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Hatsu 2025-Day 4:

Today's matchups

hoshi_shiro.gifKusano, started at Makushita 60 tsukedashi in May 2024 and is 2-0 at Makushita 3W. Miyagino/Isegahama beya, highest career rank.

hoshi_kuro.gifMiyagi  is 1-1 at Makushita 4E.  Enhou clone.

hoshi_kuro.gifMatsui, entered sumo at Makushita 60 tsukedashi in March 2024, is 0-2 at Makushita 8E. Miyagino/Isegahama beya. Highest career rank. 

hoshi_shiro.gifIshizaki, Asakouryuu's brother is 2-0 at Makushita 8W, after starting at Makushita tsukedashi 60 in Nagoya 2024. Highest career rank.

hoshi_kuro.gifAsahakuryuu is 0-2 at Makushita 9W. Jonokuchi yusho in his debut basho. Mongolian. 

Kurohimeyama,  ex-Kurohimeyama's grandson, is 0-1 at Makushita 10W. KYUJO

hoshi_kuro.gifKyokukaiyuu, Mongolian, is 1-1 at Makushita 16E. Sandanme yusho in the past. 

hoshi_shiro.gifMita is 1-1 at Makushita 17E, started at Makushita 60 tsukedashi in Aki 2024. Highest career rank.

hoshi_kuro.gifSatorufuji is 1-1 at Makushita 19E. Jonidan yusho in May 2023, Makushita yusho in Kyushu 2023. 

hoshi_shiro.gifInami is 1-1 at Makushita 19W-highest career rank. Sandanme yusho in Nagoya 2024.

hoshi_kuro.gifGyokuouzan (Kanazawa)father half-Japanese, half-Paraguayan, mother half-Italian, half-Paraguayan is 0-2 at Makushita 20W, highest career rank.

hoshi_kuro.gifSeihakuhou, Mongolian ex-Hakuhou's recruit, is 1-1  at Makushita 28E. Jonidan yusho Nagoya 2024. Highest career rank.

hoshi_shiro.gifAnooshou is 2-0 at Makushita 32E. Jonokuchi and Jonidan yusho lately. Ex-Aminishiki's recruit. 

hoshi_kuro.gifWakatakamoto is 1-1 at Makushita 33W. Eldest brother of Wakatakakage and Wakamotoharu. 

hoshi_shiro.gifShunrai, ex-Tokitsukaze's 19 years old son number 2, (Kiryuukou's brother) is 1-1 at Makushita 43W. Jonokuchi yusho in the past. 

hoshi_shiro.gifMudouhou, ex-Taihou's other grandson (youngest) is 2-0 at Makushita 44E.

hoshi_kuro.gifTokitenran, started  at Sandanme 90 tsukedashi in March 2024, is 1-1 at Makushita 44W.

hoshi_kuro.gifSuyama, small first ever student/graduate from Tokyo University, is 0-2 at Sandanme 1E. Quite a media celeb. 

hoshi_shiro.gifShimizuumi is 2-0 at Sandanme 3E, Jonokuchi yusho Nagoya 2024. Jonidan yusho Aki 2024.  19-3 career. Highest career rank

hoshi_shiro.gifNaya, ex- Taihou's third grandson (second eldest) is 2-0 at Sandanme 6E. There is another grandson, Yukio, but he's a pro-wrestler.

hoshi_shiro.gifIkazuchidou - Half Nigerian, is 2-0 at Sandanme 14E. Highest career rank.

hoshi_kuro.gifAgoura, ex- Brazilian,  Lucas Kazuo Iima, is  1-1 at Sandanme 45W.

hoshi_shiro.gifDewanojou, the heaviest guy in sumo (258 kilos), is 2-0 at Sandanme 47W.

hoshi_kuro.gifFuranshisu from the Philippines is 0-2 at Sandanme 63W.

hoshi_shiro.gifKuwae, half Philipino Justine France Pasquale is 2-0 at Sandanme 74E. 

hoshi_shiro.gifIkarigata, much hyped brother of Juryo Wakaikari and son of ex- Ooikari (Kabutoyama Oyakata) is 2-0 at Sandanme 80 tsukedashi this basho, his debut.

hoshi_shiro.gifShouketsu, the oldest guy in sumo (48), is 1-1 at Jonidan 4W.

Kazuma, another Makushita 60 tsukedashi entrant in Nagoya 2024, is at Jonidan 9W. KYUJO

hoshi_shiro.gifYoshiazuma, the tallest guy in sumo (1.96 meters) is 2-0 at Jonidan 43W.

hoshi_kuro.gifKousei, the shortest guy in sumo (1.60 meters) is 0-2 at Jonidan 46W. Highest career rank.

hoshi_shiro.gifShoutaimu- Showtime! Gets on the list just for that clever shikona- is 2-0 at Jonidan 52W.

hoshi_shiro.gifDaigozakura, the bald rikishi is 1-1 at Jonidan 70W.

hoshi_kuro.gifSatonofuji the bow twirling yumitorikishi is 0-2 at Jonidan 72E

hoshi_shiro.gifUrutora (Ultra..), the lightest guy in sumo (65 kilos) is 1-1 at Jonidan 92E.

Kikuchithe youngest guy in sumo (15 and 11 months). is 1-0-1 at Jonokuchi 6W. Highest career rank.KYUJO

hoshi_kuro.gifSawaisamu, active rikishi with most career losses, is 1-1 at Jonokuchi 12 E.

hoshi_shiro.gifTenrousei, ex-Asashouryuu's nephew is 2-0 in Maezumo.

hoshi_shiro.gifHikarumusashi, ex- Musashimaru's nephew, is 1-1 in Maezumo.

hoshi_shiro.gifKaitoma - Mark Aaron Justin Toma- Brazilian-Filipino, is 2-0 in Maezumo.

Edited by Kintamayama
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Hatsu 2025-Day 5:

Today's matchups

hoshi_kuro.gifKusano, started at Makushita 60 tsukedashi in May 2024 and is 2-1 at Makushita 3W. Miyagino/Isegahama beya, highest career rank.

hoshi_kuro.gifMiyagi  is 1-2 at Makushita 4E.  Enhou clone.

Matsui, entered sumo at Makushita 60 tsukedashi in March 2024, is 0-2 at Makushita 8E. Miyagino/Isegahama beya. Highest career rank. 

Ishizaki, Asakouryuu's brother is 2-0 at Makushita 8W, after starting at Makushita tsukedashi 60 in Nagoya 2024. Highest career rank.

Asahakuryuu is 0-2 at Makushita 9W. Jonokuchi yusho in his debut basho. Mongolian. 

Kurohimeyama,  ex-Kurohimeyama's grandson, is 0-1 at Makushita 10W. KYUJO

Kyokukaiyuu, Mongolian, is 1-1 at Makushita 16E. Sandanme yusho in the past. 

hoshi_shiro.gifMita is 2-1 at Makushita 17E, started at Makushita 60 tsukedashi in Aki 2024. Highest career rank.

hoshi_kuro.gifSatorufuji is 1-2 at Makushita 19E. Jonidan yusho in May 2023, Makushita yusho in Kyushu 2023. 

hoshi_kuro.gifInami is 1-2 at Makushita 19W-highest career rank. Sandanme yusho in Nagoya 2024.

hoshi_kuro.gifGyokuouzan (Kanazawa)father half-Japanese, half-Paraguayan, mother half-Italian, half-Paraguayan is 0-3 at Makushita 20W, highest career rank.

hoshi_shiro.gifSeihakuhou, Mongolian ex-Hakuhou's recruit, is 2-1  at Makushita 28E. Jonidan yusho Nagoya 2024. Highest career rank.

hoshi_kuro.gifAnooshou is 2-1 at Makushita 32E. Jonokuchi and Jonidan yusho lately. Ex-Aminishiki's recruit. 

hoshi_shiro.gifWakatakamoto is 2-1 at Makushita 33W. Eldest brother of Wakatakakage and Wakamotoharu. 

Shunrai, ex-Tokitsukaze's 19 years old son number 2, (Kiryuukou's brother) is 1-1 at Makushita 43W. Jonokuchi yusho in the past. 

hoshi_shiro.gifMudouhou, ex-Taihou's other grandson (youngest) is 3-0 at Makushita 44E.

Tokitenran, started  at Sandanme 90 tsukedashi in March 2024, is 1-1 at Makushita 44W.

hoshi_fusensho.gifSuyama, small first ever student/graduate from Tokyo University, is 1-2 at Sandanme 1E. Quite a media celeb. 

Shimizuumi is 2-0 at Sandanme 3E, Jonokuchi yusho Nagoya 2024. Jonidan yusho Aki 2024.  19-3 career. Highest career rank

Naya, ex- Taihou's third grandson (second eldest) is 2-0 at Sandanme 6E. There is another grandson, Yukio, but he's a pro-wrestler.

Ikazuchidou - Half Nigerian, is 2-0 at Sandanme 14E. Highest career rank.

Agoura, ex- Brazilian,  Lucas Kazuo Iima, is  1-1 at Sandanme 45W.

Dewanojou, the heaviest guy in sumo (258 kilos), is 2-0 at Sandanme 47W.

