
Lower division celebs results

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Kyushu 2024 - Day 14:

Day 14 results

Day 15 matchups

Asanoyama, ex-Ozeki, is at Makushita 1E. KYUJO

hoshi_kuro.gifMiyagi  is 3-4 and makekoshi at Makushita 2W.  Enhou clone. Highest career rank.

hoshi_shiro.gifAkua, throws a lot of salt, down from Juryo, colorful fellow. is 4-3 and kachikoshi at Makushita 5E. 

hoshi_shiro.gifAsahakuryuu is 3-4 and makekoshi at Makushita 5W. Jonokuchi yusho in his debut basho. Mongolian. Highest career rank. 

hoshi_shiro.gifKurohimeyama,  ex-Kurohimeyama's grandson, is 3-4 and makekoshi at Makushita 6W. Highest career rank.

Kusano, started at Makushita 60 tsukedashi and is 4-2 and kachikoshi at Makushita 7E, Miyagino/Isegahama beya, highest career rank.

hoshi_kuro.gifKyokukaiyuu, Mongolian, is 3-4 and makekoshi at Makushita 8E. Sandanme yusho two bashos ago. Highest career rank.

Satorufuji is 2-4 and makekoshi at Makushita 11W. Jonidan yusho in May 2023, Makushita yusho in Kyushu 2023. 

hoshi_shiro.gifMatsui, entered sumo at Makushita 60 tsukedashi in March 2024, is 5-2 and kachikoshi at Makushita 17E. Miyagino/Isegahama beya. Highest career rank. 

hoshi_shiro.gifKotokenryuu, Mongolian, is 4-3 and kachikoshi at  Makushita 19W. 

Ishizaki, Asakouryuu's brother is 5-1 and kachikoshi at Makushita 22E, after starting at Makushita tsukedashi 60 in Nagoya 2024. Highest career rank.

Mudouhou, ex-Taihou's other grandson (youngest) is 2-4 and makekoshi at Makushita 24W. 

hoshi_shiro.gifInami is 4-3 and kachikoshi at Makushita 26W-highest career rank. Sandanme yusho in Nagoya 2024.

Tokitenran, started  at Sandanme 90 tsukedashi, is 1-5 and makekoshi at Makushita 27W., his highest career rank.

Mita is 5-1 and kachikoshi at Makushita 28E, started at Makushita 60 tsukedashi last basho. Highest career rank.

Kawazoe (Kihou) is 1-0-5 at Makushita 29W. Sandanme yusho last basho. Injuries dropped him from Juryo. KYUJO

hoshi_kuro.gifShiroma is 3-4 and makekoshi at  Makushita 31E. Jonokuchi yusho, Jonidan playoff loss.

Shunrai, ex-Tokitsukaze's 19 years old son number 2, (Kiryuukou's brother) is 2-4 and makekoshi at Makushita 33W. Jonokuchi yusho in the past. Highest career rank.

Suyama, small first ever student/graduate from Tokyo University, is 1-5 and makekoshi at Makushita 34E. Quite a media celeb. Highest career rank.

hoshi_shiro.gifGyokuouzan (Kanazawa)father half-Japanese, half-Paraguayan, mother half-Italian, half-Paraguayan is 4-3 and kachikoshi at Makushita 36W, highest career rank.

Kyokutaisei,  ex-Makuuchi, dropped all the way to Jonokuchi after missing four bashos, is at Makushita 40E. He starred in a French documentary about life in a heya a few years back.  KYUJO

hoshi_shiro.gifAnooshou is 4-3 and kachikoshi at Makushita 41W. Jonokuchi and Jonidan yusho lately. Ex-Aminishiki's recruit. 

Wakatakamoto is 4-2 and kachikoshi at Makushita 43W. Eldest brother of Wakatakakage and Wakamotoharu. 

hoshi_kuro.gifSeihakuhou, Mongolian ex-Hakuhou's recruit, is 5-2 and kachikoshi at Makushita 47E. Jonidan yusho Nagoya 2024. Highest career rank.

Agoura, ex- Brazilian,  Lucas Kazuo Iima, is 1-5 and makekoshi at Sandanme 8E, highest career rank.

Shimizuumi is 4-2 and kachikoshi at Sandanme 13E, Jonidan yusho last basho. Jonokuchi yusho Nagoya 2024. 18-2 career. Highest career rank.

Kuwae, half Philipino Justine France Pasquale is at Sandanme 14W. Highest career rank. KYUJO.

hoshi_shiro.gifNaya, ex- Taihou's third grandson (second eldest) is 4-3 and  kachikoshi at Sandanme 17W. There is another grandson, Yukio, but he's a pro-wrestler.

Kazuma, another Makushita 60 tsukedashi entrant in Nagoya 2024, is at Sandanme 29W. KYUJO.

hoshi_kuro.gifIkazuchidou - Half Nigerian, is 5-2 and kachikoshi at Sandanme 38E. Highest career rank.

Yago, ex-Makuuchi, is at Makushita 39W. KYUJO

hoshi_kuro.gifEnhou, ex-Makuuchi battered and all the way down here now, is 6-1 and kachikoshi at Sandanme 56W, slowly making his way back up..

hoshi_kuro.gifFuranshisu from the Philippines is 4-3 and kachikoshi at Sandanme 83W.

hoshi_kuro.gifShoutaimu- Showtime! Gets on the list just for that clever shikona- is 2-5 and makekoshi at Jonidan 7E.

hoshi_shiro.gifAnzakura - ex-Aminishiki's first recruit (nephew) at his newly founded Ajigawa beya is 3-4 and makekoshi at Jonidan 10W

hoshi_shiro.gifShouketsu, the oldest guy in sumo (48), is 4-3 and kachikoshi at Jonidan 14E.

Kaitoma - Mark Aaron Justin Toma- Brazilian-Filipino, is at Jonokuchi 11W. KYUJO.

Edited by Kintamayama
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Kyushu 2024 - Final:

Day 15 results

Asanoyama, ex-Ozeki, is at Makushita 1E. KYUJO

hoshi_kuro.gifMiyagi  is 3-4 and makekoshi at Makushita 2W.  Enhou clone. Highest career rank.

hoshi_shiro.gifAkua, throws a lot of salt, down from Juryo, colorful fellow. is 4-3 and kachikoshi at Makushita 5E. 

hoshi_shiro.gifAsahakuryuu is 3-4 and makekoshi at Makushita 5W. Jonokuchi yusho in his debut basho. Mongolian. Highest career rank. 

hoshi_shiro.gifKurohimeyama,  ex-Kurohimeyama's grandson, is 3-4 and makekoshi at Makushita 6W. Highest career rank.

hoshi_kuro.gifKusano, started at Makushita 60 tsukedashi and is 4-3 and kachikoshi at Makushita 7E, Miyagino/Isegahama beya, highest career rank.

hoshi_kuro.gifKyokukaiyuu, Mongolian, is 3-4 and makekoshi at Makushita 8E. Sandanme yusho two bashos ago. Highest career rank.

hoshi_shiro.gifSatorufuji is 3-4 and makekoshi at Makushita 11W. Jonidan yusho in May 2023, Makushita yusho in Kyushu 2023. 

hoshi_shiro.gifMatsui, entered sumo at Makushita 60 tsukedashi in March 2024, is 5-2 and kachikoshi at Makushita 17E. Miyagino/Isegahama beya. Highest career rank. 

hoshi_shiro.gifKotokenryuu, Mongolian, is 4-3 and kachikoshi at  Makushita 19W. 

hoshi_shiro.gifIshizaki, Asakouryuu's brother is 6-1 and kachikoshi at Makushita 22E, after starting at Makushita tsukedashi 60 in Nagoya 2024. Highest career rank.

hoshi_kuro.gifMudouhou, ex-Taihou's other grandson (youngest) is 2-5 and makekoshi at Makushita 24W. 

hoshi_shiro.gifInami is 4-3 and kachikoshi at Makushita 26W-highest career rank. Sandanme yusho in Nagoya 2024.

hoshi_shiro.gifTokitenran, started  at Sandanme 90 tsukedashi, is 2-5 and makekoshi at Makushita 27W., his highest career rank.

hoshi_kuro.gifMita is 5-2 and kachikoshi at Makushita 28E, started at Makushita 60 tsukedashi last basho. Highest career rank.

Kawazoe (Kihou) is 1-0-5 at Makushita 29W. Sandanme yusho last basho. Injuries dropped him from Juryo. KYUJO

hoshi_kuro.gifShiroma is 3-4 and makekoshi at  Makushita 31E. Jonokuchi yusho, Jonidan playoff loss.

hoshi_shiro.gifShunrai, ex-Tokitsukaze's 19 years old son number 2, (Kiryuukou's brother) is 3-4 and makekoshi at Makushita 33W. Jonokuchi yusho in the past. Highest career rank.

hoshi_kuro.gifSuyama, small first ever student/graduate from Tokyo University, is 1-6 and makekoshi at Makushita 34E. Quite a media celeb. Highest career rank.

hoshi_shiro.gifGyokuouzan (Kanazawa)father half-Japanese, half-Paraguayan, mother half-Italian, half-Paraguayan is 4-3 and kachikoshi at Makushita 36W, highest career rank.

