Susanoo 382 Posted January 6 Pre-registration for the first-time participants. Entry page. Very active rikishi[choose one rikishi among the rikishi who are ranked Sekiwake or below banzuke.] 20 points per 1 win, -10 points per 1 loss, 50 points per 1 Sansho.[Yasumi(rest)is not counted] Active rikishi[choose 1-3 rikishi among ....] 10 points........, -10 points........, 30 points........[Yasumi(rest)is not counted] Non-active rikishi[choose 1-3 ........] 10 points per 1 loss, -10 points per 1 win.[Yasumi(rest)is not counted] Entry lists [confirm] Norizo Cup - Entry lists ( A precaution to make your participation certain. First, Log in from the icon "Entry page" in NC home page.>Pick your choices in Series 142 entry page.>Press the icon "Entry confirm" at the bottom of the page.>In Entry confirm page [check lists for your pick], press the icon "Confirm OK" at the bottom of the page.>Press the icon "Entry lists" in NC home page. You can confirm your entry which was certainly recieved by it. 事前登録(初参加時) Norizo Cup - Pre-Register ( 投票ページ Norizo Cup - Entry Page ( 投票状況 のりぞう杯/投票状況 ( The 1st choice. Choose 1 Makuuchi Rikishi that you think will be the most successful in Sekiwake or below Banzuke ranking. 20 points for every win, -10 points for every loss, and 50 points for every Sanshou[Shukun, Kantou, Ginou prise]. 1-3 Makuuchi Rikishi that you think will be successful next in Sekiwake or below Banzuke ranking. 10 points for every win, -10 points for every loss, and 30 points for every Sanshou[Shukun, Kantou, Ginou prise]. 1-3 Makuuchi Rikishi that you don't think will be successful in Sekiwake or below Banzuke ranking. 10 points for every loss, -10 points for every win. None of them include the Yasumi[the days when the chosen Rikishi has no matches after Fusenpai(a loss) in a day he offered Kyuujou]. 最も活躍する力士を関脇以下から1人選択。 1勝につき20点、1敗につき-10点、三賞受賞1つにつき50点(休みは含めず) 活躍力士を関脇以下から1~3人選択。 1勝につき10点、・・・-10点、三賞・・・30点(休みは含めず) 活躍しない力士を関脇以下から1~3人選択。 1勝につき-10点、・・・+10点(休みは含めず) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Susanoo 382 Posted January 6 (edited) Realise or not Realize or notあるない [Yes]=20Points, Not realize [No]=10points ある20点、ない10点 1) Terunofuji will have 0 losses or 0 wins in the day 4-9. 照ノ富士4~9日目は黒星無しまたは白星無し 2) Houshouryuu will get 8 wins the eariest in Ozeki, and the other 2 will also get that by the day 13. 大関で一番早い勝ち越しは豊昇龍で他2大関も13日目までには勝ち越す 3) Daieishou will have the shortest total time in the matches in the day 1-2 among that of Ozeki-Sekiwake-Komusubi. (*1)The Rikishi who have the Fusen(default)matches are excluded from this,and if Daieishou has Fusen, Abi takes his place in this. 大関関脇小結各力士の初日2日目合計取組時間が最も短いのは大栄翔 (*1)不戦勝または不戦敗があった力士は除外、大栄翔に不戦が生じた場合は代わりに阿炎で 4) There will be at least 9 days when the total number of wins of 4 Sekiwake-Komusubi in a day are equal to or exceed that of 3 Ozeki. 3大関の1日の白星合計を4関脇小結のそれが上回るか同じ日が9日以上 5) At least 4 Rikishi will win in all opportunities of the match against Sekiwake-Komusubi. 関脇小結との対戦機会の全てに勝つ力士が4人以上 6) Maegashira 1-3 only Banzuke West trio [got 20 wins in the previous Basho] will get at least 6 more wins than that of M 1-3 only Banzuke East trio [got 31 wins in the previous Basho] finally. 先場所合計31勝上げた東前頭1~3枚目の合計勝星を、20勝だった西前頭1~3枚目のそれが最終的に6勝以上上回る 7) In the matches among the Rikishi who are ranked in M4-10, at least 1 Rikishi will have at least 11 matches and at least 1 Rikishi will have at most 4 matches. 前頭4~10枚目の力士間の取組、勝敗関係無く誰かが11番以上組まれ、他の誰かは休場無しで4番以下 8) Among the Rikishi ranked in M 11-17, there will be at least 1 day when Takerufuji will be in sole possession of the lead and the gap between him and the runner-up has widened to more than 3. 前頭11~17枚目の力士の中で尊富士が勝星トップで2番手に星3つ以上差をつける日 9) At least 1 Makuuchi Rikishi will get at least 9 wins with 0 wins against foreign-born Rikishi. 