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Draft Sumo Gamma Test?

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J1W draft:

Mmikasazuma(1) gets Y1E Asashoryu with Pick 1

Terarno(1) gets M8W Tamanoshima with Pick 2

sashimaru(2) gets O1W Tochiazuma with Pick 3

sashimaru(3) gets M17E Tochinonada with Pick 14

Terarno(2) gets M14W Tokitsuumi with Pick 15

Mmikasazuma(2) gets SE Kotooshu with Pick 16

sashimaru(5) gets SW Wakanosato with Pick 27

sashimaru(6) gets O1E Kaio with Pick 28

Terarno(4) gets M17W Shimotori with Pick 29

Terarno(5) gets J5W Daimanazuru with Pick 30

Mmikasazuma(5) gets KE Kotomitsuki with Pick 31

Mmikasazuma(6) gets M4E Iwakiyama with Pick 32

Mmikasazuma(7) gets J1E Harunoyama with Pick 33

Terarno(6) gets M8E Tosanoumi with Pick 34

sashimaru(10) gets M1W Hakuho with Pick 35

sashimaru(12) gets J7W Yoshikaze with Pick 51

sashimaru(13) gets J2W Kasuganishiki with Pick 52

Terarno(7) gets M11W Toyozakura with Pick 53

Terarno(9) gets M5W Aminishiki with Pick 54

Mmikasazuma(8) gets J4W Ushiomaru with Pick 55

Mmikasazuma(9) gets M2W Kokkai with Pick 56

sashimaru(14) gets M10W Roho with Pick 62

Terarno(10) gets M16W Kisenosato with Pick 63

Mmikasazuma(11) gets M2E Kakizoe with Pick 64

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J1W human teams:

Mmikasazuma(1) gets Y1E Asashoryu with Pick 1

Mmikasazuma(2) gets SE Kotooshu with Pick 16

Mmikasazuma(5) gets KE Kotomitsuki with Pick 31

Mmikasazuma(6) gets M4E Iwakiyama with Pick 32

Mmikasazuma(7) gets J1E Harunoyama with Pick 33

Mmikasazuma(8) gets J4W Ushiomaru with Pick 55

Mmikasazuma(9) gets M2W Kokkai with Pick 56

Mmikasazuma(11) gets M2E Kakizoe with Pick 64

Terarno(1) gets M8W Tamanoshima with Pick 2

Terarno(2) gets M14W Tokitsuumi with Pick 15

Terarno(4) gets M17W Shimotori with Pick 29

Terarno(5) gets J5W Daimanazuru with Pick 30

Terarno(6) gets M8E Tosanoumi with Pick 34

Terarno(7) gets M11W Toyozakura with Pick 53

Terarno(9) gets M5W Aminishiki with Pick 54

Terarno(10) gets M16W Kisenosato with Pick 63

sashimaru(2) gets O1W Tochiazuma with Pick 3

sashimaru(3) gets M17E Tochinonada with Pick 14

sashimaru(5) gets SW Wakanosato with Pick 27

sashimaru(6) gets O1E Kaio with Pick 28

sashimaru(10) gets M1W Hakuho with Pick 35

sashimaru(12) gets J7W Yoshikaze with Pick 51

sashimaru(13) gets J2W Kasuganishiki with Pick 52

sashimaru(14) gets M10W Roho with Pick 62

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J1W drones:


O2W Chiyotaikai

KW Futeno

M1E Miyabiyama

M3E Dejima


M3W Kyokutenho

M4W Kyokushuzan

M5E Takamisakari

M6E Kotoshogiku


M6W Tokitenku

M7E Hokutoriki

M9E Takekaze

M9W Tamaasuka


M10E Asasekiryu

M11E Ama

M12E Hakurozan

M12W Ishide


M13E Kotonowaka

M13W Tochisakae

M14E Jumonji

M15E Takanowaka

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Sorry Jejima, looks like I drafted for Sashimaru as well.(must have snuck in an entry before I drafted for that division) Would it be too horrible to replace cat-drone with Sashimaru?

Edited by Gusoyama

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Sorry Jejima, looks like I drafted for Sashimaru as well.(must have snuck in an entry before I drafted for that division)  Would it be too horrible to replace cat-drone with Sashimaru?

Of course not (Dohyo-iri...) Will update now....

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Just tested the daily form, and it looks like it works. Terarno and Azumaryu have also put in day 1 lineups.

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sorry guys feel asleep on this one and missed the deadline, forgot it was so early. oops.

guess my clone will be holding the fort.

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Day 1 results for Juryo:

Torideyama vs. Museli Drone

Torideyama entry Day 1 (Annoyed...)

Sensei: Ishide [-]

Senpai(3 correct):Kyokutenho(L)[-],Iwakiyama(W)[O],Miyabiyama(W)[O],Kotoshogiku(W)[O]

Kohai: Ama, Baruto, Siraishi

Comments: OK, here is my Day 1 lineup. I don't know if I will like this game or not, but I am certainly willing to give it a whirl.

Museli-drone entry Day 1 (On the banzuke...)

