
Need help contacting Sumomuseum

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for years i am collecting basho programs

i would have some specific question to the nsk about them (thought that sumomuseum would be the department to contact)

maybe somone here might know who to contact and is able to write to them in japanese to increase the chance for an answer

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What are your specific questions?  I have a sumo friend in Japan who gets the programs for me (through regular sources).  Although I don't think he would have time to write a letter, he might be able to direct you to the right entity to contact.

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1 hour ago, sumojoann said:

What are your specific questions?  I have a sumo friend in Japan who gets the programs for me (through regular sources).  Although I don't think he would have time to write a letter, he might be able to direct you to the right entity to contact.

thanks for the offer

i was thinking email and not  letter...but as we know nsk, the letter might be the only choice

my questions would be

1. when did the basho programs with pics fo the rikishi start? (have never seen any pre-1971)

2. were there programs on non-tokyo basho before 1975? (never seen any)

3 . did they print 2011 haru and natsu? 

4. were there prints for 2020 haru and natsu?


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1 hour ago, Gernobono said:

thanks for the offer

i was thinking email and not  letter...but as we know nsk, the letter might be the only choice

my questions would be

1. when did the basho programs with pics fo the rikishi start? (have never seen any pre-1971)

2. were there programs on non-tokyo basho before 1975? (never seen any)

3 . did they print 2011 haru and natsu? 

4. were there prints for 2020 haru and natsu?


Don't know the answers to your first 2 questions. 

No program for Haru 2011 (basho canceled due to match-fixing investigation).  No program for Natsu 2011 (basho held but was not treated as a full-fledged honbasho.  No prize money or trophies awarded). 

There is a program for Haru 2020 (no spectators due to Covid).  Tokushoryu, who won the Hatsu basho 2020 is on the cover of the Haru 2020 program.  No program for Natsu 2020 (basho canceled due to Covid).

@Akinomakiand/or some other knowledgeable members of the Forum might know the answers to your first 2 questions.

I recommend you change the title of this thread to "Need information about sumo programs."

P.S.  You have a very nice collection!  My collection goes back to Jan 2004, but is not complete.  I only started collecting in 2013.  I am missing a few, mainly Kyushu, which I understand are sometimes hard to get.

Edited by sumojoann
Correction re program for Haru 2020
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2 hours ago, Gernobono said:

1. when did the basho programs with pics fo the rikishi start? (have never seen any pre-1971)



2. were there programs on non-tokyo basho before 1975? (never seen any)

Not that we are aware of. At least not like those thereafter.


3 . did they print 2011 haru and natsu? 

The poster for 2011 March was printed but they don't seem to have printed the pamphlet. If they did it was scrapped immediately and none have ever surfaced.

May was made a 'technical examination tournament' before the printing normally happens and no goods of any kind were made or sold at it - only food and drink.






4. were there prints for 2020 haru and natsu?

Haru yes, Natsu no.



Edited by Inside Sport Japan
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46 minutes ago, Inside Sport Japan said:


Haru yes, Natsu no.



thanks for the answers (Applauding...)

no further action necessary

Edited by Gernobono
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