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Draft Sumo Gamma Test?

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Hi all,

After busting my mawashi for several weeks, I think I've got a rudimentary system for the Draft Game(nee Troll Game nee Mole Game) online. While the game is not finished, nor is it pretty, I believe that the essential things work, and that the administrative work is minimal now. Eventually, I'd like to get it down to a few presses of a few buttons, but for now, the framework is at least there.

Here's what I have: ;-)

- Registration form to create users and associate email address/other information with the users.

- Basho form like last basho, where players move rikishi up and down the pick list by putting in different numbers. Improvements over last basho: A duplicate checking/resolving feature, information saved to database.

- Daily form like last basho. Improvements: Pulls and pushes to database, updatable. Comments are formatted better.

The admin side is where much more of the work has been done.

Whats been done:(Blushing...)

- Automatic Drafting for bots and for players. Two separate pages right now, but it is pretty easy to run a draft for both players and for the bots(drones/whatever)

- Results Grabber that will parse the data from each day and will put that information into the database.

- Daily results page that will let the admin pick two users, and the day, and the page will compare the lineups to the results in the database. This was by far the trickiest piece of work, due to the large amount of logic involved with droning, fusen, substitutions, etc.

Whats missing: (Roho...)

Summary of daily results for all players, the admin will have to cut and paste the output from the daily results form from each bout.

Automatic matchups, the admin will have to manually select who is facing who on that day.

Automatic bout resolution, the admin will have to decide who wins. I haven't gotten the login in to the page that checks the rsults says "PLAYER 1 WINS!". This shouldn't be that big of a problem for the admin, its only a few checks against the rules, usually.

Substitutions on Day 8 or in case of a withdrawal. Any changes will have to be done manually. I might be able to code this before the beginning of the basho, but I'm not guaranteeing it.

Lastly, the daily results will have to be glanced at for problems. I've gone through lots of scenarios,(last basho's day 9 matches was a great test) but I'm sure I haven't hit everything.

So, are people willing to play this game and possibly help me with the day to day administration? I'll be willing to run one division, and drafts for that division, but I'd like someone else to help me to make sure that the admin forms are workable from a human standpoint. (Oshidashi...)

The forms are at: The Draft Sumo Home Page

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This is the banzuke for the September basho. To join this game (as a new player), add a response to this thread (the earlier to respond, the higher your starting rank (Laughing...)), and then follow (Neener, neener...) Gusoyama's links above for registering, and entering your squad for the upcoming basho.

See post below for quick outline of rules....

Makunouchi East side

A ME1 Oshirokita

B ME2 Azumaryu

C ME3 Kintamayama

D ME4 Gusoyama

E MW1 Tameiki

F MW2 Kashunowaka

G MW3 Zenjimoto

H MW4 Sekihiryu

Makunouchi West side

A JE1 Kaiyahaiya

B JE2 Hamanoyama

C JE3 Aderechelseamaru

D JE4 Ulsimitsuki

E ME5 Doitsuyama

F ME6 Jakusotsu

G MW5 Takanorappa

H ME7 Golynohana

Juryo1 East side

A JE5 Gernobono

B JE6 Tominishiki

C ME8 Nishinoshima

D MW7 Zeokage

E MW8 Tamanaogijima

F JE7 Jejima

G Your shikona here!

H Your shikona here!

Juryo1 West side

A Your shikona here!

B Your shikona here!

C Your shikona here!

D Your shikona here!

E Your shikona here!

F Your shikona here!

G Your shikona here!

H Your shikona here!

Juryo2 East side

A Your shikona here!

B etc

Edited by Jejima

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Picking starting Squad:-

1. Every player ranks the 70 sekitori (Makunouchi and Juryo rikishi) in order of preference. (No 1 being top preference). Deadline is the Friday before the basho starts, 2 pm Japan time - same as for Bench Sumo)

2. Once the Ozumo day 1 torikumi has come out, kyujo rikishi are removed from everybody's list (as long as the automation can cope with this (Neener, neener...)

3. Then, amongst your group of 8 rikishi (eg Makunouchi East side), the 70 rikishi (less kyujo ones) are dealt out, following this draft order.... (eg Player A gets his first choice of rikishi, which is then removed from all the other players in your group's list. Player B then gets whoever is now top of his list, and so on)

Edited by Jejima

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The torikumi is pre-set before the basho starts. During the first 8 days you get to fight the 8 players on the other half of your division. (eg, if you are ranked in the Juryo1 division on the East side, then during the first week you will fight all the 8 players on the West side).

This first week is also for the Championship Flag. Whichever side (East or West) of the various divisions wins the most bouts will be awarded the Championship Flag (Neener, neener...)

During the final 7 days, you will face the other 7 rikishi within your sub-division (so if you are ranked in Juryo1 division on the East side, you will face the other 7 East side rikishi during the final week).

