. :-)

Please also include in your comment your guess for either

a) Aminishiki's rank on the January 2020 banzuke  


b) Aminishiki's final banzuke rank before he goes intai in 2019

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I think Aminishiki's time may finally be running out, and I predict that he will hang it up after September. 8-7 best, 2-13 worst.

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9-6 high, 3-12 low.

I don't think he'll continue if demoted to Makushita. Fighting back to the paid ranks might call for more abuse of his battered body than he is willing to sustain, and he doesn't need to prove anything. The end will just be a new beginning. A host of young men are eager to learn from him how to perform while coping with injuries.

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I think this will be the year he retires but I have been wrong so far. Final rank, J13.

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Will retire if demoted to makushita, but I don't see it happening this year. There is something in the Olympics for him, not sure what but... 

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On 07/12/2018 at 14:16, Churaumi said:

If he falls out of juryo, I bet he’s using his kabu.

It will be hard to find someone to put money against this. A more likely bet would be Takekaze v. Aminishiki, who retires first ? It has a clear favorite, but it is doable.

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He won't retire in 2019 (usually the correct option in these longevity polls!)

8-7 best, 5-10 worst.

His rank for January 2020 will be J8W - or thereabouts.

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Hatsu 19 will be his final basho, two or three wins only.

u cant beat the tooth of time

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A better question for the poll is how many snips at his danpatsu shiki next year. I predict a lot of people passing scissors back an forth with few actual cuts made.

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He will retire after the July basho going 4-11 from J10w, and avoiding a Makushita demotion

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Only a third of us think Aminishiki will not retire this year - ye of little faith!

The median prediction is retirement in September / October. We shall see...

Almost half of us think that his best record will be a respectable 9-6. (9-6 is also the median.)

The mode (biggest pick) and median for his worst record is a disappointing (but not horrific) 5-10.

Hoping to be able to report on this poll in November / December - and hoping to have a similar poll for next year!

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Aminishiki's 2019 went like this...

Jan - J3E (3-12)
Mar - J11W (8-7)
May - J10W (7-8)
Jul - J11W (0-3-8 - intai)

Umizoi, Shinrei, Rocks, Morty, just_some_guy and Oortael all got the time of the intai correct.

WAKATAKE, chishafuwaku, Morty, Jejima, Oshirokita and Pitinosato all guessed the best record (8-7) correctly.

Aminishiki's worst record based on how the question was written, was (0-3-8), so zero wins. I guess if I write a similar question to this again, I will add something extra, such as 'must have appeared on the dohyo at least ten times in any one basho' to count. Anyway,  WAKATAKE, Morty and Andonishiki were closest with two wins - but special mention also goes to orandashoho, Hakuhonofan, James Jett and Pitinosato, who all guessed 3 wins - which would have been the correct answer if the question had been written slightly different.

The yusho goes to @Morty (Yushowinner...)
The jun-yusho goes to @WAKATAKE (Secondprize...)

So, after four years, the annual Aminishiki poll is no more.


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7 hours ago, Jejima said:

Aminishiki's 2019 went like this...

Jan - J3E (3-12)
Mar - J11W (8-7)
May - J10W (7-8)
Jul - J11W (0-3-8 - intai)

Umizoi, Shinrei, Rocks, Morty, just_some_guy and Oortael all got the time of the intai correct.

WAKATAKE, chishafuwaku, Morty, Jejima, Oshirokita and Pitinosato all guessed the best record (8-7) correctly.

Aminishiki's worst record based on how the question was written, was (0-3-8), so zero wins. I guess if I write a similar question to this again, I will add something extra, such as 'must have appeared on the dohyo at least ten times in any one basho' to count. Anyway,  WAKATAKE, Morty and Andonishiki were closest with two wins - but special mention also goes to orandashoho, Hakuhonofan, James Jett and Pitinosato, who all guessed 3 wins - which would have been the correct answer if the question had been written slightly different.

The yusho goes to @Morty (Yushowinner...)
The jun-yusho goes to @WAKATAKE (Secondprize...)

So, after four years, the annual Aminishiki poll is no more.


Yay! Thanks, I love the polls, glad to have won something. @Jejima cheers for doing them each year

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