Sensei: Bot [O]

Senpai(2 correct):Kotonowaka(W)[O],Tochisakae(W)[-],Jumonji(L)[-],Takanowaka(W)[O]

Gyoji comments: Torideyama has more senpai winners, but unfortunately, got his sensei wrong, so gets the loss. Bot logic tested with Tochisakae and Jumonji facing each other.

wolfgangho vs Drone-drone

wolfgangho entry Day 1 (Annoyed...)

Sensei: Kotooshu [O]

Senpai(1 correct):Tamaasuka(W)[-],Takamisakari(W)[-],Yoshikaze(W)[O],Kotonowaka(L)[-]

Kohai: Hakuho, Wakatoba, Kokkai


Drone-drone entry Day 1 (Dribbling...)

Sensei: Bot [O]

Senpai(3 correct):Asasekiryu(W)[O],Ama(W)[O],Hakurozan(W)[O],Ishide(W)[-]

Gyoji comments:

wolfgangho gets the sensei right, but unfortunately only gets one senpai correct and drops to Drone-drone.

Jejima vs Parsley-drone

Jejima entry Day 1 (Annoyed...)

Sensei: Kotomitsuki [-]

Senpai(1 correct):Kaio(W)[-],Wakanosato(W)[O],Tochinonada(W)[-],Futeno(L)[-]

Kohai: Chiyotaikai, Tochiazuma, Kyokushuzan

Comments: I seem to have 6 of the 8 sanyaku on my team. Is this a good thing?

Parsley-drone entry Day 1 (Eating...)

Sensei: Bot [O]

Senpai(1 correct):Tokitenku(W)[-],Hokutoriki(W)[O],Takekaze(W)[-],Tamaasuka(W)[-]

Gyoji comments:

The drone only gets one senpai right, but unfortunately, Jejima's faith in Mickey turns out to be misplaced, and yet another human drops to a drone.

Tamanaogijima vs. Haddock-drone

Tamanaogijima entry Day 1 (Applauding...)

Sensei: Bot [O]

Senpai(3 correct):Takanowaka(W)[O],Kasugao(W)[-],Shimotori(W)[O],Harunoyama(L)[O]

Kohai: , ,


Haddock-drone entry Day 1 (Annoyed...)

Sensei: Bot [O]

Senpai(2 correct):Kyokutenho(W)[O],Kyokushuzan(W)[-],Takamisakari(W)[-],Kotoshogiku(W)[O]

Kohai: , ,


Gyoji comments: Our first inter-drone matchup, and Tamanaogijima wins it by having 3 correct senpai.

Zeokage v Hedgehog-drone

Zeokage entry Day 1 (Annoyed...)

Sensei: Asashoryu [-]

Senpai(2 correct):Kisenosato(L)[-],Kitazakura(W)[O],Katayama(W)[-],Daishodai(W)[O]

Kohai: Dejima, Roho, Kakizoe


Hedgehog-drone entry Day 1 (Applauding...)

Sensei: Bot [O]

Senpai(2 correct):Chiyotaikai(W)[-],Futeno(W)[O],Miyabiyama(W)[O],Dejima(W)[-]

Gyoji comments: Looks like Zeokage is the first to fall victim to Asashoryu's loss today. Another win for the drones.

Ce Nishinoshima v Cw Sashimaru

Nishinoshima entry Day 1 (Annoyed...)

Sensei: Bot [O]

Senpai(1 correct):Hakurozan(W)[O],Tochisakae(W)[-],Jumonji(L)[-],Tokitsuumi(W)[-]

Kohai: , ,


sashimaru entry Day 0 (Applauding...)

Sensei: Tochiazuma [O]

Senpai(1 correct):Tochinonada(W)[-],Wakanosato(W)[O],Kaio(W)[-],Hakuho(W)[-]

Kohai: Yoshikaze, Kasuganishiki, Roho


Gyoji comments: The first human to get a win, based on rule 3, if a human is playing a drone, and have the same amount of senpai winners, the human wins. More interestingly, sashimaru was droning today!(entry day 0 indicates that)

Be Tominishiki-ghost v Bw Terarno

Tominishiki entry Day 1 (Applauding...)

Sensei: Bot [O]

Senpai(3 correct):Tamanoshima(W)[],Takekaze(L)[O],Asasekiryu(W)[O],Toyozakura(W)[-]

Kohai: , ,


Terarno entry Day 1 (Annoyed...)

Sensei: Tamanoshima [O]

Senpai(1 correct):Tosanoumi(W)[-],Tokitsuumi(W)[-],Shimotori(W)[O],Toyozakura(W)[-]

Kohai: Aminishiki, Daimanazuru, Kisenosato


Gyoji comments: Terarno got the sensei right, but only got one senpai, and drops to the ghost.

Ae Gernobono v Aw Mmikasazuma

Gerbono entry Day 1 (Applauding...)

Sensei: Bot [O]

Senpai(3 correct):Aminishiki(W)[],Tokitenku(W)[-],Hokutoriki(W)[O],Tosanoumi(L)[O]

Kohai: , ,


Mmikasazuma entry Day 1

Sensei: Asashoryu [-] (Annoyed...)

Senpai(2 correct):Kotomitsuki(W)[-],Harunoyama(L)[O],Ushiomaru(L)[-],Kotooshu(W)[O]

Kohai: Iwakiyama, Kakizoe, Kokkai


Gyoji comments: Mmikasazuma is the second to fall because of (A yokozuna...) 's loss.

