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Year in review kind of book or magazine

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Hello all,
does a magazine or book of the sumo year in review exist?
I follow sumo since 2006 and i'm interested of any year in review since if it can be found somewhere.

Thanks in advance !

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I've bought two sumo "directories" on trips to Japan in the past (the official title in Japanese is 大相撲力士名鑑); they show all the stables and have headshots of who's in them, and they have a year in review section at the end, but it's pretty short, just a one-page summary of what happened at each basho, and how everyone on the makuuchi banzuke did for that basho, day by day, with the white and black circles. There's also a picture guide to all the kimarite and a sumo glossary at the end, but the whole book's in Japanese, of course.

That's the closest thing I can find to what you mentioned, but I'm sure there's probably others out there for sale.

Edited by BigKahunaMan

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