Kyokutaisei,  ex-Makuuchi, dropped all the way to Jonokuchi after missing four bashos, is at Makushita 40E. He starred in a French documentary about life in a heya a few years back.  KYUJO

hoshi_shiro.gifAnooshou is 4-3 and kachikoshi at Makushita 41W. Jonokuchi and Jonidan yusho lately. Ex-Aminishiki's recruit. 

hoshi_kuro.gifWakatakamoto is 4-3 and kachikoshi at Makushita 43W. Eldest brother of Wakatakakage and Wakamotoharu. 

hoshi_kuro.gifSeihakuhou, Mongolian ex-Hakuhou's recruit, is 5-2 and kachikoshi at Makushita 47E. Jonidan yusho Nagoya 2024. Highest career rank.

hoshi_kuro.gifAgoura, ex- Brazilian,  Lucas Kazuo Iima, is 1-6 and makekoshi at Sandanme 8E, highest career rank.

hoshi_kuro.gifShimizuumi is 4-3 and kachikoshi at Sandanme 13E, Jonidan yusho last basho. Jonokuchi yusho Nagoya 2024. 18-3 career. Highest career rank.

Kuwae, half Philipino Justine France Pasquale is at Sandanme 14W. Highest career rank. KYUJO.

hoshi_shiro.gifNaya, ex- Taihou's third grandson (second eldest) is 4-3 and  kachikoshi at Sandanme 17W. There is another grandson, Yukio, but he's a pro-wrestler.

Kazuma, another Makushita 60 tsukedashi entrant in Nagoya 2024, is at Sandanme 29W. KYUJO.

hoshi_kuro.gifIkazuchidou - Half Nigerian, is 5-2 and kachikoshi at Sandanme 38E. Highest career rank.

Yago, ex-Makuuchi, is at Makushita 39W. KYUJO

hoshi_kuro.gifEnhou, ex-Makuuchi battered and all the way down here now, is 6-1 and kachikoshi at Sandanme 56W, slowly making his way back up..

hoshi_kuro.gifFuranshisu from the Philippines is 4-3 and kachikoshi at Sandanme 83W.

hoshi_kuro.gifShoutaimu- Showtime! Gets on the list just for that clever shikona- is 2-5 and makekoshi at Jonidan 7E.

hoshi_shiro.gifAnzakura - ex-Aminishiki's first recruit (nephew) at his newly founded Ajigawa beya is 3-4 and makekoshi at Jonidan 10W

hoshi_shiro.gifShouketsu, the oldest guy in sumo (48), is 4-3 and kachikoshi at Jonidan 14E.

Kaitoma - Mark Aaron Justin Toma- Brazilian-Filipino, is at Jonokuchi 11W. KYUJO.

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Hello to the thousands following this-  some changes next basho- now that there is a dedicated thread to ex-sekitori, all ex-sekitori will be gone from this list. Some other rikishi who didn't quite pan out will be gone as well. As there also is a young hopes thread as well I think, I may lose them as well, leaving us with Taihou's offspring and some low ranking foreigners going nowhere.. I'll try to find some obscure rikishi who are special in some ways. Any ideas are welcome. Heaviest rikishi, lightest rikishi, shortest rikishi, baldest rikishi, tallest rikishi, funniest rikishi (all non-sekitori, of course), return of the yumitorikishi..all these will probably happen next basho plus who knows what else. We shall see..

Edited by Kintamayama
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I'd vote for keeping the young hopes, though the list could certainly be pruned. Not sure that thread has anything like daily updates.

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6 hours ago, Reonito said:

I'd vote for keeping the young hopes, though the list could certainly be pruned. Not sure that thread has anything like daily updates.

In fact, because of the half-fast® scheduling for lower divisions, every three days would be fine for posting this, @Kintamayama.  [At least that's my preference].  If any one is hot to follow a celeb with more detail, they could do it on their own easily enough.

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FWIW, I've been working on a revival of the old Heisei Hopefuls prospect tracking. It definitely won't have daily results, so I'm not sure what effects it could potentially have on this thread; might support the removal of prospects, might help select new/different ones, or something else entirely. 

