Susanoo 384 Posted November 8, 2023 (edited) Pre-registration for the first-time participants. Entry page. Very active rikishi[choose one rikishi among the rikishi who are ranked Sekiwake or below banzuke.] 20 points per 1 win, -10 points per 1 loss, 50 points per 1 Sansho.[Yasumi(rest)is not counted] Active rikishi[choose 1-3 rikishi among ....] 10 points........, -10 points........, 30 points........[Yasumi(rest)is not counted] Non-active rikishi[choose 1-3 ........] 10 points per 1 loss, -10 points per 1 win.[Yasumi(rest)is not counted] Entry lists [confirm] Norizo Cup - Entry lists ( A precaution to make your participation certain. First, Log in from the icon "Entry page" in NC home page.>Pick your choices in Series 142 entry page.>Press the icon "Entry confirm" at the bottom of the page.>In Entry confirm page [check lists for your pick], press the icon "Confirm OK" at the bottom of the page.>Press the icon "Entry lists" in NC home page. You can confirm your entry which was certainly recieved by it. 事前登録(初参加時) Norizo Cup - Pre-Register ( 投票ページ Norizo Cup - Entry Page ( 投票状況 のりぞう杯/投票状況 ( 最も活躍する力士を関脇以下から1人選択。 1勝につき20点、1敗につき-10点、三賞受賞1つにつき50点(休みは含めず) 活躍力士を関脇以下から1~3人選択。 1勝につき10点、・・・-10点、三賞・・・30点(休みは含めず) 活躍しない力士を関脇以下から1~3人選択。 1勝につき-10点、・・・+10点(休みは含めず) The reception of the entry to NC starts at around 12:00JST on Friday 11/12 投票受付開始は初日の取組発表後の11/12(金)12:00頃です。 Edited November 8, 2023 by Susanoo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Susanoo 384 Posted November 8, 2023 (edited) Realize or not あるない Realize[Yes]=20Points, Not realize [No]=10points ある20点、ない10点 1) All 3 Ozeki will reach Kachikoshi in order of height of Banzuke. 大関、番付上位者から順に3人とも勝ち越す 2) The total number of wins of the Rikishi ranked in M3-5 only Banzuke West will exceed it of M3-5 only Banzuke East at the end of the Basho. 東方3~5枚目の力士の合計勝ち星を最終的に西方3~5枚目のそれが上回る 3) There will be at least one day when all the Rikishi ranked in M5-9 have no matches against the Rikishi who are ranked in Banzuke higher than each of their ranking. 前頭5~9枚目の誰も自身より上位の番付力士との対戦がない日 4) All the 6 Rikishi ranked in M6-8 will reach Kachikoshi. 前頭6~8枚目全6力士勝ち越し 5) At least 2 Rikishi ranked in M10-13 will reach Kachikoshi on the same day. 前頭10~13枚目の2人以上が同じ日に勝ち越す 6) There will be every 6 types of wins from 5 to 10 as the final results of the Rikishi ranked in M11-17. 前頭11~17枚目の力士の最終成績、10勝から5勝まで各勝ち星の力士が少なくとも1人居る 7) At least one Sansho will be awarded to the Rikishi ranked in M14-17, and the total number of that will exceed it of the Rikishi ranked in Sanyaku or above. 前頭14枚目以下の力士の三賞の個数が三役のそれを上回る 8) At least 70% of the number of the Makuuchi Rikishi who are in their highest rank in their career will reach Kachikoshi. 自己最高位に居る幕内力士の7割以上が勝ち越す 9) In the Makuuchi Rikishi, someone in Sanyaku or above ranking Rikishi will reach Kachikoshi earliest, and someone in there will reach Kachikoshi latest. 一番早い幕内勝ち越し者、一番遅い勝ち越し者共に三役以上の力士 10) There will be at least 2 matches that take at least 1 minuite by day2. 2日目までに幕内で1分以上の取組が2番以上 11) In comparing the number of the wins against the opponents whom he was defeated in the previous Basho, Houshouryuu will get the most number of wins against them in Makuuchi Rikishi. 