
Sekitori Sweepstake - July 2024

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A big thank you to Athenayama for looking after this game. (Iamnotworthy...)

Let's put the results in banzuke format....

Final Banzuke for July 2024

Yarimotsu (O1E, 7-8)                  O1  Tetsuba (O1W, 8-7)
Karasukurai (S1E, 6-9)             S1  
Bunbukuchagama (S1W, 8-7)
Holleshoryu (K1E, 10-5)             K1  RaeucherLax (K1W, 12-3 (Secondprize...))
Takanorappa (M1E, 8-7)              M1  Ryoshishikunin (M1W, 10-5)

Reonito (M2E, 12-3 (Secondprize...))                     M2  Wamahada (M2W, 9-6)
Jakusotsu (M3E, 7-8)                  M3  Suwihuto (M3W, 5-10)
Fujiko (M4E, 7-8)                     M4  sumojoann (M4W, 12-3 (Yushowinner...))
Chijanofuji (M5E, 0-0-15)                  M5  
Rokudenashi (M5W, 4-11)
TheGunbaiHolder (M6E, 6-9)    M6  Baku (M6W, 8-7)
Joaoiyama (M7E, 6-9)             M7  Djodjoyoshi (M7W, 7-8)
lilfox (M8E, 9-6)                           M8  Kaito (M8W, 9-6)
chishafuwaku (M9E, 6-9)         M9 
Oshirokita (M9W, 5-10)
Sumo Spiffy (M10E, 8-7)             M10 Chiyotasuke (M10W, 3-2-10)
Gusoyama (M11E, 10-5)           M11 
Hoshotakamoto (M11W, 1-14)
Gernobono (M12E, 5-10)              M12 WAKATAKE (M12W, 7-8)
Ganzohnesushi (M13E, 10-5)     M13 Fashiriteta (M13W, 8-7)
Kaminariyuki (M14E, 6-9)           M14 Seiyashi (M14W, INTAI (Danpatsu-shiki...))
Flohru (M15E, 9-6)                        M15 Benihana (M15W, 7-8)
Sakura (M16E, 5-10)                          M16 Shiroiokami (M16W, 8-7)
Gaijingai (M17E, 8-7)                   M17 Kotononami (M17W, 9-6)
Kaiowaka (M18E, 5-10)               M18 
Getayukata (M18W, 4-11)

#1HENKAFAN (J1E, 0-0-15)     J1  Jejima (J1W, 10-5)
Kimyama (J2E, 8-7)             J2  Meletyoshi (J2W, 11-4 (Secondprize...))
Kaba (J3E, 7-8)                    J3  Ack! (J3W, 10-5) 
Athenayama (J4E, 6-9)       J4 Terarno (J4W, 9-4-2)
nelimw (J5E, 4-11)                               J5  Hakuhonofan (J5W, 11-4 (Yushowinner...))
Taikoubana (J6E, 0-2-13)                J6  Katooshu (J6W, 8-7)
Chanko Thief (J7E, 9-6)                J7

Andreas21 (mz, 7-0)
Kachikoshi (mz, 4-3)
Iwadanuki (mz, 1-6)


Edited by Jejima

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New Banzuke for September 2024

Yarimotsu is kadoban, so requires a KK in September to keep his Ozeki rank.
Three of the Sekiwakes are on Ozeki runs. RaeucherLax needs 13 wins in September to get '33' over three basho.
Holleshoryu needs 'just' 12 wins to get '33'.
Reonito needs 13 wins too.

Of course, if Yarimotsu loses his Ozeki rank, the best candidate will be promoted to take his place.

Tetsuba (O1W, 8-7)                  O1  Yarimotsu (O1E, 7-8)
RaeucherLax (K1W, 12-3)       S1   Holleshoryu (K1E, 10-5)
Bunbukuchagama (S1W, 8-7) S2  
Reonito (M2E, 12-3)
Ryoshishikunin (M1W, 10-5)   K1  sumojoann (M4W, 12-3)
Takanorappa (M1E, 8-7)          K2
Wamahada (M2W, 9-6)            M1  
Karasukurai (S1E, 6-9) 
lilfox (M8E, 9-6)                         M2  Kaito (M8W, 9-6)
Baku (M6W, 8-7)                               M3  Jakusotsu (M3E, 7-8)
Gusoyama (M11E, 10-5)             M4  Fujiko (M4E, 7-8)
Ganzohnesushi (M13E, 10-5)  M5 Sumo Spiffy (M10E, 8-7)
Suwihuto (M3W, 5-10)              M6  Flohru (M15E, 9-6)

TheGunbaiHolder (M6E, 6-9)   M7  Fashiriteta (M13W, 8-7) 
Djodjoyoshi (M7W, 7-8)             M8  Joaoiyama (M7E, 6-9)
Rokudenashi (M5W, 4-11)        M9   Meletyoshi (J2W, 11-4)
chishafuwaku (M9E, 6-9)          M10 
Kotononami (M17W, 9-6)
Jejima (J1W, 10-5)                    M11  Shiroiokami (M16W, 8-7)
Gaijingai (M17E, 8-7)                 M12 Oshirokita (M9W, 5-10)
WAKATAKE (M12W, 7-8)         M13  Hakuhonofan (J5W, 11-4)
Ack! (J3W, 10-5)                        M14  
Chijanofuji (M5E, 0-0-15)
Gernobono (M12E, 5-10)         M15  Kaminariyuki (M14E, 6-9)
Benihana (M15W, 7-8)              M16  Kimyama (J2E, 8-7)
Terarno (J4W, 9-4-2)                 M17

Chanko Thief (J7E, 9-6)           J1     Katooshu (J6W, 8-7)
Chiyotasuke (M10W, 3-2-10)   J2     Sakura (M16E, 5-10)
Kaiowaka (M18E, 5-10)            J3    Kaba (J3E, 7-8)
Hoshotakamoto (M11W, 1-14) J4  Getayukata (M18W, 4-11)
Athenayama (J4E, 6-9)             J5    nelimw (J5E, 4-11) 
Taikoubana (J6E, 0-2-13)         J6  Andreas21 (mz, 7-0)
Kachikoshi (mz, 4-3)                J7   Iwadanuki (mz, 1-6)

Seiyashi (M14W, INTAI)

#1HENKAFAN (J1E, 0-0-15)


Edited by Jejima

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Woah, went straight to my first Yusho(Secondprize...) after all the makekoshi. Thank you for tallying up the results every day @Athenayama, and @Jejima for creating this sweepstakes.

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I am so excited to win my first Yusho!!!  Big thanks to my partner Shirokuma, my favorite “Polar Bear”, without whom I could not have done it!  Big thanks also to Nichinoseki Oyakata (ex-Kisenosato) for raising us to be champions!

Special thanks to @Athenayama for the day-to-day operation of this game and to @Jejima for dreaming it up!  

Whew!!  Winning the Yusho is hard work.  Shirokuma and I are exhausted!  Time to sit down and throw back some sake to celebrate!  Thanks everyone for playing.

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Love how I'm doing the bare mininum to not get kadoban, twice in a row (Laughing...)

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On 01/07/2024 at 04:27, Jejima said:

M11W Hoshotakamoto has been granted J12W Tsushimanada.

This will be Tsushimanada's third basho in-a-row at J12W.

wait I got dragged into Juryo by J12W Tsushimanada? check for a hair pull

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