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10 hours ago, Yamanashi said:

In fact, because of the half-fast® scheduling for lower divisions, every three days would be fine for posting this, @Kintamayama.  [At least that's my preference].  If any one is hot to follow a celeb with more detail, they could do it on their own easily enough.

Or perhaps every even day through 12, and then day 15, when each of the 7 "rounds" is completed. That's how I tend to follow Makushita.

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11 hours ago, Yamanashi said:

In fact, because of the half-fast® scheduling for lower divisions, every three days would be fine for posting this, @Kintamayama.  [At least that's my preference].  If any one is hot to follow a celeb with more detail, they could do it on their own easily enough.

Naah, part of the fun is the daily updating..

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1 hour ago, Reonito said:

Or perhaps every even day through 12, and then day 15, when each of the 7 "rounds" is completed. That's how I tend to follow Makushita.

Again, where's the fun? Why should one of my three followers have to wait till tomorrow to see how his guys did today? 

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12 minutes ago, Kintamayama said:

Again, where's the fun? Why should one of my three followers have to wait till tomorrow to see how his guys did today? 

We were just trying to reduce your workload, sir! Please carry on as you were.

Edited by Reonito

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8 minutes ago, Reonito said:

We were just trying to reduce your workload, sir! Please carry on as you were.

Workload? It's my two weeks every two months when I come alive, like Frankenstein.

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19 hours ago, Kintamayama said:

like Frankenstein.

Pronounced "Fran-ken-STEEN";-)

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6 minutes ago, Washuyama said:

Pronounced "Fran-ken-STEEN";-)

Sadly, even the majority of old people don't get that reference anymore.

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9 minutes ago, Jakusotsu said:

Sadly, even the majority of old people don't get that reference anymore.

The door did have big knockers

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22 minutes ago, Fashiritētā said:

The door did have big knockers

Maybe it's a reference to Young Frankenstein, but in spanish was dubbed as "Fronkonstin", so no idea (Eh?)

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2 hours ago, Jakusotsu said:

Sadly, even the majority of old people don't get that reference anymore.

Frau Blucher is turning in her grave.

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9 hours ago, Kintamayama said:

Frau Blucher is turning in her grave.


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13 hours ago, Jakusotsu said:

Sadly, even the majority of old people don't get that reference anymore.

Well, the young, cute love interest just died of old age, so....

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Hatsu 2025- the all new celebs of the lower division roundup!


Kusano, started at Makushita 60 tsukedashi and is at Makushita 3W. Miyagino/Isegahama beya, highest career rank.

Miyagi  is at Makushita 4E.  Enhou clone.

Matsui, entered sumo at Makushita 60 tsukedashi in March 2024, is at Makushita 8E. Miyagino/Isegahama beya. Highest career rank. 

Ishizaki, Asakouryuu's brother is at Makushita 8W, after starting at Makushita tsukedashi 60 in Nagoya 2024. Highest career rank.

Asahakuryuu is at Makushita 9W. Jonokuchi yusho in his debut basho. Mongolian. 

Kurohimeyama,  ex-Kurohimeyama's grandson, is at Makushita 10W. 

Kyokukaiyuu, Mongolian, is at Makushita 16E. Sandanme yusho in the past. 

Mita is at Makushita 17E, started at Makushita 60 tsukedashi in Aki 2024. Highest career rank.

Satorufuji is at Makushita 19E. Jonidan yusho in May 2023, Makushita yusho in Kyushu 2023. 

Inami is at Makushita 19W-highest career rank. Sandanme yusho in Nagoya 2024.

Gyokuouzan (Kanazawa)father half-Japanese, half-Paraguayan, mother half-Italian, half-Paraguayan is at Makushita 20W, highest career rank.

Seihakuhou, Mongolian ex-Hakuhou's recruit, is  at Makushita 28E. Jonidan yusho Nagoya 2024. Highest career rank.

Anooshou is at Makushita 32E. Jonokuchi and Jonidan yusho lately. Ex-Aminishiki's recruit. 

Wakatakamoto is at Makushita 33W. Eldest brother of Wakatakakage and Wakamotoharu. 

Shunrai, ex-Tokitsukaze's 19 years old son number 2, (Kiryuukou's brother) is at Makushita 43W. Jonokuchi yusho in the past. 

Mudouhou, ex-Taihou's other grandson (youngest) is at Makushita 44E.

Tokitenran, started  at Sandanme 90 tsukedashi in March 2024, is at Makushita 44W.

Suyama, small first ever student/graduate from Tokyo University, is at Sandanme 1E. Quite a media celeb. 

Shimizuumi is at Sandanme 3E, Jonokuchi yusho Nagoya 2024. Jonidan yusho Aki 2024.  18-3 career. Highest career rank

Naya, ex- Taihou's third grandson (second eldest) is at Sandanme 6E. There is another grandson, Yukio, but he's a pro-wrestler.

Ikazuchidou - Half Nigerian, is at Sandanme 14E. Highest career rank.

Agoura, ex- Brazilian,  Lucas Kazuo Iima, is  at Sandanme 45W.

Dewanojou, the heaviest guy in sumo (258 kilos), is at Sandanme 47W.

Furanshisu from the Philippines is at Sandanme 63W.

Kuwae, half Philipino Justine France Pasquale is at Sandanme 74E. 

Shouketsu, the oldest guy in sumo (48), is at Jonidan 4W.

Kazuma, another Makushita 60 tsukedashi entrant in Nagoya 2024, is at Jonidan 9W. 

Yoshiazuma, the tallest guy in sumo (1.96 meters) is at Jonidan 43W.

Kousei, the shortest guy in sumo (1.60 meters) is at Jonidan 46W. Highest career rank.

Shoutaimu- Showtime! Gets on the list just for that clever shikona- is at Jonidan 52W.

Urutora (Ultra..), the lightest guy in sumo (65 kilos) is at Jonidan 92E.

Kikuchithe youngest guy in sumo (15 and 11 months). is at Jonokuchi 6W. Highest career rank.

Sawaisamu, active rikishi with most career losses, is at Jonokuchi 12 E.

Kaitoma - Mark Aaron Justin Toma- Brazilian-Filipino, is Banzuke-gai.

Edited by Kintamayama
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Hatsu 2025-Day 1:

Today's Matches

Kusano, started at Makushita 60 tsukedashi in May 2024 and is at Makushita 3W. Miyagino/Isegahama beya, highest career rank.

hoshi_shiro.gifMiyagi  is 1-0 at Makushita 4E.  Enhou clone.

hoshi_kuro.gifMatsui, entered sumo at Makushita 60 tsukedashi in March 2024, is 0-1 at Makushita 8E. Miyagino/Isegahama beya. Highest career rank. 

hoshi_shiro.gifIshizaki, Asakouryuu's brother is 1-0 at Makushita 8W, after starting at Makushita tsukedashi 60 in Nagoya 2024. Highest career rank.

Asahakuryuu is at Makushita 9W. Jonokuchi yusho in his debut basho. Mongolian. 

hoshi_fusenpai.gifKurohimeyama,  ex-Kurohimeyama's grandson, is 0-1 at Makushita 10W. 

hoshi_shiro.gifKyokukaiyuu, Mongolian, is 1-0 at Makushita 16E. Sandanme yusho in the past. 

Mita is at Makushita 17E, started at Makushita 60 tsukedashi in Aki 2024. Highest career rank.

Satorufuji is at Makushita 19E. Jonidan yusho in May 2023, Makushita yusho in Kyushu 2023. 

Inami is at Makushita 19W-highest career rank. Sandanme yusho in Nagoya 2024.

hoshi_kuro.gifGyokuouzan (Kanazawa)father half-Japanese, half-Paraguayan, mother half-Italian, half-Paraguayan is 0-1 at Makushita 20W, highest career rank.

hoshi_shiro.gifSeihakuhou, Mongolian ex-Hakuhou's recruit, is 1-0  at Makushita 28E. Jonidan yusho Nagoya 2024. Highest career rank.

hoshi_shiro.gifAnooshou is 1-0 at Makushita 32E. Jonokuchi and Jonidan yusho lately. Ex-Aminishiki's recruit. 

Wakatakamoto is at Makushita 33W. Eldest brother of Wakatakakage and Wakamotoharu. 

hoshi_kuro.gifShunrai, ex-Tokitsukaze's 19 years old son number 2, (Kiryuukou's brother) is 0-1 at Makushita 43W. Jonokuchi yusho in the past. 

hoshi_shiro.gifMudouhou, ex-Taihou's other grandson (youngest) is 1-0 at Makushita 44E.

Tokitenran, started  at Sandanme 90 tsukedashi in March 2024, is at Makushita 44W.

Suyama, small first ever student/graduate from Tokyo University, is at Sandanme 1E. Quite a media celeb. 