Edited by Gusoyama

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Juryo Day 1 standings:

Cw Sashimaru O

Hw Museli-drone O

Gw Drone-drone O

Fw Parsley-drone O

Ee Tamanaogijima O

Dw Hedgehog-drone O

Be Tominishiki-ghost O

Ae Gernobono O

He Torideyama X

Ge Wolfgangho X

Fe Jejima X

De Zeokage X

Bw Terarno X

Aw Mmikasazuma X

Ew Haddock-drone X

Ce Nishinoshima X

East/West challenge: West is winning 5-3 on the strong performance of the bots-clones-drones-ghosts.

Outstanding Performace Award:

Sashimaru 1

Torideyama 0

Wolfgangho 0

Jejima 0

Zeokage 0

Terarno 0

Mmikasazuma 0

Technique Award:

Torideyama 3

Wolfgangho 2

Zeokage 2

Terarno 2

Sashimaru 2

Mmikasazuma 2

Jejima 1

Fighting Spirit Award:

Torideyama 3

Wolfgangho 2

Zeokage 2

Terarno 2

Sashimaru 2

Mmikasazuma 1

Jejima 1

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Day 1 Makuuchi results:

He Sekihiryu v (Annoyed...) Hw Golynohana

Sekihiryu entry Day 1 (On the banzuke...)

Sensei: Bot [O]

Senpai(2 correct):Jumonji(W)[O],Tokitsuumi(W)[-],Takanowaka(L)[-],Wakatoba(W)[O]

Kohai: , ,


Golynohana entry Day 1 (Annoyed...)

Sensei: Tochinonada [-]

Senpai(2 correct):Roho(W)[-],Baruto(W)[O],Kotoshogiku(W)[O],Ama(L)[-]

Kohai: Tamanoshima, Jumonji, Tamakasuga


Gyoji comments: Golynohana trusts Tochinonada a bit too much, and drops to Sekihiryu

Ge Zenjimoto v Gw (A yokozuna...) Takanorappa

Zenjimoto entry Day 1 (Annoyed...)

Sensei: Otsukasa [-]

Senpai(3 correct):Kotooshu(W)[O],Iwakiyama(W)[O],Kotomitsuki(W)[-],Wakanosato(W)[O]

Kohai: Tochiazuma, Hokutoriki, Tosanoumi

Comments: Fantastic job Gusoyama!

Takanorappa entry Day 1 (Dribbling...)

Sensei: Kotooshu [O]

Senpai(2 correct):Futeno(L)[-],Wakanosato(W)[O],Kokkai(W)[-],Chiyotaikai(L)[O]

Kohai: Miyabiyama, Kakizoe, Kaio

Comments: Push. Push. Push. (pull)

Gyoji comments: Our first all-human bout! Thanks for the kind words, Zenji, but Takanorappa's desperate pull at the edge gives him the win.

Fe Kashunowaka v (Annoyed...) Fw Jakusotsu

Kashunowaka entry Day 1 (Eating...)

Sensei: Bot [O]

Senpai(3 correct):Kisenosato(W)[],Harunoyama(W)[-],Toyonoshima(W)[O],Kasuganishiki(W)[O]

Kohai: , ,


Jakusotsu entry Day 1 (Annoyed...)

Sensei: Takanotsuru [-]

Senpai(3 correct):Tochiazuma(W)[O],Iwakiyama(W)[O],Kasugao(W)[-],Tochinohana(W)[O]

Kohai: Katayama, Buyuzan, Toyonoshima

Comments: Hope it's not going to be Daft Sumo for me... Kudos to Gusoyama for all his great efforts!

Gyoji comments: Jakusotsu gets 3 senpai correct, but unfortunately, does not get his sensei correct, and loses. Again, thank you for the kind words.

Ee Tameiki v (Annoyed...) Ew Doitsuyama

Tameiki entry Day 1 (Applauding...)

Sensei: Bot [O]

Senpai(1 correct):Ama(W)[O],Toyozakura(W)[-],Hakurozan(L)[-],Tochisakae(W)[-]

Kohai: , ,


Doitsuyama entry Day 1 (Annoyed...)

Sensei: Asashoryu [-]

Senpai(0 correct):Kotomitsuki(W)[-],Tosanoumi(W)[-],Wakatoba(L)[-],Takamisakari(W)[-]

Kohai: Kyokushuzan, Aminishiki, Ishide


Gyoji comments: Doitsuyama is victim #3, and unfortunately drops all 4 of his senpai predictions.

De Gusoyama v (Annoyed...) Dw Ulsimitsuki

gusoyama entry Day 1 (Annoyed...)

Sensei: Roho [-]

Senpai(3 correct):Futeno(L)[-],Kokkai(L)[O],Aminishiki(W)[O],Takamisakari(L)[O]

Kohai: Dairaido, Kasugao, Kyokutenho

Comments: Hope this works with the new names

Ulsimitsuki entry Day 1 (Applauding...)

Sensei: Bot [O]

Senpai(4 correct):Kisenosato(W)[O],Shimotori(W)[O],Harunoyama(L)[O],Kasuganishiki(W)[O]

Gyoji comments: Even with 3 correct senpai, gusoyama gets blown out of the water by the perfect drone, Ulsimitsuki.