海外出身力士からの勝星無しで9勝以上する幕内力士 10) At least 1 Rikishi who didn’t reach Kachikoshi in the last Basho will get Yuushou regardless of division which he is ranked [Jonokuchi-Makuuchi]. 先場所勝ち越してない力士の優勝(各段も対象) 11) The total number of wins of Midorifuji with Kimarite Katasukashi will exceed that of Oushouma with Kimarite Hatakikomi. 翠富士の肩透かしでの白星数は欧勝馬の叩き込みによる白星数より多い 12) There will be at least 3 matches that are settled inside of the Dohyou ring in the last 8 matches on the day 1. 初日最後8番中土俵内で決着する取り組み3番以上 13) Among the Shin-Nyuumaku and Sai-Nyuumaku Rikishi, Hakuouhou will get a win against the highest Banzuke ranking Rikishi who are defeated by them. 新再入幕5力士の中で最も上位の番付力士に勝つのは伯桜鵬 14) There will be at least 1 Makuuchi-Rikishi who gets at least 5 wins against the Rikishi whom he was defeated in the previous Basho. 先場所負けた相手から5勝以上する幕内力士 15) There will be at least 1 Sekitori who has both at least 8 wins and at least 1 Fusen-pai[a loss by default]. 少なくとも8勝と1つ以上の不戦敗がある関取 Edited January 10 by Susanoo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Susanoo 382 Posted January 6 (edited) Special Question 特別 Score distribution. 得点配分 1000 points are divided per number of the correct answers.[the maximum points to a correct answer is 200 points] 1000点を正解者数で頭割り(上限200点) [Question] Who will have 5 wins the eariest among 3 high-ranking Maegashira Rikishi [Atamifuji, Gounoyama and Ouhou] who have no Sanyaku experience? [ If it is achieved by more than 1 Rikishi on the same day, a Rikishi with the earliest achievement time has the advantage.] 三役経験のない平幕上位の3人(熱海富士、豪ノ山、王鵬)、今場所最初に5勝目をあげるのはズバリ誰!?(同一日に複数が5勝目の場合、取組順が早い方) [Choices] Atamifuji by the day 7. 熱海富士が7日目まで Gounoyama by the day 7. 豪ノ山が7日目まで Ouhou by the day 7. 王鵬が7日目まで Atamifuji on the day 8. 熱海富士が中日 Gounoyama on the day 8. 豪ノ山が中日 Ouhou on the day 8. 王鵬が中日 Atamifuji on the day 9. 熱海富士が9日目 Gounoyama on the day 9. 豪ノ山が9日目 Ouhou on the day 9. 王鵬が9日目 Atamifuji on the day 10-11. 熱海富士が10日目か11日目 Gounoyama on the day 10-11. 豪ノ山が10日目か11日目 Ouhou on the day 10-11. 王鵬が10日目か11日目 Atamifuji in the day 12-15. 熱海富士が12日目以降 Gounoyama in the day 12-15. 豪ノ山が12日目以降 Ouhou in the day 12-15. 王鵬が12日目以降 All 3 of them have at most 4 wins. 今場所は三人とも4勝以下 Edited January 7 by Susanoo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Susanoo 382 Posted January 7 (edited) Matchups対戦 There are 3 choices [either side or no matches]. 1 win of lower banzuke side decides a win of lower side. 1 loss of higher banzuke side decides a loss of higer side. 下位側は1勝で勝ち、上位側は1敗で負け。 20 points par a correct answer. 30 points to the case of correct answer rate are at most 30%. 40 points to that are at most 20%. 50 points to at most 10%. At most 30 points to the correct answer with "no matches". どちらか又は対戦無しの3択。正解+20点、正解率30%未満+30点、20%未満+40点、10%未満+50点。「対戦なし」正解時は最高30点まで。 Terunofuji vs The Rikishi who are on a losing streak to him 照ノ富士-照ノ富士に連敗中の力士- Kotozakura vs Maegashira 1 琴櫻-前頭筆頭 Houshouryuu vs Komusubi 豊昇龍-小結 Ounosato vs Sekiwake 大の里-関脇 Maegashira 2 vs Ura 前頭2枚目-宇良 Maegashira 3 vs Shoudai 前頭3枚目-正代 Hiradoumi vs Maegashira 7-8 平戸海-前頭7~8枚目 Takayasu vs Maegashira 9 高安-前頭9枚目 Maegashira 10 vs Maegashira 17 前頭10枚目-前頭17枚目 Maegashira 13 vs Kitanowaka 前頭13枚目-北の若 Edited January 10 by Susanoo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Susanoo 382 Posted January 7 (edited) Yuushou優勝 100points 100点 Terunofuji with 14-15 wins. 照ノ富士14勝以上 Terunofuji with at most 13 wins. 照ノ富士13勝以下 Kotozakura with Yuushou-kettei-sen. 琴櫻、優勝決定戦有り Kotozakura without Yuushou-kettei-sen. 琴櫻、優勝決定戦無し Houshouryuu with at least 8 wins against Maegashira Rikishi. 豊昇龍、平幕から8勝以上 Houshouryuu with at most 7 wins against Maegashira Rikishi. 豊昇龍、平幕から7勝以下 Ounosato has at least 1 loss by the day6. 