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Rikishi Talk Day 1 Nagoya Basho 2005

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Perhaps Mado san is busy trying to come up with the lyrics of Asashoryu singing "He ain't heavy, he is my brother" so here are some comments from my Rikishi Talk from Day 1, hopng he will be back tomorrow:

Day 1 Nagoya Basho


Hakurozan (losing to Tamaasuke by yorikiri)


(Losing in the battle of Makuuchi rookies)

"I wasn't tense at all but I just couldn't move well. The dohyo-iri is quite a bit different from that of Juryo. There are many more of us and far more spectators."

Tamaasuka (winning over Hakurozan)


(Making his Makuuchi debut at his "home" basho and getting his first win on Day 1)

"I was so surprised to receive such loud cheers after winning the bout. To be honest, I was really nervous."

Takamisakari (losing to Takekaze by sukuinage)


"I couldn't get into my form. I wonder if I am trying too hard. I intended to go without thinking too much but I may have gotten too tight. The Day 1 bout is never easy."

Katayama (beating Tamakasuga by oshidashi)


(On his second Makuuchi basho)

"While I was doing my shiko, Takamisakari-zeki came in and all of sudden there were so much cheers. I felt then Makuuchi is sure different."

Wakanosato (beating Hakuho by tsukiotoshi)


(His 29th birthday today)

"It wasn't a pretty sumo but I managed to get a win. I'd appreciate now if I can get a cake made in Aomori (for the present), thank you."

Hakuho (losing to Wakanosato)


(Still winless against Wakanosato in six tries)

"I don't consider him to be a rikishi I'd rather not face but....I thought I'd won and realized that I had lost. I am not going as hard when it matters."

Kyokutenho (losing to Hokutoriki by tsukiotoshi)


(In his first basho as a naturalized Japanese citizen, tripped up by Hokutoriki's notorious Henka)

"That wasn't fair at all. After all we are both Japanese, you know."

Tochiazuma (winning over Kakizoe by uwatenage)


(Being pushed off to the edge by Kakizoe's sharp attack but remained calm)

"It was close. I did let myself go along with his tachiai pace. I guess it's OK now as I won."

Kotomitsuki (losing to Roho by uwatenage)


(Could not hide his shock of losing to Roho and saying very little)

"I had a feeling he may come up with something like that (stepping out) but other that than I just don't remember too much about the bout. I will do my best


Kaio (winning over Dejima by kotenage)


(Getting the decision after a mono-ii)

"Kote-nage throw? Well at that point, there was nothing else I could have done. I am certainly not in a good condition but I just have to go with a sumo that I can manage somehow."

Miyabiyama (losing to Asashoryu by tsuridashi)


(Seeing himself carried out by Asashoryu)

"I am the heaviest sekitori around so that was some power he displayed, lifting me up like that."

Asashoryu (winning over Miyabiyama)


(On lifting 178 kg Miyabiyama with ease)

"I tried to go gingerly today.I happened to get myself underneath. It just worked perfectly. It's so important to have a good start by winning on Day 1. "

Kitanoumi oyakata


(On Asashoryu)

"It's quite amazing to see him lift a rikishi as heavy as Miyabiyama. Genereally speaking one needs to possess quite a difference in power to be able to execute a Tsuri. Anyway so far it's no different from any other basho. Just business as usual for Asashoryu."

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Thanks for the starting this post Jonosuke. I have been really looking forward to reading these translated rikishi comments. (Nodding yes...)

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Perhaps Mado san is busy trying to come up with the lyrics of Asashoryu singing "He ain't heavy, he is my brother" ...


Edited by Taizeniki

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