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New sumo trophies

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A new New Hungary friendship cup for the yusho winner at the Natsu basho. Replacing the old one from 1986, now it is really a big cup - and saucer.

The ambassador with Shibatayama - for 15 liters of tea




20kg, the old vase was 23kg.


No news yet about a Trump cup.

Edited by Jakusotsu
typo in subject line
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1 hour ago, Akinomaki said:

No news yet about a Trump cup.

No  idea either, but I expect it to be HUGE and not as ugly as the World Cup. 

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On 08/05/2019 at 12:48, Akinomaki said:

For the yusho winner at the Natsu basho. Replacing the old one from 1986, now it is really a big cup - and saucer.

The ambassador with Shibatayama - for 15 liters of tea

20kg, the old vase was 23kg.

the old vase with the new cup


the ambassador back to normal size and sumo size for Shibatayama

201905080000446-w200_0.jpgo 4.jpgo

The normal size is on sale as 1 set for 40 000Yen, the sumo size took 2 years to produce - and is not on sale, but holds 100 times the amount of tea of the normal size - so 4 million yen would be appropriate


Edited by Akinomaki
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Like mentioned in you-know-what thread, the (US) President Cup, 27-32kg, 137cm high, which Trump had made in the US last month, is now on display in the sumo museum.  It will be awarded at each Natsu basho only (from now on till the next president cancels it)



It apparently has the same extras attached as the Prime Minister's Cup, after which it is presented in the first group: a certificate and the honor to get it. First the Emperor's cup, which has 10 million yen prize money attached, the flag, then the 2 honor cups, then the yusho interview, and then all the trophies with extras: the new Hungary really Cup was first.

Old thread:

Edited by Akinomaki
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You might think of Trump what you want, but I find this to be a nice gesture. I doubt that any next president would cancel that, why would he ?

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4 hours ago, Mogami said:

You might think of Trump what you want, but I find this to be a nice gesture. I doubt that any next president would cancel that, why would he ?

Well, everyone seems to forget we had the French Prime  Minister's Cup which was established by Jack Chirac, an avid sumo fan, was awarded for a few years, then abandoned by one of his successors, I forgot who and not important. So it's not a first time thing, this Trumpcup. As for who will be awarding it in person in the future, even the Prime Minister's cup is not awarded every Tokyo basho by the Prime Minister of Japan himself.

Edited by Kintamayama
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3 hours ago, Kintamayama said:

Well, everyone seems to forget we had the French Prime  Minister's Cup which was established by Jack Chirac, an avid sumo fan, was awarded for a few years, then abandoned by one of his successors, I forgot who and not important. So it's not a first time thing, this Trumpcup. As for who will be awarding it in person in the future, even the Prime Minister's cup is not awarded every Tokyo basho by the Prime Minister of Japan himself.

Jacques Chirac established the French President's Cup, not PM. And Sarkozy cancelled it when he arrived into office, brightening the removal with some particularly unpleasant comments on sumo wrestle.

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On 28/05/2019 at 14:44, Tsuchinoninjin said:

Is there some large fee for these cups and why they are immediately cancelled? Seems spiteful otherwise.

Canceled for political reasons - to get rid of anything the predecessor liked.

But in this case to emphasize good relations with Japan, Nagoya 2008 the Japan-France Friendship cup replaced it, Nagoya 2011 the macaron became the extra


The President's Cup, which was widely known as the "Jacques Chirac Cup," was abolished upon Chirac's retirement from the presidency in 2007. However, it made a comeback as the Japan-France Friendship Cup the very next year. This was based on the strong advice of a French diplomat who understood the role Sumo had played over the years in the bilateral relationship. The cup was revived with the aim of making it a symbol of friendship between the peoples of Japan and France.

These concerned cups were awarded each basho - the new cup is only once a year - so it is easy to drop it completely.

Edited by Akinomaki

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I'm positive the next POTUS from whichever party he/she/it may be, will not cancel the cup. The costs for whatever comes with the cup is peanuts compared to the PR value. And albeit i still don't like it being that tall, i actually like the style. Simple, elegant curves, sleek and the eagle on top has the perfect size not to make it look pompous.

Looks like the cup is attached to the saucer? Too bad, would be better for sipping sake out of it :-D

Edited by Benihana

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42 minutes ago, Nantonoyama said:

Jacques Chirac established the French President's Cup, not PM. And Sarkozy cancelled it when he arrived into office, brightening the removal with some particularly unpleasant comments on sumo wrestle.

Right, I stand corrected.

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