Ce Kintamayama v (East wins...)Cw Aderechelseamaru

Kintamayama entry Day 1 (Applauding...)

Sensei: Takanotsuru [-]

Senpai(3 correct):Tochinonada(W)[-],Kotonowaka(W)[O],Ryuho(L)[O],Ishide(L)[O]

Kohai: Katayama, Shimotori, Buyuzan


aderechelseamaru entry Day 1 (Annoyed...)

Sensei: Tochisakae [-]

Senpai(2 correct):Asasekiryu(W)[O],Raiko(W)[O],Toyozakura(W)[-],Hokutoriki(L)[-]

Kohai: Hakuho, Kyokutenho, Ryuho

Comments: i have no idea how i ended up with this team ...

Gyoji comments: Adere slips a little at tachiai while wondering how the draft could go so wrong, and Kintamayama picks up the slack, getting 3 correct senpai and the win.

Be Azumaryu v (Annoyed...) Bw Hamanoyama

Azumaryu entry Day 1 (Applauding...)

Sensei: Tochinohana [O]

Senpai(3 correct):Baruto(W)[O],Kotoshogiku(W)[O],Kyokoshuzan(L)[-],Dejima(L)[O]

Kohai: Miyabiyama, Tamanoshima, Tokitenku


Hamanoyama entry Day 1 (Annoyed...)

Sensei: Bot [O]

Senpai(2 correct):Hakurozan(W)[O],Kotonowaka(W)[O],Tokitsuumi(W)[-],Takanowaka(L)[-]

Kohai: , ,


Gyoji comments: Azumaryu has a very strong day, and gets 3 correct senpai to defeat the Hamanoyama drone.

Ae Oshirokita v (West wins...)Aw Kaiyahaiya

Oshirokita entry Day 1 (Annoyed...)

Sensei: Asashoryu [-]

Senpai(0 correct):Kaio(W)[-],Chiyotaikai(W)[-],Tamaasuka(W)[-],Kakizoe(L)[-]

Kohai: Hakuho, Takekaze, Asasekiryu

Comments: Since I made it to the top of this game, I did not want to go kyujo, but I didn't make time to prepare well for the basho (any game). I chose all my picks for the draft by using the entry form order as default, which at least gave me Asashoryu...

Kaiyahaiya entry Day 1 (Applauding...)

Sensei: Bot [O]

Senpai(0 correct):Dejima(W)[-],Tokitenku(W)[-],Takekaze(W)[-],Tamaasuka(W)[-]

Kohai: , ,


Gyoji comments: Oshirokita may like having Asashoryu, but he unfortunately disappointed today, causing(along with horrible Ozeki performances) a goose egg day for Oshirokita.

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Makuuchi standings Day 1

Be Azumaryu O (1,4,3)

Gw Takanorappa O (1,3,2)

Ce Kintamayama O (0,3,1)

He Sekihiryu O

Fe Kashunowaka O

Ee Tameiki O

Dw Ulsimitsuki O

Aw Kaiyahaiya O

Ge Zenjimoto X (0,3,3)

Fw Jakusotsu X (0,3,3)

De Gusoyama X (0,3,1)

Hw Golynohana X (0,2,2)

Cw Aderechelseamaru X (0,2,2)

Ew Doitsuyama X (0,0,0)

Ae Oshirokita X (0,0,0)

Bw Hamanoyama X

East/West challenge: East is winning it 5-3

Outstanding Performance Award:

Azumaryu 1

Takanorappa 1

Kintamayama 0

Zenjimoto 0

Jakusotsu 0

Gusoyama 0

Golynohana 0

Aderechelseamaru 0

Doitsuyama 0

Oshirokita 0

Technique Award:

Azumaryu 4

Takanorappa 3

Kintamayama 3

Zenjimoto 3

Jakusotsu 3

Gusoyama 3

Golynohana 2

Aderechelseamaru 2

Doitsuyama 0

Oshirokita 0

Fighting Spirit Award:

Azumaryu 3

Zenjimoto 3

Jakusotsu 3

Takanorappa 2

Golynohana 2

Aderechelseamaru 2

Kintamayama 1

Gusoyama 1

Doitsuyama 0

Oshirokita 0

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If someone would like to take control of doing results for one of the two divisions, I can teach them how to use the results grabber and the daily results pages. Its not too bad, and is less work than it used to be. Any takers?

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I just made my day 3 entry, but accidently hit 'make entry' before changing the entry date to day 3, and so the first message was 'day 1 entry updated.' I hope I haven't messed up the automation...... (Blushing...)

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I just made my day 3 entry, but accidently hit 'make entry' before changing the entry date to day 3, and so the first message was 'day 1 entry updated.'  I hope I haven't messed up the automation......  (Blushing...)

Nope, as long as you re-entered day 3, you should be fine. I have yet to fine tune the "can't update past days" bit.

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Juryo results day 2:

He Torideyama (Laughing...) Aw Mmikasazuma

Torideyama entry Day 2

Sensei: Iwakiyama [-]

Senpai(2 correct):Kyokutenho(L)[-],Ama(L)[-],Miyabiyama(L)[O],Kotoshogiku(W)[O]

Kohai: Ishide, Baruto, Siraishi

Comments: OK, here is my Day 2 lineup. I don\'t know if I will like this game or not, but I am certainly willing to give it a whirl.

