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"the look"...

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I know there was a thread on Asashoryu's "look" already, but I didn't find it. (Shaking head...)

The german Eurosport commentator just told the following story about to whom Asa "gives the eye" after each bout. He heard it from a native Mongolian:

It's a mongolian custom, that a mother blesses her son when he is away from home (gone to war... or to a basho). And she does that by sprinkling milk into the direction where her son is now. So Asashoryu is looking into the direction where his mother is (or into the tv cams) - to receive her blessing.

So that's another weird explanation. And this one sounds much more interesting than that Uchidate story. (Shaking head...)

Can a mongolian member confirm that there really is such a custom in Mongolia? ;-)

Edited by Odoriou

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Can a mongolian member confirm that there really is such a custom in Mongolia? ;-)
It was told so from a Mongolian member on the German Sumoforum, possibly even the source. I wouldn't give too much on this. Unproven at best.

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he is looking west in reality - even a bit south west. Mongolia would be more north west from Tokyo I imagine

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The german Eurosport commentator just told the following story about to whom Asa "gives the eye" after each bout. He heard it from a native Mongolian:

It's a mongolian custom, that a mother blesses her son when he is away from home (gone to war... or to a basho). And she does that by sprinkling milk into the direction where her son is now. So Asashoryu is looking into the direction where his mother is (or into the tv cams) - to receive her blessing.

Yes we do have such custom in Mongolia but i never thought Asa's "look" was something to do with that.If it really was,why would he look so fierce at the camera te receive a blessing.That just doesnt sound logical.

What is the other story?

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What is the other story?

Oh, there are many other stories on that look...

The most convincing story was this one: He's in a way 'giving the finger' to Miss Uchidate (who's sitting about there). The look means something like "Me Tarzan, you nothing". ;-)

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Oh, there are many other stories on that look...

The most convincing story was this one: He's in a way 'giving the finger' to Miss Uchidate (who's sitting about there). The look means something like "Me Tarzan, you nothing".

This miss uchidate got something against Asa?I guess the best way to know is to ask from himself ;-)

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The most convincing story was this one: He's in a way 'giving the finger' to Miss Uchidate (who's sitting about there). The look means something like "Me Tarzan, you nothing". (Shaking head...)

Actually Ms Uchidate does not have a set seat - when you look, she sits almost anywhere. A couple of days ago she was sitting at the aile seat a couple rows back on West and the day before she was with other members of YDC on the south Masu about two rows down.

Besides she is not there every day - but she is there more than any other members of YDC.

Just a couple of yen from Uchidate apologist ;-)

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The most convincing story was this one: He's in a way 'giving the finger' to Miss Uchidate (who's sitting about there). The look means something like "Me Tarzan, you nothing". (I am not worthy...)

That's the least convincing story I have heard (and I have heard it before). Even without Jonosuke's clarification, I cannot understand why anyone would believe this.

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The mother's blessing story is nice folklore for a change, and it's good to hear from Bataa (welcome!) that this kind of ritual actual exists...

...BUT: it's plainly obvious for everybody watching TV that this story simply can't be true. Asashoryu never looks directly into the camera. Never.

The best attempt at explanation I heard was that the Yokozuna's stare is a signal for his tsukebito to get moving.

But maybe it's just a casual habit that turned into a ritual over time, just like Takamisakari's antics. When people start to look out for those silly things it's hard to deny them, isn't it?

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I just made up another version: :-)

In this article:,,3-1603676,00.html (we talked about it some days ago) Asa says about an Asashoryu action figure "It looks like me, but the face doesn't show my seriousness, I wish they had made the face more fierce."

So "fierceness" seems to be very important to him. :-)

Well - after a bout is over, they always take lots of photos of the winner. :-D My idea is that he wants to see a picture of a serious Yokozuna in every newspaper - so he's making the face for photographers. :-)

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I think the "look" is just a habit with no significance as his other habits like nose rubbing and mawashi punching before the bouts.

It's nothing to do with the "milk sprinkling" ritual, I guess.

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Has no one ever asked him???

Btw. about the nose, I always thouht he is sniffing something to perk him up.

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Btw. about the nose, I always thouht he is sniffing something to perk him up.

i also thought he was sniffing something like the stuff that weight-lifters use to "wake-up" before a lift.

a weird fact might be that in the only bout he lost this year (tori-naoshi against Azuma) he forgot to sniff his wrist like he does before every bout ... weird huh ?


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Btw. about the nose, I always thouht he is sniffing something to perk him up.

i also thought he was sniffing something like the stuff that weight-lifters use to "wake-up" before a lift.

a weird fact might be that in the only bout he lost this year (tori-naoshi against Azuma) he forgot to sniff his wrist like he does before every bout ... weird huh ?


No wonder. If he sniffed it before the first bout, it's not there for the tori-naoshi. In the future he better instructs his tsukebito to bring a second dose in case of a tori-naoshi...

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Btw. about the nose, I always thouht he is sniffing something to perk him up.

i also thought he was sniffing something like the stuff that weight-lifters use to "wake-up" before a lift.

a weird fact might be that in the only bout he lost this year (tori-naoshi against Azuma) he forgot to sniff his wrist like he does before every bout ... weird huh ?


No wonder. If he sniffed it before the first bout, it's not there for the tori-naoshi. In the future he better instructs his tsukebito to bring a second dose in case of a tori-naoshi...

Lol, so thats why he wins..hes on dope :-D

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i am not saying he is on dope (which might actually be truth and goes the same for all untested athletes) but the sniffing thing HAPPENS FOR SURE.

just watch his pre-bout rituals. . .

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i am not saying he is on dope (which might actually be truth and goes the same for all untested athletes) but the sniffing thing HAPPENS FOR SURE.

just watch his pre-bout rituals. . .

I guess, sniffing, punching his mawashi and giving a final (most of the cases not neccessary) shove to his victim are just simple habits of him. It seems that sumo is a tough sport, and everybody seem to have found a way to prepare themselves for the fight.

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Let's make up the story further. He might have been wondering whether he can beat Tochiazuma without sniffing the stuff.

And what about the strange basho last year where he lost six times? Was he checking whether he can win a basho with no special stuff? There is nothing so satisfying like groundless speculation (Sign of approval)

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i like asashoryus pre fight rituals. they are intense but yet simple and focused. i love the way he gets into the set position. its one smooth movement using hand to pull back the sagari. there is no up-down-up-down ready-not ready nonsense. its almost like a heartbeat in its regularity and reminds me of the tachi-ai of old.

You are kidding, right? You mean the tachi-ai where both guys are standing, and lumbering into each other with no hand closer than a foot to the earth? Seriously, I don't remember any "tachi-ai of old" which can be compared to Asashoryu's. Your's sounds like a stereotypical "everything used to be better" speech.

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