
Onosato ozeki promotion

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On 25/09/2024 at 05:09, Akinomaki said:

Are these full-on kilts? What are they called in Japan? And what's the little-bit-too-high knotted sporran for?

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1 hour ago, itchyknee said:

Terunofuji's second run to Ozeki took only 9 basho from Ms10w to Ozeki, but that doesn't really count

Sure, it doesn't count in terms of fastest promotion to Ozeki from entering Ozumo, which was presumably what was meant by the original question, but it's still a good comparison as hinted at by your last paragraph.

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3 hours ago, itchyknee said:

Are these full-on kilts? What are they called in Japan? And what's the little-bit-too-high knotted sporran for?

Those are called Haori. I don't know that much about Japanese culture outside of sumo wrestling, but those are usually what the Oyakata and high ranking rikishi use as more traditional formal wear, to my knowledge.

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7 hours ago, itchyknee said:

Are these full-on kilts? What are they called in Japan? And what's the little-bit-too-high knotted sporran for?

The "kilts" are hakama, traditional trousers. The knot is the fastener to keep the haori  (the jacket) together.

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9 hours ago, itchyknee said:

Are these full-on kilts? What are they called in Japan? And what's the little-bit-too-high knotted sporran for?

This attire is called "Montsuki Haori Hakama", one of the most formal attire for men at present. 

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11 hours ago, itchyknee said:

Are these full-on kilts? What are they called in Japan? And what's the little-bit-too-high knotted sporran for?

I've been seeing shimpan wearing this outfit for nearly 40 years and never noticed it before, but yeah, the pleats and the furry bobble have a similarity.

Probably convergent evolution of fashion, though, a bit like those Madagascan hedgehogs that aren't actually hedgehogs.

Edited by RabidJohn
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5 hours ago, RabidJohn said:

Probably convergent evolution of fashion, though, a bit like those Madagascan hedgehogs that aren't actually hedgehogs.

Harumph!  Please move this to the Mammals of Madagascar thread.

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On 27/09/2024 at 17:59, itchyknee said:

Are these full-on kilts? What are they called in Japan? And what's the little-bit-too-high knotted sporran for?

No, they are a kind of pants that evolved from the old-time robes into something you could ride horses with. Then when the Bushi class took power, they became more formal as the rich and powerful wore them as their class dress vs the robes the former people in power in the Emperors Court still wore. Compared to what the Gyogi wear, which is closer to what the aristocratic court member would wear, but with less stupid hats and redundant layers. 

The modern versions are very simplified from the stupidly complex stuff high ranking members of society used to have to wear. When I was in Japan a couple of years ago, part of the tour we took of a palace in the Kyoto area that had been converted into a museum had a whole section of clothing and how it evolved over time. I wish I could remember the name of it right now, but it escapes me.

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3 hours ago, Morningstar said:

No, they are a kind of pants that evolved from the old-time robes into something you could ride horses with. Then when the Bushi class took power, they became more formal as the rich and powerful wore them as their class dress vs the robes the former people in power in the Emperors Court still wore. Compared to what the Gyogi wear, which is closer to what the aristocratic court member would wear, but with less stupid hats and redundant layers. 

The modern versions are very simplified from the stupidly complex stuff high ranking members of society used to have to wear. When I was in Japan a couple of years ago, part of the tour we took of a palace in the Kyoto area that had been converted into a museum had a whole section of clothing and how it evolved over time. I wish I could remember the name of it right now, but it escapes me.

The pleated split pants are called hakama, the thin jacket/vest is a haori.  According to one website, the string across the open vest is tied with a himo (the pompon thing).  It appears that both the split pants and the open jacket/vest were both developed so that the wearer could straddle and control a horse, as you mentioned.

There is some evidence that the major use of this garb is for grooms at formal weddings; more and more, funeral attendees are wearing western formal suits (in black).

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On 27/09/2024 at 23:29, Akinomaki said:
On 25/09/2024 at 14:09, Akinomaki said:

team yusho for Kaiyo high, with Shirokuma and Kayo

a vinyl wrapped train together with these 2 and Oshoumi will be presented in a ceremony on Saturday in Itoigawa


To take part in the ceremony and first of all to report his ozeki promotion, Onosato with Oshoumi went to Itoigawa, where he had a press conference in the city hall. The 4 went to middle and high school there, looks like also Kayo is injured too much to take part.

Kayo and Shirokuma kyujo, Oshoumi brought his oyakata (trying to find new recruits?). First the ceremony at Itoigawa station.


one wagon of this Echigo-Tokimeki Railway train  is vinyl wrapped in Kaiyo high design, on it the four sekitori who graduated there, one for each door - everywhere only the one with Onosato is shown. The train will be in use like this for 2 years.


img_dead6506b2b51a0780bb1129878bcb88112059.jpgo img_2a1cfba45c63d50d8b477c7edbc0d7e639025.jpgoimg_b308a6ed534d5078c6ed91b6fe2ebc1d185301.jpgo20240928-OHT1I51097-N.jpgo img_1bb47933123813c66407f77ac9dd734a183763.jpgo img_f57cd879d60b40e23bb8170bc794f95e156098.jpgo 20240928s10005000133000p_thum.jpgo

The 3 entered the train and went to NouU station, near Kaiyo high (and NoU middle school) -  there an ozeki promotion celebration awaited them

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and 3rd especially Onosato took part in a festivity there with mochi pounding - all 3 events together had more than 5000 spectators, the parents of Onosato were there


and Kaiyo high sumo club members of course

o1080081015491818655.jpg?cpd=150oo1080081015491818624.jpg?cpd=150o o1080081015491818603.jpg?cpd=150o

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also there, from Kayo high, but lower ranked, as tsukebito: Marusho for Oshouomi - with the gottsan curry developed by the sumo club


and Kirinryu for Onosato

the full interview from the arrival day https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQa2JBIGOQg

Edited by Akinomaki
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16 minutes ago, Wurstbroetchen said:

Will he be promoted to Yokozuna if he wins and the next basho?

No.  Two basho at ozeki minimum.  He's used his existing yushos to pay for the ozeki promotion.

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13 hours ago, Yamanashi said:

The pleated split pants are called hakama, the thin jacket/vest is a haori.  According to one website, the string across the open vest is tied with a himo (the pompon thing).  It appears that both the split pants and the open jacket/vest were both developed so that the wearer could straddle and control a horse, as you mentioned.

There is some evidence that the major use of this garb is for grooms at formal weddings; more and more, funeral attendees are wearing western formal suits (in black).

To add to the excellent information already presented on hakama, it is also used as the formal "competition outfit" in a few traditional Japanese sports/disciplines such as kendo, kyudo, aikido etc. So to this day whenever there's a formal competition or event in these disciplines the participants always have to wear hakama. 

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On 29/09/2024 at 10:36, Akinomaki said:

Kayo and Shirokuma kyujo, Oshoumi brought his oyakata . First the ceremony at Itoigawa station.

one wagon of this Echigo-Tokimeki Railway train  is vinyl wrapped in Kaiyo high design, on it the four sekitori who graduated there, one for each door - everywhere only the one with Onosato is shown.
The 3 entered the train and went to NouU station, near Kaiyo high (and NoU middle school)

4 local TV stations (some attached to national TV) reported on it and as usual a day delayed, the videos appeared on their sites

img_167a40069fc14445512d3512a197d63f179011.jpg img_282fd26b1c13852441c7be15b98a09d8122593.jpgimg_3d91dbc29fb4da3315a1288fca8f9954107096.jpgimg_0ffb3f99b037ec3351754d0d8f2cb5a9165820.jpgimg_35f18739a69bd416e0349b60d659d645214852.jpgimg_a10ba7030b9b33e6c2ebbe921dec1c4e144041.jpgvid


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I guess Oshoumi is feeling just as awkward as me looking at him.

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1 hour ago, Jakusotsu said:

I guess Oshoumi is feeling just as awkward as me looking at him.

It is as close as he will ever get to sumo glory. :-D

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I haven't seen a Rikishi's picture on an actual train.

Is that a regular train?

I probably would be confused when I was going to board a train an get the fierce look of an actual Rikishi. In the confusion, I would even be tempted to shout ‘Hakkeyo’ (certainly not).

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41 minutes ago, Andreas21 said:

I haven't seen a Rikishi's picture on an actual train.

Is that a regular train?

Of course, there was at least one other train like that with rikshi

On 28/06/2014 at 12:05, Akinomaki said:

As PR for the Takamatsu jungyo basho on Oct. 21st a sumo-style wrapped train is running on the Kotoden Kotohira-line, with the 3 yokozuna and Endo plus semi-local Kotoyuuki

Another pic at http://www.shikoku-np.co.jp/kagawa_news/locality/photo.aspx?id=20140624000192&no=1

in two years they will maybe have an updated version with the top 4 sekitori then - and Onosato with oicho

On 29/09/2024 at 10:36, Akinomaki said:

one wagon of this Echigo-Tokimeki Railway train  is vinyl wrapped in Kaiyo high design, on it the four sekitori who graduated there, one for each door - everywhere only the one with Onosato is shown. The train will be in use like this for 2 years.

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