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Olympics 90kg men final: referees' decision?

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I was watching the Judo men's 90 kg final at the Olympics (Sanshiro vs Bekauri). The referees awarded the win to Bekauri in a decision that I found controversial. Did somebody watched it and found it weird? Especially for a final, it was so underwhelming.

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Seems like it came down to a technicality. I feel you on the underwhelming feeling. When championships come down to VAR it just sucks the momentum out of the proceedings.

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I think it was a little unfortunate that a close technique like that won as it was otherwise a great match. In sumo terms, I think it would definitely be a torinaoshi and the match should have continued. However, on judo rules it was a clear kouchi counter to Murao's tani otoshi attempt that landed Murao on his butt and side, with Bekauri being close to chest on to the mat. Fairly clean wazaari leading to the awasete ippon in my books. 

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