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Retirements after Hatsu 2025

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With the other sources preoccupied by more important things, the first news of this basho's intai list has come from the official place. Including previously known Onosho and Kyokutaisei who retired between tournaments and Terunofuji who retired during Hatsu, a total of 12 rikishi are saying goodbye.

Terunofuji (Isegahama) Thread
Onosho (Onomatsu) Thread
Kainoshima (Fujishima)
Kyokutaisei (Oshima) Thread
Tsunekawa (Arashio)
Honma (Naruto)
Shunkaku (Shikoroyama)
Mori (Tamanoi)
Shimamura (Arashio)
Okanojo (Dewanoumi)
Wakayamanaka (Hanaregoma) banzuke-gai
Shosei (Sakaigawa) banzuke-gai

Honma was ex-Kotooshu's second recruit and part of the Naruto-beya branch-out back in 2017.

Edited by Asashosakari
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Honma (he of the droopy right eye) had a serious foot injury in 2019 that had to be worked on by specialists, but he came back and reached a top rank of Sandanme 52.  There is a farewell video from the senshuraku party at the Naruto Instagram page.  He's planning to work overseas (I think).

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Shunkaku from Ibaraki started at 15 yo in 2018, only missing one bout before this basho, and reaching Sandanme for one tournament in 2023.  I guess the NHK World guys would call him a "pusher-thruster."

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The Nikkan chirichouzu intai gallery (without the 3 with thread)





Shimamura (the one in different order than above)














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I'm sure plenty of fans will miss Kainoshima, whose intai was already mentioned elsewhere in this forum, too. He stood out due to his technique, relaxed disposition and above all, his overabundance of body hair, he'd regularly get commented on on livestreams.

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Just looking at Shosei's record... He had a ten-year run in makushita and recorded wins over Takakeisho, Takayasu, Ikioi, Aoiyama and Keisei. Whenever he reached the ms promotion zone he banged his head on the ceiling but he was obviously pretty good.

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37 minutes ago, Tigerboy1966 said:

Just looking at Shosei's record... He had a ten-year run in makushita and recorded wins over Takakeisho, Takayasu, Ikioi, Aoiyama and Keisei. Whenever he reached the ms promotion zone he banged his head on the ceiling but he was obviously pretty good.

I looked and indeed; he's had tough luck on the promotion zone.

He took 11 victories while ranked ms1-ms5. All but the first two were against future makuuchi, including one against a future ozeki!

(And one of the other two was against an ex-juryo).

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Wakayamanaka had eye surgery a year ago, I guess either it didn't work or he decided/was advised not to risk returning. His danpatsu-shiki took place at the heya senshuraku party.


Heya gyoji Shikimori Shinnosuke was on hand to guide the cutters.



Wakayamanaka's original shisho, former Ozeki Wakashimazu, attended to make a cut alongside his wife.


Final cut by Hanaregoma-oyakata (former Sekiwake Tamanoshima).




With a proper haircut and a new suit, stablemate Wakaikki helps him with his tie.


Farewell speech, and a commemorative picture.





Tsunekawa was greeted in the hanamichi by Arashio-oyakata (former Maegashira Sokokurai) and stablemates after his final bout.





His danpatsu-shiki took place at the senshuraku party, former stablemate Fukugoriki was among the guests taking part.


Final cut by the shisho.


Sharply dressed afterwards, with a supporter who designed some cups and coasters as souvenirs at the party.






As mentioned in the top post, Honma was one of the founding rikishi of Naruto-beya when it was opened by former Ozeki Kotooshu.


Heyagashira Oshoma pays his respects at the danpatsu-shiki.


Final cut by the shisho.








On 30/01/2025 at 07:40, Tigerboy1966 said:

Just looking at Shosei's record... He had a ten-year run in makushita and recorded wins over Takakeisho, Takayasu, Ikioi, Aoiyama and Keisei. Whenever he reached the ms promotion zone he banged his head on the ceiling but he was obviously pretty good.


He's been doing sumo since he was a small boy. Wanpaku Yokozuna in the sixth grade in 1998, and middleweight champion at the World Junior Championships the year before entering ozumo. Sakaigawa-oyakata scouted him in his final year at Hibiki High School in Yamaguchi prefecture, telling him his short stature would not hold him back.

I hope we get to see his danpatsu-shiki, but Sakaigawa doesn't seem to have any online presence and I've heard they request that guests don't share pictures from the senshuraku parties, so that doesn't fill me with hope.

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I see that Shikoroyama-beya's young tokoyama Tokoei has gone from the list, after just under two years in the job.


Meanwhile, two pictures have emerged from Shosei's danpatsu-shiki - with an oichomage at last:


And a politician from the Adachi ward, where Sakaigawa-beya is located, makes a cut:


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Tamanoi-beya posted a report from the day of Mori's danpatsushiki

interview, mage making, danpatsushiki, interviews with the parents and the newly styled Mori

Edited by Akinomaki
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I'll miss Mori, he had a gift for leg trips in general and nichonage in particular with 14 wins in his career, more than anyone else on record. And 19 sotogake is more than any current rikishi I think.

With a floral gift on the final day of his career.


With his first and last oichomage outside Tamanoi-beya.


Tamanoi-oyakata (former Ozeki Tochiazuma) makes the tomebasami to bring the danpatsu-shiki to an end.


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On 29/01/2025 at 04:09, Asashosakari said:

Kainoshima (Fujishima)
Tsunekawa (Arashio)
Honma (Naruto)
Mori (Tamanoi)
Okanojo (Dewanoumi)

I created a small playlist of the final bouts of the five rikishi who retired on the dohyo rather than in absentia, with as much footage of their respective welcoming committees / flower receptions as Abema's coverage allowed for.

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