Mmikasazuma entry Day 2

Sensei: Iwakiyama [-]

Senpai(2 correct):Asashoryu(W)[O],Harunoyama(W)[-],Ushiomaru(W)[-],Kakizoe(L)[O]

Kohai: Kokkai, Kotooshu, Kotomitsuki


Gyoji notes: Both pick Wacky Man to win, and both are incorrect. Both get two senpai correct. Torideyama has Kotoshogiku as his lowest correct predicted winner, Mmikasazuma has Asashoryu. Torideyama gets the win.

Ge Wolfgangho (In love...) Hw Museli-drone

wolfgangho entry Day 2

Sensei: Kotooshu [O]

Senpai(1 correct):Yoshikaze(W)[-],Takamisakari(W)[-],Wakatoba(W)[O],Tamaasuka(W)[-]

Kohai: Kotonowaka, Kokkai, Hakuho


Museli-drone entry Day 2

Sensei: Bot [O]

Senpai(1 correct):Kotonowaka(W)[-],Tochisakae(W)[O],Jumonji(L)[-],Takanowaka(W)[-]

Kohai: , ,


Gyoji notes: Wolfgang gets his sensei right, and only needs one senpai correct to win on the tiebreaker with Museli drone.

Fe Jejima (Blushing...) Gw Drone-drone

Jejima entry Day 2

Sensei: Wakanosato [O]

Senpai(2 correct):Kotomitsuki(W)[O],Futeno(W)[O],Tochiazuma(W)[-],Kyokushuzan(L)[-]

Kohai: Chiyotaikai, Kaio, Tochinonada

Comments: Hum

Drone-drone entry Day 2

Sensei: Bot [O]

Senpai(3 correct):Asasekiryu(W)[O],Ama(W)[O],Hakurozan(L)[O],Ishide(W)[-]

Kohai: , ,


Gyoji notes: Jejima seems to have the same luck at this game as I do at Salarycap. Rijicho's luck? He gets his Sensei correct, but only gets 2 senpai, so Drone-drone wins with his 3.

Ee Tamanaogijima :-) Fw Parsley-drone

Tamanaogijima entry Day 2

Sensei: Bot [O]

Senpai(0 correct):Takanowaka(W)[-],Kasugao(L)[-],Shimotori(W)[-],Harunoyama(W)[-]

Kohai: , ,


Parsley-drone entry Day 2

Sensei: Bot [O]

Senpai(2 correct):Tokitenku(W)[-],Hokutoriki(L)[-],Takekaze(W)[O],Tamaasuka(L)[O]

Kohai: , ,


Gyoji notes: Drone-wars! Parsley is super-fresh, and wins the bout.

De Zeokage (Clapping wildly...) Ew Haddock-drone

Zeokage entry Day 2

Sensei: Roho [O]

Senpai(3 correct):Asashoryu(W)[O],Daishodai(L)[-],Kakizoe(L)[O],Kisenosato(W)[O]

Kohai: Kitazakura, Katayama, Dejima


Haddock-drone entry Day 2

Sensei: Bot [O]

Senpai(4 correct):Kyokutenho(W)[O],Kyokushuzan(W)[O],Takamisakari(L)[O],Kotoshogiku(W)[O]

Kohai: , ,

Comments: a correct sensei and 3 correct senpai are not good enough today for Zeokage. He gets a loss handed to him by the perfect fishy drone.

Ce Nishinoshima (East wins...) Dw Hedgehog-drone

Nishinoshima entry Day 2

Sensei: Bot [O]

Senpai(2 correct):Hakurozan(W)[-],Tochisakae(W)[O],Jumonji(W)[O],Tokitsuumi(W)[-]

Kohai: , ,


Hedgehog-drone entry Day 2

Sensei: Bot [O]

Senpai(2 correct):Chiyotaikai(W)[-],Futeno(W)[O],Miyabiyama(W)[-],Dejima(W)[O]

Kohai: , ,


Gyoji notes: Nishinoshima wins because he is on the East side. Not sure why the "lowest senpai correct" rule doesn't apply to drone/drone matchups, but there you go.

Be Tominishiki-ghost (East wins...) Cw Sashimaru

Tominishiki entry Day 2

Sensei: Bot [O]

Senpai(1 correct):Tamanoshima(W)[-],Takekaze(W)[O],Asasekiryu(L)[-],Toyozakura(W)[-]

Kohai: , ,


sashimaru entry Day 0

Sensei: Tochiazuma [-]

Senpai(1 correct):Tochinonada(W)[-],Wakanosato(W)[O],Kaio(W)[-],Hakuho(W)[-]

Kohai: Yoshikaze, Kasuganishiki, Roho


Gyoji notes: Sashimaru drones again, and gets the sensei wrong for the loss.

