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Banzuke Surfing November 2020 (16th Wave)

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Final Standings November Basho and Rank Estimates for Hatsu:

In the end, it was quite easy for sidelined Terarno to defend his top spot. Most surfers expected their board to go faster.

Rank Shikona              Surfs                   Position      Standing  Rank Estimate
1.   Terarno*             DNP(1st)                Ms53e         N/A       Ms53e        
2.   Unkonoyama**         Hayatefuji              Sd22e         4-3       Sd7          
3.   Oortael***           Hayatefuji              Sd22e         4-3       Sd7          
4.   Mmikasazuma***       Hayatefuji              Sd22e         4-3       Sd7          
5.   Sakura***            Hayatefuji              Sd22e         4-3       Sd7          
6.   Ganzohnesushi**      Hayatefuji/Kagamio      Sd22e/Sd23w   4-3/0-3-4 Sd7          
7.   Holleshoryu***       Hayatefuji              Sd22e         4-3       Sd7          
8.   chishafuwaku***      Hayatefuji              Sd22e         4-3       Sd7          
9.   Achiyama***          Hayatefuji              Sd22e         4-3       Sd7          
10.  WAKATAKE***          Taiyo                   Sd72w         6-1       Sd17         
11.  Ryoshishokunin***    DNP(1st)                Sd21e         N/A       Sd21e        
12.  kuroimori***         DNP(1st)                Sd21e         N/A       Sd21e        
13.  Jakusotsu***         Shishi                  Sd81w         6-1       Sd21         
14.  Hironoumi***         Kagamio                 Sd23w         0-3-4     Sd73         
15.  Andoreasu***         Kagamio                 Sd23w         0-3-4     Sd73         
16.  Shinobi Steve***     Shimoyama               Jd60w         6-1       Sd91         
17.  themistyseas***      Shimoyama               Jd60w         6-1       Sd91         
18.  Houmanumi***         Hozan                   Sd84w         3-3-1     Sd99         
19.  Wamahada**           Kisenoumi               Sd95e         2-5       Jd25         
20.  Jejima***            Garyu                   Jd20w         2-5       Jd50         
21.  ChickyStarr***       Shori                   Jd15w         0-0-7     Jd75         
22.  Athenayama***        Urutora                 Jd104e        2-5       Jd120        


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