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Invitation for Makushita Game: Nagoya 2022

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Hello players,

I hope that many of you will consider playing Makushita Game (again, or for a first time). Unfortunately, I am very busy these days so I finished the Nagoya Banzuke only minutes ago, hoping that Doitsuyama will have the time to upload it in time.

By the way, with 39 players it is the largest banzuke in MsGame history! Four more, and we are going to have a tiny Juryo division!

On another note, MsGame has always been quite lopsided with some players consistently scoring KK and some players quite consistently scoring MK. As a consequence, the top ranks get more and more crowded. This time I was unable to keep the sanyaku at my preferred maximum number of 12 players. Therefore I have decided to install a new scoring routine that follows Asashosakari's approach (for Sekitori-Oracle, I believe): different scoring systems for the upper and the lower part of the banzuke. I am not sure yet how many players I will count towards the upper half, but maybe I can get some advise from Asashosakari on that.


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After conferring with Asashosakari I made the following decisions:

  • The new scoring rules are for the time being. Generally, I would prefer the old system, so it might be that I'll switch back when it allows me to keep the sanyaku at the maximum of 12 players.
  • For the standings, including the yusho decision, the old system will be kept. The new scoring will ONLY be applied for banzuke making purposes. I will post final W/L records after the basho.
  • The cutoff between joi and lower Maegashira will be made after M4.
  • The new W/L computation will also be applied to W/L-relevant decisions (like Ozeki promotion or re-promotion). That could be tough luck for Oskanohana who was demoted from Ozeki after Natsu Basho, and needs 10 wins for re-promotion. Sorry, Oscar! As compensation, I will keep my fingers crossed that you'll get the 10 wins with the new system! :)
  • Confused 1

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29 minutes ago, Randomitsuki said:
  • The new W/L computation will also be applied to W/L-relevant decisions (like Ozeki promotion or re-promotion). That could be tough luck for Oskanohana who was demoted from Ozeki after Natsu Basho, and needs 10 wins for re-promotion. Sorry, Oscar! As compensation, I will keep my fingers crossed that you'll get the 10 wins with the new system! :)

No worries. I'll just change my shikona to Miyabiyama so you have further reasons to deny my promotion (Bow...)

(BTW, it seems fair to me, no problem there)

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Well done to Itachiyama and Oskanohana for the 14 wins (out of 15) on Day 1. Has someone ever went 15-0 on any day on this game?

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On 09/07/2022 at 20:12, Oskanohana said:

No worries. I'll just change my shikona to Miyabiyama so you have further reasons to deny my promotion (Bow...)

Oh, boy, it seems to me my score is as fringy as it can be. Not even a jun-yusho will save me?
Shall I name myself Miyabikeumi thus creating a paradox where I cannot be promoted nor demoted?

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Oh, my goodness... Couldn't you have just got a plain MK? (Laughing...)

I hate it to break my own rules. With the old system, you would have managed re-promotion with a 10-5. With the new system, your score is only good for a 9-6 in upper Makuuchi. And yet, it feels totally odd to prevent re-promotion after a jun-yusho...

Here is my salomonic decree (after all, this is not real sumo, and I can decide unusual things on the spot): You will be re-promoted as Ozeki, but with a virtual "kadoban" status. In other words, if you manage to get a KK (after the new rules) in upper Makuuchi next time, you'll be safe. If you fail to achieve that, it's down to Sekiwake again. I guess that my solution will cause some raised eyebrows, but it's always difficult to change something mid-system. So I hope for your understanding. 

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After this mess is kinda sorted out (depending on potential complaints about my erratic decisions), here are the results for Nagoya Basho:

Yokozuna Andoreasu won the Nagoya edition of Makushita Game with relative ease. Andrasoyama, Oskanohana, and Beeftank settle for the jun-yusho.

Here is how to find out about your win-loss record:

If you've been M4 or higher, take your final win points, subtract half a point and round up where necessary.

If you've been M5 or lower, take your final win points, add 1.5 points and round down where necessary.

That being said, the KK/MK line in the upper echelons runs between Torafujii (8-7) and Shatsume (7-8). In the lower group, the line runs between Holleshoryu (8-7) and Zannah (6-9).

Here are the sansho:

The shukun-sho goes to Kitanoyama. Like two other eligible players, he had Yoshii (7-0) and Kinbozan (6-1) in his squad, and cuts the deal with his pick of Hokutenkai in 8th bracket.

The kanto-sho goes to Andrasoyama and Oskanohana with 62 wins.

The gino-sho goes to Holleshoryu with 20.11 points. His main point getters were Oyamatoumi (4.00), Tomiyutaka (4.00), and Tochikamiyama (3.00).

  • Thanks 1

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2 hours ago, Randomitsuki said:

Here is my salomonic decree (after all, this is not real sumo, and I can decide unusual things on the spot): You will be re-promoted as Ozeki, but with a virtual "kadoban" status. In other words, if you manage to get a KK (after the new rules) in upper Makuuchi next time, you'll be safe. If you fail to achieve that, it's down to Sekiwake again. I guess that my solution will cause some raised eyebrows, but it's always difficult to change something mid-system. So I hope for your understanding. 

And this, boys and girls, is how the legend of Schrödinger Miyabikeumi started. He lived in perennial superposition, being kadoban and sekiwake-zeki at the same time. You couldn't even collapse the wave function by looking under his mawashi.

  • Haha 2

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