Shimizuumi is at Sandanme 3E, Jonokuchi yusho Nagoya 2024. Jonidan yusho Aki 2024.  18-3 career. Highest career rank

Naya, ex- Taihou's third grandson (second eldest) is at Sandanme 6E. There is another grandson, Yukio, but he's a pro-wrestler.

Ikazuchidou - Half Nigerian, is at Sandanme 14E. Highest career rank.

Agoura, ex- Brazilian,  Lucas Kazuo Iima, is  at Sandanme 45W.

Dewanojou, the heaviest guy in sumo (258 kilos), is at Sandanme 47W.

Furanshisu from the Philippines is at Sandanme 63W.

Kuwae, half Philipino Justine France Pasquale is at Sandanme 74E. 

hoshi_shiro.gifIkarigata, much hyped brother of Juryo Wakaikari and son of ex- Ooikari (Kabutoyama Oyakata) is 1-0 at Sandanme 80 tsukedashi this basho, his debut.

hoshi_kuro.gifShouketsu, the oldest guy in sumo (48), is 0-1 at Jonidan 4W../

Kazuma, another Makushita 60 tsukedashi entrant in Nagoya 2024, is at Jonidan 9W. 

hoshi_shiro.gifYoshiazuma, the tallest guy in sumo (1.96 meters) is 1-0 at Jonidan 43W.

hoshi_kuro.gifKousei, the shortest guy in sumo (1.60 meters) is 0-1 at Jonidan 46W. Highest career rank.

hoshi_shiro.gifShoutaimu- Showtime! Gets on the list just for that clever shikona- is 1-0 at Jonidan 52W.

Daigozakura, the bald rikishi is at Jonidan 70W.

Satonofuji the bow twirling yumitorikishi is at Jonidan 72E

hoshi_kuro.gifUrutora (Ultra..), the lightest guy in sumo (65 kilos) is 0-1 at Jonidan 92E.

hoshi_shiro.gifKikuchithe youngest guy in sumo (15 and 11 months). is 1-0 at Jonokuchi 6W. Highest career rank.

hoshi_shiro.gifSawaisamu, active rikishi with most career losses, is 1-0 at Jonokuchi 12 E.

Kaitoma - Mark Aaron Justin Toma- Brazilian-Filipino, is Banzuke-gai.

Edited by Kintamayama
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Wow just checking out Urutora, he's got a spectacular kimarite record!

Nice to see him feature a few times on Asashosakari's lower division compilation too.

Thanks for adding him to the list.

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Hatsu 2025-Day 2:

Today's Matches

Tomorrow's matchups

hoshi_shiro.gifKusano, started at Makushita 60 tsukedashi in May 2024 and is 1-0 at Makushita 3W. Miyagino/Isegahama beya, highest career rank.

hoshi_shiro.gifMiyagi  is 1-0 at Makushita 4E.  Enhou clone.

hoshi_kuro.gifMatsui, entered sumo at Makushita 60 tsukedashi in March 2024, is 0-1 at Makushita 8E. Miyagino/Isegahama beya. Highest career rank. 

hoshi_shiro.gifIshizaki, Asakouryuu's brother is 1-0 at Makushita 8W, after starting at Makushita tsukedashi 60 in Nagoya 2024. Highest career rank.

hoshi_kuro.gifAsahakuryuu is 0-1 at Makushita 9W. Jonokuchi yusho in his debut basho. Mongolian. 

hoshi_fusenpai.gifKurohimeyama,  ex-Kurohimeyama's grandson, is 0-1 at Makushita 10W. 

hoshi_shiro.gifKyokukaiyuu, Mongolian, is 1-0 at Makushita 16E. Sandanme yusho in the past. 

hoshi_kuro.gifMita is 0-1 at Makushita 17E, started at Makushita 60 tsukedashi in Aki 2024. Highest career rank.

hoshi_shiro.gifSatorufuji is 1-0 at Makushita 19E. Jonidan yusho in May 2023, Makushita yusho in Kyushu 2023. 

hoshi_kuro.gifInami is 0-1 at Makushita 19W-highest career rank. Sandanme yusho in Nagoya 2024.

hoshi_kuro.gifGyokuouzan (Kanazawa)father half-Japanese, half-Paraguayan, mother half-Italian, half-Paraguayan is 0-1 at Makushita 20W, highest career rank.

hoshi_shiro.gifSeihakuhou, Mongolian ex-Hakuhou's recruit, is 1-0  at Makushita 28E. Jonidan yusho Nagoya 2024. Highest career rank.