Furanshisu from the Philippines is 0-2 at Sandanme 63W.

Kuwae, half Philipino Justine France Pasquale is 2-0 at Sandanme 74E. 

Ikarigata, much hyped brother of Juryo Wakaikari and son of ex- Ooikari (Kabutoyama Oyakata) is 2-0 at Sandanme 80 tsukedashi this basho, his debut.

hoshi_shiro.gifShouketsu, the oldest guy in sumo (48), is 2-1 at Jonidan 4W.

Kazuma, another Makushita 60 tsukedashi entrant in Nagoya 2024, is at Jonidan 9W. KYUJO

Yoshiazuma, the tallest guy in sumo (1.96 meters) is 2-0 at Jonidan 43W.

Kousei, the shortest guy in sumo (1.60 meters) is 0-2 at Jonidan 46W. Highest career rank.

Shoutaimu- Showtime! Gets on the list just for that clever shikona- is 2-0 at Jonidan 52W.

Daigozakura, the bald rikishi is 1-1 at Jonidan 70W.

Satonofuji the bow twirling yumitorikishi is 0-2 at Jonidan 72E

Urutora (Ultra..), the lightest guy in sumo (65 kilos) is 1-1 at Jonidan 92E.

Kikuchithe youngest guy in sumo (15 and 11 months). is 1-0-1 at Jonokuchi 6W. Highest career rank.KYUJO

Sawaisamu, active rikishi with most career losses, is 1-1 at Jonokuchi 12 E.

hoshi_shiro.gifTenrousei, ex-Asashouryuu's nephew is 3-0 in Maezumo.

hoshi_shiro.gifHikarumusashi, ex- Musashimaru's nephew, is 2-1 in Maezumo.

hoshi_kuro.gifKaitoma - Mark Aaron Justin Toma- Brazilian-Filipino, is 2-2 in Maezumo.

Edited by Kintamayama
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Hatsu 2025-Day 6:

Today's matchups

hoshi_shiro.gifKusano, started at Makushita 60 tsukedashi in May 2024 and is 3-1 at Makushita 3W. Miyagino/Isegahama beya, highest career rank.

hoshi_kuro.gifMiyagi  is 1-2 at Makushita 4E.  Enhou clone.

hoshi_shiro.gifMatsui, entered sumo at Makushita 60 tsukedashi in March 2024, is 1-2 at Makushita 8E. Miyagino/Isegahama beya. Highest career rank. 

hoshi_shiro.gifIshizaki, Asakouryuu's brother is 3-0 at Makushita 8W, after starting at Makushita tsukedashi 60 in Nagoya 2024. Highest career rank.

hoshi_kuro.gifAsahakuryuu is 0-3 at Makushita 9W. Jonokuchi yusho in his debut basho. Mongolian. 

Kurohimeyama,  ex-Kurohimeyama's grandson, is 0-1 at Makushita 10W. KYUJO

hoshi_shiro.gifKyokukaiyuu, Mongolian, is 2-1 at Makushita 16E. Sandanme yusho in the past. 

hoshi_shiro.gifMita is 2-1 at Makushita 17E, started at Makushita 60 tsukedashi in Aki 2024. Highest career rank.

hoshi_kuro.gifSatorufuji is 1-2 at Makushita 19E. Jonidan yusho in May 2023, Makushita yusho in Kyushu 2023. 

hoshi_kuro.gifInami is 1-2 at Makushita 19W-highest career rank. Sandanme yusho in Nagoya 2024.

hoshi_kuro.gifGyokuouzan (Kanazawa)father half-Japanese, half-Paraguayan, mother half-Italian, half-Paraguayan is 0-3 at Makushita 20W, highest career rank.

hoshi_shiro.gifSeihakuhou, Mongolian ex-Hakuhou's recruit, is 2-1  at Makushita 28E. Jonidan yusho Nagoya 2024. Highest career rank.

hoshi_kuro.gifAnooshou is 2-1 at Makushita 32E. Jonokuchi and Jonidan yusho lately. Ex-Aminishiki's recruit. 

hoshi_shiro.gifWakatakamoto is 2-1 at Makushita 33W. Eldest brother of Wakatakakage and Wakamotoharu. 

hoshi_shiro.gifShunrai, ex-Tokitsukaze's 19 years old son number 2, (Kiryuukou's brother) is 2-1 at Makushita 43W. Jonokuchi yusho in the past. 

hoshi_shiro.gifMudouhou, ex-Taihou's other grandson (youngest) is 3-0 at Makushita 44E.

hoshi_kuro.gifTokitenran, started  at Sandanme 90 tsukedashi in March 2024, is 1-2 at Makushita 44W.

hoshi_fusensho.gifSuyama, small first ever student/graduate from Tokyo University, is 1-2 at Sandanme 1E. Quite a media celeb. 

hoshi_kuro.gifShimizuumi is 2-1 at Sandanme 3E, Jonokuchi yusho Nagoya 2024. Jonidan yusho Aki 2024.  20-4 career. Highest career rank

hoshi_kuro.gifNaya, ex- Taihou's third grandson (second eldest) is 2-1 at Sandanme 6E. There is another grandson, Yukio, but he's a pro-wrestler.

Kototsubasa the bow twirling yumitorikishi is 1-2 at Sandanme 11E.

hoshi_kuro.gifIkazuchidou - Half Nigerian, is 2-1 at Sandanme 14E. Highest career rank.

hoshi_kuro.gifAgoura, ex- Brazilian,  Lucas Kazuo Iima, is  1-2 at Sandanme 45W.

hoshi_kuro.gifDewanojou, the heaviest guy in sumo (258 kilos), is 2-1 at Sandanme 47W.

hoshi_kuro.gifFuranshisu from the Philippines is 0-3 at Sandanme 63W.

hoshi_kuro.gifKuwae, half Philipino Justine France Pasquale is 2-1 at Sandanme 74E. 

hoshi_shiro.gifIkarigata, much hyped brother of Juryo Wakaikari and son of ex- Ooikari (Kabutoyama Oyakata) is 3-0 at Sandanme 80 tsukedashi this basho, his debut.

hoshi_shiro.gifShouketsu, the oldest guy in sumo (48), is 2-1 at Jonidan 4W.

Kazuma, another Makushita 60 tsukedashi entrant in Nagoya 2024, is at Jonidan 9W. KYUJO

hoshi_kuro.gifYoshiazuma, the tallest guy in sumo (1.96 meters) is 2-1 at Jonidan 43W.

hoshi_shiro.gifKousei, the shortest guy in sumo (1.60 meters) is 1-2 at Jonidan 46W. Highest career rank.

hoshi_fusenpai.gifShoutaimu- Showtime! Gets on the list just for that clever shikona- is 2-1 at Jonidan 52W.

hoshi_kuro.gifDaigozakura, the bald rikishi is 1-2 at Jonidan 70W.

hoshi_kuro.gifUrutora (Ultra..), the lightest guy in sumo (65 kilos) is 1-2 at Jonidan 92E.

Kikuchithe youngest guy in sumo (15 and 11 months). is 1-0-1 at Jonokuchi 6W. Highest career rank.KYUJO

hoshi_kuro.gifSawaisamu, active rikishi with most career losses, is 1-2 at Jonokuchi 12 E.

hoshi_shiro.gifTenrousei, ex-Asashouryuu's nephew is 3-0 in Maezumo.

hoshi_shiro.gifHikarumusashi, ex- Musashimaru's nephew, is 3-1 in Maezumo.

hoshi_shiro.gifKaitoma - Mark Aaron Justin Toma- Brazilian-Filipino, is 3-2 in Maezumo.

Edited by Kintamayama
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Hatsu 2025-Day 7:

Today's results

Day 8 match ups

Kusano, started at Makushita 60 tsukedashi in May 2024 and is 3-1 at Makushita 3W. Miyagino/Isegahama beya, highest career rank.

hoshi_shiro.gifMiyagi  is 2-2 at Makushita 4E.  Enhou clone.

Matsui, entered sumo at Makushita 60 tsukedashi in March 2024, is 1-2 at Makushita 8E. Miyagino/Isegahama beya. Highest career rank. 

hoshi_shiro.gifIshizaki, Asakouryuu's brother is 4-0 and kachikoshi at Makushita 8W, after starting at Makushita tsukedashi 60 in Nagoya 2024. Highest career rank.

Asahakuryuu is 0-3 at Makushita 9W. Jonokuchi yusho in his debut basho. Mongolian. 

Kurohimeyama,  ex-Kurohimeyama's grandson, is 0-1 at Makushita 10W. KYUJO

hoshi_shiro.gifKyokukaiyuu, Mongolian, is 3-1 at Makushita 16E. Sandanme yusho in the past. 

Mita is 2-1 at Makushita 17E, started at Makushita 60 tsukedashi in Aki 2024. Highest career rank.

Satorufuji is 1-2 at Makushita 19E. Jonidan yusho in May 2023, Makushita yusho in Kyushu 2023. 

hoshi_shiro.gifInami is 2-2 at Makushita 19W-highest career rank. Sandanme yusho in Nagoya 2024.

