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It was an interesting one, this..Looked completely impossible at first. Major problems:

1. Komusubi?

2. Order of Maegashira 1 east and west.

3. Mid-Maegashira-due to the three suessive (M8,9,10) koshos, who to fit in?

4.Promotions and demotions.

In the end, it was one of the highest scoring games ever..Go figure..

79 participants:A new record by far.

Winner was Gernobono, who edged out ST/SO riji Zenjimoto in a tie-breaker. Congratulations, and please send me your e-mail so I can add you to my long list of people to whom I owe their prizes.

They will be sent out by the end of a week, and that's a promise!!

Thank you all very much for playing; thanks to Andoreasu for his DB and Doitsuyama for the excel sheet, and Stewart Nelson for the nifty entry form, and all players for taking precious time off in order to play this annoying game.

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Congratulations, and please send me your e-mail

I use this opportunity to remind the forum members that if you need to email a fellow member without knowing their email address, click on the Members button on the top of all forum pages, find the person in question, click on their nick or shikona to access their profile page and click on the "Send X an email" link to get into the actual message writing window. Another way to reach this window is naturally to click the Email button below a message from the intended recipient.

You may also want to use the internal personal messaging system of the forum (click the Message button to try it out) but these PM style messages reach the recipient only when they log in to the forum.

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