大の里、6日目までに黒星有り Ounosato has 0 losses by the day6. 大の里、6日目までに黒星無し Sekiwake. 関脇 Wakatakakage faces Maegashira 3 or above Banzuke ranker on the day 15. 若隆景、千秋楽の対戦相手は前頭3枚目以上の力士 Wakatakakage faces Maegashira 4 or below Banzuke ranker on the day 15. 若隆景、千秋楽の対戦相手は前頭4枚目以下の力士 Abi or Maegashira 1. 阿炎か前頭筆頭 Takayasu. 高安 Takerufuji. 尊富士 Other Rikishi. その他の力士 Edited January 10 by Susanoo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Susanoo 382 Posted January 10 (edited) recieved entry lists................................................................................................. wakaiouzenjou----- 2025/01/10 14:14:58 entry complete. yukihyou----- 2025/01/10 15: 36; 51 entry complete. Kirinoumi----- 2025/01/10 16:12; 31 entry complete. Kachikoshi----- 2025/01/10 16:15; 25 entry complete. daisyouyama----- 2025/01/10 20:08:34 entry complete. Ganzohnesushi----- 2025/01/10 21:19:23 entry complete. Balon----- 2025/01/11 00:07:15 entry complete. Shatsume----- 2025/01/11 00:55:13 entry complete. Wamahada----- 2025/01/11 03:35:24 entry complete. Terarno----- 2025/01/11 05:45:47 entry complete. Beeftank----- 2025/01/11 05:46:04 entry complete. Metallica----- 2025/01/11 11:43:03 entry complete. Bill----- 2025/01/11 11:43:38 entry complete. Kaito----- 2025/01/11 12:38:24 entry complete. big-jordan----- 2025/01/11 14:06:25 entry complete. Oyama----- 2025/01/11 14:22:02 entry complete. Bunbukuchagama----- 2025/01/11 14:54:26 entry complete. Eeve----- 2025/01/11 15:41:00 entry complete. Oskanohana----- 2025/01/11 16:09:55 entry complete. Warusaru----- 2025/01/11 17:16:22 entry complete. ScreechingOwl----- 2025/01/11 17:26:17 entry complete. tohru----- 2025/01/11 19:38:55 entry complete. Frinkanohana----- 2025/01/11 20:01:20 entry complete. JYONO----- 2025/01/11 18:55:36 entry complete. ma-tyan----- 2025/01/11 20:12:53 entry complete. kotochikushi----- 2025/01/11 20:01:32 entry complete. Fujisan----- 2025/01/11 20:10:11 entry complete. Onzoushi_oyakata----- 2025/01/11 20:23:35 entry complete. kotohirayama----- 2025/01/11 21:15:41 entry complete. Kunibiki----- 2025/01/11 21:27:47 entry complete. yamanoyama----- 2025/01/11 21:55:04 entry complete. chishafuwaku----- 2025/01/11 22:12:47 entry complete. tsupparitaro----- 2025/01/11 22:12:58 entry complete. Asshet De Rosa----- 2025/01/11 22:23:37 entry complete. Oortael----- 2025/01/11 22:33:48 entry complete. reeeen----- 2025/01/11 22:54:48 entry complete. Joputosu----- 2025/01/11 23:13:21 entry complete. Susanoo----- 2025/01/12 00:10:20 entry complete. Edited January 11 by Susanoo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Susanoo 382 Posted January 12 (edited) hashi----- 2025/01/12 00:19:55 entry complete. Ruziklao----- 2025/01/12 02:47:26 entry complete. Kitakachiyama----- 2025/01/12 03:52:20 entry complete. Kaiowaka----- 2025/01/12 04:12:44 entry complete. Flohru----- 2025/01/12 05:45:01 entry complete. Athenayama----- 2025/01/12 06:00:15 entry complete. Yarimotsu----- 2025/01/12 06:49:43 entry complete. utinonami----- 2025/01/12 07:37:50 entry complete. andonishiki----- 2025/01/12 07:53:24 entry complete. Kotononami----- 2025/01/12 08:01:47 entry complete. Norizo----- 2025/01/12 08:37:54 entry complete. Yanen----- 2025/01/12 09:22:39 entry complete. kawaji----- 2025/01/12 09:50:43 entry complete. joaoiyama----- 2025/01/12 10:03:36 entry complete. Nantonoyama----- 2025/01/12 10:13:05 entry complete. yosouou----- 2025/01/12 10:23:37 entry complete. Choshu-Yuki----- 2025/01/12 10:30:15 entry complete. Kajiyanosho----- 2025/01/12 10:36:59 entry complete. Kishikaisei----- 2025/01/12 10:38:09 entry complete. Pandaazuma----- 2025/01/12 10:41:45 entry complete. Gansekiiwa----- 2025/01/12 10:44:03 entry complete. ottottoto----- 2025/01/12 10:44:19 