
Preferred style for banzuke release threads

Preferred style for banzuke release threads  

19 members have voted

This poll is closed to new votes
  1. 1. Which is your order of preference among the three suggested styles for future banzuke release threads, from most to least preferred?

    • 1 > 2 > 3
    • 1 > 3 > 2
    • 2 > 1 > 3
    • 2 > 3 > 1
    • 3 > 1 > 2
    • 3 > 2 > 1
    • other (tied / no preference, etc.; please explain in comments)

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As promised/threatened a couple of months ago, here's your chance to vote on how the banzuke release threads of mine should look going forward, specifically whether you prefer more or less data to be front and center. I'm going to include both either way, but certain parts will be hidden behind spoiler tags.

The four suggested possibilities are these:

  • Option 1 - rankings annotated with previous ranks/records as the main display; simple version of the full rankings hidden in a spoiler tag in the opening post
  • Option 2 - simple rankings as the main display; annotated version of the full rankings hidden in a spoiler tag in the opening post
  • Option 3a - abbreviated displays of both, leading with the annotated version
  • Option 3b - abbreviated displays of both, leading with the simple version

You can probably guess what my preference is, but I'm open to a democratic decision here. The posting effort involved will be basically the same either way.

I'm boldly assuming that your order of preference between 3a and 3b will match your order of preference between 1 and 2, so the poll isn't querying for that separately.

Edited by Asashosakari
Clean-up: Option threads deleted

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I don't have a preference. The important thing to me is names and ranks on the new banzuke for quick reference. I don't need annotations since I will go to the SumoDB later on when/if I want to research more details. I just appreciate the existence and timeliness of new banzuke announcements.

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Anything leading with simple is best for me. The annotated versions don’t fit on a phone screen so I’ve been getting the Banzuke releases elsewhere recently.

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It's a landslide. Out of 16 members who provided an order of preference, 12 voted strictly preferring option 1, only 2 each for options 2 or 3. In pairwise comparisons it's 13:3 for both option 1 against 2 and 1 against 3, and 9:7 for 3 against 2.

Thanks for your interest and participation!

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I'm grateful for your contributions to the forum!
Will there be a survey on the font you use?  ;-?


Edited by shimodahito

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On 21/11/2023 at 02:04, shimodahito said:

Will there be a survey on the font you use?  ;-?

Probably not. ;-) Of all the commonly used fixed-width fonts, I prefer Lucida Console by far the most for its readability. (I'm open to suggestions, of course, it's just that you'll be fighting an uphill battle.)

Since I'm probably the only one that ever uses Lucida Console for anything on the forum, if you absolutely want something else for the posts where I use it, I suggest installing a style manager browser extension like Stylus and using the following code:

@font-face {
    font-family: "Lucida Console";
    src: local("Comic Sans MS");

Replace the local font entry with whatever your choice is. (Works on Chrome, should work on all other Chromium-based browsers at the very least.)

  • Haha 1

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