Ae Gernobono (East wins...) Bw Terarno

Gerbono entry Day 2

Sensei: Bot [O]

Senpai(1 correct):Aminishiki(W)[],Tokitenku(W)[-],Hokutoriki(L)[-],Tosanoumi(W)[-]

Kohai: , ,


Terarno entry Day 2

Sensei: Tosanoumi [-]

Senpai(2 correct):Tokitsuumi(W)[-],Tamanoshima(W)[-],Daimanazuru(W)[O],Kisenosato(W)[O]

Kohai: Shimotori, Toyozakura, Aminishiki


Gyoji notes: In the final bout of the day for Juryo, Terarno gets 2 senpai correct, but fails to get his sensei correct, and drops the match to Gerbono-clone.

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Juryo Day 2 standings:

Gw Drone-drone OO

Fw Parsley-drone OO

Be Tominishiki-ghost OO

Ae Gernobono OO

He Torideyama XO (9)

Ge Wolfgangho XO (8)

Cw Sashimaru OX (7)

Ce Nishinoshima XO

Hw Museli-drone OX

Ee Tamanaogijima OX

Dw Hedgehog-drone OX

Ew Haddock-drone XO

De Zeokage XX (12)

Bw Terarno XX (8)

Fe Jejima XX (8)

Aw Mmikasazuma XX (6)

East/West challenge: East turns the table, winning 5 today, to make it even at 8-8.

Outstanding Performace Award:

Sashimaru 1

Wolfgangho 1

Jejima 1

Zeokage 1

Torideyama 0

Terarno 0

Mmikasazuma 0

Technique Award:

Zeokage 6

Torideyama 5

Wolfgangho 4

Terarno 4

Mmikasazuma 4

Jejima 4

Sashimaru 3

Fighting Spirit Award:

Zeokage 5

Torideyama 4

Terarno 4

Wolfgangho 3

Sashimaru 3

Jejima 3

Mmikasazuma 2

Edited by Gusoyama

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Day 2 makuuchi results:

He Sekihiryu (Blushing...) Aw Kaiyahaiya

Sekihiryu entry Day 2

Sensei: Bot [O]

Senpai(1 correct):Jumonji(W)[],Tokitsuumi(W)[-],Takanowaka(W)[-],Wakatoba(L)[-]

Kohai: , ,


Kaiyahaiya entry Day 2

Sensei: Bot [O]

Senpai(3 correct):Dejima(W)[O],Tokitenku(W)[-],Takekaze(W)[O],Tamaasuka(L)[O]

Kohai: , ,


Gyoji notes: Kaiyahaiya wins.

Ge Zenjimoto :-) Hw Golynohana

Zenjimoto entry Day 2

Sensei: Iwakiyama [-]

Senpai(3 correct):Hokutoriki(W)[O],Wakanosato(W)[O],Kotooshu(W)[O],Tochiazuma(W)[-]

Kohai: Kotomitsuki, Otsukasa, Tosanoumi


Golynohana entry Day 2

Sensei: Baruto [-]

Senpai(3 correct):Ama(W)[O],Roho(W)[O],Tamakasuga(W)[O],Tochinonada(W)[-]

Kohai: Tamanoshima, Kotoshogiku, Jumonji


Gyoji notes: Both get the sensei wrong, and both have 3 senpai correct, but Zenjimoto's lowest predicted winner is Hokutoriki, while Golynohana has Tamakasuga.

Fe Kashunowaka (Clapping wildly...) Gw Takanorappa

Kashunowaka entry Day 2

Sensei: Bot [O]

Senpai(3 correct):Kisenosato(W)[],Harunoyama(W)[-],Toyonoshima(W)[O],Kasuganishiki(W)[O]

Kohai: , ,


Takanorappa entry Day 2

Sensei: Kotooshu [O]

Senpai(3 correct):Kaio(L)[O],Chiyotaikai(L)[O],Futeno(W)[O],Wakanosato(L)[-]

Kohai: Kokkai, Miyabiyama, Kakizoe

Comments: Go, Kotooshuuuuuuuu!!!

Gyoji notes: Kotooshu pulls through, and because he was facing a bot, his 3 senpai are good enough for the win.

Ee Tameiki (East wins...) Fw Jakusotsu

Tameiki entry Day 2

Sensei: Bot [O]

Senpai(3 correct):Ama(W)[O],Toyozakura(W)[-],Hakurozan(L)[O],Tochisakae(W)[O]

Kohai: , ,


Jakusotsu entry Day 2

Sensei: Iwakiyama [-]

Senpai(3 correct):Tochinohana(W)[O],Buyuzan(L)[O],Takanotsuru(L)[O],Toyonoshima(L)[-]

Kohai: Tochiazuma, Kasugao, Katayama

Comments: Three losers? Goodbye, Kanto-sho!

Gyoji notes: Jakusotsu is the 4th person/drone today to put Iwakiyama in on a winning position,(3 had him as sensei) and he has disappointed for all, causing Jakusotsu to lose to the tenacious Tameiki.

De Gusoyama (East wins...) Ew Doitsuyama

gusoyama entry Day 1

Sensei: Roho [O]

Senpai(3 correct):Futeno(L)[-],Kokkai(L)[O],Aminishiki(W)[O],Takamisakari(L)[O]

Kohai: Dairaido, Kasugao, Kyokutenho

Comments: Hope this works with the new names

Doitsuyama entry Day 1

Sensei: Asashoryu [O]

Senpai(1 correct):Kotomitsuki(W)[O],Tosanoumi(W)[-],Wakatoba(L)[-],Takamisakari(W)[-]

Kohai: Kyokushuzan, Aminishiki, Ishide


Gyoji notes: Looks like Doitsuyama and I both droned today, and Roho pulled it out for me, along with 3 senpai to Doitsuyama's 1.