entry complete. Takanorappa----- 2025/01/12 10:50:13 entry complete. kikkuzakankurou----- 2025/01/12 11:21:25 entry complete. BlackPinkMawashi----- 2025/01/12 11:28:44 entry complete. TochiYESshin----- 2025/01/12 11:28:49 entry complete. DAI ----- 2025/01/12 12:17:16 entry complete. kannpei----- 2025/01/12 12:40:40 entry complete. Anjoboshi----- 2025/01/12 13:08:56 entry complete. Asashosakari----- 2025/01/12 13:47:37 entry complete. ooborayama----- 2025/01/12 13:49:17 entry complete. GONZABUROW----- 2025/01/12 14:38:01 entry complete. Unkonoyama----- 2025/01/12 14:51:22 entry complete. Hironoumi----- 2025/01/12 15:35:31 entry complete. Thanks for all participants. Edited January 12 by Susanoo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Susanoo 382 Posted January 12 (edited) Day 1 Realise or not 3) Daieishou will have the shortest total time in the matches in the day 1-2 among that of Ozeki-Sekiwake-Komusubi. Kotozakura [40.91s/day1] day2 vs Abi Houshouryuu [12.90] vsTobizaru Ounosato [2.16] vs Kirishima Wakamotoharu [5.25] vs Gounoyama Daieishou [8.07] vs Atamifuji Abi [8.67] vs Kotozakura Wakatakakage [1.16] vs Ouhou 4) There will be at least 9 days when the total number of wins of 4 Sekiwake-Komusubi in a day are equal to or exceed that of 3 Ozeki. day 1, O 2 : 3 SK 12) There will be at least 3 matches that are settled inside of the Dohyou ring in the last 8 matches on the day 1. 2 matches are settled inside. About a match Daieishou [Tsukiotoshi] Gounoyama, Gouno’s out-of-Dohyou hands fell faster than his inside-of-Dohyou stomach. No [24/ 72 participants] Matchups Terunofuji●vs ○ Wakatakakage[who are on a losing streak to him] [38/ ] Kotozakura ○vs● Takanoshou[Maegashira 1] Special Q Who will have 5 wins the eariest amo ng 3 high-ranking Maegashira Rikishi [Atamifuji, Gounoyama and Ouhou] who have no Sanyaku experience? [ If it is achieved by more than 1 Rikishi on the same day, a Rikishi with the earliest achievement time has the advantage.] Atamifuji● Gounoyama● Ouhou ○ Edited January 13 by Susanoo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Susanoo 382 Posted January 13 Day 2 Realise or not 3) Daieishou will have the shortest total time in the matches in the day 1-2 among that of Ozeki-Sekiwake-Komusubi. Kotozakura [40.91+4.28]=45.19 Houshouryuu [12.90+3.98]=16.88 Ounosato [2.16+6.00]=8.16 Wakamotoharu [5.25+6.12]=11.36 Daieishou [8.07+3.13]=11.20 Abi [8.67+4.28]=12.95 Wakatakakage [1.16+5.85]=7.01 No[35/ ] 4) There will be at least 9 days when the total number of wins of 4 Sekiwake-Komusubi in a day are equal to or exceed that of 3 Ozeki. day 1, SK exceed O, 3 : 2 day 2, equal 2 : 2 Special Q Who will have 5 wins the eariest among 3 high-ranking Maegashira Rikishi [Atamifuji, Gounoyama and Ouhou] who have no Sanyaku experience? [ If it is achieved by more than 1 Rikishi on the same day, a Rikishi with the earliest achievement time has the advantage.] Atamifuji ●● Gounoyama●○ Ouhou ○○ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Susanoo 382 Posted January 14 Day 3 Realise or not 4) There will be at least 9 days when the total number of wins of 4 Sekiwake-Komusubi in a day are equal to or exceed that of 3 Ozeki. day 1, SK exceed O, 3 : 2 day 2, equal 2 : 2 day 3, equal 2 : 2 : Special Q Who will have 5 wins the eariest among 3 high-ranking Maegashira Rikishi [Atamifuji, Gounoyama and Ouhou] who have no Sanyaku experience? [ If it is achieved by more than 1 Rikishi on the same day, a Rikishi with the earliest achievement time has the advantage.] Atamifuji ●●● Gounoyama●○○ Ouhou ○○○ Matchups Houshouryuu ○vs ●Komusubi[Wakatakakage] Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Susanoo 382 Posted January 15 (edited) Day 4 Realise or not 