hoshi_shiro.gifAnooshou is 1-0 at Makushita 32E. Jonokuchi and Jonidan yusho lately. Ex-Aminishiki's recruit. 

hoshi_shiro.gifWakatakamoto is 1-0 at Makushita 33W. Eldest brother of Wakatakakage and Wakamotoharu. 

hoshi_kuro.gifShunrai, ex-Tokitsukaze's 19 years old son number 2, (Kiryuukou's brother) is 0-1 at Makushita 43W. Jonokuchi yusho in the past. 

hoshi_shiro.gifMudouhou, ex-Taihou's other grandson (youngest) is 1-0 at Makushita 44E.

hoshi_shiro.gifTokitenran, started  at Sandanme 90 tsukedashi in March 2024, is 1-0 at Makushita 44W.

hoshi_kuro.gifSuyama, small first ever student/graduate from Tokyo University, is 0-1 at Sandanme 1E. Quite a media celeb. 

hoshi_shiro.gifShimizuumi is 1-0 at Sandanme 3E, Jonokuchi yusho Nagoya 2024. Jonidan yusho Aki 2024.  19-3 career. Highest career rank

hoshi_shiro.gifNaya, ex- Taihou's third grandson (second eldest) is 1-0 at Sandanme 6E. There is another grandson, Yukio, but he's a pro-wrestler.

hoshi_shiro.gifIkazuchidou - Half Nigerian, is 1-0 at Sandanme 14E. Highest career rank.

hoshi_shiro.gifAgoura, ex- Brazilian,  Lucas Kazuo Iima, is  1-0 at Sandanme 45W.

hoshi_shiro.gifDewanojou, the heaviest guy in sumo (258 kilos), is 1-0 at Sandanme 47W.

hoshi_kuro.gifFuranshisu from the Philippines is 0-1 at Sandanme 63W.

hoshi_shiro.gifKuwae, half Philipino Justine France Pasquale is 1-0 at Sandanme 74E. 

hoshi_shiro.gifIkarigata, much hyped brother of Juryo Wakaikari and son of ex- Ooikari (Kabutoyama Oyakata) is 1-0 at Sandanme 80 tsukedashi this basho, his debut.

hoshi_kuro.gifShouketsu, the oldest guy in sumo (48), is 0-1 at Jonidan 4W../

Kazuma, another Makushita 60 tsukedashi entrant in Nagoya 2024, is at Jonidan 9W. KYUJO

hoshi_shiro.gifYoshiazuma, the tallest guy in sumo (1.96 meters) is 1-0 at Jonidan 43W.

hoshi_kuro.gifKousei, the shortest guy in sumo (1.60 meters) is 0-1 at Jonidan 46W. Highest career rank.

hoshi_shiro.gifShoutaimu- Showtime! Gets on the list just for that clever shikona- is 1-0 at Jonidan 52W.

hoshi_kuro.gifDaigozakura, the bald rikishi is 0-1 at Jonidan 70W.

hoshi_kuro.gifSatonofuji the bow twirling yumitorikishi is 0-1 at Jonidan 72E

hoshi_kuro.gifUrutora (Ultra..), the lightest guy in sumo (65 kilos) is 0-1 at Jonidan 92E.

hoshi_shiro.gifKikuchithe youngest guy in sumo (15 and 11 months). is 1-0 at Jonokuchi 6W. Highest career rank.

hoshi_shiro.gifSawaisamu, active rikishi with most career losses, is 1-0 at Jonokuchi 12 E.

Kaitoma - Mark Aaron Justin Toma- Brazilian-Filipino, is Banzuke-gai.

Edited by Kintamayama
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Hatsu 2025-Day 3:

Today's matchups

hoshi_shiro.gifKusano, started at Makushita 60 tsukedashi in May 2024 and is 2-0 at Makushita 3W. Miyagino/Isegahama beya, highest career rank.

hoshi_kuro.gifMiyagi  is 1-1 at Makushita 4E.  Enhou clone.

hoshi_kuro.gifMatsui, entered sumo at Makushita 60 tsukedashi in March 2024, is 0-2 at Makushita 8E. Miyagino/Isegahama beya. Highest career rank. 

Ishizaki, Asakouryuu's brother is 1-0 at Makushita 8W, after starting at Makushita tsukedashi 60 in Nagoya 2024. Highest career rank.

Asahakuryuu is 0-1 at Makushita 9W. Jonokuchi yusho in his debut basho. Mongolian. 

Kurohimeyama,  ex-Kurohimeyama's grandson, is 0-1 at Makushita 10W. KYUJO

Kyokukaiyuu, Mongolian, is 1-0 at Makushita 16E. Sandanme yusho in the past. 

hoshi_shiro.gifMita is 1-1 at Makushita 17E, started at Makushita 60 tsukedashi in Aki 2024. Highest career rank.

Satorufuji is 1-0 at Makushita 19E. Jonidan yusho in May 2023, Makushita yusho in Kyushu 2023. 

hoshi_shiro.gifInami is 1-1 at Makushita 19W-highest career rank. Sandanme yusho in Nagoya 2024.

hoshi_kuro.gifGyokuouzan (Kanazawa)father half-Japanese, half-Paraguayan, mother half-Italian, half-Paraguayan is 0-2 at Makushita 20W, highest career rank.

Seihakuhou, Mongolian ex-Hakuhou's recruit, is 1-0  at Makushita 28E. Jonidan yusho Nagoya 2024. Highest career rank.

Anooshou is 1-0 at Makushita 32E. Jonokuchi and Jonidan yusho lately. Ex-Aminishiki's recruit. 

Wakatakamoto is 1-0 at Makushita 33W. Eldest brother of Wakatakakage and Wakamotoharu. 

hoshi_shiro.gifShunrai, ex-Tokitsukaze's 19 years old son number 2, (Kiryuukou's brother) is 1-1 at Makushita 43W. Jonokuchi yusho in the past. 

Mudouhou, ex-Taihou's other grandson (youngest) is 1-0 at Makushita 44E.

Tokitenran, started  at Sandanme 90 tsukedashi in March 2024, is 1-0 at Makushita 44W.

hoshi_kuro.gifSuyama, small first ever student/graduate from Tokyo University, is 0-2 at Sandanme 1E. Quite a media celeb. 

hoshi_shiro.gifShimizuumi is 2-0 at Sandanme 3E, Jonokuchi yusho Nagoya 2024. Jonidan yusho Aki 2024.  19-3 career. Highest career rank

Naya, ex- Taihou's third grandson (second eldest) is 1-0 at Sandanme 6E. There is another grandson, Yukio, but he's a pro-wrestler.

Ikazuchidou - Half Nigerian, is 1-0 at Sandanme 14E. Highest career rank.

Agoura, ex- Brazilian,  Lucas Kazuo Iima, is  1-0 at Sandanme 45W.

hoshi_shiro.gifDewanojou, the heaviest guy in sumo (258 kilos), is 2-0 at Sandanme 47W.

Furanshisu from the Philippines is 0-1 at Sandanme 63W.

hoshi_shiro.gifKuwae, half Philipino Justine France Pasquale is 2-0 at Sandanme 74E. 

hoshi_shiro.gifIkarigata, much hyped brother of Juryo Wakaikari and son of ex- Ooikari (Kabutoyama Oyakata) is 2-0 at Sandanme 80 tsukedashi this basho, his debut.

hoshi_shiro.gifShouketsu, the oldest guy in sumo (48), is 1-1 at Jonidan 4W.

Kazuma, another Makushita 60 tsukedashi entrant in Nagoya 2024, is at Jonidan 9W. KYUJO

hoshi_shiro.gifYoshiazuma, the tallest guy in sumo (1.96 meters) is 2-0 at Jonidan 43W.

Kousei, the shortest guy in sumo (1.60 meters) is 0-1 at Jonidan 46W. Highest career rank.

hoshi_shiro.gifShoutaimu- Showtime! Gets on the list just for that clever shikona- is 2-0 at Jonidan 52W.

Daigozakura, the bald rikishi is 0-1 at Jonidan 70W.

hoshi_kuro.gifSatonofuji the bow twirling yumitorikishi is 0-2 at Jonidan 72E

Urutora (Ultra..), the lightest guy in sumo (65 kilos) is 0-1 at Jonidan 92E.

Kikuchithe youngest guy in sumo (15 and 11 months). is 1-0 at Jonokuchi 6W. Highest career rank.

Sawaisamu, active rikishi with most career losses, is 1-0 at Jonokuchi 12 E.

hoshi_shiro.gifTenrousei, ex-Asashouryuu's nephew is 1-0 in Maezumo.

hoshi_kuro.gifHikarumusashi, ex- Musashimaru's nephew, is 0-1 in Maezumo.

Kaitoma - Mark Aaron Justin Toma- Brazilian-Filipino, is Banzuke-gai.

Edited by Kintamayama
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