Ce Kintamayama (Laughing...) Dw Ulsimitsuki

Kintamayama entry Day 2

Sensei: Tochinonada [-]

Senpai(0 correct):Takanotsuru(W)[-],Buyuzan(W)[-],Ryuho(L)[-],Katayama(L)[-]

Kohai: Ishide, Kotonowaka, Shimotori


Ulsimitsuki entry Day 2

Sensei: Bot [O]

Senpai(3 correct):Kisenosato(W)[O],Shimotori(L)[O],Harunoyama(W)[-],Kasuganishiki(W)[O]

Kohai: , ,


Gyoji notes: Tochinonada doesn't win for Kintamayama, but it doesn't really matter, as zero senpai wouldn't get him very far.

Be Azumaryu (In love...) Cw Aderechelseamaru

Azumaryu entry Day 2

Sensei: Baruto [-]

Senpai(3 correct):Dejima(W)[O],Kyokushuzan(L)[-],Miyabiyama(L)[O],Tokitenku(L)[O]

Kohai: Kotoshogiku, Tamanoshima, Tochinohana


aderechelseamaru entry Day 2

Sensei: Tochisakae [O]

Senpai(1 correct):Hakuho(W)[-],Raiko(W)[-],Kyokutenho(W)[O],Hokutoriki(L)[-]

Kohai: Asasekiryu, Ryuho, Toyozakura


Gyoji comments: Baruto falls short for Azumaryu, while aderechelseamaru chooses the right sensei in Tochisakae.

Ae Oshirokita (East wins...) Bw Hamanoyama

Oshirokita entry Day 2

Sensei: Asashoryu [O]

Senpai(2 correct):Hakuho(W)[-],Tamaasuka(W)[-],Kaio(L)[O],Chiyotaikai(L)[O]

Kohai: Kakizoe, Takekaze, Asasekiryu


Hamanoyama entry Day 2

Sensei: Bot [O]

Senpai(0 correct):Hakurozan(W)[-],Kotonowaka(W)[-],Tokitsuumi(W)[-],Takanowaka(W)[-]

Kohai: , ,


Gyoji notes: Asashoryu pulls through today, and gives Oshirokita a chance to win it with his 2 correct senpai.

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Makuuchi standings Day 2

Gw Takanorappa OO (13)

Ee Tameiki OO

Dw Ulsimitsuki OO

Aw Kaiyahaiya OO

Be Azumaryu OX (12)

De Gusoyama XO (11)

Hw Golynohana XO (10)

Cw Aderechelseamaru XO (9)

Ae Oshirokita XO (5)

Ce Kintamayama OX (4)

He Sekihiryu OX

Fe Kashunowaka OX

Ge Zenjimoto XX (12)

Fw Jakusotsu XX (10)

Ew Doitsuyama XX (5)

Bw Hamanoyama XX

East/West challenge: West pulls the challenge to a tie with a 5-3 jump today. 8-8.

Outstanding Performance Award:

Takanorappa 2

Azumaryu 1

Gusoyama 1

Aderechelseamaru 1

Doitsuyama 1

Oshirokita 1

Kintamayama 0

Zenjimoto 0

Jakusotsu 0

Golynohana 0

Technique Award:

Azumaryu 7

Takanorappa 7

Gusoyama 7

Zenjimoto 6

Jakusotsu 6

Golynohana 5

Aderechelseamaru 4

Kintamayama 3

Oshirokita 3

Doitsuyama 2

Fighting Spirit Award:

Zenjimoto 6

Golynohana 5

Azumaryu 4

Jakusotsu 4

Takanorappa 4

Aderechelseamaru 4

Gusoyama 3

Doitsuyama 2

Kintamayama 1

Oshirokita 1

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I can't connect to Draftsumo homepage. (Raging at computer...) How should I make today's entry?

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I can't connect to Draftsumo homepage. >(Raging at computer...)  How should I make today's entry?

Gusoyama's server is down so please send the entry in if you cannot wait.

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I apologize for the horribly tardy results for Draft Sumo today. We had a blown transformer at work, and I had to stay until we knew when power would be back on. I'll do the results now.

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He Torideyama (East wins...) Bw Terarno

Torideyama entry Day 3

Sensei: Iwakiyama [O]

Senpai(2 correct):Ishide(L)[-],Kotoshogiku(W)[-],Miyabiyama(L)[O],Kyokutenho(L)[O]

Kohai: Ama, Siraishi, Baruto

Comments: Day 3. Doing the best I can at this new game. Don\'t even know how I did on day 2 yet.

Terarno entry Day 3

Sensei: Shimotori [-]

Senpai(2 correct):Tokitsuumi(W)[O],Tosanoumi(W)[-],Kisenosato(W)[O],Aminishiki(L)[-]

Kohai: Daimanazuru, Tamanoshima, Toyozakura

Comments: Gambarimasu !!

Gyoji notes: Being on the east coast of the US, I realize that I'm behind the times. Sorry about that. Torideyama does his best, and gets the win, even though Terarno gambarizes.

