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Kotoseiya Yuichi

Rijicho revealed in compromised situation!

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There have been few requests lately to reveal the true identity of the chairman (rijicho) of this very forum you're reading at. This thread aims to finally reveal this mysterious creature and display his unusual appearance to the unsuspecting world.

Kaikitsune-zeki claims to have seen him on TV but this sighting remains dubious as the person in question was said to be "not that fat, I'd say, really...".

Now finally there's available some concrete evidence. This startling photograph was taken in secrecy. It blatantly shows the kind of person you're subjecting yourselves under. The next time your thread is inexplainably moved to another subforum, you know whom to blame!

Rumour has it that nowadays this minuscule creature wears a hair dyed in black not shown in this photo.


Rest in peace. You're in small, furry hands.

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Kaikitsune-zeki claims to have seen him on TV but this sighting remains dubious as the person in question was said to be "not that fat, I'd say, really...".

I calmly refuse to believe I was mistaken! The person on TV answered to host's question "And when do you think you will graduate?" with a glance to ceiling and a vague "Pian" which means "Soon" accompanied with a multiple meaning smirk. Person wasn't fat though and since TV usually makes people look bigger than they are in real life (in sumotori's case the effect is opposite for some reason I heard) I guess I do have to consider also the miniscule possibility that this person wasn't our rijicho after all. Only same name, living place, education and interest in sumo and more accurately "tiettyyn talliin (Sadogatake) eik

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I have a feeling that some portions of the Finnish chapter of Oozumo fans is in need of immediate counceling.

Thank you. And you?

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There have been more requests to actually show my face instead of just the neck. I browsed through my collection of photos and found a nice one showing me & my bro having a go in our cousin Bubba's puny car.

That's my kiddie bro at the wheel. He has somehow acquired that license thing whereas there's not a bribe big enough that would grant it to me.

My bro is a real driver! The kid swings the wheel, pushes the pedals (sometimes several at any given time), tunes a radio channel, shouts obscenities at other drivers and waves at chicks all at the same time. I can't state this for sure but I think I once witnessed him to acknowledge a traffic sign! He didn't adhere to it but he claims he saw it. How's that R

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