The table below shows the pre-determined torikumi. The capitalised letters (A - H) refer to the players sub-division's postion. The non-capitalised letters (e and w) refer to the East and West side of the divisions. The numbers refer to the day of the basho when the two players will face each other. (NB The table below only shows the full version for the East-side sub-division. The West-side is identical, except switch e for w, and vice versa)

      Ae  Be  Ce  De  Ee  Fe  Ge  He  Aw  Bw  Cw  Dw  Ew  Fw  Gw  Hw
Ae   XX  15  14  13  12  11  10   9   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8
Be   15  XX  13  14  11  12   9  10   8   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
Ce   14  13  XX  15  10   9  12  11   7   8   1   2   3   4   5   6
De   13  14  15  XX   9  10  11  12   6   7   8   1   2   3   4   5
Ee   12  11  10   9  XX  15  14  13   5   6   7   8   1   2   3   4
Fe   11  12   9  10  15  XX  13  14   4   5   6   7   8   1   2   3
Ge   10   9  12  11  14  13  XX  15   3   4   5   6   7   8   1   2
He    9  10  11  12  13  14  15  XX   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   1

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Daily entries:-

Each day you enter your team from the web-site of (Neener, neener...) Gusoyama (see above), and arrange your squad of 8 rikishi into the following:-

1 troll (I think this name will probably change soon! I will edit this when the change on the entry form has been made)

4 billy-goats (again this name is likely to change too (Laughing...))

3 subs

The troll should be a rikishi that you think will win that day. This is by far your most important sekitori, and so should be the most carefully thought out.

For the 4 billy-goats, you also predict whether or not they will win or lose.

The 3 subs are only used if one of your trolls or billy-goats are involved in a fusensho (forfeit bout - where only one rikishi turns up), then they are replaced by a sub. If the sub is required for either the troll or for a predicted win billy-goat, then they are taken from the left of the subs. If the sub is required for a predicted losing billy-goat, then they are taken from the right of the subs.

More than one (up to three!) subs can be used following the rules above. (NB The Troll takes the first left-hand sub if required, with preference over any predicted winning billy-goats).

For players not entering a new line-up on any given day (known as 'droning'), their previous day's line-up is to be used.

If a player has not entered a line-up for day 1, then their day 1 squad consists of their 8 sekitori that they received them in the draft, with all billy-goats as predicted winners.


Droning Day one player:-

Troll = 1st draft

Billy-goats = 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th draft picks, (all predicted as 'winners')

Subs = 6th, 7th, 8th picks

Drone, Clone and Ghost line-ups

These 'players' have only 4 rikishi in their squads. These are all 'Billy-goats'.

These players get an automatic winning 'Troll'.

The four 'Billy-goats' are all predicted 'winners'. The exception being when two of the player's billy-goats are matched up against each other, in which case the lower ranked billy-goat is a predicted 'loser'.

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Deciding the winners

This is done in the following order:-

1. If one player has a winning troll (NB drones, clones and ghosts have automatic winning trolls), and the other doesn't, then the player with the winning troll wins their match-up.

2. If both players' trolls win or both trolls lose, then the player with the most correctly predicted billy-goats (whether as winners or losers) wins the bout.

[bouts involving two drones/clones/ghosts (ie without active players) go to rule 6 if required]

3. If both players' trolls win, and they get the same number of correctly predicted billy-goats correct, then the player with lowest ranked troll wins. If the trolls are the 'same' for each player, then go to rule 4...

In the case that an active player is facing a drone, clone or ghost, the active player is awarded the win.

4. If both (active) players' trolls lose (or have the same winning troll) and they have an equal number of correctly guessed billy-goats, then the player with the lowest ranked predicted winner, wins (if the players have the same lowest ranked, then go to the 2nd, and so on).

5. If both (active) players' trolls lose (or have the same winning troll) and they have an equal number of correctly guessed billy-goats, and have identical predicted winning billy-goats, then the player with the highest ranked predicted loser wins (if the players have the same highest ranked, then go to the 2nd, and so on).

[bouts involving two clones/drones/ghosts (ie without active players) that could not be decided by rule 2, will also be decided by either rule 6 or 7]

6. If both players have got all of their predictions wrong (or the predictions that they got right were mirrored by the opponents giving the same correct prediction for the same rikishi), then the East side rikishi wins.

7. If both rikishi are on the East side, or both are on the West side, then the rikishi that originally picked earlier in their draft (eg A down to H) wins.

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Kyujo sekitori

If a sekitori is kyujo prior to the basho's start, then he is excluded from all players' initial entry lists for the draft. If the sekitori competes in the basho after day 1, then he is added to the pool of unpicked rikishi, and goes automatically to the last pick for all players in terms of the selection picks (ie their original ranking in preference for the the 70 sekitori).

If a rikishi goes kyujo during the basho, then....

....for active players, that rikishi is replaced the following day (eg the day after the kyujo rikishi's fusensho lost) by the highest placed rikishi on their respective selection lists, from the sekitori remaining in the unpicked pool for their sub-division. This change should be announced (by the gyoji in charge) when he gives the results for the previous day.

In the case of two (or more) rikishi going kyujo on the same day, then the player with the higher ranked kyujo rikishi will be allowed to replace his kyujo rikishi first, and so on.

....for drones, clones and ghosts

[have to rush off now, so this will be edited and completed later (Neener, neener...)]

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A little update with the divisions.....