1) Terunofuji will have 0 losses or 0 wins in the day 4-9. Day 4 ● 4) There will be at least 9 days when the total number of wins of 4 Sekiwake-Komusubi in a day are equal to or exceed that of 3 Ozeki. day 1, SK exceed O, 3 : 2 day 2, equal 2 : 2 day 3, equal 2 : 2 day 4 exceed 1 : 2 11) The total number of wins of Midorifuji with Kimarite Katasukashi will exceed that of Oushouma with Kimarite Hatakikomi. Oushouma 1 Hatakikomi 14) There will be at least 1 Makuuchi-Rikishi who gets at least 5 wins against the Rikishi whom he was defeated in the previous Basho. Ouhou got 3 wins under this conditions, and has chance tomorrow, too. Special Q Who will have 5 wins the eariest among 3 high-ranking Maegashira Rikishi [Atamifuji, Gounoyama and Ouhou] who have no Sanyaku experience? [ If it is achieved by more than 1 Rikishi on the same day, a Rikishi with the earliest achievement time has the advantage.] Atamifuji ●●●● Gounoyama●○○○ Ouhou ○○○○ Matchups Kotozakura vs [○Kirishima, ●Takanoshou[Maegashira 1] [28/ ] Edited January 16 by Susanoo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Susanoo 382 Posted January 16 Day 5 Realise or not 1) Terunofuji will have 0 losses or 0 wins in the day 4-9. Day 4 ●■やややや Yes[35/ ] 4) There will be at least 9 days when the total number of wins of 4 Sekiwake-Komusubi in a day are equal to or exceed that of 3 Ozeki. day 1, SK exceed O, 3 : 2 day 2, equal 2 : 2 day 3, equal 2 : 2 day 4 exceed 1 : 2 day 5 exceed 2 : 0 14) There will be at least 1 Makuuchi-Rikishi who gets at least 5 wins against the Rikishi whom he was defeated in the previous Basho. Ouhou got 4 wins under this conditions. Special Q Who will have 5 wins the eariest among 3 high-ranking Maegashira Rikishi [Atamifuji, Gounoyama and Ouhou] who have no Sanyaku experience? [ If it is achieved by more than 1 Rikishi on the same day, a Rikishi with the earliest achievement time has the advantage.] Atamifuji ●●●●○ Gounoyama●○○○□ Ouhou ○○○○○ Ouhou by the day 7.[3/ ] to 200pts If he relies too much on dexterity at the edge of Dohyou he will not achieve his ultimate success. Matchups Maegashira 2[Tobizaru] ○vs● Ura Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Susanoo 382 Posted January 17 Day 6 Realise or not 4) There will be at least 9 days when the total number of wins of 4 Sekiwake-Komusubi in a day are equal to or exceed that of 3 Ozeki. day 1, SK exceed O, 3 : 2 day 2, equal 2 : 2 day 3, equal 2 : 2 day 4 exceed 1 : 2 day 5 exceed 2 : 0 day6 less than 1 : 2 14) There will be at least 1 Makuuchi-Rikishi who gets at least 5 wins against the Rikishi whom he was defeated in the previous Basho. Ouhou got 4 wins under this conditions by day4, and has a match[ vs Houshouryuu] under this condition Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Susanoo 382 Posted January 18 Day 7 Realise or not 4) There will be at least 9 days when the total number of wins of 4 Sekiwake-Komusubi in a day are equal to or exceed that of 3 Ozeki. day 1, SK exceed O, 3 : 2 day 2, equal 2 : 2 day 3, equal 2 : 2 day 4 exceed 1 : 2 day 5 exceed 2 : 0 day 6 less than 1 : 2 day 7 less than 1 : 3 Matchups Hiradoumi ○vs● Maegashira 7-8[Endou] Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Susanoo 382 Posted January 19 (edited) Day 8 Realise or not 4) There will be at least 9 days when the total number of wins of 4 Sekiwake-Komusubi in a day are equal to or exceed that of 3 Ozeki. day 1, SK exceed O, 3 : 2 day 2, equal 2 : 2 day 3, equal 2 : 2 day 4 exceed 1 : 2 day 5 exceed 2 : 0 day 6 less than 1 : 2 day 7 less than 1 : 3 day 8 equal 2 : 2 14) There will be at least 1 Makuuchi-Rikishi who gets at least 5 wins against the Rikishi whom he was defeated in the previous Basho. Ouhou got 4 wins under this conditions