Gyokuouzan (Kanazawa)father half-Japanese, half-Paraguayan, mother half-Italian, half-Paraguayan is 0-3 at Makushita 20W, highest career rank.

hoshi_kuro.gifSeihakuhou, Mongolian ex-Hakuhou's recruit, is 2-2  at Makushita 28E. Jonidan yusho Nagoya 2024. Highest career rank.

Anooshou is 2-1 at Makushita 32E. Jonokuchi and Jonidan yusho lately. Ex-Aminishiki's recruit. 

hoshi_shiro.gifWakatakamoto is 3-1 at Makushita 33W. Eldest brother of Wakatakakage and Wakamotoharu. 

Shunrai, ex-Tokitsukaze's 19 years old son number 2, (Kiryuukou's brother) is 2-1 at Makushita 43W. Jonokuchi yusho in the past. 

hoshi_shiro.gifMudouhou, ex-Taihou's other grandson (youngest) is 4-0 and kachikoshi at Makushita 44E.

hoshi_shiro.gifTokitenran, started  at Sandanme 90 tsukedashi in March 2024, is 2-2 at Makushita 44W.

hoshi_kuro.gifSuyama, small first ever student/graduate from Tokyo University, is 1-3 at Sandanme 1E. Quite a media celeb. 

Shimizuumi is 2-1 at Sandanme 3E, Jonokuchi yusho Nagoya 2024. Jonidan yusho Aki 2024.  20-4 career. Highest career rank

Naya, ex- Taihou's third grandson (second eldest) is 2-1 at Sandanme 6E. There is another grandson, Yukio, but he's a pro-wrestler.

Kototsubasa the bow twirling yumitorikishi is 1-2 at Sandanme 11E.

hoshi_shiro.gifIkazuchidou - Half Nigerian, is 3-1 at Sandanme 14E. Highest career rank.

hoshi_kuro.gifAgoura, ex- Brazilian,  Lucas Kazuo Iima, is  1-3 at Sandanme 45W.

Dewanojou, the heaviest guy in sumo (258 kilos), is 2-1 at Sandanme 47W.

hoshi_kuro.gifFuranshisu from the Philippines is 0-4 and makekoshi at Sandanme 63W.

hoshi_shiro.gifKuwae, half Philipino Justine France Pasquale is 3-1 at Sandanme 74E. 

hoshi_shiro.gifIkarigata, much hyped brother of Juryo Wakaikari and son of ex- Ooikari (Kabutoyama Oyakata) is 4-0 and kachikoshi at Sandanme 80 tsukedashi this basho, his debut.

Shouketsu, the oldest guy in sumo (48), is 2-1 at Jonidan 4W.

Kazuma, another Makushita 60 tsukedashi entrant in Nagoya 2024, is at Jonidan 9W. KYUJO

Yoshiazuma, the tallest guy in sumo (1.96 meters) is 2-1 at Jonidan 43W.

hoshi_shiro.gifKousei, the shortest guy in sumo (1.60 meters) is 2-2 at Jonidan 46W. Highest career rank.

Shoutaimu- Showtime! Gets on the list just for that clever shikona- is 2-1 at Jonidan 52W.

hoshi_shiro.gifDaigozakura, the bald rikishi is 2-2 at Jonidan 70W.

Urutora (Ultra..), the lightest guy in sumo (65 kilos) is 1-2 at Jonidan 92E.

hoshi_shiro.gifKikuchithe youngest guy in sumo (15 and 11 months). is 2-0-2 at Jonokuchi 6W. Highest career rank

Sawaisamu, active rikishi with most career losses, is 1-2 at Jonokuchi 12 E.

Tenrousei, ex-Asashouryuu's nephew is 3-0 in Maezumo.

Hikarumusashi, ex- Musashimaru's nephew, is 3-1 in Maezumo.

Kaitoma - Mark Aaron Justin Toma- Brazilian-Filipino, is 3-2 in Maezumo.

Edited by Kintamayama
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Hatsu 2025-Day 8:

Today's results

Tomorrow's matchups

Kusano, started at Makushita 60 tsukedashi in May 2024 and is 3-1 at Makushita 3W. Miyagino/Isegahama beya, highest career rank.

hoshi_shiro.gifMiyagi  is 2-2 at Makushita 4E.  Enhou clone.

hoshi_kuro.gifMatsui, entered sumo at Makushita 60 tsukedashi in March 2024, is 1-3 at Makushita 8E. Miyagino/Isegahama beya. Highest career rank. 

hoshi_shiro.gifIshizaki, Asakouryuu's brother is 4-0 and kachikoshi at Makushita 8W, after starting at Makushita tsukedashi 60 in Nagoya 2024. Highest career rank.

hoshi_shiro.gifAsahakuryuu is 1-3 at Makushita 9W. Jonokuchi yusho in his debut basho. Mongolian. 

Kurohimeyama,  ex-Kurohimeyama's grandson, is 0-1 at Makushita 10W. KYUJO

hoshi_shiro.gifKyokukaiyuu, Mongolian, is 3-1 at Makushita 16E. Sandanme yusho in the past. 

hoshi_shiro.gifMita is 3-1 at Makushita 17E, started at Makushita 60 tsukedashi in Aki 2024. Highest career rank.

hoshi_kuro.gifSatorufuji is 1-3 at Makushita 19E. Jonidan yusho in May 2023, Makushita yusho in Kyushu 2023. 

hoshi_shiro.gifInami is 2-2 at Makushita 19W-highest career rank. Sandanme yusho in Nagoya 2024.

hoshi_shiro.gifGyokuouzan (Kanazawa)father half-Japanese, half-Paraguayan, mother half-Italian, half-Paraguayan is 1-3 at Makushita 20W, highest career rank.

hoshi_kuro.gifSeihakuhou, Mongolian ex-Hakuhou's recruit, is 2-2  at Makushita 28E. Jonidan yusho Nagoya 2024. Highest career rank.

hoshi_shiro.gifAnooshou is 3-1 at Makushita 32E. Jonokuchi and Jonidan yusho lately. Ex-Aminishiki's recruit. 

hoshi_shiro.gifWakatakamoto is 3-1 at Makushita 33W. Eldest brother of Wakatakakage and Wakamotoharu. 

hoshi_kuro.gifShunrai, ex-Tokitsukaze's 19 years old son number 2, (Kiryuukou's brother) is 2-2 at Makushita 43W. Jonokuchi yusho in the past. 

hoshi_shiro.gifMudouhou, ex-Taihou's other grandson (youngest) is 4-0 and kachikoshi at Makushita 44E.

hoshi_shiro.gifTokitenran, started  at Sandanme 90 tsukedashi in March 2024, is 2-2 at Makushita 44W.

hoshi_kuro.gifSuyama, small first ever student/graduate from Tokyo University, is 1-3 at Sandanme 1E. Quite a media celeb. 

hoshi_kuro.gifShimizuumi is 2-2 at Sandanme 3E, Jonokuchi yusho Nagoya 2024. Jonidan yusho Aki 2024.  20-4 career. Highest career rank

hoshi_shiro.gifNaya, ex- Taihou's third grandson (second eldest) is 3-1 at Sandanme 6E. There is another grandson, Yukio, but he's a pro-wrestler.

hoshi_kuro.gifKototsubasa the bow twirling yumitorikishi is 1-3 at Sandanme 11E.

hoshi_shiro.gifIkazuchidou - Half Nigerian, is 3-1 at Sandanme 14E. Highest career rank.

hoshi_kuro.gifAgoura, ex- Brazilian,  Lucas Kazuo Iima, is  1-3 at Sandanme 45W.

hoshi_shiro.gifDewanojou, the heaviest guy in sumo (258 kilos), is 3-1 at Sandanme 47W.

hoshi_kuro.gifFuranshisu from the Philippines is 0-4 and makekoshi at Sandanme 63W.

hoshi_shiro.gifKuwae, half Philipino Justine France Pasquale is 3-1 at Sandanme 74E. 

hoshi_shiro.gifIkarigata, much hyped brother of Juryo Wakaikari and son of ex- Ooikari (Kabutoyama Oyakata) is 4-0 and kachikoshi at Sandanme 80 tsukedashi this basho, his debut.

hoshi_kuro.gifShouketsu, the oldest guy in sumo (48), is 2-2 at Jonidan 4W.

Kazuma, another Makushita 60 tsukedashi entrant in Nagoya 2024, is at Jonidan 9W. KYUJO

hoshi_kuro.gifYoshiazuma, the tallest guy in sumo (1.96 meters) is 2-2 at Jonidan 43W.

hoshi_shiro.gifKousei, the shortest guy in sumo (1.60 meters) is 2-2 at Jonidan 46W. Highest career rank.

Shoutaimu- Showtime! Gets on the list just for that clever shikona- is 2-1-1 at Jonidan 52W. KYUJO

hoshi_shiro.gifDaigozakura, the bald rikishi is 2-2 at Jonidan 70W.

hoshi_kuro.gifUrutora (Ultra..), the lightest guy in sumo (65 kilos) is 1-3 at Jonidan 92E.

hoshi_shiro.gifKikuchithe youngest guy in sumo (15 and 11 months). is 2-0-2 at Jonokuchi 6W. Highest career rank

hoshi_kuro.gifSawaisamu, active rikishi with most career losses, is 1-3 at Jonokuchi 12 E.