Sorry for the delay with the remaining rules. Hopefully I'll have some time over the weekend to finish :-)

Juryo1 East side

A JE5 Gernobono

B JE6 Tominishiki

C ME8 Nishinoshima

D MW7 Zeokage

E MW8 Tamanaogijima

F JE7 Jejima

G (Dohyo-iri...) NEW Wolfgangho :-O

H (Dribbling...) NEW Torideyama (A sekitori...)

Juryo1 West side

A Your shikona here!

B Your shikona here!

C Your shikona here!

D Your shikona here!

E Your shikona here!

F Your shikona here!

G Your shikona here!

H Your shikona here!

Juryo2 East side

A Your shikona here!

B etc

Edited by Jejima

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The database has basho entries for:


gusoyama(I'll re-enter)




If you think you've entered a selection pool(putting the rikishi in order, not just registering), and your name isn't above, let me know.

Edited by Gusoyama

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1 troll (I think this name will probably change soon!  I will edit this when the change on the entry form has been made)

4 billy-goats (again this name is likely to change too (Blushing...))

3 subs

I know we want to use Hole instead of Troll, but what do we want to use instead of billy-goats? Rank and File? I'll need a ruling on this one. (You are going off-topic...)

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This is the banzuke for the September basho. To join this game (as a new player), add a response to this thread (the earlier to respond, the higher your starting rank (Blushing...)), and then follow (You are going off-topic...) Gusoyama's links above for registering, and entering your squad for the upcoming basho.

I want in.


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In confirmation mail i have guys like Gojoro, Maikaze and Dewanosato. Looks like the Nagoya banzuke is used instead of Aki.

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In confirmation mail i have guys like Gojoro, Maikaze and Dewanosato. Looks like the Nagoya banzuke is used instead of Aki.

Wow, talk about a code barf. All is fixed now. All of the picks were right, the confirmation email was just sending out the wrong things. You can log in again and submit again if you'd like an up-to-date confirmation email.

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1 troll (I think this name will probably change soon!  I will edit this when the change on the entry form has been made)

4 billy-goats (again this name is likely to change too (Blushing...))

3 subs

I know we want to use Hole instead of Troll, but what do we want to use instead of billy-goats? Rank and File? I'll need a ruling on this one. (You are going off-topic...)

The discussions after the last basho led towards 'Captain and RAF'

I would like sensei = hole, senpai = RAF, and kohai = subs. Would that be okay???

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I've just entered my 'proper' choice of picks for Draft Sumo (Annoyed...) There seemed to be some differences in the mid-maegashira banzuke on the entry, compared to what I copied from the sumo ML... (Hugging...)

Oh, and the deadline for entries is nearly here. Plenty more space in Juryo1 for any new players to the game (Help me...)

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Yes, quite some ranks from Dejima to Tamanoshima are wrong, the same in Salary Cap. This should be corrected when daily play starts. I made my selections based on shikona, not on rank of course. I just wanted to state that if rank corrections are making troubles for Gusoyama...

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I'll be on vacation during the second week. So I guess I'll have to rely on my droning alter ego... Kyujo, please!

Maybe I'll do better then.

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I'll be on vacation during the second week. So I guess I'll have to rely on my droning alter ego... Kyujo, please!

Maybe I'll do better then.

There are no kyujos / koshos in this game..... If you don't enter a team, a clone team will be created for you, and you'll have to live by the 'clone rules'. Maybe better to enter a team, and let it drone the 2nd week?

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Again, I've messed up and hopefully fixed the problem. Check your lineups to be sure that they are as you like it. I should get promoted to Jonokuchi for my performance this basho. (Hugging...)

Edited by Gusoyama

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I wonder if I join now I would be the first and only one on the west side of jurio 1.. How would it work? (Hugging...) (Whistling...)

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If you join now (and no one else does), then you would indeed be the only Juryo1 West side rikishi, and so would have a guarantee of getting your top 8 choices in your squad.... You then get the chance to lead the West side drones against the East side humans in the first week's Challenge Flag.

This may seem like you're being given an advantage - and I guess in a small way you are, but that would be only for one basho, and it all evens out in the end (Whistling...)

Hopefully you and at least one other human will join the West side so that you can battle over the Ozeki ;-)

More rules will only be added on Sunday (probably), as I'm very buy these days.... (Hugging...)

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Again, I've messed up and hopefully fixed the problem.  Check your lineups to be sure that they are as you like it.  I should get promoted to Jonokuchi for my performance this basho.  (Hugging...)

You fixed the problem only very partially... I stressed that my placements were done by shikona, not by rank (of course), to give you a hint where to look for... but now my selections are having the old RANKS which results in Kaiho in 6 instead of 70, and Tamanoshima in 70... I bet others will have the same problem now.

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There are no kyujos / koshos in this game.....  If you don't enter a team, a clone team will be created for you, and you'll have to live by the 'clone rules'.  Maybe better to enter a team, and let it drone the 2nd week?

Grmbl... There are so many games now, someone has problems to keep track of the kosho-or-not rules... Playing them is fun, but the rules...

Since I don't like droning opoonents (and therefore won't become one, too) I'll go with my clone team.

Btw, the Freudian slip is intended.

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