by day4, and has a match[ vs Atamifuji] under this condition Matchups Takayasu ○vs● Maegashira 9 [Oushouma] Hiradoumi ○○vs●● Maegashira 7-8[Endou, Mitakeumi] Edited January 20 by Susanoo 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Oortael 153 Posted January 19 3 hours ago, Susanoo said: Day 8 Matchups Hiradoumi ○○vs●● Maegashira 7-8[Endou, Mitakeumi] [33/ ] Hiradoumi - Takarafuji (M8w) is still a possibility, right ? Or did I read the question wrong ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Susanoo 382 Posted January 20 5 hours ago, Oortael said: Hiradoumi - Takarafuji (M8w) is still a possibility, right ? Or did I read the question wrong ? Konnichiwa Oortael-san, Thank you for letting me know. You were right and I was wrong. I wish you success in the second half. Susanoo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Susanoo 382 Posted January 20 (edited) Day 9 Realise or not 2)Houshouryuu will get 8 wins the eariest in Ozeki, and the other 2 will also get that by the day 13. Kotozakura had 6 losses. No[43/ ] 4) There will be at least 9 days when the total number of wins of 4 Sekiwake-Komusubi in a day are equal to or exceed that of 3 Ozeki. day 1, SK exceed O, 3 : 2 day 2, equal 2 : 2 day 3, equal 2 : 2 day 4 exceed 1 : 2 day 5 exceed 2 : 0 day 6 less than 1 : 2 day 7 less than 1 : 3 day 8 less than 2 : 3 day 9 exceed 2 : 1 5) At least 4 Rikishi will win in all opportunities of the match against Sekiwake-Komusubi. Both Rikishi Ouhou and Kirishima defeated all 4 Rikishi and they are comfirned so far. 6) Maegashira 1-3 only Banzuke West trio [got 20 wins in the previous Basho] will get at least 6 more wins than that of M 1-3 only Banzuke East trio [got 31 wins in the previous Basho] finally. East 12 : 15 West so far. 10) At least 1 Rikishi who didn’t reach Kachikoshi in the last Basho will get Yuushou regardless of division which he is ranked [Jonokuchi-Makuuchi]. 2 out of 3 Rikishi who are in the Yuushou leading growp in Jyuuryou[and in Makushita] didn’t reach KK in the last Basho, 4 out of 6 in Sndanme, 4 out of 5 in Jonidan and 1out of 2 in Jonokuchi , too 14) There will be at least 1 Makuuchi-Rikishi who gets at least 5 wins against the Rikishi whom he was defeated in the previous Basho. Ouhou got 5th win under this conditions against Atamifuji. (others : Wakataka, Wakamoto, Daiei, Ounosato) Yes[39/ ] Matchups Ounosato ○vs● Sekiwake[Daieishou] Maegashira 3 ●vs○ Shoudai [35/ ] Maegashira 13 vs Kitanowaka No matches [ 2/ ] to 30pts Edited January 20 by Susanoo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Susanoo 382 Posted January 21 Day 10 Realise or not 4) There will be at least 9 days when the total number of wins of 4 Sekiwake-Komusubi in a day are equal to or exceed that of 3 Ozeki. day 1, SK exceed O, 3 : 2 day 2, equal 2 : 2 day 3, equal 2 : 2 day 4 exceed 1 : 2 day 5 exceed 2 : 0 day 6 less than 1 : 2 day 7 less than 1 : 3 day 8 less than 2 : 3 day 9 exceed 2 : 1 day10 equal 3 : 3 7 days so far 6) Maegashira 1-3 only Banzuke West trio [got 20 wins in the previous Basho] will get at least 6 more wins than that of M 1-3 only Banzuke East trio [got 31 wins in the previous Basho] finally. East 12 : 17 West so far. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Susanoo 382 Posted January 22 (edited) Day 11 Realise or not 4) There will be at least 9 days when the total number of wins of 4 Sekiwake-Komusubi in a day are equal to or exceed that of 3 Ozeki. day 1, SK exceed O, 3 : 2 day 2, equal 2 : 2 day 3, equal 2 : 2 day 4 exceed 1 : 2 day 5 exceed 2 : 0 day 6 less than 1 : 2 day 7 less than 1 : 3 day 8 less than 2 : 3 day 9 exceed 2 : 1 day10 equal 3 : 3 day11 equal 2 : 2 8 days under this condition so far. 6) Maegashira 1-3 only Banzuke West trio [got 20 wins in the previous Basho] will get at least 6 more wins than that of M 1-3 only Banzuke East trio [got 31 wins in the previous Basho] finally. East 14 : 19 West so far. 7) In the matches among the Rikishi who are ranked in M4-10, at least 1 Rikishi will have at least 11 matches and at least 1 Rikishi will have at most 4 matches. Only 2 Rikishi Shoudai[4e] and Meisei[10w] have exactly 4 matches, and only 2 Endo[7e] and Mitakeumi[7w] have exactly 10 matches, and other Rkishi have 5-9 matches so far. 8) Among the Rikishi ranked in M 11-17, there will be at least 1 day when Takerufuji will be in sole possession of the lead and the gap between him and the runner-up has widened to more than 3. Kinbouzan[10-1], Takerufuji[8-3] No[49/ ] 9) At least 1 Makuuchi Rikishi will get at least 9 wins with 0 wins against foreign-born Rikishi. There were only 5 survivors, Daieishou has 7 wins, Ura 6, Oushouma 5, Ounokatsu 6, and Shounan has 6 wins. 10) At least 1 Rikishi who didn’t reach Kachikoshi in the last Basho will get Yuushou regardless of division which he is ranked [Jonokuchi-Makuuchi]. In Jonokuchi, Daikishou[didn’t reach KK last basho] is the sole leader. In Jonidan, both Yago and Sekimoto who didn’t reach KK in the last basho] are 6-0 so far. In Sandanme, both Daimasakari and Daikoushou are 6-0, too. Yes[41/ ] Edited January 23 by Susanoo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Susanoo 382 Posted January 23 Day 12 Realise or not 4) There will be at least 9 days when the total number of wins of 4 Sekiwake-Komusubi in a day are equal to or exceed that of 3 Ozeki. day 1, SK exceed O, 3 : 2 day 2, equal 2 : 2 day 3, equal 2 : 2 day 4 exceed 1 : 2 day 5 exceed 2 : 0 day 6 less than 1 : 2 day 7 less than 1 : 3 day 8 less than 2 : 3 day 9 exceed 2 : 1 day10 equal 3 : 3 day11 equal 2 : 2 day12 equal 3 : 3 Yes[32/ ] 6) Maegashira 1-3 only Banzuke West trio [got 20 wins in the previous Basho] will get at least 6 more wins than that of M 1-3 only Banzuke East trio [got 31 wins in the previous Basho] finally. East 15 : 21 West so far. 7) In the matches among the Rikishi who are ranked in M4-10, at least 1 Rikishi will have at least 11 matches and at least 1 Rikishi will have at most 4 matches. Only Shoudai[4e] has exactly 4 matches, and Mitakeumi[7w] hreached 11 matches, and other Rkishi have 5-9 matches so far. 9) At least 1 Makuuchi Rikishi will get at least 9 wins with 0 wins against foreign-born Rikishi. There were only 5 survivors, Daieishou has 8 wins, Ounokatsu 7, Ura 6, Oushouma 6, and Shounan has 6 wins. 13) Among the Shin-Nyuumaku and Sai-Nyuumaku Rikishi, Hakuouhou will get a win against the highest Banzuke ranking Rikishi who are defeated by them. Kinbouzan has a win against Ounosato. This is almost settled with No. 15) There will be at least 1 Sekitori who has both at least 8 wins and at least 1 Fusen-pai[a loss by default]. Wakaikari had 9 wins and 1 Fusen-pai. Yes[34/ ] Matchups Maegashira 10[Meisei] ●vs ○ [Nishikifuji]Maegashira 17 [22/ ] Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Susanoo 382 Posted January 24 Day 13 Realise or not 6) Maegashira 1-3 only Banzuke West trio [got 20 wins in the previous Basho] will get at least 6 more wins than that of M 1-3 only Banzuke East trio [got 31 wins in the previous Basho] finally. East 17 : 23 West so far. Maintaining the condition clear status since yesterday. 7) In the matches among the Rikishi who are ranked in M4-10, at least 1 Rikishi will have at least 11 matches and at least 1 Rikishi will have at most 4 matches. Only Shoudai[4e] has exactly 4 matches, and Mitakeumi[7w] hreached 11 matches, and other Rkishi have 5-9 matches so far. The result is depend on Shodai’s opponent’s Banzuke on Senshuuraku. For refelence, his opponent on day14 is Midorifuji[M11]. 9) At least 1 Makuuchi Rikishi will get at least 9 wins with 0 wins against foreign-born Rikishi. There were only 2 survivors, Ounokatsu and Shounannoumi have 7 wins. 13) Among the Shin-Nyuumaku and Sai-Nyuumaku Rikishi, Hakuouhou will get a win against the highest Banzuke ranking Rikishi who are defeated by them. Kinbouzan has a win against Ounosato. This is almost settled with No. No[15/ ] Yuushou Houshouryuu with at least 8 wins against Maegashira Rikishi.[18/ ] Houshouryuu with at most 7 wins against Maegashira Rikishi. 3/ ] Abi or Maegashira 1(Kirishima). [0/ ] Takerufuji. [3/ ] Other Rikishi.(Kinbouzan, Ouhou)[ 1/ ] Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Susanoo 382 Posted January 25 Day 14 Realise or not 5) At least 4 Rikishi will win in all opportunities of the match against Sekiwake-Komusubi. Both Rikishi Ouhou and Kirishima defeated all 4 Rikishi and they are comfirned so far. Houshouryuu, Wakatakakage Takerufuji and Ichiyamamoto had that matches and have no losses, and they don’t meet S-K tomorrow Yes[22/ ] 6) Maegashira 1-3 only Banzuke West trio [got 20 wins in the previous Basho] will get at least 6 more wins than that of M 1-3 only Banzuke East trio [got 31 wins in the previous Basho] finally. East 18 : 25 West so far. 7) In the matches among the Rikishi who are ranked in M4-10, at least 1 Rikishi will have at least 11 matches and at least 1 Rikishi will have at most 4 matches. Only Shoudai[4e] has exactly 4 matches, and Mitakeumi[7w] reached 11 matches, and other Rkishi have 5-10 matches so far. Shoudai meets Nishikifuji tomorrow. Yes[38/ ] 9) At least 1 Makuuchi Rikishi will get at least 9 wins with 0 wins against foreign-born Rikishi. Only survivor Shounannoumi who has 8 win, and meets Chiyoshouma tomorrow [past head-to-head records are Shounann 0-2]. . 11) The total number of wins of Midorifuji with Kimarite Katasukashi will exceed that of Oushouma with Kimarite Hatakikomi. Both Rikishi have 1Specialtie so far. Oushouma meets Nishikigi and Midorifuji meets Gounoyama tomorrow. Yuushou Houshouryuu with at least 8 wins against Maegashira Rikishi.[18/ ] Other Rikishi.(Kinbouzan, Ouhou)[ 1/ ] Matchups Houshouryuu ○vs ●Komusubi[Wakatakakage][34/ ] Ounosato ○vs● Sekiwake[Daieishou][54/ ] Maegashira 2[Tobizaru] ○vs● Ura[34/ ] Takayasu ○vs● Maegashira 9 [Oushouma][33/ ] Hiradoumi ○○vs●● Maegashira 7-8[Endou, Mitakeumi][42/ ] Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Susanoo 382 Posted January 26 Day 15 Realise or not 6) Maegashira 1-3 only Banzuke West trio [got 20 wins in the previous Basho] will get at least 6 more wins than that of M 1-3 only Banzuke East trio [got 31 wins in the previous Basho] finally. East 20 : 28 West . Yes[38/ ] 9) At least 1 Makuuchi Rikishi will get at least 9 wins with 0 wins against foreign-born Rikishi. Only survivor Shounannoumi who had exactly 8 wins. No[48/ ] 11) The total number of wins of Midorifuji with Kimarite Katasukashi will exceed that of Oushouma with Kimarite Hatakikomi. Both Rikishi had only 1Specialtie. No[41/ ] Yuushou Houshouryuu with at least 8 wins against Maegashira Rikishi.[18/ ] Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Susanoo 382 Posted January 27 (edited) NC Saiko-Yuushou kotochikushi-san [J12w-12wins] with Juuryou-Yuushou. Shukun-shou yukihyou-san [M14w-10wins] Kantou-shou chishafuwaku-san [M11w-11wins] with Makuuchi-Yuushou. Ginou-shou JONO-san [J9e 12wins] ma-tyan-san [J10w-8 wins] Kachikoshi-san [Hatsu-dohyou-8 wins] got Makushita-Yuushou. Congratulations to all winners! Tank you very much to all participants! Edited January 30 by Susanoo 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites