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selected lower-division matches from Hatsu 2025

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Not sure I'll be able to keep up the required daily pace, but anyway... For what to expect in this thread, I'll just quote from the Kyushu thread:

On 08/01/2025 at 21:03, Asashosakari said:

Having discovered in November that Abema's on-demand videos actually work with yt-dlp - that wasn't the case the last time I'd tried, though that might well be 2+ years ago now - I grabbed those files while they were still available and leisurely watched my way through the entire 15 days over the last month or so. Maybe somebody's interested in what I found to be the most interesting matches, so I put them on my Youtube channel (usually not much more than maezumo stuff ends up on there). If you're one of the handful of subscribers you will have noticed various upload flurries already.

It's way too many videos to post them up individually here, so I'll just link to playlists and give their contents here in text form.

Rare exceptions aside, you can expect to find the following:

  • The primary consideration are bouts that see visibly good effort given by both rikishi, which more or less implies that they are generally longer than just a few seconds and not one-sided in nature.
  • Nevertheless, I don't enjoy most bouts with long yotsu stalemates even though they're pretty much the archetype of a closely contested match, so those will only appear if they had some other redeeming feature (interesting flurry of activity before the stalemate, frequent attempts to break it, or a spectacular finish).
  • Bouts that went to mono-ii will be overrepresented, but I'm still only including them if the match itself was interesting or the finish had strong "what just happened?" qualities to it.
  • I'm a sucker for good leg trips, so those might show up even if the rest of the match wasn't that special.
  • Some matches will be included solely because something strange happened (usually but not always as the finish).
  • I generally don't go by "name" at all; these are noteworthy bouts, not bouts by noteworthy rikishi. Obviously some guys will still show up more than others, though, because their style of sumo is simply more likely to produce attractive matches, but I'm not clipping, say, Enho matches just because Enho is involved.

Bouts from the yusho races (fifth round onwards) will not be included in the daily sets; there are separate playlists for those.

One thing I didn't mention: When I'm including the kimarite in the video title, it's one that is sufficiently rare to warrant mention. I worked up the kimarite frequencies of the lower divisions for 2024 and I'll generally mention them whenever it's a kimarite that averaged less than 5 per basho, with kimarite that averaged less than 2 probably* getting featured in video every time they occur. (Between 2 and 5 I'll only include the bout if it was sufficiently interesting on its overall merits, but when I do I'll also mention the kimarite.)

Yes, I do realize that the kimarite serves as a spoiler of sorts, but I'm considering these bout compilations to be mainly for entertainment, not for suspense.

* Uwatehineri is very rare (just 10 lower-division occurrences in 2024), but it's testing my personal limits of "noteworthy kimarite".

Edited by Asashosakari

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Starting things off with a bonus playlist...the first official match for the 7 rookies who came up from the Kyushu maezumo, plus this basho's sandanme starter Ikarigata.

Day 1 Jk16w Tsuyasato (0-0) Ikazuchihayate Jk15w
Day 1 Jk14e Goseimaru (0-0) Okada Jk14w
Day 2 Jk17e Fujihara (0-0) Daiko Jk17w
Day 2 Jk15e Wakaikazuchi (0-0) Ideno Jk16e
Day 2 Jk13e Amanofuji (0-0) Gonosho Jk13w
Day 1 Sd80TD Ikarigata (0-0) Sekizuka Jd1e

And one match that I won't include in the daily playlist but wanted to feature anyway: Former maegashira Yago in action for the first time since May, having dropped from high makushita to high jonidan after three full kyujo tournaments.

Day 1 Playlist

Jd94e Bakukoshin (0-0) Kotofuno Jd93w
Jd92e Urutora (0-0) Chiyotensho Jd91w [kimarite: tsukitaoshi]
Jd80e Komanokuni (0-0) Togyokuko Jd81e When one rikishi can't, and the other won't...
Jd56e Asasorai (0-0) Honma Jd57e
Jd46w Kosei (0-0) Anzakura Jd45w [kimarite: tsuridashi]
Sd79e Amane (0-0) Kayatoiwa Sd79w nearly spin-kicked the gyoji...yelp!
Sd77e Suio (0-0) Daishoki Sd77w
Sd75e Sakai (0-0) Teraosho Sd75w
Sd59e Takabayama (0-0) Kaiyuma Sd59w
Ms53e Chiyoraizan (0-0) Daishoryu Ms51w
Ms34e Nobehara (0-0) Daishomaru Ms34w no mono-ii?
Ms12e Yuma (0-0) Hokutomaru Ms13w You pull, you pull, you pull, and then you lose.
Ms8e Matsui (0-0) Ishizaki Ms8w Not a spectacular bout as such, but a rare zanbara match-up this high up the banzuke.

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Day 2 Playlist

Jd87e Asasakurai (0-0) Okanojo Jd86w gabburi-yori jonidan style
Jd71e Ojiyama (0-0) Daigozakura Jd70w the latter newly bald, as mentioned elsewhere
Jd47e Hokutoyoshi (0-0) Inaba Jd47w BIG tachiai for jonidan...
Jd36e Minorufuji (0-0) Tsunekawa Jd37e walking the tawara tightrope
Jd31e Hidano (0-0) Chiyohokkai Jd30w watch yobidashi Katsuki as Takenawa-oyakata gets lost in his mono-ii explanation*
Jd29e Anryukai (0-0) Asaazuma Jd28w
Sd72e Rakanji (0-0) Tappa Sd72w no, not that way
Sd45e Takanoryu (0-0) Agora Sd45w
Sd16e Kanpuzan (0-0) Yamato Sd15w
Sd10e Kazeeidai (0-0) Chiyonokatsu Sd9w
Sd3e Shimizuumi (0-0) Hatooka Sd2w a totally wild bout
Sd2e Suyama (0-0) Aron Sd1w
Ms29e Hamayutaka (0-0) Kitadaichi Ms29w
Ms21e Tanji (0-0) Kazuto Ms21w
Ms17e Mita (0-0) Okaryu Ms17w high-octane meeting of former Kindai University teammates

* Thanks to boss_jonokuchi for pointing that out and providing a close-up.

Edited by Asashosakari
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6 hours ago, Asashosakari said:

Jd36e Minorufuji (0-0) Tsunekawa Jd37e walking the tawara tightrope

I had to look at it four times to convince myself that he didn't put his heel down.

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Day 3 Playlist

Partly the "everybody has it in for Edagawa-oyakata" edition; he was hit by falling rikishi not once but twice (in Hagane-Hamanoumi and again in Kitanosho-Kiyota). Also a heavy fall in Kiyonohana-Sadanohikari (the kimarite will probably give it away). Both guys were able to get up, but the winner ended up withdrawing.

Jk19e Higohikari (0-0) (0-1) Wakasasaki Jk18w The end of a long losing streak - but whose?
Jk15e Wakaikazuchi (1-0) Fujihara Jk17e [kimarite: utchari]
Jk13e Amanofuji (0-1) Goseimaru Jk14e
Jk11w Hara (0-1) Yamada Jk9w
Jd86e Wakatozakura (1-0) Okanojo Jd86w
Jd22e Aoiryu (0-1) Tamatensho Jd23e they called it oshidashi...
Sd59e Takabayama (1-0) Goseizan Sd60e not quite the usual variety of kotenage
Sd48e Asakiryu (0-1) Seido Sd49e [kimarite: zubuneri]
Sd29e Hagane (0-1) Hamanoumi Sd27w
Sd8e Kainoshima (0-1) Murayama Sd9e hoppity-hop
Sd6w Kitanosho (0-1) Kiyota Sd5w
Ms55e Kiyonohana (0-1) Sadanohikari Ms56w [kimarite: kimetaoshi]
Ms21e Tanji (0-1) Toshunryu Ms22w
Ms4w Hitoshi (0-1) Akua Ms2w
Ms1e Wakanosho (1-0) Kusano Ms3w

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Day 4 Playlist

It was apparently Rare Kimarite Day in Tokyo, as we got no less than eight matches finishing with something from my aforementioned rarity lists (five of them very rare), plus two non-technique outcomes to top it all off. In particular the day brought two tsuridashi victories at once after there had been all of four in the lower divisions in the entire year 2024.

I've decided to include all 10 unusual kimarite, even the dreaded uwatehineri and a not overly spectacular kubinage from the (ahem) medium-rare list. If you're wondering, abisetaoshi and kakenage were the other two rare kimarite here that aren't extremely uncommon. No worries about watching the abisetaoshi, BTW, that one went off without putting any rikishi in danger (as abisetaoshi otherwise has an unfortunate tendency to do).

Jk8e Katsunonishiki (1-0) Kyonosato Jk9e [kimarite: isamiashi] Maybe the very first time I've seen both rikishi confused about who won after a mono-ii announcement.
Jk6e Soga (0-1) Tenkoyama Jk7e [kimarite: uwatehineri]
Jd94e Bakukoshin (0-1) Takatairiku Jd92w
Jd92e Urutora (0-1) Okuniyama Jd90w [kimarite: kubinage]
Jd71w Ono (0-1) Daigozakura Jd70w [kimarite: isamiashi]
Jd63e Soseizan (0-1) Sachinoyama Jd66e
Jd44e Watatani (0-1) Kosei Jd46w [kimarite: abisetaoshi]
somewhere here in the schedule a rikishi fell on poor Edagawa's leg again...
Jd36e Minorufuji (1-0) Sakabayashi Jd36w
Jd34e Mikinosato (0-1) Sawayaka Jd34w [kimarite: tsuridashi]
Jd24e Fujiizumi (1-0) Senshoho Jd24w
Sd14e Ikazuchido (1-0) Tokinohira Sd12w [kimarite: kakenage]
Ms55w Rinko (1-0) Sazanami Ms54w [kimarite: kawazugake]
Ms44e Mudoho (1-0) Tokitenran Ms44w
Ms32e Anosho (1-0) Wakatakamoto Ms33w
Ms30e Hananoumi (1-0) Gojinyu Ms31w [kimarite: tsuridashi]
Ms14e Kotokenryu (1-0) Hokutomaru Ms13w [kimarite: watashikomi]
Ms6e Nishinoryu (1-0) Tochimaru Ms7e
Ms5e Osanai (0-1) Kaiseijo Ms6w

I'm going to have to skip Days 5 and 6 for the time being as I want to be able to present the upcoming days in a more timely fashion for the various developing yusho races.

Edited by Asashosakari
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Yusho Races Round 4 (Day 7-8)

All 31 relevant matches, sorted by rank regardless of which day each bout took place.

Jk6e Soga (2-1) (3-0) Gonosho Jk13w
Jk11e Yumenofuji (3-0) Daikisho Jk4w

Jd97e Fujinoteru (3-0) Fujinonami Jd100w
Jd93w Kotofuno (3-0) Ai Jd89w
Jd82e Mori (3-0) Wakahizen Jd84e
Jd71e Ojiyama (3-0) Tsukioka Jd77w
Jd68e Musubiyama (3-0) Sekimoto Jd60w
Jd56e Asasorai (3-0) Yamenosato Jd60e [kimarite: kekaeshi]
Jd47e Hokutoyoshi (3-0) Musashiumi Jd48e
Jd41e Kiyonoyama (3-0) Raiho Jd37w
Jd31w Akatora (3-0) Fukushoryu Jd27w
Jd24e Fujiizumi (3-0) Yago Jd19w
Jd15w Gonoumi (3-0) Uzumasa Jd12w
Jd5e Wakaterumoto (3-0) Furuta Jd8e

Sd80TD Ikarigata (3-0) Daishoki Sd77w
Sd71e Kyokutendo (3-0) Takashoki Sd70w
Sd60e Goseizan (3-0) Harunishiki Sd64e
Sd53e Daishinkai (3-0) Terutaka Sd57e
Sd48w Tomiyutaka (3-0) Daikosho Sd36w
Sd42e Hokutoryu (3-0) Daiyusho Sd35w
Sd32e Daimasakari (3-0) Tsugaruumi Sd28w
Sd25e Kirinryu (3-0) Mishima Sd16w
Sd15e Marusho (3-0) Noda Sd8w
Sd7e Onojo (3-0) Aron Sd1w

Ms60e Kawazoe (3-0) Sazanami Ms54w [kimarite: sotogake]
Ms44e Mudoho (3-0) Tsurubayashi Ms49e
Ms37e Higonoumi (3-0) Tsushimanada Ms38w
Ms27e Fukai (3-0) Gojinyu Ms31w
Ms18e Asakoki (3-0) Kazenoumi Ms23w
Ms15w Kaisho (3-0) Hokutomaru Ms13w
Ms8w Ishizaki (3-0) Otsuji Ms5w

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Yusho Races Round 5 (Day 9)

Jk13w Gonosho (4-0) (3-1) Amamidake Jk2w
Jd97e Fujinoteru (4-0) Daikisho Jk4w
Jd84e Wakahizen (4-0) Ai Jd89w
Jd71e Ojiyama (4-0) Sekimoto Jd60w
Jd47e Hokutoyoshi (4-0) Asasorai Jd56e
Jd37w Raiho (4-0) Akatora Jd31w
Jd19w Yago (4-0) Gonoumi Jd15w

Sd80TD Ikarigata (4-0) Wakaterumoto Jd5e
Sd70w Takashoki (4-0) Daikosho Sd36w
Sd60e Goseizan (4-0) Daiyusho Sd35w
Sd32e Daimasakari (4-0) Daishinkai Sd53e
Sd25e Kirinryu (4-0) Noda Sd8w

Sd1w Aron (4-0) Sazanami Ms54w
Ms27e Fukai (4-0) Mudoho Ms44e
Ms18e Asakoki (4-0) Tsushimanada Ms38w [kimarite: sokubiotoshi]
Ms15w Kaisho (4-0) Ishizaki Ms8w

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Day 7 Playlist

Does not include any videos of matches already featured as part of the Round 4 yusho races.

Jd55e Shinseido (1-2) Wakasa Jd57w sumo or dance?
Jd46w Kosei (1-2) Daitengu Jd40w [kimarite: isamiashi] I agree, that kimarite call felt a bit unfair
Jd19e Niiya (2-1) Genbumaru Jd21e (double torinaoshi)
Jd20e Fujiyuho (1-2) Shoran Jd16w another slightly confused rikishi
Jd18e Fujimusashi (0-3) Masakifuji Jd13w I was convinced the mono-ii would go the other way...
Sd67e Gonowaka (2-1) Nishikinoryu Sd66w ...and suddenly, from the jaws of victory...
Sd37e Sachinofuji (2-1) Hayashiryu Sd38e
Sd33e Asatenmai (2-1) Akitoba Sd36e big amplitude on that throw
Sd24w Kojikara (1-2) Kotonofuji Sd21w [kimarite: kubihineri]
Sd11w Mikazuchiyama (2-1) Chiyodaigo Sd7w
Sd4e Enho (2-1) Ryusei Ms59w a bit of vintage Enho
Ms46e Shuji (2-1) Oshoryu Ms48e
Ms35w Narutaki (2-1) Wakatakamoto Ms33w
Ms14e Kotokenryu (2-1) Kyokukaiyu Ms16e

Edited by Asashosakari
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5 hours ago, Asashosakari said:

Ms18e Asakoki (4-0) Tsushimanada Ms38w [kimarite: sokubiotoshi]

Did they finally call a sokubiotoshi? I've been tired for years of them calling hatakikomis by default. The db is out now, but I feel like a sokubiotoshi is veeeery rarely called.

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Yusho Races Round 6 (Day 11)

Jk13w Gonosho (5-0) Daikisho Jk4w
Jd71e Ojiyama (4-1) (5-0) Ai Jd89w
Jd47e Hokutoyoshi (5-0) Sekimoto Jd60w
Jd37w Raiho (5-0) Yago Jd19w
Sd80TD Ikarigata (5-0) Daikosho Sd36w
Sd35w Daiyusho (5-0) (4-1) Yamato Sd15w
Sd32e Daimasakari (5-0) Noda Sd8w
Ms44e Mudoho (5-0) Aron Sd1w
Ms38w Tsushimanada (5-0) Ishizaki Ms8w

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On 21/01/2025 at 02:33, Oskanohana said:

Did they finally call a sokubiotoshi? I've been tired for years of them calling hatakikomis by default. The db is out now, but I feel like a sokubiotoshi is veeeery rarely called.

They're rare but not ultra rare (about 5 a year across all divisions). Only one in Makuuchi in the last five years though (Tobizaru in Aki 2024).

The first bout between them was great fun to watch. It looked to me like Tsushimanada won by pushing on the kneecap of his opponent whilst almost horizontal himself, causing Asakoki's legs to twist round and collapse. No wonder they called a redo!

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