先場所負けた相手から最も多くの勝ち星を挙げる幕内力士は豊昇龍 12) In comparing the number of the losses against the opponents whom he defeated in the previous Basho, Hokutofuji will have the most number of losses against them in Makuuchi Rikishi. 先場所勝った相手から最も多くの黒星を喫するのは北勝富士 13) There will be at least 4 days when there is only one undefeated Makuuchi Rikishi. 幕内で初日からの勝ちっぱなしが一人だけ居る日が4日以上 14) At least one Sekitori belongs to Isegahama-beya excpt Midorifuji will have at least one win with [Kimarite]Katasukashi. 翠富士以外の伊勢ヶ濱部屋の関取が肩透かしで勝つ 15) Among the records of the matches between 2 Makunouchi Rikishi, at least 2 matches will make their win-loss records 6-0 in this year. 幕内力士同士の対戦で今年に入っての幕内での対戦成績を6-0とする取組が2番以上 Edited November 10, 2023 by Susanoo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Susanoo 384 Posted November 8, 2023 (edited) Yuushou優勝 100points 100点1) Takakeishou and he has no losses against Komusubi-Maegashira. 貴景勝、小結以下から負け無し 2) Takakeishou and he has exactly one loss against Komusubi-Maegashira. 貴景勝、小結以下から1敗 3) Takakeishou and he has at least 2 losses against Komusubi-Maegashira. 貴景勝、小結以下から2敗以上 4) Kirishima, with at least 14 wins. 霧島、14勝以上 5) Kirishima, with exactly 13 wins and he has 0 losses in day12-15. 霧島、13勝、12~15日目に黒星無し 6) Kirishima, with exactly 13 wins and he has at least 1 loss in day12-15. 霧島、13勝、12~15日目に黒星有り 7) Kirishima, with at most 12 wins. 霧島、12勝以下 8) Houshouryuu without Yusho-Kettei-sen[play-off matches]. 豊昇龍、優勝決定戦無し 9) Houshouryuu with Yusho-Kettei-sen[play-off matches]. 豊昇龍、優勝決定戦有り 10) Daieishou 大栄翔 11) Wakamotoharu 若元春 12) Kotonowaka 琴ノ若 13) Komusubi. 小結 14) Maegashira only Banzuke East. 前頭番付東方 15) Maegashira only Banzuke West. 前頭番付西方 Edited November 10, 2023 by Susanoo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Susanoo 384 Posted November 8, 2023 Matchups 対戦 There are 3 choices [either side or no matches]. 1 win of lower banzuke side decides a win of lower side. 1 loss of higher banzuke side decides a loss of higer side. 下位側は1勝で勝ち、上位側は1敗で負け。 20 points par a correct answer. 30 points to the case of correct answer rate are at most 30%. 40 points to that are at most 20%. 50 points to at most 10%. At most 30 points to the correct answer with "no matches". どちらか又は対戦無しの3択。正解+20点、正解率30%未満+30点、20%未満+40点、10%未満+50点。 「対戦なし」正解時は最高30点まで。 1) Ozeki vs Nishikigi[M4w] 大関-錦木(西前4) 2) Sekiwake vs Tobizaru[M3w] 関脇-翔猿(西前3) 3) Komusubi vs Gounoyama[M4e] 小結-豪ノ山(東前4) 4) M7[Hokuseihou, Kinbouzan] vs M11[Sadanoumi, Hiradoumi] 前頭7(北青、金峰)-前頭11(佐田、平戸) 5) M8[Endou, Atamifuji] vs M13-14 only West[Tsurugishou, Ichiyamamoto] 前8(遠藤、熱海)-西前13~14(剣翔、一山) 6) M9[Myougiryuu, Mitakeumi] vs Tomokaze[M14e] 前頭9(妙義、御嶽)-友風(東前14) 7) Tamawashi[M12w] vs M15[Touhakuryuu, Churanoumi] 玉鷲(西前12)-前15(東白、美海) 8) M10[Ryuuden, Kotoekou] vs Rouga[M16e] 前頭10(竜電、琴恵)-狼雅(東16) 9) M12-13 only East[Ouhou, Takarafuji] vs Kitanowaka[M17e] 東12~13(王鵬、宝富)-北の若(東17) 10) Kotoshouhou[J1w] vs J8-14 琴勝峰(西十1)-十両8枚目以下 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Susanoo 384 Posted November 8, 2023 Special Question 特別 Score distribution. 得点配分 1000 points are divided per number of the correct answers.[the maximum points to a correct answer is 200 points] 1000点を正解者数で頭割り(上限200点) [Question] 設問 Among 4 Sin-Nyumaku Rikishi, who will get 3 wins with 3 different kinds of Kimarite[including Hi-waza and Hansoku as the Shoubu-Kekka] earliest? In the case of the achievement by multiple Rikishi on the same day, the earliest achievement is adopted. 