Ge Wolfgangho (Welcome...) Aw Mmikasazuma

wolfgangho entry Day 3

Sensei: Kotooshu [O]

Senpai(2 correct):Wakatoba(W)[-],Tamaasuka(W)[O],Kokkai(L)[O],Hakuho(L)[-]

Kohai: Yoshikaze, Takamisakari, Kotonowaka


Mmikasazuma entry Day 3

Sensei: Asashoryu [O]

Senpai(4 correct):Kotooshu(W)[O],Kotomitsuki(W)[O],Iwakiyama(W)[O],Ushiomaru(W)[O]

Kohai: Kokkai, Kakizoe, Harunoyama


Gyoji notes: Mmika sent in a manual entry, and got a perfect score, outdoing Wolfgang who whad a very good lineup, but unfortunately could not come up with enough.

Fe Jejima (East wins...) Hw Museli-drone

Jejima entry Day 3

Sensei: Tochiazuma [O]

Senpai(2 correct):Wakanosato(W)[O],Futeno(W)[-],Kaio(L)[O],Chiyotaikai(L)[-]

Kohai: Kotomitsuki, Kyokushuzan, Tochinonada

Comments: I should be able to do something with all the sanyaku in my team....

Museli-drone entry Day 3

Sensei: Bot [O]

Senpai(1 correct):Kotonowaka(W)[O],Tochisakae(W)[-],Jumonji(W)[-],Takanowaka(L)[-]

Kohai: , ,


Gyoji notes: Jejima can, will, and does do something with the sanyaku on his team, and even though he got a double whammy with the Futeno-Chiyotaikai match, he still pulls out the win against Museli drone.

Ee Tamanaogijima (East wins...) Gw Drone-drone

Tamanaogijima entry Day 3

Sensei: Bot [O]

Senpai(3 correct):Takanowaka(W)[O],Kasugao(W)[O],Shimotori(L)[O],Harunoyama(W)[-]

Kohai: , ,


Drone-drone entry Day 3

Sensei: Bot [O]

Senpai(0 correct):Wakatoba(W)[-],Ama(W)[-],Hakurozan(W)[-],Ishide(L)[-]

Kohai: , ,


Gyoji notes: Tamanaogijima gets the win over the listless drone-drone, who has Asasekiryu replaced by Wakatoba.

De Zeokage (East wins...) Fw Parsley-drone

Zeokage entry Day 3

Sensei: Daishodai [O]

Senpai(3 correct):Asashoryu(W)[O],Roho(W)[-],Kisenosato(W)[O],Kakizoe(L)[O]

Kohai: Katayama, Dejima, Kitazakura


Parsley-drone entry Day 3

Sensei: Bot [O]

Senpai(2 correct):Tokitenku(W)[-],Hokutoriki(W)[-],Takekaze(W)[O],Tamaasuka(W)[O]

Kohai: , ,


Gyoji notes: ANOTHER win for the humans, as Zeokage gets his very low-ranking sensei correct, and gets a very strong 3 spot from his senpai. Takekaze is NOT replaced, but it wouldn't matter.

Ce Nishinoshima (West wins...) Ew Haddock-drone

Nishinoshima entry Day 3

Sensei: Bot [O]

Senpai(0 correct):Hakurozan(W)[-],Tochisakae(W)[-],Jumonji(W)[-],Tokitsuumi(L)[-]

Kohai: , ,


Haddock-drone entry Day 3

Sensei: Bot [O]

Senpai(3 correct):Kyokutenho(W)[-],Kyokushuzan(W)[O],Takamisakari(W)[O],Kotoshogiku(L)[O]

Kohai: , ,


Gyoji notes: While Nishinoshima looks for some malt vinegar and some batter to fry up haddock-drone, he is unceremoniously flipped by the fishy fighter.

Be Tominishiki-ghost (East wins...) Dw Hedgehog-drone

Tominishiki entry Day 3

Sensei: Bot [O]


Kohai: , ,


Hedgehog-drone entry Day 3

Sensei: Bot [O]

Senpai(2 correct):Chiyotaikai(W)[O],Futeno(L)[O],Miyabiyama(W)[-],Dejima(W)[-]

Kohai: , ,


Gyoji notes: Hmm, the automator only half worked. Tominishiki got Asasekiryu replaced with Kasugao, as he should have been, but didn't get a replacement for Takekaze. The rules state that both rikishi get replaced, but, that doesn't really make sense. Looks like a ruling for Jejima. Even if Takekaze was replaced with a loser, the ghost would still win.

Ae Gernobono (West wins...) Cw Sashimaru

Gerbono entry Day 3

Sensei: Bot [O]

Senpai(2 correct):Aminishiki(W)[],Tokitenku(W)[-],Hokutoriki(W)[-],Tosanoumi(L)[O]

Kohai: , ,


sashimaru entry Day 0

Sensei: Tochiazuma [O]

Senpai(3 correct):Tochinonada(W)[O],Wakanosato(W)[O],Kaio(W)[-],Hakuho(W)[O]

Kohai: Yoshikaze, Kasuganishiki, Roho


gyoji notes: Sashimaru drones, but still gets the win behind 3 strong senpai.

(East wins...) (West wins...)

Edited by Gusoyama

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