Tenrousei, ex-Asashouryuu's nephew is 3-0 in Maezumo.

Hikarumusashi, ex- Musashimaru's nephew, is 3-1 in Maezumo.

Kaitoma - Mark Aaron Justin Toma- Brazilian-Filipino, is 3-2 in Maezumo.

Edited by Kintamayama
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Hatsu 2025-Day 9:

Today's results:

Tomorrow’s matchups

hoshi_kuro.gifKusano, started at Makushita 60 tsukedashi in May 2024 and is 3-2 at Makushita 3W. Miyagino/Isegahama beya, highest career rank.

hoshi_shiro.gifMiyagi  is 3-2 at Makushita 4E.  Enhou clone.

Matsui, entered sumo at Makushita 60 tsukedashi in March 2024, is 1-3 at Makushita 8E. Miyagino/Isegahama beya. Highest career rank. 

hoshi_shiro.gifIshizaki, Asakouryuu's brother is 5-0 and kachikoshi at Makushita 8W, after starting at Makushita tsukedashi 60 in Nagoya 2024. Highest career rank.

Asahakuryuu is 1-3 at Makushita 9W. Jonokuchi yusho in his debut basho. Mongolian. 

Kurohimeyama,  ex-Kurohimeyama's grandson, is 0-1 at Makushita 10W. KYUJO

Kyokukaiyuu, Mongolian, is 3-1 at Makushita 16E. Sandanme yusho in the past. 

Mita is 3-1 at Makushita 17E, started at Makushita 60 tsukedashi in Aki 2024. Highest career rank.

Satorufuji is 1-3 at Makushita 19E. Jonidan yusho in May 2023, Makushita yusho in Kyushu 2023. 

Inami is 2-2 at Makushita 19W-highest career rank. Sandanme yusho in Nagoya 2024.

Gyokuouzan (Kanazawa)father half-Japanese, half-Paraguayan, mother half-Italian, half-Paraguayan is 1-3 at Makushita 20W, highest career rank.

Seihakuhou, Mongolian ex-Hakuhou's recruit, is 2-2  at Makushita 28E. Jonidan yusho Nagoya 2024. Highest career rank.

hoshi_shiro.gifAnooshou is 4-1 and kachikoshi at Makushita 32E. Jonokuchi and Jonidan yusho lately. Ex-Aminishiki's recruit. 

hoshi_kuro.gifWakatakamoto is 3-2 at Makushita 33W. Eldest brother of Wakatakakage and Wakamotoharu. 

Shunrai, ex-Tokitsukaze's 19 years old son number 2, (Kiryuukou's brother) is 2-2 at Makushita 43W. Jonokuchi yusho in the past. 

hoshi_shiro.gifMudouhou, ex-Taihou's other grandson (youngest) is 5-0 and kachikoshi at Makushita 44E.

hoshi_shiro.gifTokitenran, started  at Sandanme 90 tsukedashi in March 2024, is 3-2 at Makushita 44W.

Suyama, small first ever student/graduate from Tokyo University, is 1-3 at Sandanme 1E. Quite a media celeb. 

Shimizuumi is 2-2 at Sandanme 3E, Jonokuchi yusho Nagoya 2024. Jonidan yusho Aki 2024.  20-5 career. Highest career rank

hoshi_kuro.gifNaya, ex- Taihou's third grandson (second eldest) is 3-2 at Sandanme 6E. There is another grandson, Yukio, but he's a pro-wrestler.

Kototsubasa the bow twirling yumitorikishi is 1-3 at Sandanme 11E.

Ikazuchidou - Half Nigerian, is 3-1 at Sandanme 14E. Highest career rank.

hoshi_kuro.gifAgoura, ex- Brazilian,  Lucas Kazuo Iima, is  1-4 and makekoshi at Sandanme 45W.

hoshi_kuro.gifDewanojou, the heaviest guy in sumo (258 kilos), is 3-2 at Sandanme 47W.

hoshi_shiro.gifFuranshisu from the Philippines is 1-4 and makekoshi at Sandanme 63W.

Kuwae, half Philipino Justine France Pasquale is 3-1 at Sandanme 74E. 

hoshi_shiro.gifIkarigata, much hyped brother of Juryo Wakaikari and son of ex- Ooikari (Kabutoyama Oyakata) is 5-0 and kachikoshi at Sandanme 80 tsukedashi this basho, his debut.

hoshi_kuro.gifShouketsu, the oldest guy in sumo (48), is 2-3 at Jonidan 4W.

Kazuma, another Makushita 60 tsukedashi entrant in Nagoya 2024, is at Jonidan 9W. KYUJO

hoshi_kuro.gifYoshiazuma, the tallest guy in sumo (1.96 meters) is 2-3 at Jonidan 43W.

Kousei, the shortest guy in sumo (1.60 meters) is 2-2 at Jonidan 46W. Highest career rank.

Shoutaimu- Showtime! Gets on the list just for that clever shikona- is 2-1-1 at Jonidan 52W. KYUJO

hoshi_kuro.gifDaigozakura, the bald rikishi is 2-3 at Jonidan 70W.

Urutora (Ultra..), the lightest guy in sumo (65 kilos) is 1-3 at Jonidan 92E.

Kikuchithe youngest guy in sumo (15 and 11 months). is 2-0-2 at Jonokuchi 6W. Highest career rank

Sawaisamu, active rikishi with most career losses, is 1-3 at Jonokuchi 12 E.

Tenrousei, ex-Asashouryuu's nephew is 3-0 in Maezumo.

Hikarumusashi, ex- Musashimaru's nephew, is 3-1 in Maezumo.

Kaitoma - Mark Aaron Justin Toma- Brazilian-Filipino, is 3-2 in Maezumo.

Edited by Kintamayama
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  On 20/01/2025 at 06:18, Kintamayama said:

Today's results:

Uhh, 503 during the basho - hope that gets away as quick as 403&4 - interestingly the link isn't embedded by the quote now with that error

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  On 20/01/2025 at 07:15, Akinomaki said:

Uhh, 503 during the basho - hope that gets away as quick as 403&4 - interestingly the link isn't embedded by the quote now with that error

I have notified the authorities.

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Hatsu 2025-Day 10:

Today's results

Tomorrow's matches

hoshi_kuro.gifKusano, started at Makushita 60 tsukedashi in May 2024 and is 3-2 at Makushita 3W. Miyagino/Isegahama beya, highest career rank.

hoshi_shiro.gifMiyagi  is 3-2 at Makushita 4E.  Enhou clone.

hoshi_kuro.gifMatsui, entered sumo at Makushita 60 tsukedashi in March 2024, is 1-4 and makekoshi at Makushita 8E. Miyagino/Isegahama beya. Highest career rank. 

hoshi_shiro.gifIshizaki, Asakouryuu's brother is 5-0 and kachikoshi at Makushita 8W, after starting at Makushita tsukedashi 60 in Nagoya 2024. Highest career rank.

hoshi_shiro.gifAsahakuryuu is 2-3 at Makushita 9W. Jonokuchi yusho in his debut basho. Mongolian. 

Kurohimeyama,  ex-Kurohimeyama's grandson, is 0-1 at Makushita 10W. KYUJO

hoshi_shiro.gifKyokukaiyuu, Mongolian, is 4-1 and kachikoshi at Makushita 16E. Sandanme yusho in the past. 

hoshi_shiro.gifMita is 4-1 and kachikoshi at Makushita 17E, started at Makushita 60 tsukedashi in Aki 2024. Highest career rank.

hoshi_shiro.gifSatorufuji is 2-3 at Makushita 19E. Jonidan yusho in May 2023, Makushita yusho in Kyushu 2023. 

hoshi_shiro.gifInami is 3-2 at Makushita 19W-highest career rank. Sandanme yusho in Nagoya 2024.

hoshi_kuro.gifGyokuouzan (Kanazawa)father half-Japanese, half-Paraguayan, mother half-Italian, half-Paraguayan is 1-4 and makekoshi at Makushita 20W, highest career rank.

hoshi_kuro.gifSeihakuhou, Mongolian ex-Hakuhou's recruit, is 2-3  at Makushita 28E. Jonidan yusho Nagoya 2024. Highest career rank.

hoshi_shiro.gifAnooshou is 4-1 and kachikoshi at Makushita 32E. Jonokuchi and Jonidan yusho lately. Ex-Aminishiki's recruit. 

hoshi_kuro.gifWakatakamoto is 3-2 at Makushita 33W. Eldest brother of Wakatakakage and Wakamotoharu. 

hoshi_kuro.gifShunrai, ex-Tokitsukaze's 19 years old son number 2, (Kiryuukou's brother) is 2-3 at Makushita 43W. Jonokuchi yusho in the past. 

hoshi_shiro.gifMudouhou, ex-Taihou's other grandson (youngest) is 5-0 and kachikoshi at Makushita 44E.

hoshi_shiro.gifTokitenran, started  at Sandanme 90 tsukedashi in March 2024, is 3-2 at Makushita 44W.

hoshi_shiro.gifSuyama, small first ever student/graduate from Tokyo University, is 2-3 at Sandanme 1E. Quite a media celeb. 

hoshi_kuro.gifShimizuumi is 2-3 at Sandanme 3E, Jonokuchi yusho Nagoya 2024. Jonidan yusho Aki 2024.  Highest career rank

hoshi_kuro.gifNaya, ex- Taihou's third grandson (second eldest) is 3-2 at Sandanme 6E. There is another grandson, Yukio, but he's a pro-wrestler.

hoshi_kuro.gifKototsubasa the bow twirling yumitorikishi is 1-4 and makekoshi at Sandanme 11E.

hoshi_kuro.gifIkazuchidou - Half Nigerian, is 3-2 at Sandanme 14E. Highest career rank.

hoshi_kuro.gifAgoura, ex- Brazilian,  Lucas Kazuo Iima, is  1-4 and makekoshi at Sandanme 45W.

hoshi_kuro.gifDewanojou, the heaviest guy in sumo (258 kilos), is 3-2 at Sandanme 47W.

hoshi_shiro.gifFuranshisu from the Philippines is 1-4 and makekoshi at Sandanme 63W.

hoshi_kuro.gifKuwae, half Philipino Justine France Pasquale is 3-2 at Sandanme 74E. 

hoshi_shiro.gifIkarigata, much hyped brother of Juryo Wakaikari and son of ex- Ooikari (Kabutoyama Oyakata) is 5-0 and kachikoshi at Sandanme 80 tsukedashi this basho, his debut.

hoshi_kuro.gifShouketsu, the oldest guy in sumo (48), is 2-3 at Jonidan 4W.

Kazuma, another Makushita 60 tsukedashi entrant in Nagoya 2024, is at Jonidan 9W. KYUJO

hoshi_kuro.gifYoshiazuma, the tallest guy in sumo (1.96 meters) is 2-3 at Jonidan 43W.

hoshi_kuro.gifKousei, the shortest guy in sumo (1.60 meters) is 2-3 at Jonidan 46W. Highest career rank.

Shoutaimu- Showtime! Gets on the list just for that clever shikona- is 2-1-1 at Jonidan 52W. KYUJO

hoshi_kuro.gifDaigozakura, the bald rikishi is 2-3 at Jonidan 70W.

hoshi_shiro.gifUrutora (Ultra..), the lightest guy in sumo (65 kilos) is 2-3 at Jonidan 92E.

hoshi_kuro.gifKikuchithe youngest guy in sumo (15 and 11 months). is 2-1-2 at Jonokuchi 6W. Highest career rank

hoshi_shiro.gifSawaisamu, active rikishi with most career losses, is 2-3 at Jonokuchi 12 E.

Tenrousei, ex-Asashouryuu's nephew is 3-0 in Maezumo.

Hikarumusashi, ex- Musashimaru's nephew, is 3-1 in Maezumo.

Kaitoma - Mark Aaron Justin Toma- Brazilian-Filipino, is 3-2 in Maezumo.

Edited by Kintamayama
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...and the authorities need another call.

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  On 21/01/2025 at 06:18, Jakusotsu said:

...and the authorities need another call.

Have been notified a while ago, but the authorities have a life too, so we will wait thankfully and patiently..

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Hatsu 2025-Day 11:

Today's results

hoshi_shiro.gifKusano, started at Makushita 60 tsukedashi in May 2024 and is 4-2 and kachikoshi at Makushita 3W. Miyagino/Isegahama beya, highest career rank.

hoshi_kuro.gifMiyagi  is 3-3 at Makushita 4E.  Enhou clone.

hoshi_shiro.gifMatsui, entered sumo at Makushita 60 tsukedashi in March 2024, is 2-4 and makekoshi at Makushita 8E. Miyagino/Isegahama beya. Highest career rank. 

hoshi_shiro.gifIshizaki, Asakouryuu's brother is 6-0 and kachikoshi at Makushita 8W, after starting at Makushita tsukedashi 60 in Nagoya 2024. Highest career rank.

Asahakuryuu is 2-3 at Makushita 9W. Jonokuchi yusho in his debut basho. Mongolian. 

Kurohimeyama,  ex-Kurohimeyama's grandson, is 0-1 at Makushita 10W. KYUJO

Kyokukaiyuu, Mongolian, is 4-1 and kachikoshi at Makushita 16E. Sandanme yusho in the past. 

Mita is 4-1 and kachikoshi at Makushita 17E, started at Makushita 60 tsukedashi in Aki 2024. Highest career rank.

hoshi_shiro.gifSatorufuji is 3-3 at Makushita 19E. Jonidan yusho in May 2023, Makushita yusho in Kyushu 2023. 

Inami is 3-2 at Makushita 19W-highest career rank. Sandanme yusho in Nagoya 2024.

hoshi_kuro.gifGyokuouzan (Kanazawa)father half-Japanese, half-Paraguayan, mother half-Italian, half-Paraguayan is 1-5 and makekoshi at Makushita 20W, highest career rank.

Seihakuhou, Mongolian ex-Hakuhou's recruit, is 2-3  at Makushita 28E. Jonidan yusho Nagoya 2024. Highest career rank.

hoshi_shiro.gifAnooshou is 5-1 and kachikoshi at Makushita 32E. Jonokuchi and Jonidan yusho lately. Ex-Aminishiki's recruit. 

Wakatakamoto is 3-2 at Makushita 33W. Eldest brother of Wakatakakage and Wakamotoharu. 

Shunrai, ex-Tokitsukaze's 19 years old son number 2, (Kiryuukou's brother) is 2-3 at Makushita 43W. Jonokuchi yusho in the past. 

hoshi_shiro.gifMudouhou, ex-Taihou's other grandson (youngest) is 6-0 and kachikoshi at Makushita 44E.

hoshi_kuro.gifTokitenran, started  at Sandanme 90 tsukedashi in March 2024, is 3-3 at Makushita 44W.

hoshi_kuro.gifSuyama, small first ever student/graduate from Tokyo University, is 2-4 and makekoshi at Sandanme 1E. Quite a media celeb. 

hoshi_shiro.gifShimizuumi is 3-3 at Sandanme 3E, Jonokuchi yusho Nagoya 2024. Jonidan yusho Aki 2024.  Highest career rank

hoshi_kuro.gifNaya, ex- Taihou's third grandson (second eldest) is 3-3 at Sandanme 6E. There is another grandson, Yukio, but he's a pro-wrestler.

Kototsubasa the bow twirling yumitorikishi is 1-4 and makekoshi at Sandanme 11E.

hoshi_shiro.gifIkazuchidou - Half Nigerian, is 4-2 and kachikoshi at Sandanme 14E. Highest career rank.

hoshi_kuro.gifAgoura, ex- Brazilian,  Lucas Kazuo Iima, is  1-5 and makekoshi at Sandanme 45W.

hoshi_kuro.gifDewanojou, the heaviest guy in sumo (258 kilos), is 3-3 at Sandanme 47W.

Furanshisu from the Philippines is 1-4 and makekoshi at Sandanme 63W.

Kuwae, half Philipino Justine France Pasquale is 3-2 at Sandanme 74E. 

hoshi_kuro.gifIkarigata, much hyped brother of Juryo Wakaikari and son of ex- Ooikari (Kabutoyama Oyakata) is 5-1 and kachikoshi at Sandanme 80 tsukedashi this basho, his debut.

Shouketsu, the oldest guy in sumo (48), is 2-3 at Jonidan 4W.

Kazuma, another Makushita 60 tsukedashi entrant in Nagoya 2024, is at Jonidan 9W. KYUJO

Yoshiazuma, the tallest guy in sumo (1.96 meters) is 2-3 at Jonidan 43W.

hoshi_shiro.gifKousei, the shortest guy in sumo (1.60 meters) is 3-3 at Jonidan 46W. Highest career rank.

Shoutaimu- Showtime! Gets on the list just for that clever shikona- is 2-1-1 at Jonidan 52W. KYUJO

hoshi_kuro.gifDaigozakura, the bald rikishi is 2-4 and makekoshi at Jonidan 70W.

Urutora (Ultra..), the lightest guy in sumo (65 kilos) is 2-3 at Jonidan 92E.

Kikuchithe youngest guy in sumo (15 and 11 months). is 2-1-2 at Jonokuchi 6W. Highest career rank

hoshi_kuro.gifSawaisamu, active rikishi with most career losses, is 2-4 and makekoshi at Jonokuchi 12 E.

Tenrousei, ex-Asashouryuu's nephew is 3-0 in Maezumo.

Hikarumusashi, ex- Musashimaru's nephew, is 3-1 in Maezumo.

Kaitoma - Mark Aaron Justin Toma- Brazilian-Filipino, is 3-2 in Maezumo.

Edited by Kintamayama

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  On 22/01/2025 at 07:01, Jakusotsu said:

Same procedure as yesterday...

Indeed and has been followed from my side a few hours ago.

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Hatsu 2025-Day 12:

Today's results

hoshi_shiro.gifKusano, started at Makushita 60 tsukedashi in May 2024 and is 4-2 and kachikoshi at Makushita 3W. Miyagino/Isegahama beya, highest career rank.

hoshi_kuro.gifMiyagi  is 3-3 at Makushita 4E.  Enhou clone.

hoshi_shiro.gifMatsui, entered sumo at Makushita 60 tsukedashi in March 2024, is 2-4 and makekoshi at Makushita 8E. Miyagino/Isegahama beya. Highest career rank. 

hoshi_shiro.gifIshizaki, Asakouryuu's brother is 6-0 and kachikoshi at Makushita 8W, after starting at Makushita tsukedashi 60 in Nagoya 2024. Highest career rank.

hoshi_kuro.gifAsahakuryuu is 2-4 and makekoshi at Makushita 9W. Jonokuchi yusho in his debut basho. Mongolian. 

Kurohimeyama,  ex-Kurohimeyama's grandson, is 0-1 at Makushita 10W. KYUJO

hoshi_kuro.gifKyokukaiyuu, Mongolian, is 4-2 and kachikoshi at Makushita 16E. Sandanme yusho in the past. 

hoshi_shiro.gifMita is 5-1 and kachikoshi at Makushita 17E, started at Makushita 60 tsukedashi in Aki 2024. Highest career rank.

hoshi_shiro.gifSatorufuji is 3-3 at Makushita 19E. Jonidan yusho in May 2023, Makushita yusho in Kyushu 2023. 

hoshi_shiro.gifInami is 4-2 and kachikoshi at Makushita 19W-highest career rank. Sandanme yusho in Nagoya 2024.

hoshi_kuro.gifGyokuouzan (Kanazawa)father half-Japanese, half-Paraguayan, mother half-Italian, half-Paraguayan is 1-5 and makekoshi at Makushita 20W, highest career rank.

hoshi_kuro.gifSeihakuhou, Mongolian ex-Hakuhou's recruit, is 2-4 and makekoshi  at Makushita 28E. Jonidan yusho Nagoya 2024. Highest career rank.

hoshi_shiro.gifAnooshou is 5-1 and kachikoshi at Makushita 32E. Jonokuchi and Jonidan yusho lately. Ex-Aminishiki's recruit. 

hoshi_shiro.gifWakatakamoto is 4-2  and kachikoshi at Makushita 33W. Eldest brother of Wakatakakage and Wakamotoharu. 

hoshi_kuro.gifShunrai, ex-Tokitsukaze's 19 years old son number 2, (Kiryuukou's brother) is 2-4 and makekoshi at Makushita 43W. Jonokuchi yusho in the past. 

hoshi_shiro.gifMudouhou, ex-Taihou's other grandson (youngest) is 6-0 and kachikoshi at Makushita 44E.

hoshi_kuro.gifTokitenran, started  at Sandanme 90 tsukedashi in March 2024, is 3-3 at Makushita 44W.

hoshi_kuro.gifSuyama, small first ever student/graduate from Tokyo University, is 2-4 and makekoshi at Sandanme 1E. Quite a media celeb. 

hoshi_shiro.gifShimizuumi is 3-3 at Sandanme 3E, Jonokuchi yusho Nagoya 2024. Jonidan yusho Aki 2024.  Highest career rank

hoshi_kuro.gifNaya, ex- Taihou's third grandson (second eldest) is 3-3 at Sandanme 6E. There is another grandson, Yukio, but he's a pro-wrestler.

hoshi_shiro.gifKototsubasa the bow twirling yumitorikishi is 2-4 and makekoshi at Sandanme 11E.

hoshi_shiro.gifIkazuchidou - Half Nigerian, is 4-2 and kachikoshi at Sandanme 14E. Highest career rank.

hoshi_kuro.gifAgoura, ex- Brazilian,  Lucas Kazuo Iima, is  1-5 and makekoshi at Sandanme 45W.

hoshi_kuro.gifDewanojou, the heaviest guy in sumo (258 kilos), is 3-3 at Sandanme 47W.

hoshi_kuro.gifFuranshisu from the Philippines is 1-5 and makekoshi at Sandanme 63W.

hoshi_kuro.gifKuwae, half Philipino Justine France Pasquale is 3-3 at Sandanme 74E. 

hoshi_kuro.gifIkarigata, much hyped brother of Juryo Wakaikari and son of ex- Ooikari (Kabutoyama Oyakata) is 5-1 and kachikoshi at Sandanme 80 tsukedashi this basho, his debut.

hoshi_kuro.gifShouketsu, the oldest guy in sumo (48), is 2-4 and makekoshi at Jonidan 4W.

Kazuma, another Makushita 60 tsukedashi entrant in Nagoya 2024, is at Jonidan 9W. KYUJO

hoshi_shiro.gifYoshiazuma, the tallest guy in sumo (1.96 meters) is 3-3 at Jonidan 43W.

hoshi_shiro.gifKousei, the shortest guy in sumo (1.60 meters) is 3-3 at Jonidan 46W. Highest career rank.

Shoutaimu- Showtime! Gets on the list just for that clever shikona- is 2-1-2 at Jonidan 52W. KYUJO

hoshi_kuro.gifDaigozakura, the bald rikishi is 2-4 and makekoshi at Jonidan 70W.

hoshi_kuro.gifUrutora (Ultra..), the lightest guy in sumo (65 kilos) is 2-4 and makekoshi at Jonidan 92E.

hoshi_shiro.gifKikuchithe youngest guy in sumo (15 and 11 months). is 3-1-2 at Jonokuchi 6W. Highest career rank

hoshi_kuro.gifSawaisamu, active rikishi with most career losses, is 2-4 and makekoshi at Jonokuchi 12 E.

Tenrousei, ex-Asashouryuu's nephew is 3-0 in Maezumo.

Hikarumusashi, ex- Musashimaru's nephew, is 3-1 in Maezumo.

Kaitoma - Mark Aaron Justin Toma- Brazilian-Filipino, is 3-2 in Maezumo.

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Now that the ex-sekitori are gone, there are 2 celebs on Abema that should probable be added here for being allegedly very popular among the younger fans - mainly for their looks. Especially Yamato, soon to be the lightest in makushita for a long time, with 73.8kg 3rd lightest overall after Urutora and wonder boy Kosei. Down from 80kg when he entered. Younger brother of Suio

Sd15w Yamato (4-1) izori Sd16w Mishima (3-2)
img_a6a97cda9ca0ce9d776657c0305bb735252587.jpgo img_25d42e73cad68b4847cf558a4e9d8614394303.jpgo

Sd15w Yamato (5-1) oshidashi Sd35w Daiyusho (5-1)
img_8bb85771a672233b9f6ec29c8d036d2f315609.jpgo 4.jpgo 20250122s10005000177000p_thum.jpgo 4.jpgo

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  On 23/01/2025 at 07:13, Akinomaki said:

Now that the ex-sekitori are gone, there are 2 celebs on Abema that should probable be added here for being allegedly very popular among the younger fans - mainly for their looks. Especially Yamato


Yamato and who else? A few will be deleted for not doing as well as expected, so new guys are welcome..

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The other is Yonezawaryu, only Abema celeb so far, had no pics the last 2 days, so I had to check the older pics threads, today a win again, the last 2 basho 6-1, impressive 3-0 at maezumo last year Natsu, esp. for one without sumo experience

  On 02/05/2024 at 19:32, Akinomaki said:

for Sakaigawa, Igarashi and Miyazaki - both Nichidai, but Daiki Igarashi 五十嵐大喜  (19, 190cm, 133kg) in the judo club and quitting in first year. He has no sumo experience but "I'll rise up, I'm confident".


Sd50e Yonezawaryu (1-0) shitatenage Sd50w Biganzan (0-1)
img_8d31af2f778509d9b897228a52ad729c273582.jpgo img_446a8fed5f4042a2db3c445a55aba3c6572366.jpgo img_349cac7cc836220570d3978c172b4df5154737.jpgo img_446a8fed5f4042a2db3c445a55aba3c6572366.jpgo 

Sd52e Kawamura (2-0) yorikiri Sd50e Yonezawaryu (1-1)
img_8944b24547e4716c6d8b72911b078125289461.jpgo img_7e50d8a8185d3798b4f376a3f682d172519006.jpgo

Sd50e Yonezawaryu (2-1) yorikiri Sd49w Asashinjo (1-2)
img_25042e5a0c028bc011f07aefdc47b6f1223425.jpgo img_4824f7505433dc8817317665a157f8c4312300.jpgo img_ebcb79c16fab1f0e170f50f56883414a350963.jpgo img_37ab0d9e50df1483a039c913daa2e6b6262612.jpgo img_316771204256de9bd0cec949adf66534514102.jpgo

Sd50e Yonezawaryu (3-1) yorikiri Sd51w Fukutsuumi (2-2)

Sd50e Yonezawaryu (4-1) shitatenage Sd47w Dewanojo (3-2)
img_202be4372f247305f0f477ceb43e19ac245894.jpgo img_52f2ed96ac535c830dda4d4e462f3610403124.jpgo img_3a666e559394d08492cc1b1d248c8e7a389873.jpgo img_cd8e7addda466c47fbbc0ef72a09e4cb369474.jpgo img_6affae8f11faae3f199d878b0befdcd6399780.jpgo

impressive maezumo debut

Edit: main point maybe: makes the sujo go wild

Edited by Akinomaki
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Hatsu 2025-Day 13:

Today's results

hoshi_kuro.gifKusano, started at Makushita 60 tsukedashi in May 2024 and is 4-3 and kachikoshi at Makushita 3W. Miyagino/Isegahama beya, highest career rank.

Miyagi  is 3-3 at Makushita 4E.  Enhou clone.

hoshi_kuro.gifMatsui, entered sumo at Makushita 60 tsukedashi in March 2024, is 2-5 and makekoshi at Makushita 8E. Miyagino/Isegahama beya. Highest career rank. 

hoshi_kuro.gifIshizaki, Asakouryuu's brother is 6-1 and kachikoshi at Makushita 8W, after starting at Makushita tsukedashi 60 in Nagoya 2024. Highest career rank.

Asahakuryuu is 2-4 and makekoshi at Makushita 9W. Jonokuchi yusho in his debut basho. Mongolian. 

Kurohimeyama,  ex-Kurohimeyama's grandson, is 0-1 at Makushita 10W. KYUJO

Kyokukaiyuu, Mongolian, is 4-2 and kachikoshi at Makushita 16E. Sandanme yusho in the past. 

Mita is 5-1 and kachikoshi at Makushita 17E, started at Makushita 60 tsukedashi in Aki 2024. Highest career rank.

hoshi_shiro.gifSatorufuji is 4-3 and kachikoshi at Makushita 19E. Jonidan yusho in May 2023, Makushita yusho in Kyushu 2023. 

Inami is 4-2 and kachikoshi at Makushita 19W-highest career rank. Sandanme yusho in Nagoya 2024.

Gyokuouzan (Kanazawa)father half-Japanese, half-Paraguayan, mother half-Italian, half-Paraguayan is 1-5 and makekoshi at Makushita 20W, highest career rank.

Seihakuhou, Mongolian ex-Hakuhou's recruit, is 2-4 and makekoshi  at Makushita 28E. Jonidan yusho Nagoya 2024. Highest career rank.

Anooshou is 5-1 and kachikoshi at Makushita 32E. Jonokuchi and Jonidan yusho lately. Ex-Aminishiki's recruit. 

Wakatakamoto is 4-2  and kachikoshi at Makushita 33W. Eldest brother of Wakatakakage and Wakamotoharu. 

Shunrai, ex-Tokitsukaze's 19 years old son number 2, (Kiryuukou's brother) is 2-4 and makekoshi at Makushita 43W. Jonokuchi yusho in the past. 

hoshi_shiro.gifMudouhou, ex-Taihou's other grandson (youngest) is 7-0 and kachikoshi at Makushita 44E. Makushita yusho.

Tokitenran, started  at Sandanme 90 tsukedashi in March 2024, is 3-3 at Makushita 44W.

Suyama, small first ever student/graduate from Tokyo University, is 2-4 and makekoshi at Sandanme 1E. Quite a media celeb. 

Shimizuumi is 3-3 at Sandanme 3E, Jonokuchi yusho Nagoya 2024. Jonidan yusho Aki 2024.  Highest career rank

Naya, ex- Taihou's third grandson (second eldest) is 3-3 at Sandanme 6E. There is another grandson, Yukio, but he's a pro-wrestler.

Kototsubasa the bow twirling yumitorikishi is 2-4 and makekoshi at Sandanme 11E.

Ikazuchidou - Half Nigerian, is 4-2 and kachikoshi at Sandanme 14E. Highest career rank.

Agoura, ex- Brazilian,  Lucas Kazuo Iima, is  1-5 and makekoshi at Sandanme 45W.

hoshi_shiro.gifDewanojou, the heaviest guy in sumo (258 kilos), is 4-3 and kachikoshi at Sandanme 47W.

Furanshisu from the Philippines is 1-5 and makekoshi at Sandanme 63W.

Kuwae, half Philipino Justine France Pasquale is 3-3 at Sandanme 74E. 

hoshi_shiro.gifIkarigata, much hyped brother of Juryo Wakaikari and son of ex- Ooikari (Kabutoyama Oyakata) is 6-1 and kachikoshi at Sandanme 80 tsukedashi this basho, his debut.

Shouketsu, the oldest guy in sumo (48), is 2-4 and makekoshi at Jonidan 4W.

Kazuma, another Makushita 60 tsukedashi entrant in Nagoya 2024, is at Jonidan 9W. KYUJO

Yoshiazuma, the tallest guy in sumo (1.96 meters) is 3-3 at Jonidan 43W.

Kousei, the shortest guy in sumo (1.60 meters) is 3-3 at Jonidan 46W. Highest career rank.

Shoutaimu- Showtime! Gets on the list just for that clever shikona- is 2-1-2 at Jonidan 52W. KYUJO

Daigozakura, the bald rikishi is 2-4 and makekoshi at Jonidan 70W.

Urutora (Ultra..), the lightest guy in sumo (65 kilos) is 2-4 and makekoshi at Jonidan 92E.

Kikuchithe youngest guy in sumo (15 and 11 months). is 3-1-2 at Jonokuchi 6W. Highest career rank

Sawaisamu, active rikishi with most career losses, is 2-4 and makekoshi at Jonokuchi 12 E.

Tenrousei, ex-Asashouryuu's nephew is 3-0 in Maezumo.

Hikarumusashi, ex- Musashimaru's nephew, is 3-1 in Maezumo.

Kaitoma - Mark Aaron Justin Toma- Brazilian-Filipino, is 3-2 in Maezumo.

Edited by Kintamayama
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  On 23/01/2025 at 09:37, Akinomaki said:

Yonezawaryu, only Abema celeb so far, had no pics the last 2 days, so I had to check the older pics threads, today a win again, the last 2 basho 6-1, impressive 3-0 at maezumo last year Natsu, esp. for one without sumo experience

Another 6-1 this basho for  Yonezawaryu, his 3-4 makekoshi on jk debut made him go rather unnoticed here on the forum.

Yamato couldn't overcome Enho though and finished 5-2.

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Hatsu 2025-Day 14:

Today's results

hoshi_kuro.gifKusano, started at Makushita 60 tsukedashi in May 2024 and is 4-3 and kachikoshi at Makushita 3W. Miyagino/Isegahama beya, highest career rank.

hoshi_shiro.gifMiyagi  is 4-3 and kachikoshi at Makushita 4E.  Enhou clone.

hoshi_kuro.gifMatsui, entered sumo at Makushita 60 tsukedashi in March 2024, is 2-5 and makekoshi at Makushita 8E. Miyagino/Isegahama beya. Highest career rank. 

hoshi_kuro.gifIshizaki, Asakouryuu's brother is 6-1 and kachikoshi at Makushita 8W, after starting at Makushita tsukedashi 60 in Nagoya 2024. Highest career rank.

Asahakuryuu is 2-4 and makekoshi at Makushita 9W. Jonokuchi yusho in his debut basho. Mongolian. 

Kurohimeyama,  ex-Kurohimeyama's grandson, is 0-1 at Makushita 10W. KYUJO

Kyokukaiyuu, Mongolian, is 4-2 and kachikoshi at Makushita 16E. Sandanme yusho in the past. 

Mita is 5-1 and kachikoshi at Makushita 17E, started at Makushita 60 tsukedashi in Aki 2024. Highest career rank.

hoshi_shiro.gifSatorufuji is 4-3 and kachikoshi at Makushita 19E. Jonidan yusho in May 2023, Makushita yusho in Kyushu 2023. 

Inami is 4-2 and kachikoshi at Makushita 19W-highest career rank. Sandanme yusho in Nagoya 2024.

hoshi_shiro.gifGyokuouzan (Kanazawa)father half-Japanese, half-Paraguayan, mother half-Italian, half-Paraguayan is 2-5 and makekoshi at Makushita 20W, highest career rank.

hoshi_kuro.gifSeihakuhou, Mongolian ex-Hakuhou's recruit, is 2-5 and makekoshi  at Makushita 28E. Jonidan yusho Nagoya 2024. Highest career rank.

Anooshou is 5-1 and kachikoshi at Makushita 32E. Jonokuchi and Jonidan yusho lately. Ex-Aminishiki's recruit. 

Wakatakamoto is 4-2  and kachikoshi at Makushita 33W. Eldest brother of Wakatakakage and Wakamotoharu. 

hoshi_shiro.gifShunrai, ex-Tokitsukaze's 19 years old son number 2, (Kiryuukou's brother) is 3-4 and makekoshi at Makushita 43W. Jonokuchi yusho in the past. 

hoshi_shiro.gifMudouhou, ex-Taihou's other grandson (youngest) is 7-0 and kachikoshi at Makushita 44E. Makushita yusho.

hoshi_kuro.gifTokitenran, started  at Sandanme 90 tsukedashi in March 2024, is 3-4 and makekoshi at Makushita 44W.

hoshi_kuro.gifSuyama, small first ever student/graduate from Tokyo University, is 2-5 and makekoshi at Sandanme 1E. Quite a media celeb. 

hoshi_shiro.gifShimizuumi is 4-3 and kachikoshi at Sandanme 3E, Jonokuchi yusho Nagoya 2024. Jonidan yusho Aki 2024.  Highest career rank

hoshi_kuro.gifNaya, ex- Taihou's third grandson (second eldest) is 3-4 and makekoshi at Sandanme 6E. There is another grandson, Yukio, but he's a pro-wrestler.

Kototsubasa the bow twirling yumitorikishi is 2-4 and makekoshi at Sandanme 11E.

Ikazuchidou - Half Nigerian, is 4-2 and kachikoshi at Sandanme 14E. Highest career rank.

Agoura, ex- Brazilian,  Lucas Kazuo Iima, is  1-5 and makekoshi at Sandanme 45W.

hoshi_shiro.gifDewanojou, the heaviest guy in sumo (258 kilos), is 4-3 and kachikoshi at Sandanme 47W.

Furanshisu from the Philippines is 1-5 and makekoshi at Sandanme 63W.

hoshi_shiro.gifKuwae, half Philipino Justine France Pasquale is 4-3 and kachikoshi at Sandanme 74E. 

hoshi_shiro.gifIkarigata, much hyped brother of Juryo Wakaikari and son of ex- Ooikari (Kabutoyama Oyakata) is 6-1 and kachikoshi at Sandanme 80 tsukedashi this basho, his debut.

hoshi_shiro.gifShouketsu, the oldest guy in sumo (48), is 3-4 and makekoshi at Jonidan 4W.

Kazuma, another Makushita 60 tsukedashi entrant in Nagoya 2024, is at Jonidan 9W. KYUJO

hoshi_kuro.gifYoshiazuma, the tallest guy in sumo (1.96 meters) is 3-4 and makekoshi at Jonidan 43W.

hoshi_shiro.gifKousei, the shortest guy in sumo (1.60 meters) is 4-3 and kachikoshi at Jonidan 46W. Highest career rank.

Shoutaimu- Showtime! Gets on the list just for that clever shikona- is 2-1-2 at Jonidan 52W. KYUJO

Daigozakura, the bald rikishi is 2-4 and makekoshi at Jonidan 70W.

Urutora (Ultra..), the lightest guy in sumo (65 kilos) is 2-4 and makekoshi at Jonidan 92E.

hoshi_fusensho.gifKikuchithe youngest guy in sumo (15 and 11 months). is 4-1-2 and kachikoshi at Jonokuchi 6W. Highest career rank

Sawaisamu, active rikishi with most career losses, is 2-4 and makekoshi at Jonokuchi 12 E.

Tenrousei, ex-Asashouryuu's nephew is 3-0 in Maezumo.

Hikarumusashi, ex- Musashimaru's nephew, is 3-1 in Maezumo.

Kaitoma - Mark Aaron Justin Toma- Brazilian-Filipino, is 3-2 in Maezumo.

Edited by Kintamayama
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Hatsu 2025-Final Day 

Today's results

hoshi_kuro.gifKusano, started at Makushita 60 tsukedashi in May 2024 and is 4-3 and kachikoshi at Makushita 3W. Miyagino/Isegahama beya, highest career rank. Promoted to Juryo.

hoshi_shiro.gifMiyagi  is 4-3 and kachikoshi at Makushita 4E.  Enhou clone.

hoshi_kuro.gifMatsui, entered sumo at Makushita 60 tsukedashi in March 2024, is 2-5 and makekoshi at Makushita 8E. Miyagino/Isegahama beya. Highest career rank. 

hoshi_kuro.gifIshizaki, Asakouryuu's brother is 6-1 and kachikoshi at Makushita 8W, after starting at Makushita tsukedashi 60 in Nagoya 2024. Highest career rank.

hoshi_shiro.gifAsahakuryuu is 3-4 and makekoshi at Makushita 9W. Jonokuchi yusho in his debut basho. Mongolian. 

Kurohimeyama,  ex-Kurohimeyama's grandson, is 0-1 at Makushita 10W. KYUJO

hoshi_shiro.gifKyokukaiyuu, Mongolian, is 5-2 and kachikoshi at Makushita 16E. Sandanme yusho in the past. 

hoshi_shiro.gifMita is 6-1 and kachikoshi at Makushita 17E, started at Makushita 60 tsukedashi in Aki 2024. Highest career rank.

hoshi_shiro.gifSatorufuji is 4-3 and kachikoshi at Makushita 19E. Jonidan yusho in May 2023, Makushita yusho in Kyushu 2023. 

hoshi_kuro.gifInami is 4-3 and kachikoshi at Makushita 19W-highest career rank. Sandanme yusho in Nagoya 2024.

hoshi_shiro.gifGyokuouzan (Kanazawa)father half-Japanese, half-Paraguayan, mother half-Italian, half-Paraguayan is 2-5 and makekoshi at Makushita 20W, highest career rank.

hoshi_kuro.gifSeihakuhou, Mongolian ex-Hakuhou's recruit, is 2-5 and makekoshi  at Makushita 28E. Jonidan yusho Nagoya 2024. Highest career rank.

hoshi_kuro.gifAnooshou is 5-2 and kachikoshi at Makushita 32E. Jonokuchi and Jonidan yusho lately. Ex-Aminishiki's recruit. 

hoshi_kuro.gifWakatakamoto is 4-3 and kachikoshi at Makushita 33W. Eldest brother of Wakatakakage and Wakamotoharu. 

hoshi_shiro.gifShunrai, ex-Tokitsukaze's 19 years old son number 2, (Kiryuukou's brother) is 3-4 and makekoshi at Makushita 43W. Jonokuchi yusho in the past. 

hoshi_shiro.gifMudouhou, ex-Taihou's other grandson (youngest) is 7-0 and kachikoshi at Makushita 44E. Makushita yusho.

hoshi_kuro.gifTokitenran, started  at Sandanme 90 tsukedashi in March 2024, is 3-4 and makekoshi at Makushita 44W.

hoshi_kuro.gifSuyama, small first ever student/graduate from Tokyo University, is 2-5 and makekoshi at Sandanme 1E. Quite a media celeb. 

hoshi_shiro.gifShimizuumi is 4-3 and kachikoshi at Sandanme 3E, Jonokuchi yusho Nagoya 2024. Jonidan yusho Aki 2024.  Highest career rank

hoshi_kuro.gifNaya, ex- Taihou's third grandson (second eldest) is 3-4 and makekoshi at Sandanme 6E. There is another grandson, Yukio, but he's a pro-wrestler.

hoshi_kuro.gifKototsubasa the bow twirling yumitorikishi is 2-5 and makekoshi at Sandanme 11E.

hoshi_shiro.gifIkazuchidou - Half Nigerian, is 5-2 and kachikoshi at Sandanme 14E. Highest career rank.

hoshi_kuro.gifAgoura, ex- Brazilian,  Lucas Kazuo Iima, is  1-6 and makekoshi at Sandanme 45W.

hoshi_shiro.gifDewanojou, the heaviest guy in sumo (258 kilos), is 4-3 and kachikoshi at Sandanme 47W.

hoshi_kuro.gifFuranshisu from the Philippines is 1-6 and makekoshi at Sandanme 63W.

hoshi_shiro.gifKuwae, half Philipino Justine France Pasquale is 4-3 and kachikoshi at Sandanme 74E. 

hoshi_shiro.gifIkarigata, much hyped brother of Juryo Wakaikari and son of ex- Ooikari (Kabutoyama Oyakata) is 6-1 and kachikoshi at Sandanme 80 tsukedashi this basho, his debut.

hoshi_shiro.gifShouketsu, the oldest guy in sumo (48), is 3-4 and makekoshi at Jonidan 4W.

Kazuma, another Makushita 60 tsukedashi entrant in Nagoya 2024, is at Jonidan 9W. KYUJO

hoshi_kuro.gifYoshiazuma, the tallest guy in sumo (1.96 meters) is 3-4 and makekoshi at Jonidan 43W.

hoshi_shiro.gifKousei, the shortest guy in sumo (1.60 meters) is 4-3 and kachikoshi at Jonidan 46W. Highest career rank.

Shoutaimu- Showtime! Gets on the list just for that clever shikona- is 2-1-4 at Jonidan 52W. KYUJO

hoshi_kuro.gifDaigozakura, the bald rikishi is 2-5 and makekoshi at Jonidan 70W.

hoshi_kuro.gifUrutora (Ultra..), the lightest guy in sumo (65 kilos) is 2-5 and makekoshi at Jonidan 92E.

hoshi_fusensho.gifKikuchithe youngest guy in sumo (15 and 11 months). is 4-1-2 and kachikoshi at Jonokuchi 6W. Highest career rank

hoshi_kuro.gifSawaisamu, active rikishi with most career losses, is 2-5 and makekoshi at Jonokuchi 12 E.

Tenrousei, ex-Asashouryuu's nephew is 3-0 in Maezumo.

Hikarumusashi, ex- Musashimaru's nephew, is 3-1 in Maezumo.

Kaitoma - Mark Aaron Justin Toma- Brazilian-Filipino, is 3-2 in Maezumo.

Edited 15 hours ago by Kintamayama
Edited by Kintamayama
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