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Fan of someone of your own age?

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I suppose this has some psychological background, but right now I'd just like to see if there are more of you who are fans especially of some rikishi of your own age. This was mainly based on the observation Josh Reyer did on the Sumo Mailing list some time ago, that he thought a great deal of him being fan of Wakanosato was that they were born the same year, namely 1976. I wonder if this is a common phenomenon (moreso than one would think), since it's quite obvious that

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Showa 43 Rulz!

Daishi, Mainoumi, Asahiyutaka, Kyokugozan, Minatofuji, Kotonishiki... all gone...

We've still got... Kotonowaka... (Blush...)  (Blush...)  (Blush...)

So the answer to your question: Yes!

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Amazing ! ... Toki is my favourite ever rikishi and he was born in 1974, July, 4th and I was born in 1974, June, 21st ...

Only 13 days between me and Toki ... and some kilos' difference too !

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Since I had relatively little access to sumo-related information when I was choosing my first bunch of favourites, their birthdays and/or age had little influence. So the same lack of birthday-related crtiteria applied to choosing the current crop. Of course, many of current young guns are born in the Year of Dragon, and so are very close to me in age. Just out of curiosity, I checked to see which rikishi were born in the same year (showa 52) as I was, and which come closest to my birthday (21. July).

July boys: Buyuzan, 29. July - I'm not overly fond of him.

          Kaio, 24. July - I like him, but his not my favourite

Showa 52 boys:

Towanoyama (or Tobanoyama?), July boy too (10. July) - haven't seen enough of him yet, but generaly I don't like too bulky rikishi

Hokutoriki - I like him!

Tamanoshima - don't like him

Miyabiyama, another July boy (28. July) - hate his guts (well, not really). Actually, I don't like his wrestling style, I find he's certainly not graceful (but I won't argue with 'mountain' part fo his shikona), and Mini-Mi looks better than him. But, he likes cats (a biiig plus, heh), and he looked so cute in Undokai (tape sent to me by Hahanoyama-zeki, many thanks) in the race when rikishi had to bring a certain object to the goal first. One had to bring Rijicho's shoe, another (his?) wife, etc etc, and Miya had to bring a baby. He raced to one of families camped around the gym, borrowed a little sleeping boy (with lots of bowing to his mother), and than scampered to the goal, with constant glances at the sleeping boy in his arms. To Miya's credit, the boy didn't wake up during the whole thing!

So, to conclude: Hokutoriki would qualify as favourite rikishi born in the same year, but... there are others that are (so far) dearer to me: Kaiho, Aminishiki, Hayateumi, Kotomitsuki, and I'm listing only the 'newer' rikishi here.

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I'm too young, no famous rikishi was borned yet in 1982.

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I checked to see which rikishi were born in the same year (showa 52) as I was, and which come closest to my birthday (21. July).

July boys: Buyuzan, 29. July - I'm not overly fond of him.

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There's always the new guy, Takekaze (former Narita) who is working his way up in Juryo right now, who is also born 21st of July, although two years later, in 1979 :-)

Drat, now I'll get hooked on him.  :-)

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Guest Megumishiki

The only guys I know who are born on my year, 1974, are Kyokutenho, Toki, Dejima, and Tochinonada. I like them but my real favorites are either younger or older than me. Somehow, the age differences between us are two years, before/after '74. There are exceptions, of course, like Aminishiki and Kotonowaka. Weird...or just coincidental?

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Hmmm... I would have to go with the Oyakata's on this..

Even Ichinoya is way too young for me..

But guess what? Not one, single , solitary active Oyakata, coach or rikishi were born in my year!!

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But guess what? Not one, single , solitary active Oyakata, coach or rikishi were born in my year!!

But wouldn't anyone born in Meiji 3 be retired now anyway? (Eh?)

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The only active rikishi who was born the same year as me, is from my most hated heya, namely Futagoyama-beya: Akinoshima.

If I had to choose one rikishi from that heya, that I dislike fewer than others, it would be Akinoshima.

But he is far away from being one of my favourite rikishis.

To be honest, I chose my favourite rikishis not only because of their fighting style or how they look, but also because of their sign of the zodiac!

As I

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The only active rikishi who was born the same year as me, is from my most hated heya, namely Futagoyama-beya

May I inquire about the reasons for this? Their alleged reciprocal benefits for belonging to the same, (then-)dominant heya?

(Note to those new to ozumo: The effects of heya-betsu so-atari rule are a source of eternal debate.)

I have some aversion for Musashigawa-beya for their use of yurui fundoshi. Someone should teach their toriteki how to tie a mawashi.

heya-betsu so-atari
, rule preventing torikumi between rikishi from the same heya kettei-sen and tomoe-sen excluded

, rikishi, including shindeshi, who are lower ranked than juryo

yurui fundoshi
, mawashi tied up loosely

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When I first started to watch sumo, a year ago, I noticed a small rikishi who fought like thousand devils and never stopped attacking. His name was Asashoryu and my fascination didn't decrease when I found out that he was born just one day before me... In 1980 that is... So sure, the birthday is somewhat important, but I don't think that people choose their favourites by checking on a birthday list... (Eh?) By the way, des anyone know about more young rikishi?

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The problem with pulling for rikishi of your own age is, sooner or later you run out of them :)  Right now, I have quite a few of '72 vintage still in there, but give it a few years, and it will be in vain! :)

That having been said, I find that the age of a rikishi has not ever been a factor for me - my two main favorites, Takamisakari and Asashoryu are both clearly younger than me :)



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The only active rikishi who was born the same year as me, is from my most hated heya, namely Futagoyama-beya

May I inquire about the reasons for this? Their alleged reciprocal benefits for belonging to the same, (then-)dominant heya?

I have some aversion for Musashigawa-beya for their use of yurui fundoshi. Someone should teach their toriteki how to tie a mawashi.

I can't really explain, why I didn't (and still don't) like all those Futagoyama guys.

It wasn't only one single reason, it must have been an accumulation of aversions.

As Musashimaru has always been one of my favourite rikishi, his main opponent, Takanonami, was bound to be one of my "enemies".

Furthermore I never liked Wakanohana and Takatoriki.

Therefore it was obvious that I chose the Futagoyama-beya as my most hated heya.

Nowadays as most of my "hated" rikishi have retired, I take pity on the rest of those Futagoyama guys like Takanonami and Akinoshima.

And Takatoriki should have retired long before, because his last performances were ridiculous.

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