新入幕の4人、今場所最も早く3種類の決まり手(勝負結果としての非技、反則を含む)で白星をあげるのはズバリ誰が何日目!?(同一日に複数者が達成の場合は取組順の早い方) 1) Touhakuryuu on day3-4. 東白龍が3日目か4日目 2) Churanoumi on day3-4. 美ノ海が3日目か4日目 3) Rouga on day3-4. 狼雅が3日目か4日目 4) Kitanowaka on day3-4. 北の若が3日目か4日目 5) Touhakuryuu on day5-6. 東白龍が5日目か6日目 6) Churanoumi on day5-6. 美ノ海が5日目か6日目 7) Rouga on day5-6. 狼雅が5日目か6日目 8) Kitanowaka on day5-6. 北の若が5日目か6日目 9) Touhakuryuu on day7-8. 東白龍が7日目か中日 10) Churanoumi on day7-8. 美ノ海が7日目か中日 11) Rouga on day7-8. 狼雅が7日目か中日 12) Kitanowaka on day7-8. 北の若が7日目か中日 13) Touhakuryuu or Churanoumi on day9-10. 東白龍か美ノ海が9日目か10日目 14) Rouga or Kitanowaka on day9-10. 狼雅か北の若が9日目か10日目 15) Other cases. その他 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Golynohana 320 Posted November 11, 2023 (edited) Hi Susanoo, I am again having problems entering my picks for Norizo Cup. I entered my picks and then pressed "Confirm OK", but then I was redirected to an empty page, see attachment. Also my shikona is not listed on the "Entry list" page. Why is this happening? Am I doing something wrong? Is my user broken? It's not the first time this is happening. Could you see why I am having these problems over and over again? Thanks! Edited November 11, 2023 by Golynohana Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Susanoo 384 Posted November 11, 2023 1 hour ago, Golynohana said: Hi Susanoo, I am again having problems entering my picks for Norizo Cup. I entered my picks and then pressed "Confirm OK", but then I was redirected to an empty page, see attachment. Also my shikona is not listed on the "Entry list" page. Why is this happening? Am I doing something wrong? Is my user broken? It's not the first time this is happening. Could you see why I am having these problems over and over again? Thanks! Konnichiwa Golynohana-san, I'm very sorry that this has happened every time. I don't think you're doing anything wrong. I instructed them to investigate this system. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Susanoo 384 Posted November 11, 2023 (edited) Rrealise or not 8)&9) There was an error in the wording of the Japanese question and the question itself was canceled. Edited November 11, 2023 by Susanoo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sumo Spiffy 568 Posted November 11, 2023 I keep trying to join (as Beeftank), but after answering the questions, then confirming, I get a blank screen and I'm not on the list of entries. Not sure what's going on, but it's not the first time this has happened. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Susanoo 384 Posted November 12, 2023 (edited) 10 hours ago, Sumo Spiffy said: I keep trying to join (as Beeftank), but after answering the questions, then confirming, I get a blank screen and I'm not on the list of entries. Not sure what's going on, but it's not the first time this has happened. We apologize for the inconvenience. If you are unable to participate, please send your answers here or to me until the deadline. Edited November 12, 2023 by Susanoo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Susanoo 384 Posted November 12, 2023 (edited) Recieved Entry Lists............................................................. wakaiouzenjou----- 2023/11/10 