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New recruits March 2024

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Noda (no, no Noda, my mistake again) and  Matsui college stars will start off at Makushita 60 tsukedashi, per the new rules, This was decided at the rijikai today.

Only Matsui. No Noda. 

Edited by Kintamayama
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Matsui joins Miyagino. He is a short, but tenacious, speedy pusher who was second at the interhigh in 2022 for Tottori Johoku, then did a year of corporate sumo as an adult, in which he finished top 8 at the Kokutai (also unbeaten in helping Tottori win the team competition) and best 32 at the All Japan Championship.

Here he is on the left in the 2022 Interhigh team final, facing Gonoumi

EDIT: Apparently Noda below is not joining yet, but I'll leave this here as he's said he wants to go pro

Noda is an all-rounder from Wakayama and was junior openweight world champion last year. Looks to be about 183cm/135kg. Reminds me a bit of Oshoumi in style and build. I don't know where his qualification is from though, as I don't believe he was best 4 at the Interhigh or Kokutai in the individuals.

Noda at the World Championship - quarterfinals to final. 


Edited by Katooshu
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Noda has no tsukedashi, in the amateur section there only was this

On 01/10/2023 at 11:07, Akinomaki said:

The juniors have Noda from Minoshima high, Wakayama for open weight and as taisho in the team

He lost with the team in the qf. vs. Tottori and surprisingly wasn't in the individuals at the interhigh

On 13/10/2023 at 22:21, Akinomaki said:

world champions Nishide, Noda and Mitsuhashi and gold team member Saito

3rd year Noda wants to become pro after graduation:" I aim for the yusho and don't think of the qualifications" o

On 14/10/2023 at 08:04, Akinomaki said:

Wakayama with Nishide and Noda made it to 2nd and lost to Ehime in the final

Noda should have thought more about a qualification than the yusho - nothing for him, 1st round loss.

It is not the person Noda, mentioned in the articles about Matsui being the 1st to join with the new MS60TD - the last was 24 years ago Iwakiyama

Matsui after graduation joined the company Noda-gumi to be in corporate sumo. (just like Ochiai did - his dad's company)

Edited by Akinomaki
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1 hour ago, Bunbukuchagama said:
11 hours ago, Katooshu said:

Matsui joins Miyagino. He is a short

I wonder who plays the role of Snow White in this fairy tale. (Sigh...)

Clearly Hokuseihō.

We're on 3 dwarves already, right? Enhō, Raihō, Matsui...

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1 hour ago, Seiyashi said:

Clearly Hokuseihō.

We're on 3 dwarves already, right? Enhō, Raihō, Matsui...

Ishiura but maybe he’s gone so it doesn’t count.

Hakuho never got over getting rejected from heya for being too short did he

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2 hours ago, Seiyashi said:

Clearly Hokuseihō.

We're on 3 dwarves already, right? Enhō, Raihō, Matsui...

Kiho as well. 

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Pretty funny to see the first upgraded-from-SdTd-to-MsTd rookie go to Miyagino-beya after all that delusional talk from certain quarters about how the new tsukedashi rules are all about punishing Hakuho for attracting too many prospects to the stable.

(Maybe the real conspiracy is that they scrapped the height/weight requirements to facilitate his Ahab-like quest for ever-smaller sekitori...)

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19 hours ago, Katooshu said:

Matsui joins Miyagino. He is a short, but tenacious, speedy pusher who was second at the interhigh in 2022 for Tottori Johoku, then did a year of corporate sumo as an adult, in which he finished top 8 at the Kokutai (also unbeaten in helping Tottori win the team competition) and best 32 at the All Japan Championship.

All Japan


Local NHK on Kanato Matsui (19,,  松井奏凪人


"Always pressuring myself forward, I want to gambarize day by day to at least avoid injury" (the Miyagino curse). About entering Miyagino, with one year sempai Hakuoho (and sempai Tenshoho and Hokuseiho), after having been there several times for experience training: "It's a feeling of security (but not for the health) and reassurance. I think it also will be a stimulus, chasing after the sempai, and one day I want to surpass him."

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7 hours ago, Bunbukuchagama said:

How short was he really?

Not that short - just scrawny. He clocked in at 180/80 in maezumo, but is reported as being only 69 kg when he went around knocking on various heya doors to accept him. 

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18 hours ago, Seiyashi said:

Clearly Hokuseihō.

We're on 3 dwarves already, right? Enhō, Raihō, Matsui...

Maybe rather Sleeping Beauty? (Laughing...);-)

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Joining Sadogatake-beya (temporarily - an uchideshi for Hidenoyama-beya) is 18-year-old Seiyu Koguchi (高口 誠雄) from Yanagawa, Fukuoka prefecture, the same home city of Hidenoyama-oyakata (former Ozeki Kotoshogiku). He's soon to graduate from Omuta High School where he has been a member of the judo club, although he was also active in sumo in earlier schooling.

Koguchi admired the way Hidenoyama did sumo head-on, and that he did keiko without compromise. Although fairly small in stature at 170cm and 115kg, Hidenoyama believes Koguchi has a solid foundation in judo skill, and wants him to use it to surpass his own peak of Ozeki.

Hidenoyama visited Yanagawa city hall today to announce his recruit, joined by the Mayor, Kenji Kaneko (second from right) and other supporters.


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58 minutes ago, Yubinhaad said:

... Although fairly small in stature ...


I know that 170cm comes in at around 5ft 7in. in old money, but the kid looks fairly tall in this pic.

Feels like way more smaller stature rikishi in ozumo than when I started watching again in 2015.

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3 hours ago, RabidJohn said:

I know that 170cm comes in at around 5ft 7in. in old money, but the kid looks fairly tall in this pic.

Kotoshogiku was about 178-180 cm (looks about right in this picture).  Old mayor-type guys look smaller, as expected.

Kotoshogiku was a relatively short guy (part of his bumpety style of Sumo was based on his belly being lower than his opponent's).  In fact, I think he was the shortest Ozeki since Daiju (he of the silicone dome), and only bested since by Takakeisho.


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Not quite that name

On 04/11/2023 at 10:51, Akinomaki said:

4th years among the best 16 (sd90TD): Yuuki Hokao (Nittaidai), Ryuya Kitano (Komazawa-daigaku ), Tenarashi Sarukawa (Tonodai - quite a name)

Tonodai 4th year Sora Sarukawa 猿川天嵐 joins Tokitsukaze-beya, with the appropriate shikona 時天嵐 Tokitenran - with that first name he had to make use of it. From Ajigasawa town, Aomori, Goshogawara agric./forr. high graduate, he had a pep rally today with about 70 locals. Unlike other students he wants to join for Haru - and have his SD90TD debut even is maezumo should be cancelled  - aim: sekitori in 3 years

flowers from kohai Ogasawara, 3rd year at Ajigasawa middle school, winner of the Wakanosato cup (looks like he could join now as well)


o img_1ad1fe571bf32eb91c809a78d513641c542903.jpgo

last June


already a TD a year earlier

On 05/11/2022 at 10:30, Akinomaki said:

Day 1 today of the 100th memorial Inkare インカレ (inter-college), the last part was broadcast on NHK-E, the sumo federation had a free stream up to then:

and fortunately also for the final hour

Choijil beat Nakamura in the final and is first time student yokozuna

2nd year Hanaoka from Nichidai and Sarukawa from Tonodai as 3rd


On 06/02/2024 at 21:30, Yubinhaad said:

Joining Sadogatake-beya (temporarily - an uchideshi for Hidenoyama-beya) is 18-year-old Seiyu Koguchi (高口 誠雄) from Yanagawa, Fukuoka prefecture, the same home city of Hidenoyama-oyakata (former Ozeki Kotoshogiku). He's soon to graduate from Omuta High School where he has been a member of the judo club, although he was also active in sumo in earlier schooling.

Koguchi admired the way Hidenoyama did sumo head-on, and that he did keiko without compromise. Although fairly small in stature at 170cm and 115kg, Hidenoyama believes Koguchi has a solid foundation in judo skill, and wants him to use it to surpass his own peak of Ozeki.

Hidenoyama visited Yanagawa city hall today to announce his recruit


Koguchi: Aiming for yokozuna


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On 02/02/2024 at 13:36, Akinomaki said:


This guy is supposed to be 19?

Edited by Sokkenaiyama
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Middle school 3rd year from Matsuyama, Ehime, Souma Hino 日野天槙 (172cm, 90kg) joins Isegahama-beya, where his brother already is a member as Makotofuji. He started with sumo in middle school and won several city level tournaments. The oyakata was at the school today - he wants him to aim for yokozuna. Hino wants to surpass first Midorifuji, then Terunofuji. He aims to be at the shindeshi kensa on March 2nd and have his dohyo debut at the Haru basho - now that we really are back to normal, maezumo will most likely take place again in Osaka. He might be with his brother there, who'll drop off the banzuke for Haru.

Edited by Akinomaki

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On 01/02/2024 at 16:31, Katooshu said:

Matsui joins Miyagino. He is a short, but tenacious, speedy pusher who was second at the interhigh in 2022 for Tottori Johoku, then did a year of corporate sumo as an adult, in which he finished top 8 at the Kokutai (also unbeaten in helping Tottori win the team competition) and best 32 at the All Japan Championship.

Hakuho with sempai Tenshoho and Hakuoho and Ishiura (Magaki) was at Tottori Johoku high today for the Miyagino-beya entry press conference of Matsui (now 170cm, 120kg)


img_779984ece8aa6286492814629fb9d840122078.jpg img_b32db867ca28f5ddcf1365b4d1e1081d134917.jpg img_ec6eb8dd8d8a15d291302e3743052775180320.jpg img_eb37a5a9d79ee8e154e6a99804489d9d141701.jpg img_9b69dc733a252b68c6ea447e0d485818143679.jpgo img_9d0c243213cf50e873833eae0c55b28e16110409.jpgo

Hakuho: There also was the option to start at jonokuchi, but he has confidence to make it from the bottom of makushita and chose to join as tsukedashi

Matsui: I want to aim for sekitori, but first get through the debut basho without injury and with kachikoshi 4040017152_20240216183041_s.jpgvid 5010023442_20240216182637_s.jpgvid



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What's Matsui's sekitori potential relative to Tenshōhō? 

Edited by Seiyashi

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5 hours ago, Yarimotsu said:

It's getting a bit weird how willing Miyagino is to take on extremely short pupils.

Miyagino-san has at least one exception (to prove the rule), but he's far from the only one to go for dinky deshi. Check out any recent 'New recruits for ...' thread and you'll see quite a few oyakata standing next to a new recruit who's several inches shorter. 

I've nothing against it if they turn out like Ura or Midorifuji, but I'm less thrilled by Roy Batty types like Ishiura and Enho.

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6 hours ago, Yarimotsu said:

It's getting a bit weird how willing Miyagino is to take on extremely short pupils.

Do we have seven Miyagino dwarfs already?

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1 hour ago, Bunbukuchagama said:

Do we have seven Miyagino dwarfs already?

Hey, thanks, pal, I got a mental picture of Hokuseiho as Snow White and had to send back my lunch order.(Yucky...)

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