Asashosakari 19,427 Posted August 28, 2022 Makuuchi Terunofuji Y --- Takakeisho O Shodai --- O Mitakeumi Wakatakakage S Hoshoryu Daieisho S --- Abi K Ichinojo --- K Kiribayama Tobizaru M1 Midorifuji Kotonowaka M2 Meisei Tamawashi M3 Ura Nishikigi M4 Takayasu Takarafuji M5 Sadanoumi Wakamotoharu M6 Endo Aoiyama M7 Onosho Tochinoshin M8 Hokutofuji Myogiryu M9 Kotoeko Nishikifuji M10 Takanosho Kotoshoho M11 Chiyotairyu Okinoumi M12 Ryuden Ichiyamamoto M13 Oho Chiyoshoma M14 Yutakayama Terutsuyoshi M15 Tsurugisho Mitoryu M16 Hiradoumi 4 5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Asashosakari 19,427 Posted August 28, 2022 (edited) Juryo Shimanoumi J1 Chiyomaru Chiyonokuni J2 Azumaryu Atamifuji J3 Tohakuryu Kagayaki J4 Bushozan Hidenoumi J5 Asanowaka Akua J6 Churanoumi Kotokuzan J7 Enho Daiamami J8 Daishoho Hokuseiho J9 Kaisho Shimazuumi J10 Tokushoryu Chiyosakae J11 Kitanowaka Gonoyama J12 Kinbozan Oshoma J13 Tochimaru Tochimusashi J14 Takakento Edited August 28, 2022 by Asashosakari 2 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Asashosakari 19,427 Posted August 28, 2022 (edited) Makushita-joi Kaisei Ms1 Roga Tomokaze Ms2 Yago Yoshii Ms3 Daishomaru Tsushimanada Ms4 Tsukahara Fujiseiun Ms5 Shonannoumi Kamito Ms6 Chiyonoumi Shiden Ms7 Tokihayate Tochiseiryu Ms8 Hakuyozan Chiyonoo Ms9 Tamashoho Ishiura Ms10 Oshoryu Shishi Ms11 Akiseyama Suzuki Ms12 Hokutenkai Kainoshima Ms13 Kotoyusho Tsurubayashi Ms14 Tochikamiyama Asanoyama Ms15 Chiyoarashi Edited August 28, 2022 by Asashosakari 2 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Asashosakari 19,427 Posted August 28, 2022 (edited) Makushita Nishinoryu Ms16 IshizakiMukainakano Ms17 DewanoryuNionoumi Ms18 IchikiTanabe Ms19 KitaharimaHikarifuji Ms20 TochikodaiKanzaki Ms21 SasakiyamaOki Ms22 KiryukoKitadaichi Ms23 KotoozutsuFujitoshi Ms24 DaikishoRyuo Ms25 AsagyokuseiHayatefuji Ms26 KotohaguroChiyotora Ms27 MineyaibaYuma Ms28 OtsujiKairyu Ms29 AsakokiTochinobori Ms30 HamayutakaOsanai Ms31 InoueKototsubasa Ms32 OnojoHokutoshu Ms33 JokoryuArauma Ms34 ShujiTokunomusashi Ms35 HoshuzanDaiseiryu Ms36 NobeharaHokaho Ms37 MiyagiKirinofuji Ms38 MishimaRyusei Ms39 KotodaigoKamitani Ms40 WakatakamotoFukai Ms41 OyamatoumiChiyooga Ms42 AkinoyamaYuki Ms43 NarutakiHakuonada Ms44 OkinofujiOmoto Ms45 TomiyutakaShohoryu Ms46 AsabenkeiFujiazuma Ms47 NihonyanagiTosamidori Ms48 SadanohikariTokisoma Ms49 NabatameOkinohama Ms50 SuguroOginosho Ms51 AwanokuniKaishin Ms52 AkitobaTokinohira Ms53 YutakashoTaiyo Ms54 ShoseiOginohama Ms55 HokutomaruAsonoyama Ms56 SetonoumiMasuminato Ms57 RaoDaihisho Ms58 ChiyonokatsuChiyoraizan Ms59 AzumashoHatsuyama Ms60 Fujinowaka Sandanme Dewanojo Sd1 KotodairyuHaruminato Sd2 DewataikaiWakenosato Sd3 HodakaWakazakura Sd4 AsatenmaiMaikeru Sd5 HatookaAkiyoshi Sd6 KaiseijoKotoryusei Sd7 KayoKotodaishin Sd8 HinataryuNaya Sd9 RaihoOnokura Sd10 DaiseizanTennozan Sd11 MochizukiDaishoki Sd12 KototaikiWayama Sd13 KototebakariKotakiyama Sd14 ItadakiKiyonoumi Sd15 SazanamiAozora Sd16 HanafusaKaishinmaru Sd17 DenumaKyoda Sd18 DainichidoMoji Sd19 ObaraMitozakura Sd20 NishikikuniKotonofuji Sd21 TaigaGoshimaru Sd22 MudohoGenkaiho Sd23 SuioHokutoiwa Sd24 KototakuyaAsahanshin Sd25 IenoshimaKaigo Sd26 SakaiTakeoka Sd27 KinotsukasaKeitenkai Sd28 TaranamiShinohara Sd29 TatsukiHamanoumi Sd30 KyokushoriKumanoryu Sd31 WakakinshoOhata Sd32 MurayamaWakanosho Sd33 DairaidoChiyotaiho Sd34 HidanoTanakayama Sd35 KisenoumiSeigo Sd36 KenyuTosashimizu Sd37 HogashoKawabuchi Sd38 ToshoyamaAsanojo Sd39 SakabayashiShoketsu Sd40 TeraoumiNagata Sd41 MatsudaShoji Sd42 BiganzanHitachigo Sd43 DaishoseiHakuomaru Sd44 RyutsukasaHokuyozan Sd45 MukaidaAsashinjo Sd46 SaidaijiAmane Sd47 EbisumaruIeshima Sd48 TokitoraKotokenryu Sd49 FujiibukiOba Sd50 AraoyamaKotetsu Sd51 MakioKatsunofuji Sd52 HokutoryuRyuseiyama Sd53 BarakiAkatsuki Sd54 AsakiryuKenshin Sd55 TakabayamaYoshiazuma Sd56 SenhoOka Sd57 MihamaumiShunrai Sd58 TokinosatoHarunishiki Sd59 ChiyohokkaiMiyata Sd60 TsunekawaHitoshi Sd61 SuzakiHokutosakae Sd62 KojikaraTsugaruumi Sd63 HonmaTochigidake Sd64 YokomaruKaorufuji Sd65 DaiyushoFuranshisu Sd66 SaionjiKanryu Sd67 MeikoTanji Sd68 YamenosatoYurikisho Sd69 NishikinoryuChiyotenfu Sd70 KomanokuniNishida Sd71 DaishomuneToukiryu Sd72 TakashokiAoi Sd73 GoseiryuKazekeno Sd74 MarushoAsahabataki Sd75 KawamuraGinseizan Sd76 SatsumashoKotonoshu Sd77 TokioOshoumi Sd78 AratakayamaTakakurayama Sd79 KitanomineSadanokuni Sd80 ToseiryuInaba Sd81 SakuraiKaizen Sd82 AsanotosaKaiyuma Sd83 AsaoboraAkatora Sd84 WakaazumaWakamiyabi Sd85 HokutoyakumoKakutaiki Sd86 MaenofujiMusashiumi Sd87 DewanosoraChiyoyamato Sd88 TakanoTakanoryu Sd89 ChiyotaiyoAsashiyu Sd90 Tochihayate Jonidan Ryubumaru Jd1 ChuraShinyashiki Jd2 NakashimaSekizuka Jd3 AmakazeWakahizen Jd4 GenbumaruSouga Jd5 NakaishiTochinoshima Jd6 KototaigaArise Jd7 KayatoiwaKiryu Jd8 KyokuhozanSato Jd9 MotokiyamaHamadayama Jd10 HayashiryuRinko Jd11 AronYoshino Jd12 HaganeChiyokozan Jd13 HienrikiHokutonami Jd14 IshiiKoshinoryu Jd15 AyaminatoDaijo Jd16 FukuazumaAkisada Jd17 ChiyotaiseiHakuyo Jd18 KotoegashiraFukuminato Jd19 MinorufujiMogamizakura Jd20 HatachijoDenzan Jd21 MatsugashimaIitsuka Jd22 TsukubayamaKainowaka Jd23 OjiyamaKoki Jd24 HiroseMiyanofuji Jd25 KaitomaNakai Jd26 MiyakogawaKototora Jd27 YamanaOuzakura Jd28 IshiazumaAnzai Jd29 KurokageZuitenryu Jd30 TochikasugaMimurodake Jd31 ChiyoresshiIko Jd32 ChiyotaikoTatsuosho Jd33 TakasuWakatanaka Jd34 MabuchiAsakoga Jd35 ShogunKyokutaiga Jd36 ShimanishikiKyokutaisei Jd37 TaniguchiYusui Jd38 YamatoBushi Jd39 OgitoraDaikinryu Jd40 IzumigawaRoman Jd41 TeneiAsasorai Jd42 KazutoFujinotani Jd43 HamasuRyuseio Jd44 TakahashiKazunofuji Jd45 TakatsukasaKotomyozan Jd46 MichihayaShunkaku Jd47 MatsumotoIto Jd48 AsashoreiAsaazuma Jd49 KyokumizunoChiyotensho Jd50 AiChiyoshishi Jd51 KirizakuraTakabaho Jd52 FujimusashiDaishimatsu Jd53 KototaiseiGaia Jd54 TochimitsuruTanimoto Jd55 AmamidakeKokuryunami Jd56 SonoshunKiyota Jd57 YukiamamiDaisho Jd58 NoguchiHokutoizumi Jd59 NishikimaruByakuen Jd60 TakataishoKenho Jd61 SetoyutakaDaishohama Jd62 SuyamaMogaminishiki Jd63 WatataniYasunishi Jd64 NaniwamusashiSatsumao Jd65 SawayakaOkunidake Jd66 HokutoshioKirinohana Jd67 KiyonohanaOkuniyama Jd68 KogomaruFujiyuho Jd69 FubuTamatensho Jd70 ShishimaruAsahimaru Jd71 MasakifujiTakeazuma Jd72 MoriOatari Jd73 ChiyodaigoTsukioka Jd74 MiyabiSuonada Jd75 DairinzanAkinishiki Jd76 HokutoshinKinseiryu Jd77 HokutoyoshiSatonofuji Jd78 KotokihoChiyotsurugi Jd79 AdachiKanazawa Jd80 HishuyamaJokoki Jd81 DetachiNishikiori Jd82 WakasaShoran Jd83 ManiwayamaTsurunoumi Jd84 WakatozakuraAzumanami Jd85 BoshuyamaWakaikki Jd86 TsubakifujiHigonoryu Jd87 ToshunryuTamanowaka Jd88 NishikioWakaonehara Jd89 IkazuchidoWatanabe Jd90 TakemaruTenichi Jd91 AoifujiOshozan Jd92 MihonoumiMatsugi Jd93 KyokushozanChikureisen Jd94 TsuyasatoKaihiryu Jd95 KirimaruZuiko Jd96 OkanojoSadanojo Jd97 ChiyooumeNihonmatsu Jd98 TerunosatoAsanoshima Jd99 TatsunoumiAsadoji Jd100 FujinoteruShoryudo Jd101 SawadaChiyofuku Jd102 ShinzanMasutani Jd103 DaitenshoKyonosato Jd104 HokutosatoYoshinofuji Jd105 AzumayamaMatsuzawa Jd106 KogaDaitenshin Jd107 Sakura Jonokuchi Wakayamanaka Jk1 OyamazakuraTamanotora Jk2 TakaarashiSatotanaka Jk3 NajimaYamada Jk4 WakaseiToramusashi Jk5 SawaisamuMoriurara Jk6 AgazumazakuraKotofuno Jk7 TakatairikuTeraosho Jk8 WakaarataOyamada Jk9 SanoNishihara Jk10 YamadaumiSoga Jk11 TairikuyamaChikunokura Jk12 TsugunohanaFujinonami Jk13 UrutoraWakayahara Jk14 ShokeimaSawanofuji Jk15 HokuozanWakakaneko Jk16 OtaniOkuyama Jk17 SachinofujiItakozakura Jk18 HigohikariHamasaki Jk19 --- (New shikona in red.) Edited August 28, 2022 by Asashosakari 2 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kintamayama 45,208 Posted August 28, 2022 So Endou gets demoted one spot with 3 wins and Takanoshou gets demoted 9 spots with one win? Wow, glad I didn't enter this time- I would have gotten a -10. 1 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Yubinhaad 11,712 Posted August 28, 2022 (edited) Again a short list of shikona changes, just one more than last basho. Shin-Juryo Kanno's change to Tochimusashi was announced along with his promotion shortly after the Nagoya basho. Two of the other changes come from Asahiyama-beya. A year after reverting to his family name, Sugawara now takes his second proper shikona, Harunishiki. The first kanji is not often used in shikona but I like it, and the reading of Haru is unusual as well. Anyway, he has also changed the given name to Yoshinobu. His stablemate Nishikiryu makes an addition to his existing shikona, simply adding 'no' to the middle. He also changes the given name, but in his case it now matches his real given name of Ryusei. Lastly, Asakayama-beya's Kairo has reverted to his earlier shikona of Kaitoma, the latter two kanji being those of his family name. J14e Kanno > Tochimusashi (栃武蔵, とちむさし) Sd59e Sugawara Sho > Harunishiki Yoshinobu (悠錦 義信, はるにしき よしのぶ) Sd69w Nishikiryu Yusei > Nishikinoryu Ryusei (錦乃竜 龍星, にしきのりゅう りゅうせい) Jd25w Kairo > Kaitoma (魁當真, かいとうま) One rikishi changes the given name only: Jd35e Asakoga Keita > Kingoro (金五郎, きんごろう) Two rikishi with late-stage arasoi action in Nagoya had given names added to their profiles which need adding to the database. Both backdated to the start of their career. Jd11e Rinko Yoshikazu (寛一, よしかず) Jd42w Kazuto Ko (幸, こう) Edited August 28, 2022 by Yubinhaad 2 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kujo 116 Posted August 28, 2022 (edited) 3 hours ago, Kintamayama said: So Endou gets demoted one spot with 3 wins and Takanoshou gets demoted 9 spots with one win? Wow, glad I didn't enter this time- I would have gotten a -10. Sometimes you eat the bear, so times it bearly eats you. This time the bear chewed me up, spit me out, and then the stomped all over the pieces that were left. That must have been a fun (drunken) night in the izakaya where they drew up that mess. Either that or they wore a blindfold and threw darts at a wall (probably the same izakaya) with the shikonas on it to make the picks. Edited August 29, 2022 by Kujo 2 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hoshotakamoto 259 Posted August 28, 2022 (edited) I see that just for fun they went ahead and adopted the heuristic I would have endorsed in the July banzuke with 3 and 3. Well at any rate this is my first official GTB kyujo just when I was about to have my 6th (or 7th) submission. Might as well just submit the banzuke's I agree with for the next year as opposed to the ones I expect them to use. EDIT: oh boy, so in the 12 day tournament where Tobizaru finished 8-4 and Kotonowaka pulled out 2 days early at 7-3, we were forced to promoted Tobizaru ahead of Kotonowaka by virtue of the fact that Tobi would have finished above a .500 win percentage in a hypothetical 15 day competition. good application of math and logic! Edited August 28, 2022 by Hoshotakamoto 2 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gurowake 4,088 Posted August 29, 2022 Let's just acknowledge that the rankings were updated and move on. 4 5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ack! 469 Posted August 29, 2022 This is an embarassment to sumo. I should have known when there was talk of "fairness" in making the banzuke that there wouldn't be any. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kishinoyama 595 Posted August 29, 2022 59 minutes ago, Ack! said: This is an embarassment to sumo. I should have known when there was talk of "fairness" in making the banzuke that there wouldn't be any. Honestly, it seems like several rikishi get, let me try and be politically correct, "bad banzuke luck" when every banzuke is released. Let me clear by saying it is not necessarily the same rikishi all of the time. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nantonoyama 252 Posted August 29, 2022 If they don't make clearer statements for next tournament, any guy with a bad start will be very keen to get covid (or a positive test, no matter if real) 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Akinomaki 40,622 Posted August 29, 2022 (edited) First time since Hatsu 1999 a banzuke with 3 sekiwake and 3 komusubi, 6 lower sanyaku was last in Kyushu 2019 o New sekiwake Hoshoryu o o o o return komusubi Ichinojo had an online press conference o o o o o new makuuchi Mitoryu, with Nishikido oyakata o o o o new makuuchi Hiradoumi, from Nagasaki pref. like Sakaigawa oyakata, the first from there since Sadanofuji Kyushu 2011 oo o o o vid Edited August 29, 2022 by Akinomaki Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
just_some_guy 280 Posted August 29, 2022 Bummer for Mitoryu that he won't be able to go for the "most consecutive basho in Juryo" record anymore. Always seemed like that was his goal. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rocks 1,809 Posted August 29, 2022 5 hours ago, Akinomaki said: First time since Hatsu 1999 a banzuke with 3 sekiwake and 3 komusubi, 6 lower sanyaku was last in Kyushu 2019 Well, I figured that right, only I thought Ichinojo would get the sekiwake slot. Kind of weird they thought they needed to promote Hoshoryu when his only real sanyaku win was against fellow Komusubi Abi. You would think that if they felt they needed to promote Hoshoryu they would have just made a fourth Sekiwake slot for Ichinojo and gone with 2 Komusubi. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Oskanohana 261 Posted August 29, 2022 (edited) 21 hours ago, Kintamayama said: So Endou gets demoted one spot with 3 wins and Takanoshou gets demoted 9 spots with one win? Wow, glad I didn't enter this time- I would have gotten a -10. I was thinking this also, but then I remembered that Takanoshou actually went kyujo but not because of covid, so he must have been treated as a regular 1-14 record. Meanwhile Endo was a 3-9 and....I don't know, they counted it as a 6-9?...and even by that standard they were generous. By the way, I forgot this Takanosho fact and put him as M3e in my 8th placed guess for this basho. That GTB game is just great. Edited August 29, 2022 by Oskanohana Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Reonito 1,470 Posted August 29, 2022 6 hours ago, just_some_guy said: Bummer for Mitoryu that he won't be able to go for the "most consecutive basho in Juryo" record anymore. Always seemed like that was his goal. Speaking of which, what is the record? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Katooshu 3,251 Posted August 29, 2022 (edited) I think it's Sawakaze, with a mighty 39 Edited August 29, 2022 by Katooshu 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Koorifuu 1,003 Posted August 29, 2022 1 hour ago, Katooshu said: I think it's Sawakaze, with a mighty 39 Minor caveat, but with 36 slots in juryo as opposed to 28, Sawakaze had considerable more leeway and arguably had it slightly easier. 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gurowake 4,088 Posted August 29, 2022 (edited) Somewhat remarkably given the general tenor of Reddit, there doesn't seem to be much consternation there about the banzuke. I attribute that to the fact that most of them only have a very vague idea of how the banzuke usually works. Not a single person complaining about Ichiyamamoto though, and there's currently 60 comments. One comment about Endo. The only thing that it seems like someone was angry at in principle was the promotion of Hoshoryu, despite the fact that there was very clear precedent with Asanoyama that in strange situations they possibly won't treat certain Sekiwake as blocking promotion. Edited August 29, 2022 by Gurowake 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bakayokozuna 52 Posted August 29, 2022 I have a hard time seeing our two M1 do well that high in the banzuke. I mean that expended sanyaku group looks great and there are guys better than them behind (kotonowaka, takayasu...) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Katooshu 3,251 Posted August 29, 2022 (edited) 1 hour ago, Koorifuu said: Minor caveat, but with 36 slots in juryo as opposed to 28, Sawakaze had considerable more leeway and arguably had it slightly easier. True, though others who came along more recently also had more consecutive juryo basho than Mitoryu Credit to WAKATAKE for the list Most Consecutive Basho in Juryo (6BPY) 1. 39 - Sawakaze (3/1960~7/1966) 2. 34 - Tomonohana (3/1996~9/2001) 3. 30 - Kochi (11/1958~9/1963) 3. 30 - Tochiisami (1/1975~11/1979) 3. 30 - Hakuryu (5/1979~3/1984) 3. 30 - Toyonoumi (5/1994~3/1999) 7. 29 - Azumanishiki (11/1962~7/1967) Edited August 29, 2022 by Katooshu 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sue 508 Posted August 29, 2022 10 hours ago, Akinomaki said: First time since Hatsu 1999 a banzuke with 3 sekiwake and 3 komusubi, 6 lower sanyaku was last in Kyushu 2019 And three Ozeki, for symmetry. If we had two more Yokozuna, we'd have four of a kind. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Asashosakari 19,427 Posted August 29, 2022 (edited) (Moved over from the GTB thread.) 3 hours ago, Reonito said: 19 hours ago, Yarimotsu said: The covid absences of those with 8 wins or losses are removed entirely from their score in calculating a win-loss differential to move that rikishi up or down a certain amount. I don't think that's what they actually did. As @Gurowake and @Sumo Spiffy also noted, it looks roughly like for those with 8+ wins they assumed all the absences were losses, and for those with 8+ losses they assumed the absences were wins. 19 hours ago, Yarimotsu said: Oh, and obviously Endo's rank is egregious but there's always one. Endo's placement is consistent with this interpretation, as is Nishikigi's. I don't know about that. At the very least, how Endo and Hokutofuji were treated then implies inconsistency in how they looked at the fusenpai. They don't seem to have tossed it out for Hokutofuji, because to do so would mean a 7-8 record for him but he fell below Tochinoshin's real 7-8. On the contrary, if the fusenpai were counted as a loss for Endo as well (and the other absences as wins), he'd be 5-10 and should have fallen below Aoiyama, rather than stayed between Wakamotoharu and Aoiyama's nearby 6-9 records. Elsewhere it does appear that they've consistently treated the fusenpai as a loss in the sekitori divisions, and then let the usual banzuke luck take hold so that e.g. Tamawashi stayed put with 8 losses (like Ura and Sadanoumi also did in the joi) while Tsurugisho dropped with 8 (like Chiyoshoma also did down low). However, then in juryo it's all even more messy with Azumaryu and Kaisho demoted slightly with records that weren't MK even with the fusen. I guess Kaisho can be excused simply because he's in a very crunched banzuke area, but I don't see why they dropped Azumaryu when space was still plentiful in his zone. It's almost like they tried to treat those two consistently even though it required breaking away from what they did in makuuchi. Then in the lower divisions, it looks like the fusenpai were consistently treated as not MK-clinching; all the guys with 2-4-1 records after three real losses stayed at their ranks. (Edit: Ditto everybody who finished 3-4 with a Covid fusen.) They messed up elsewhere, though; there are two further 2-4-1's who had four real losses + Covid exit, Kaihiryu and Kotofuno, and while they did both get demoted as one would expect, Kaihiryu seemingly got 3-4 treatment for the absence while Kotofuno got 2-5. I haven't yet looked at how much sense the promotions and demotions are making for all the other guys who had clinched KK or MK already before they were taken out. ----- Commiserations to Daiamami who also got caught out by the mid-low juryo crunch and might as well have finished with a full 2-13; his new rank doesn't look much like a 4-11 equivalent (let alone a 5-10, if he'd received his stablemate Endo's apparent treatment). And since nobody has explicitly mentioned it yet - after having fought to a 6-2 record, Ichiyamamoto is now two spots closer to juryo than he was. That's just splendid. Edited August 29, 2022 by Asashosakari 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Reonito 1,470 Posted August 29, 2022 43 minutes ago, Asashosakari said: (Moved over from the GTB thread.) I don't know about that. At the very least, how Endo and Hokutofuji were treated then implies inconsistency in how they looked at the fusenpai. They don't seem to have tossed it out for Hokutofuji, because to do so would mean a 7-8 record for him but he fell below Tochinoshin's real 7-8. On the contrary, if the fusenpai were counted as a loss for Endo as well (and the other absences as wins), he'd be 5-10 and should have fallen below Aoiyama, rather than stayed between Wakamotoharu and Aoiyama's nearby 6-9 records. Elsewhere it does appear that they've consistently treated the fusenpai as a loss in the sekitori divisions, and then let the usual banzuke luck take hold so that e.g. Tamawashi stayed put with 8 losses (like Ura and Sadanoumi also did in the joi) while Tsurugisho dropped with 8 (like Chiyoshoma also did down low). However, then in juryo it's all even more messy with Azumaryu and Kaisho demoted slightly with records that weren't MK even with the fusen. I guess Kaisho can be excused simply because he's in a very crunched banzuke area, but I don't see why they dropped Azumaryu when space was still plentiful in his zone. It's almost like they tried to treat those two consistently even though it required breaking away from what they did in makuuchi. Then in the lower divisions, it looks like the fusenpai were consistently treated as not MK-clinching; all the guys with 2-4-1 records after three real losses stayed at their ranks. (Edit: Ditto everybody who finished 3-4 with a Covid fusen.) They messed up elsewhere, though; there are two further 2-4-1's who had four real losses + Covid exit, Kaihiryu and Kotofuno, and while they did both get demoted as one would expect, Kaihiryu seemingly got 3-4 treatment for the absence while Kotofuno got 2-5. I haven't yet looked at how much sense the promotions and demotions are making for all the other guys who had clinched KK or MK already before they were taken out. ----- Commiserations to Daiamami who also got caught out by the mid-low juryo crunch and might as well have finished with a full 2-13; his new rank doesn't look much like a 4-11 equivalent (let alone a 5-10, if he'd received his stablemate Endo's apparent treatment). And since nobody has explicitly mentioned it yet - after having fought to a 6-2 record, Ichiyamamoto is now two spots closer to juryo than he was. That's just splendid. I don't think there is a single logic to the whole thing that was applied consistently throughout (which, of course is also true for more conventional banzuke), but the notion of padding out MK/KK COVID-kyujo records with wins/losses respectively helped me make sense of several decisions that seem inexplicable otherwise. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites