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Haru 2025 videos: lower-division yusho races + other selected matches

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As you've surely deduced by now, I'm not attempting (and failing) to do all-around realtime coverage this basho. Cutting and uploading the good matches isn't the problem, the time to watch everything first and find the cut-worthy ones is. So, only stuff that follows well-defined selection rules for now, and then hopefully the random good stuff will follow in its own time after the tournament.

For today, the first official honbasho appearances by last basho's seven maezumo rookies, plus the two new direct entrants in makushita. As mentioned elsewhere, Asakawasumi had to wait an unusually long amount of time.

Day 1 Jk17e Seiseigo (0-0) Aoki Jk16w
Day 1 Jk15e Kaitoma (0-0) Hikarumusashi Jk14w
Day 1 Sd1w Soma (0-0) Fukuzaki Ms60TD
Day 2 Jk18e Akenoyama (0-0) Uchiumi Jk17w
Day 2 Jk14e Sunasaka (0-0) Tenrosei Jk13w
Day 2 Ms60TD Goshima (0-0) Chiyooga Sd1e
Day 4 Jk18e Akenoyama (1-0) (0-0) Asakawasumi Jk18w

Bonus: the first bouts back by Asanoyama and Chiyosakae, after having been out since July and September respectively.

Next update on Day 8 with the lower division yusho racers in their fourth matches.

Edited by Asashosakari
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Yusho Races Round 4 (Day 7-8)

The tsuridashi led to injury (rather oddly and unexpectedly), please be mindful of that while watching.

Jk16w Aoki (3-0) (2-1) Hikarumusashi Jk14w
Jk13w Tenrosei (3-0) Chiyotenfu Jk7w
Jd98e Asasakurai (3-0) Kobayashi Jk3w

Jd96e Kogomaru (3-0) Wakaikki Jd92w
Jd87w Kaihiryu (3-0) Shibuya Jd80w
Jd79e Shotaimu (3-0) Daitengu Jd71w
Jd67e Hienriki (3-0) Yoshiazuma Jd64w
Jd58e Yumenofuji (3-0) Okada Jd60e [kimarite: kubinage]
Jd47e Niiya (3-0) Chiyoshiryu Jd50e
Jd38e Arise (3-0) Chiyotaiyo Jd41w
Jd32e Okinohama (3-0) Tochigidake Jd36e
Jd25w Hokuyozan (3-0) Sakai Jd21w
Jd14e Kotetsu (3-0) Hokutosakae Jd19w
Jd4e Daikisho (3-0) Chikuba Jd11e
Sd79e Oginosho (3-0) Agora Jd2w

Sd71w Senshoho (3-0) Gohakuun Sd67w
Sd61e Imamura (3-0) Taiyo Sd65w
Sd54e Raiho (3-0) Uzumasa Sd59w [kimarite: tsuridashi]
Sd43e Daishoki (3-0) Tochinobori Sd46w
Sd39w Dogo (3-0) Asagyokusei Sd33w
Sd26e Wakaterumoto (3-0) Chiyosakae Sd29w
Sd21w Asanoyama (3-0) Oginohama Sd17w
Sd9e Oka (3-0) Yago Sd12w

Sd7w Kotonofuji (3-0) Fukuzaki Ms60TD
Ms60TD Goshima (3-0) Dairinzan Ms55w
Ms45e Seihakuho (3-0) Tokitenran Ms52w
Ms39e Kawazoe (3-0) Daishomaru Ms43w
Ms34e Tendozan (3-0) Enho Ms30w
Ms23e Hananoumi (3-0) Oshoryu Ms28e
Ms18e Nobehara (3-0) Hamayutaka Ms14w
Ms10e Dewanoryu (3-0) Akua Ms6w [kimarite: kakenage]

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1 hour ago, Asashosakari said:

Sd79e Oginosho (3-0) Agora Jd2w

Sd61e Imamura (3-0) Taiyo Sd65w

Good defence by the eventual winners of these bouts, particularly the second one who might try ballet once he hangs up his mawashi.

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Yusho Races Round 5 (Day 9)

Jk16w Aoki (4-0) (3-1) Tenrosei Jk13w
Jk7w Chiyotenfu (4-0) Kobayashi Jk3w [kimarite: tsukitaoshi]

Jd92w Wakaikki (4-0) Kaihiryu Jd87w
Jd67e Hienriki (4-0) Shotaimu Jd79e
Jd47e Niiya (4-0) Okada Jd60e
Jd38e Arise (4-0) Sakai Jd21w
Jd14e Kotetsu (4-0) Okinohama Jd32e
Jd4e Daikisho (4-0) Agora Jd2w

Sd67w Gohakuun (4-0) Taiyo Sd65w
Sd43e Daishoki (4-0) Uzumasa Sd59w Great recovery, or the greatest recovery?
Sd33w Asagyokusei (4-0) Chiyosakae Sd29w
Sd21w Asanoyama (4-0) Yago Sd12w

Ms45e Seihakuho (4-0) Fukuzaki Ms60TD
Ms39e Kawazoe (4-0) Goshima Ms60TD
Ms28e Oshoryu (4-0) Enho Ms30w
Ms18e Nobehara (4-0) Akua Ms6w

I'll be gone for a few days, so Day 11 will very likely not appear until Day 13 has already happened.

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33 minutes ago, Asashosakari said:

Sd43e Daishoki (4-0) Uzumasa Sd59w Great recovery, or the greatest recovery?

Certainly damn good.  Also impressed with the work at the bales in Kawazoe v Goshima.

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I've got a case of Romaji Dyslexia.  I saw a pretty normal bout, no big "recovery", what the hell is he talking about?  Then I noticed that it wasn't Daikisho vs Agora, it was Daishoki vs Uzumasa.

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