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New recruits Haru 2023

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11 hours ago, Akinomaki said:

I think we haven't mentioned Ochil yet in this subforum

Ochil graduated 2 years ago, maybe he is trainee for some time now, the Isegahama page that lists him has Sachinofuji (since July) still with his Mongolian name

Ochil is doing good, already beating sanyaku - and his hair is long enough for a mage, he joined Isegahama-beya after graduation and is trainee for 2 years now

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He did 45 (46 is the sum here though) bouts today, was 14-1 with Dainichido and 15-0 with Yuuki, 2 on degeiko from Michinoku beya, then went on against sekitori, 5-4 against same age Atamifuji, 1-3 with Midorifuji, finally 3-0 against Kiribayama on degeiko - 9-7 against sekitori

Ochil as 2nd year at Asahigaoka high was member of the Kanagawa team at the kokutai, the juniors team made it to the best 8, in 3rd year at the above mentioned ganjitsu sumo national tournament he made it to the best 32.

Edited by Akinomaki
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Hmmm, sounds like he'll have a tough time in jonokuchi and jonidan

Edited by Katooshu
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I wonder if the NSK pays the heya some allowance for a trainee, they demand this six months extra membership for a foreigner, so they should finance this to some extent. The trainee certainly gets nothing, unlike a jonokuchi member who at least gets some pocket money.

Otherwise the heya koenkai has to provide the means to sustain the trainee. I wonder what kind of visa such a foreigner gets.

I'm sure Terunofuji won't ever train with Ochil, the temptation to speed up his intai might make him a dangerous training partner.

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Yudai Fujiso 藤宗雄大 (186cm. 135kg), from Muroto joins Nishonoseki-beya, 3rd year in the sumo club at the Kochi agricultural high school. He started with sumo in middle school, properly in high school, was at the interhigh last year and one other time, was runner-up at the prefecture tournament last October. He thought about going into ozumo last April, had an experience stay at the heya and decided to join there, applying in July. "Reaching sekitori as early as possible to repay the favours I got" is his goal.

The oyakata was at the school today for the departure ceremony o




AS20230217004459.jpgo AS20230217004460.jpgo AS20230217004461.jpgo AS20230217004462.jpgo 

18 years ago the last from the school joined o

Edited by Akinomaki
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6 hours ago, Akinomaki said:

 "Reaching sekitori as early as possible to repay the favours I got" is his goal.

Strangely enough, nobody ever says "I am looking forward to cleaning toilets and getting hazed on a daily basis for the next 5 years".

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55 minutes ago, Bunbukuchagama said:

Strangely enough, nobody ever says "I am looking forward to cleaning toilets and getting hazed on a daily basis for the next 5 years".

I am looking forward to being stuck in Jonidan for 10 years with the occasional Sandanme appearance. 

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On 09/02/2023 at 20:42, Akinomaki said:

Ryusei Yamaguchi 山口琉聖 - 177cm, 100kg, 3rd year, in the sumo club of Yoshikan high school in Oita city enters Kokonoe-beya. The oyakata today was at the school in his and his new deshi's hometown - he is happy to get the first member of Kokonoe-beya who is from his home prefecture. Yamaguchi had already a job fix, but then decided to go on with sumo, he wants to become able to do a fierce sumo like Chiyonofuji - the oyakata had hoped he'd name Chiyotaikai as his role model. Yamaguchi started with sumo in 4th grade and was in a Kyushu region tournament. He'll move to Tokyo in 2 days time. The oyakata has 15 proposals for a shikona and is still undecided which one he'll give him

Yamaguchi has started with keiko today at the heya, as proper (attached) member. He won't attend the graduation ceremony back in Oita and rather starts with sumo as early as possible. His father was in Tokitsukaze-beya, his 2 older sisters (twins) had top results in women's sumo as juniors o


no news on his planned shikona yet

Edited by Akinomaki
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On 04/02/2023 at 10:44, Akinomaki said:

Yuu Morishima  森島優 (14, 167cm, 108kg) will enter Oitekaze-beya. 3rd year at Kasamatsu middle school, he started sumo in 5th grade when he saw the ad for the just created Tokai sumo club

Training 2 times a week was hard for him, who liked to do things slowly, at his own pace, but at the club he developed a love for sumo. Last summer he finished 3rd at a Gifu prefecture tournament, but also due to Corona he has little tournament experience.

He decided to join ozumo a year ago, the club representative introduced him to Oitekaze-beya and last December Daieisho came for a visit to the school.

Till 5th year Morishima had tried mainly horse riding and boxing, but didn't continue at that for long. After he decided to join ozumo, he quickly gained power in the one year since that - he aims to become the youngest makuuchi rikishi

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On 14/02/2023 at 11:47, Akinomaki said:

Twins from Ishimaki to join Isenoumi-beya: 3rd years at  Miyagi Prefectural Fisheries High School, Iino Ren  飯野錬 (192cm, 180kg) and Zen 飯野禅 (190cm, 184kg) started sumo in  primary school at a local sumo class, competing among themselves for the yusho at local tournaments, but were in the judo club in middle and high school.

There was another special on the twins on a Fuji Network local TV station (above was TBS) - no video, the FNN report

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Edited by Akinomaki
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Shouta Yokoyama 横山翔大 (15, 168 cm, 82kg) today had his farewell party at his middle school in Maniwa, Okayama, and left with Takadagawa-oyakata for the heya. He'll be at the shindeshi kensa on April 4th and start at the Natsu basho. Younger brother of Maniwayama Arata, their uncle is a classmate of the heya's Shikimori Inosuke, Shota was regularly at the heya since early childhood. He started sumo in 5th grade and finished high up in prefecture tournaments. o


local TV news clip:



youtube-dl -q -o v.mp4 ""
youtube-dl -q -o a.mp4 ""
ffmpeg -i "v.mp4" -i "a.mp4" -c copy -map 0:v  -map 1:a  "真庭市の中学生 横山翔大さん角界入り RNC 2023.02.24.mp4"

Edited by Akinomaki
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On 24/02/2023 at 15:02, Akinomaki said:

Shouta Yokoyama 横山翔大 (15, 168 cm, 82kg) today had his farewell party at his middle school in Maniwa, Okayama, and left with Takadagawa-oyakata for the heya. He'll be at the shindeshi kensa on April 4th and start at the Natsu basho. Younger brother of Maniwayama Arata, their uncle is a classmate of the heya's Shikimori Inosuke, Shota was regularly at the heya since early childhood. He started sumo in 5th grade and finished high up in prefecture tournaments

More news clips, his brother is his hero, now they'll strive together for sekitori as part of team Takadagawa. Yokoyama wants to first of all get to makuuchi and then aim for yokozuna

o 4020015835_20230227182838_s.jpgvid

Edited by Akinomaki
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Joining Nishonoseki-beya is 18-year-old Soshi Sato (佐藤 総司) from Akiruno City, Tokyo and graduating from Tokai University-affiliated Sugao High School in the same city. 186cm, 140kg. The shisho (former Yokozuna Kisenosato) visited a month ago to announce the recruitment.

As there is already a Sato on the banzuke, one of his stablemates in fact, the new Sato gets a shikona straight away - Soseizan (総勢山,  そうせいざん), the first kanji from his own given name, the second kanji from the shisho.




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On 20/02/2023 at 10:28, Akinomaki said:

Yuu Morishima  森島優 (14, 167cm, 108kg) will enter Oitekaze-beya. 3rd year at Kasamatsu middle school, he started sumo in 5th grade when he saw the ad for the just created Tokai sumo club

Training 2 times a week was hard for him, who liked to do things slowly, at his own pace, but at the club he developed a love for sumo. Last summer he finished 3rd at a Gifu prefecture tournament, but also due to Corona he has little tournament experience.

He decided to join ozumo a year ago, the club representative introduced him to Oitekaze-beya and last December Daieisho came for a visit to the school.

Morishima on the 1st was at the Kasamatsu town hall to tell the mayor about his ambitions, become a sekitori who gets the town excited. The mayor promised they all will form a koenkai and have a big party of locals go to the basho and cheer for him. Morishima will join the heya on the 7th, his shikona will be 大馬翔, Daibasho: from the shisho's Daishoyama combined with his father being a keiba jockey (I guess that's him on the left) o

53cc668d451d28343485c76c76d2c5c0_1.jpgo  o img_930689ef94be19bbd582ac9cd16f2d9259381.jpgo


Edit: the local article confirms that he was there with his father (and others - I guess his mother) o

Edited by Akinomaki
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On 13/12/2022 at 20:36, Akinomaki said:

I'll put the related news in this thread, though he may join at the Natsu basho, if negotiations about which heya he'll join take longer - we discussed about it in this thread:

Daiki Nakamura, ms10TD qualified, today was home in Tsubata and got his 4th special sports merit award from the town.

img_83c95a3ed48f21711c25467a1338445f208754.jpgo 3020013576_20221213182944_s.jpgvid



better NNN video (VPN needed in Europe):  - get the low-res version without VPN:

  Reveal hidden contents

youtube-dl -q -o v.mp4 ""
youtube-dl -q -o a.mp4 ""
ffmpeg -i "v.mp4" -i "a.mp4" -c copy -map 0:v  -map 1:a  "マアチュア横綱の中村泰輝選手 出身の津幡町から特別功労スポーツ賞 NNN221213.mp4"

In the interview he said: "First of all getting used to this (ozumo) world." "Without injury - I don't know how far I'll get, but I want to become a rikishi  others aim to become like."

Save the date. Nakamura states he's already decided on the heya he is joining but will make a formal announcement in good time. He'll debut on 15 March after graduation, joining his chosen heya in Ōsaka. 

I've never seen that much agency by a new recruit, but then again Nakamura isn't your average recruit. I have a feeling it's Miyagino, based only on the fact that Ochiai had a similar will-he-won't-he buildup to his entry, but I'm not taking orders of crow on that one. 

Edited by Seiyashi
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Ochiai did his last sumo as a high schooler in December 2021, got his MsTD in summer 2022, and then turned pro in January 2023, so he had quite the extended buildup. 

May is only one basho later than the standard debut time for a college grad, so Nakamura isn't too far out in that respect, but with his outstanding college results and numerous MsTD qualifications, people have been anticipating his debut since his first year at Nittaidai, so it feels like longer.

Edited by Katooshu

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28 minutes ago, Bunbukuchagama said:


He's taking his talents to South Tokyo?

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14 hours ago, Bunbukuchagama said:
14 hours ago, Hakuryuho said:

He's taking his talents to South Tokyo?


 Japonismo: SUMO (Sumo Stables or heya) - Google My Maps

Haha! Shame that map's a little outdated, I think the South Tokyo (if memory serves) heya of choice might well be Takekuma... And for the Miami Heat reference, Goeido's certainly got an homage to Pat Riley with the slicked back hair these days.......

He could just as easily be telling his Nittaidai coaches why he's made his choice and asking for their forgiveness as he could be confirming that he's going with one of their preferred heya, so without wishing to read anything into that latest update.... I just have a sneaky suspicion he's taking his talents to South Ibaraki to set up a poetic Nishonoseki v Miyagino rivalry for the next decade. Kyujo-beya Naruto-beya seems like it would be a shocking choice at this point, not sure any of the other traditional powerhouses make much sense either due to diminished status under new mgmt or oyakata set to retire in the near future. Surely it's Nishonoseki or Miyagino.

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6 hours ago, themistyseas said:

Surely it's Nishonoseki or Miyagino.

My guess - Kokonoe or Sadogatake. He needs a place with a lot of sekitori, but not with loads of recent celebs like  Miyagino or Nishonoseki.

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4 hours ago, Kintamayama said:

My guess - Kokonoe or Sadogatake. He needs a place with a lot of sekitori, but not with loads of recent celebs like  Miyagino or Nishonoseki.

I really hope it's not Miyagino.

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12 hours ago, Kintamayama said:
19 hours ago, themistyseas said:

Surely it's Nishonoseki or Miyagino.

My guess - Kokonoe or Sadogatake. He needs a place with a lot of sekitori, but not with loads of recent celebs like  Miyagino or Nishonoseki.

I just have this feeling like that would be a bit of a gift for both oyakata, I'd be willing to wager on it. Weird given the history of both heya that they would feel like a left field choice but if you're a top top prospect, do you want to go to work under Kotonowaka or Chiyotaikai? Sadogatake feels like it's turned into a bit of a tsukebito farm the last several years. Chiyotaikai doesn't seem to have a ton of pulling power on his own (rather than the heya's legacy) when it comes to recruitment, relative to his peers. It does make me wonder if Takekuma is a more viable avenue than one would have thought.

Kasugano and Kise both tick the box you mentioned, and I feel like the former might be pretty attractive for a high level of keiko, if not for the shisho's age.

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