14:50:03 entry complete. Kaito----- 2023/11/10 15:17:55 entry complete. daisyouyama----- 2023/11/10 15:53:22 entry complete. Kunibiki----- 2023/11/10 15:59:26 entry complete. Wamahada----- 2023/11/10 16:25:40 entry complete. Balon----- 2023/11/10 16:47:27 entry complete. Joputosu----- 2023/11/10 17:07:50 entry complete. Eeve----- 2023/11/10 17:53:12 entry complete. JYONO----- 2023/11/10 20:22:08 entry complete. DAI----- 2023/11/10 20:58:05 entry complete. Kintamayama----- 2023/11/10 21:25:53 entry complete. Kitakachiyama----- 2023/11/10 22:55:10 entry complete. tsupparitaro----- 2023/11/11 00:01:10 entry complete. yukihyou----- 2023/11/11 00:22:51 entry complete. Oortael----- 2023/11/11 00:47:29 entry complete. kaiou----- 2023/11/11 01:08:49 entry complete. joaoiyama----- 2023/11/11 03:08:27 entry complete. Terarno----- 2023/11/11 05:23:48 entry complete. Frinkanohana----- 2023/11/11 05:35:47 entry complete. Shatsume----- 2023/11/11 06:05:49 entry complete. Bunbukuchagama----- 2023/11/11 06:10:14 entry complete. Bariihachibenson----- 2023/11/11 07:12:30 entry complete. Oskanohana----- 2023/11/11 09:10:37 entry complete. chishafuwaku----- 2023/11/11 09:37:06 entry complete. Oyama----- 2023/11/11 11:13:04 entry complete. Bill----- 2023/11/11 11:55:10 entry complete. Metallica----- 2023/11/11 12:43:21 entry complete. Yarimotsu----- 2023/11/11 18:37:46 entry complete. Kirinoumi----- 2023/11/11 18:52:07 entry complete. Fujisan----- 2023/11/11 20:00:26 entry complete. Kajiyanosho----- 2023/11/11 20:15:08 entry complete. Kotononami----- 2023/11/11 20:41:42 entry complete. Norizo----- 2023/11/11 20:53:31 entry complete. Asshet De Rosa----- 2023/11/11 21:32:33 entry complete. yamanoyama----- 2023/11/11 22:16:23 entry complete. Hakunojo----- 2023/11/11 22:18:08 entry complete. Yanen----- 2023/11/11 22:35:26 entry complete. Susanoo----- 2023/11/11 23:17:03 entry complete. tohru----- 2023/11/11 23:34:15 entry complete. Kaiowaka----- 2023/11/11 23:34:17 entry complete. kotochikushi----- 2023/11/12 00:09:51 entry complete. reeeen----- 2023/11/12 00:26:59 entry complete. BlackPinkMawashi----- 2023/11/12 00:33:58 entry complete. TochiYESshin----- 2023/11/12 00:34:00 entry complete. Flohru----- 2023/11/12 01:04:48 entry complete. hashi----- 2023/11/12 01:35:42 entry complete. Athenayama----- 2023/11/12 02:59:38 entry complete. Ganzohnesushi----- 2023/11/12 04:37:07 entry complete. yosouou----- 2023/11/12 04:40:35 entry complete. Pandaazuma----- 2023/11/12 06:38:43 entry complete. Gansekiiwa----- 2023/11/12 07:52:15 entry complete. Nantonoyama----- 2023/11/12 08:08:47 entry complete. ma-tyan----- 2023/11/12 08:18:37 entry complete. Suwihuto----- 2023/11/12 08:33:41 entry complete. Iepii----- 2023/11/12 09:09:42 entry complete. Tetsuba----- 2023/11/12 09:15:24 entry complete. Kishikaisei----- 2023/11/12 09:24:22 entry complete. kotohirayama----- 2023/11/12 10:02:31 entry complete. sengyoumi----- 2023/11/12 10:19:10 entry complete. ooborayama----- 2023/11/12 10:45:41 entry complete. kawaji----- 2023/11/12 10:56:51 entry complete. kikkuzakankurou----- 2023/11/12 10:59:19 entry complete. Unkonoyama----- 2023/11/12 11:26:44 entry complete. Takanorappa----- 2023/11/12 12:20:20 entry complete. ogawa----- 2023/11/12 12:30:49 entry complete. big-jordan----- 2023/11/12 12:36:00 entry complete. Asashosakari----- 2023/11/12 14:16:56 entry complete. Onzoushi_oyakata----- 2023/11/12 14:21:13 entry complete. hagiwara----- 2023/11/12 14:41:17 entry complete. GONZABUROW----- 2023/11/12 15:27:36 entry complete. Hironoumi----- 2023/11/12 15:58:41 entry complete. Edited November 12, 2023 by Susanoo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Susanoo 384 Posted November 12, 2023 (edited) Day1 Realize or not 10) There will be at least 2 matches that take at least 1 minuite by day2. Yes[32/73] Hokuseihou[1minuite, 15seconds]Takanoshou Shounannoumi[1minuite, 441seconds]Midorifuji Matchups 2) Sekiwake[Kotonowaka]○ vs ●Tobizaru[M3w] Special Q Kitanowaka○[Yoritaoshi] Churanoumi○[Yorikiri] Edited November 13, 2023 by Susanoo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Susanoo 384 Posted November 13, 2023 Day2 Realize or not 11) In comparing the number of the wins against the opponents whom he was defeated in the previous Basho, Houshouryuu will get the most number of wins against them in Makuuchi Rikishi. Houshouryuu-2 2-Takakeishou, Shounannoumi. 1-Ryuuden, Kinbouzan, Tobizaru, Kotonowaka, Daieishou, Kirishima. 12) In comparing the number of the losses against the opponents whom he defeated in the previous Basho, Hokutofuji will have the most number of losses against them in Makuuchi Rikishi. Hokutofuji-2 2-Shoudai 1-Myougiryuu, Endou, Ounoshou, Midorifuji, Tobizaru, Ura, Meisei, Abi. Special Q Kitanowaka○[Yoritaoshi]○[Sukuinage] Churanoumi○[Yorikiri] Touhakuryuu○[Okuridashi] Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Susanoo 384 Posted November 14, 2023 Day3 Matchups 2) Sekiwake[Wakamotoharu]○ vs ●Tobizaru[M3w] Realize or not 11) In comparing the number of the wins against the opponents whom he was defeated in the previous Basho, Houshouryuu will get the most number of wins against them in Makuuchi Rikishi. Houshouryuu-2 2-Takakeishou, Shounannoumi. 1-Tamawashi, Myougiryuu, Ryuuden, Kinbouzan, Tobizaru, Kotonowaka, Daieishou, Kirishima. 12) In comparing the number of the losses against the opponents whom he defeated in the previous Basho, Hokutofuji will have the most number of losses against them in Makuuchi Rikishi. Hokutofuji-2 2-Endou, Shoudai 1-Hiradoumi, Myougiryuu, Ounoshou, Midorifuji, Tobizaru, Ura, Meisei, Abi. 15) Among the records of the matches between 2 Makunouchi Rikishi, at least 2 matches will make their win-loss records 6-0 in this year. Wakamotoharu○○○○○○Tobizaru Special Q Kitanowaka○[Yoritaoshi]○[Sukuinage] Churanoumi○[Yorikiri]○[Yoritaoshi] Touhakuryuu○[Okuridashi] Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Susanoo 384 Posted November 15, 2023 From now on, NC's daily performance rankings will be announced as soon as possible, reflecting only the scores of most active, active and non-active Rikishi, and the results including the distribution of points for each question will be announced later. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Susanoo 384 Posted November 15, 2023 Day4 Realize or not 11) In comparing the number of the wins against the opponents whom he was defeated in the previous Basho, Houshouryuu will get the most number of wins against them in Makuuchi Rikishi. Houshouryuu-3 2- Kinbouzan, Takakeishou, Shounannoumi, Daieishou. 1-Kitanowaka, Kotoekou, Tamawashi, Myougiryuu, Ryuuden, Takayasu, Tobizaru, Meisei, Hokutofuji, Kotonowaka, Kirishima. 12) In comparing the number of the losses against the opponents whom he defeated in the previous Basho, Hokutofuji will have the most number of losses against them in Makuuchi Rikishi. Hokutofuji-2 2-Endou, Shoudai, Ura, Tobizaru. 1-Touhakuryuu, Ouhou, Hiradoumi, Myougiryuu, Hokuseihou, Ounoshou, Midorifuji, Meisei, Abi, Wakamotoharu, Kirishima, Takakeishou. Special Q Kitanowaka achieved on day4.[4/73] Kitanowaka○[Yoritaoshi]○[Sukuinage]○[Oshidashi] Churanoumi○[Yorikiri]○[Yoritaoshi]○[Oshidashi] 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Susanoo 384 Posted November 16, 2023 Day5 Realize or not 11) In comparing the number of the wins against the opponents whom he was defeated in the previous Basho, Houshouryuu will get the most number of wins against them in Makuuchi Rikishi. Houshouryuu-3 2- Kinbouzan, Takakeishou, Shounannoumi, Hokutofuji, Kotonowaka, Daieishou. 1-Kitanowaka, Nishikifuji, Ichiyamamoto, Kotoekou, Tamawashi, Myougiryuu, Ryuuden, Midorifuji, Takayasu, Tobizaru, Meisei, Kirishima. 12) In comparing the number of the losses against the opponents whom he defeated in the previous Basho, Hokutofuji will have the most number of losses against them in Makuuchi Rikishi. Hokutofuji-2 2-Endou, Shoudai, Ura, Abi, Tobizaru. 1-Kitanowaka, Touhakuryuu, Tsurugisho, Ouhou, Hiradoumi, Myougiryuu, Kinbouzan, Hokuseihou, Ounoshou, Midorifuji, Meisei, Wakamotoharu, Daieishou,Kirishima, Takakeishou. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Susanoo 384 Posted November 18, 2023 Day6 Realize or not 11) In comparing the number of the wins against the opponents whom he was defeated in the previous Basho, Houshouryuu will get the most number of wins against them in Makuuchi Rikishi. Houshouryuu-3 3-Kotonowaka, Takakeishou. 2-Kinbouzan, Midorifuji, Shounannoumi, Hokutofuji, Daieishou, 1-Kitanowaka, Nishikifuji, Ichiyamamoto, Kotoekou, Tamawashi, Myougiryuu, Ryuuden, Takayasu, Shoudaoi, Tobizaru, Meisei, Kirishima. 12) In comparing the number of the losses against the opponents whom he defeated in the previous Basho, Hokutofuji will have the most number of losses against them in Makuuchi Rikishi. Hokutofuji-3 3-Endou, Tobizaru. 2-Shoudai, Ura, Meisei, Abi, 1-Kitanowaka, Touhakuryuu, Tsurugisho, Ouhou, Hiradoumi, Myougiryuu, Kinbouzan, Hokuseihou, Ounoshou, Midorifuji, Wakamotoharu, Daieishou,Kirishima, Takakeishou 15) Among the records of the matches between 2 Makunouchi Rikishi, at least 2 matches will make their win-loss records 6-0 in this year. No[38/] There are no matches for this except the below 2 matches. Wakamotoharu○○○○○○Tobizaru Daeeishou○○○○○●Shoudai Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Susanoo 384 Posted November 18, 2023 Day7 Realize or not 11) In comparing the number of the wins against the opponents whom he was defeated in the previous Basho, Houshouryuu will get the most number of wins against them in Makuuchi Rikishi. Houshouryuu-3 3-Kotonowaka, Takakeishou. 2-Kinbouzan, Midorifuji, Shounannoumi, Shoudai, Hokutofuji, Daieishou, 1-Kitanowaka, Nishikifuji, Ichiyamamoto, Kotoekou, Tamawashi, Myougiryuu, Ryuuden, Hokuseihou, Takayasu, Gounoyama, Tobizaru, Meisei, Kirishima. 12) In comparing the number of the losses against the opponents whom he defeated in the previous Basho, Hokutofuji will have the most number of losses against them in Makuuchi Rikishi. Hokutofuji-3 3-Endou, Tobizaru. 2-Shoudai, Midorifuji, Ura, Meisei, Abi, Wakamotoharu, Takakeishou. 1-Kitanowaka, Touhakuryuu, Tsurugisho, Ouhou, Hiradoumi, Myougiryuu, Kinbouzan, Hokuseihou, Ounoshou, Daieishou, Kirishima. 13) There will be at least 4 days when there is only one undefeated Makuuchi Rikishi. No[55/] Both Atamifuji and Kotonowaka lost, and 0 days as the result for this. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Susanoo 384 Posted November 19, 2023 Day8 Realize or not 11) In comparing the number of the wins against the opponents whom he was defeated in the previous Basho, Houshouryuu will get the most number of wins against them in Makuuchi Rikishi. Houshouryuu-3 3-Kinbouzan, Shoudai, Kotonowaka, Takakeishou. 2-Midorifuji, Shounannoumi, Hokutofuji, Daieishou, Kirishima 1-Kitanowaka, Nishikifuji, Churanoumi, Ichiyamamoto, Kotoekou, Tamawashi, Myougiryuu, Ryuuden, Hokuseihou, Takayasu, Gounoyama, Tobizaru, Meisei, Asanoyama. 12) In comparing the number of the losses against the opponents whom he defeated in the previous Basho, Hokutofuji will have the most number of losses against them in Makuuchi Rikishi. Hokutofuji-3 3-Endou, Tobizaru, Takakeishou. 2-Ounoshou, Shoudai, Midorifuji, Ura, Meisei, Abi, Wakamotoharu,. 1-Kitanowaka, Touhakuryuu, Tomokaze, Tsurugisho, Ouhou, Hiradoumi, Myougiryuu, Kinbouzan, Hokuseihou, Kotonowaka, Daieishou, Kirishima, Matchups 1) Ozeki[Houshouryuu]● vs Nishikigi○[M4w] [27/] 7) Tamawashi[M12w]○ vs M15[●Touhakuryuu, Churanoumi] 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Susanoo 384 Posted November 20, 2023 Day9 Realize or not 11) In comparing the number of the wins against the opponents whom he was defeated in the previous Basho, Houshouryuu will get the most number of wins against them in Makuuchi Rikishi. Houshouryuu-3 3-Kinbouzan, Shoudai, Kotonowaka, Takakeishou. 2-Midorifuji, Shounannoumi, Meisei, Hokutofuji, Daieishou, Kirishima 1-Kitanowaka, Nishikifuji, Churanoumi, Ichiyamamoto, Kotoekou, Tamawashi, Myougiryuu, Ryuuden, Hokuseihou, Takayasu, Gounoyama, Tobizaru, Ura, Asanoyama, Wakamotoharu. 12) In comparing the number of the losses against the opponents whom he defeated in the previous Basho, Hokutofuji will have the most number of losses against them in Makuuchi Rikishi. Hokutofuji-3 3-Endou, Tobizaru, Abi, Takakeishou. 2-Ounoshou, Shoudai, Midorifuji, Ura, Meisei, Wakamotoharu, Daieishou. 1-Kitanowaka, Nishikifuji, Touhakuryuu, Tomokaze, Tsurugisho, Ouhou, Hiradoumi, Myougiryuu, Kinbouzan, Hokuseihou, Gounoyama, Kotonowaka, Kirishima. Matchups 4) M7[Hokuseihou, Kinbouzan○] vs M11[Sadanoumi●, Hiradoumi] Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Susanoo 384 Posted November 21, 2023 Day10 Realize or not 4) All the 6 Rikishi ranked in M6-8 will reach Kachikoshi. No[58/] Endou Makekoshi. 11) In comparing the number of the wins against the opponents whom he was defeated in the previous Basho, Houshouryuu will get the most number of wins against them in Makuuchi Rikishi. Houshouryuu-3 3-Kinbouzan, Midorifuji, Shoudai, Kotonowaka, Kirishima, Takakeishou. 2-Nishikifuji, Shounannoumi, Meisei, Hokutofuji, Daieishou. 1-Kitanowaka, Tsurugishou, Churanoumi, Ichiyamamoto, Tamawashi, Myougiryuu, Ryuuden, Hokuseihou, Takayasu, Gounoyama, Tobizaru, Ura, Asanoyama, Wakamotoharu. 12) In comparing the number of the losses against the opponents whom he defeated in the previous Basho, Hokutofuji will have the most number of losses against them in Makuuchi Rikishi. Hokutofuji-3 3-Endou, Tobizaru, Abi, Takakeishou. 2-Hokuseihou, Ounoshou, Shoudai, Midorifuji, Ura, Meisei, Wakamotoharu, Daieishou. 1-Kitanowaka, Nishikifuji, Touhakuryuu, Tomokaze, Tsurugisho, Ouhou, Hiradoumi, Myougiryuu, Kinbouzan, Takayasu, Gounoyama, Nishikigi, Kotonowaka, Kirishima. Matchups 9) M12-13 only East[Ouhou○, Takarafuji○] vs●● Kitanowaka[M17e] [28/] Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Susanoo 384 Posted November 22, 2023 Day11 Realize or not 11) In comparing the number of the wins against the opponents whom he was defeated in the previous Basho, Houshouryuu will get the most number of wins against them in Makuuchi Rikishi. Houshouryuu-3 4-Midorifuji, Kotonowaka, Kirishima, 3-Kinbouzan, Hokutofuji, Shoudai, Takakeishou. 2-Nishikifuji, Shounannoumi, Meisei, Daieishou. 1-Kitanowaka, Tsurugishou, Churanoumi, Ichiyamamoto, Tamawashi, Myougiryuu, Ryuuden, Hokuseihou, Takayasu, Gounoyama, Tobizaru, Ura, Asanoyama, Wakamotoharu. 12) In comparing the number of the losses against the opponents whom he defeated in the previous Basho, Hokutofuji will have the most number of losses against them in Makuuchi Rikishi. Hokutofuji-3 4-Takakeishou. 3-Endou, Tobizaru, Meisei, Abi, Wakamotoharu, 2-Hiradoumi, Hokuseihou, Ounoshou, Shoudai, Midorifuji, Ura, Daieishou. 1-Kitanowaka, Nishikifuji, Touhakuryuu, Tomokaze, Tsurugisho, Ouhou, Myougiryuu, Kinbouzan, Takayasu, Gounoyama, Nishikigi, Kotonowaka, Kirishima. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Susanoo 384 Posted November 23, 2023 Day12 Realize or not 1) All 3 Ozeki will reach Kachikoshi in order of height of Banzuke. No[58/] Kirishima reached KK earlier than Takakeishou. 5) At least 2 Rikishi ranked in M10-13 will reach Kachikoshi on the same day. Yes[49/] Tamawasi[12w] and Hiradoumi[11w] reached KK today. 11) In comparing the number of the wins against the opponents whom he was defeated in the previous Basho, Houshouryuu will get the most number of wins against them in Makuuchi Rikishi. Houshouryuu-3 4-Midorifuji, Kotonowaka, Kirishima, 3-Tamawashi, Kinbouzan, Hokutofuji, Shoudai, Takakeishou. 2-Nishikifuji, Shounannoumi, Ura, Meisei, Daieishou. 1-Kitanowaka, Tsurugishou, Churanoumi, Ichiyamamoto, Myougiryuu, Ryuuden, Hokuseihou, Takayasu, Gounoyama, Tobizaru, Asanoyama, Wakamotoharu. 12) In comparing the number of the losses against the opponents whom he defeated in the previous Basho, Hokutofuji will have the most number of losses against them in Makuuchi Rikishi. Hokutofuji-3 4-Meisei, Takakeishou. 3-Ouhou, Endou, Tobizaru, Shoudai, Abi, Wakamotoharu, 2-Hiradoumi, Myougiryuu, Hokuseihou, Ounoshou, Midorifuji, Ura, Daieishou. 1-Kitanowaka, Nishikifuji, Touhakuryuu, Tomokaze, Tsurugisho, Kinbouzan, Takayasu, Gounoyama, Nishikigi, Kotonowaka, Kirishima. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites