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Anthology Update


Hello! This is Tooyama!

The picture above is from the summer festival held the other day at "Produce Market Sanyo."

It shows the yakisoba concessionaires, Ikeda, Shibuya and Ohidake, the sewanin.

As Ikeda said himself, "There is no better yakisoba than this."

It tasted very good. And at 100 yen per pack, I think it was really inexpensive. There was a long line.

Next, we have . . .


Amanowaka and Azumaoshu in charge of the squid concession.


Amanowaka eating up the profits.


"Squid tentacles (geso) are so good!"


Afterwards, we had a barbecue.

Yesterday was banzuke announcement day for Aki Basho.


We folded the banzuke, stuffed them into envelopes and mailed them to supporters.

Finally, keiko resumed today.


The photo shows Teruazuma and Mise. In the background, we see Tochiazuma Oyakata wearing a mawashi and directing the keiko session.

Tamanoi Beya



これからも宜しくお願いします!」- 東桜山

"Sumo fans from around the world,

I hope for continued good relationship in the future." - Tooyama

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And Sumo life goes on... ;-)

Tamanoi and us, blog fans, will miss him if he retires.

That Amanowaka.....the face is made for a TV show...

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Third Annual Tamanoi Beya Festival and Sumo Tournament


Hello! This is Tooyama!

Tamanoi Beya Festival will be held once again this year.

Date and time: Sunday, October 21, from 9 a.m.

Place: Tamanoi Beya in Adachi-ku, Tokyo

Target Audience: Elementary school boys

Activities: Instructions of sumo fundamentals; sumo tournament for participants; keiko with active rikishi

What to bring: Exercise outfit and towel

On the day of the event, we are planning to have a chanko nabe cookout and various food and souvenir stands at the parking lot adjacent to the heya.

Payment method at the stands will be by tickets.

As part of the entry prize, participants of the sumo clinic will receive tickets for the stands.

Tickets may also be purchased at a ticket booth on festival day.

However, admittance for the general public (non-participants of the clinic) will start at approximately one p.m.

Tickets will be on sale for 1,000 yen per 10.

Those interested in the sumo clinic should apply to the address below.

[Application Information]

Tamanoi Beya



これからも宜しくお願いします!」- 東桜山

"Sumo fans from around the world,

I hope for continued good relationship in the future." - Tooyama

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Ozumo Aki Basho

Hello! This is Tooyama!

Aki Basho began yesterday.

I fell down to sandanme . . . and I lost on shonichi.

I need to pull myself together and gambarize the rest of the way.

Well, as for Tamanoi Beya this basho,

we have a new fellow joining the heya.

He is 22-year-old Sato-kun from Fukushima Prefecture.

He left his job as an office worker (salaryman) to join sumo. I'll be providing more details at a later date. Sato-kun will start mae-zumo from Day 3. Please cheer for him.

I also have a bit of bad news.

Former sandanme Daiseiko retired as of last basho.

He tore a muscle in his arm and the treatment wasn't going well, so he left for home prior to this basho.

Thank you for supporting him over the years.

We appreciate all your support again this basho!

Tamanoi Beya



これからも宜しくお願いします!」- 東桜山

"Sumo fans from around the world,

I hope for continued good relationship in the future." - Tooyama

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I know it's been said before, but thank you for supplying the translated version of this blog. It really enhances the pleasure of following sumo for those of us who cannot read Japanese.

Keep up the good work.

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Aki Basho Nakabi


The picture shows Ikeda, Ikinoshima and Oazuma eating chanko.

Good Evening! This is Tooyama!

It was really hot again today. I almost keeled over in the midsummerlike sun.

Today was Day 8 of Aki Basho.

There are only seven days left.

The New Deshi Presentation Ceremony was held today, and our recent recruit, Sato, newly shikona'd Azumanami (東浪), was formally introduced.

Again, I will update more details of his profile at a later date.

As for Tamanoi Beya's current hoshitori situation,

There are two who have 4 Straight Wins!

They are Jonidan Ikinoshima and Karatsuumi, also in jonidan.

They remain unscathed with four victories in a row. Let's hope they gambarize in the second half towards yusho.

There is only one week left in this basho! We will be striving to our utmost so please support us.

Tamanoi Beya



これからも宜しくお願いします!」- 東桜山

"Sumo fans from around the world,

I hope for continued good relationship in the future." - Tooyama

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Three More Days!


The picture shows Yoshiazuma, who is currently 4-2. He has a promotion/relegation bout [against juryo Sakaizawa] tomorrow.

Hello! This is Tooyama!

Day 12 of this basho has ended and we've come to our [respective] final bout. (Note: Tamanoi has no sekitori)

This is the current Tamanoi Beya scoreboard:

Yoshiazuma . . . 4W2L Kachi-Koshi

Shibuya . . .. . . 1W5L

Tokiryu . . . . . . 2W4L

Takaazuma . . . 3W3L

Toshinyama . . .1W5L

Tooyama . . . . .3W3L

Teruazuma . . . 4W2L Kachi-Koshi

Ikeda . . . . . . .4W2L Kachi-Koshi

Isoazuma . . . .4W2L Kachi-Koshi

Karatsuumi . . .5W1L Kachi-Koshi

Mise . . . . . . . .3W3L

Oazuma . . . . .5W1L Kachi-Koshi

Nishitani . . . . .3W3L

Hoshiazuma . . 2W4L

Ikinoshima . . .5W1L Kachi-Koshi

Fujiazuma . . . .3W3L

Amanowaka . . .3W3L

Azumaoshu . . . 4W2L Kachi-Koshi

Takahashi . . . .4W2L Kachi-Koshi

Hamaazuma . . 4W2L Kachi-Koshi

Azumanami . . .Ichiban-Shusse (passed mae-zumo)

There are 10 rikishi who are already kachi-koshi and six more who will try to achieve that goal in their last bout.

Day 13, Day 14 and Senshuraku schedule for Tamanoi Beya rikishi:

Day 13

Saio vs Fujiazuma

Kozan vs Mise

Toshinyama vs Fudoyama

Yoshiazuma vs Sakaizawa

Day 14

Amanowaka vs Ryushinyama

Ansei vs Hoshiazuma

Tanemaru vs Nishitani

Fusanohana vs Oazuma

Tooyama vs Sasaki

Takaazuma vs Wakainami

Hayasegawa vs Tokiryu

Keno vs Shibuya


Kotokaneko vs Hamaazuma

Tagen vs Takahashi

Azumaoshu vs Kirimaru

Ikinoshima vs Kyokushuho

Karatsuumi vs Maenotaka

Kaishinho vs Isoazuma

Chiyonoshin vs Ikeda

Ichinotani vs Teruazuma

Please cheer for us!

Tamanoi Beya



これからも宜しくお願いします!」- 東桜山

"Sumo fans from around the world,

I hope for continued good relationship in the future." - Tooyama

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He made it!

Tamanoi Beya has a sekitori again! Yoshiazuma was named one of the three promoted to juryo. At 30 years and 5 months, he is the sixth oldest to be promoted for the first time to juryo since WWII.


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Yoshiazuma Promoted to Juryo!



At the Banzuke Formulation Committee Meeting today, it was decided to promote Yoshiazuma to juryo!

A little while ago, a press conference was held at the heya where he stated his aspirations for the next basho.

The picture shows Yoshiazuma striking a "I did it!" pose in front of the heya.

Please continue to cheer for him next basho!

Tamanoi Beya



これからも宜しくお願いします!」- 東桜山

"Sumo fans from around the world,

I hope for continued good relationship in the future." - Tooyama

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Tooyama Intai

Hello! This is Tooyama!

Those of you who read the blog may be surprised by the sudden announcement, but yours truly, Tooyama, has retired as of the end of Aki Basho.

Two years ago during Natsu Basho, I injured my leg and underwent two operations. The resulting strain on the knee and the ankle was so great that, following the doctor's recommendation, I decided to retire from ozumo.

Thank you for your support for all these years!

At the Senshuraku Party, so many people participated in the mage-snipping ritual, making it the ultimate dampatsushiki for me. I would like to write about that at a later time.

As for this blog, I plan to continue with it in the future!!!

Please look forward to that!

I will provide more details at a later date!

Tamanoi Beya



これからも宜しくお願いします!」- 東桜山

"Sumo fans from around the world,

I hope for continued good relationship in the future." - Tooyama

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He was doing Meiji University Sumo Club page during his college years as well as managing his own personal page.

I guess depending on what he will do (whether he stays with the heya or goes back to Meiji as a coach) but he really loves the stuff so I hope he can continue to update us on his new pursuit.

I just like to say to him, 「お疲れさまでした」.

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At the Banzuke Formulation Committee Meeting today, it was decided to promote Yoshiazuma to juryo!

A little while ago, a press conference was held at the heya where he stated his aspirations for the next basho.

At the press conference, Yoshiazuma said, "I am truly happy." As for taking the tortoise pace to sekitorihood, his comment was, "It took a long, long time to get to this point. In juryo, I would like to take advantage of my height and engage in attacking sumo."

His very patient shisho said with both relief and expectations, "My wish is for him to gambarize and make up for all the difficult times he has had up till now."

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Those of you who read the blog may be surprised by the sudden announcement, but yours truly, Tooyama, has retired as of the end of Aki Basho.

He was doing Meiji University Sumo Club page during his college years as well as managing his own personal page.

I guess depending on what he will do (whether he stays with the heya or goes back to Meiji as a coach) but he really loves the stuff so I hope he can continue to update us on his new pursuit.

Out of curiosity, what sort of positions could a retired rikishi who maxed out in Makushita be eligible for if he stays with the heya? (and has anyone heard what he's going to do yet?)

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Out of curiosity, what sort of positions could a retired rikishi who maxed out in Makushita be eligible for if he stays with the heya? (and has anyone heard what he's going to do yet?)

Kyokai-side, that would be wakaimonogashira and sewanin positions, but those are limited in number and IIRC none of them will become available within the next several years anyway. If the stable itself decides to employ him, there are no restrictions whatsoever.

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Good Evening! This is Tashiro, formerly Tooyama!

Long time no see.

It's been already two weeks since my retirement.

I have received many photos of my danpatsushiki in the mail,

so I plan to include them in a coming update.

Well, there seem to be many problems involving sumo right now.

That includes the unfortunate incident where a Tokitsukaze Beya recruit died.

May the departed Saito-kun's soul rest in peace.

This particular case occurred at another heya, so I don't know the precise details of how

the events developed, but the reality is that a person had died and that is something that should not have happened.

Why didn't someone stop what was happening? I feel really terrible about that.

"Kawaigari" is something that has always been a part of the rigors (shigoki) of sumo training from way back in the old days.

In reality, it still exists today, and "kawaigari" takes place even here in a seemingly delightful place like Tamanoi Beya.

I, too, have been the recipient of "kawaigari" treatment numerous times during my active years.

However, there is always a reason for "kawaigari."

One could commit an infraction or one could disobey some rule.

In addition, in the process of making me stronger, I have been tossed around many, many times.

But, there exists a "deep-seated love."

The ones who dispense the "kawaigari" know the limits; they know the extent of rigorousness that is allowed.

They would yell at you: "Are you ready to quit? Don't you want to be stronger? Don't you want to do well for your parents?"

Even though my body would be smeared with dohyo dirt, I would persist, with these thoughts in my head: "G-d, m-f . . ."

I would overcome all of that and thereby get stronger.

It's all for my benefit.

Normally, they would not go that far with a deshi that had just recently joined.

I really don't know the circumstances--why it turned out this way.

I just feel that something like this should never ever happen again.

All sorts of people join a sumo heya.

There are ones from gakusei sumo or with experience in judo.

There are also many who are physically large but have no background in sports.

Among them are kids who join because their parents could no longer control them.

The parents would say something like, "He's got energy to spare, so . . .," and drag them over, but

since they obviously have no interest, most of them would end up quitting in a short time.

When Tamanoi Beya first opened, a certain rikishi joined the heya. Apparently, this kid was brought in by his parents and arrived at the heya with his hair dyed blond and dressed in obvious "gang" attire.

Okami-san took a glance at him and said to him in what was gobblygook to everyone else,

"Hey, you look really cool! What is that look? Shibu kaji (Shibuya casual)? Teamer?"

Note: She was referring to the then-popular fashion subculture.

All the adults that he had met before would invariably react to him by saying, "Criminy! What the heck is that [ridiculous] look?" Okami-san, on the other hand, tried her best to be understanding about the young man's appearance.

That young fellow returned the next day with his head shaved to join the heya.

How did the okami-san know about those strange terms? She had remembered discussing "Shibu kaji" and "Teamers" during PTA meetings at [her son] Tochiazuma Oyakata's high school.

That rikishi, despite his small size, rose all the way to makushita and made the okami-san very happy.

A sumo heya is an unique place, but, to put it simply, it is a family.

The oyakata is the father figure; the okami-san is the mother.

Ani-deshi are the older brothers and a new deshi is the youngest brother.

We start as total strangers, but we live under one roof and we break bread together.

We go through keiko together, we bathe together and we sleep in the same room.

From the oyakata, we receive lessons in sumo techniques, as well as strict guidance in our daily lives.

Okami-san would gently console rikishi who are down in the dumps with such encouragements as "It's okay. Just do your best. Everyone goes through this. It'll make you stronger in the long run."

From the ani-deshi, we learn about such things as the rules of the sumo world. When we cook chanko together, they would teach us--sometimes strictly and other times gently.

We divide up all the household chores, such as cleaning the bath and the toilet and taking out the garbage. The sight of all the rikishi, each doing his part for the communal good, I think, is reminiscent of a large family of the good old days.

Of course, at times, there are troubles and disputes, but we are all a family.

A very precious family.

A sumo heya is a place where people with like minds congregate.

It is a place where we all work hard together in keiko to develop and become stronger.

That keiko is rigorous is a given. I don't discuss keiko very much in the Tamanoi Blog.

That is because keiko is something that is obvious. Those looking from the side may think

that the Tamanoi guys are always goofing around having a good time.

I firmly believe that it is precisely because we do go through stringent keiko that our smiles shine brightly during our private hours.

When we are on the dohyo, we stand alone. Because each of us must fight all by himself,

we value our Family.

Right now, for better or worse, the sumo world is in the news.

I hope those of you who read this blog will not get confused by

all the varied reports and continue your support of ozumo and Tamanoi Beya.

In the future, I plan to show the various facets of sumo from differing points of view.

Please look forward to the coming updates.

Tamanoi Beya



これからも宜しくお願いします!」- 東桜山

"Sumo fans from around the world,

I hope for continued good relationship in the future." - Tooyama

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This was a great entry. It should be pinned. For all the skeptics and temporary fans. Excellent.

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That was absolutely awesome. So eloquent, so poignant, and so informative.

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Athletic Meet


Hello. This is Tashiro.

On Sunday, the 14th, all of the rikishi participated in the athletic event held by our regular backer, Sonoda Medical Group in Adachi Ward.

This event is getting grander in scale each year, and this year it was a super-sized athletic meet with 800 participants.

Ikeda took some pictures of the undokai, so please take a look.


Hamaazuma and Tokiryu, who participated in the obstacle course. Their faces are white from the candy search event.


Tokiryu engaging in sumo with the children.


Oyakata and Okami-san in the tug-of-war contest. That's Amanowaka egging them on in the background.


Look at this person leading 800 people in group exercises! No, that's not the Okami-san!


An event would lack excitement and panache without this person! Amanowaka -- a natural wonder!

That, ladies and gentlemen, was a report from the athletic meet!

Tamanoi Beya



これからも宜しくお願いします!」- 東桜山

"Sumo fans from around the world,

I hope for continued good relationship in the future." - Tooyama

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Dampatsushiki Photo


Hello. This is Tashiro, formerly Tooyama.

I was thinking of posting some pictures of the dampatsushiki from the other day, but this is the heya's blog, so I decided to start my own blog and write about personal matters there.

Of course, I will continue to update this blog, so you can rest assured.

The new blog is

Former Osumo-San Blog (tentative)

I really like Okinawa a lot, so I am using "ti-da" (Okinawan IP) for the new blog.

Do check it out.

Tamanoi Beya



これからも宜しくお願いします!」- 東桜山

"Sumo fans from around the world,

I hope for continued good relationship in the future." - Tooyama

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From the new Tooyama Blog


Tooyama Dampatsushiki


Hello. This is Tashiro, formerly Tooyama.

As of September 23, I retired from my nine-year career as a rikishi.

Time sure flies. It has been almost a month.

I have been so busy futzing around wondering what to do that I haven't had time to be sad.

Today, I would like to show you some pictures from my dampatsushiki.

The dampatsushiki was held for me during the senshuraku party. Many people were kind enough to attend.


Show biz reporters, Noriko Tokaibayashi and Masaru Nashimoto on stage. I understand the two of them have come out with a CD as singers and were promoting it.

About an hour into the senshuraku party, my dampatsushiki began.



One by one, they snipped the mage and offered me warm words of comfort and encouragement.


Shibuya and other rikishi from the heya also participated. All sorts of memories entered my mind . . .


Kozo Takeda, the K-1 fighter, was also there to snip my hair.


I was very moved by Kawamoto-san and Tamashiro-san of, who came all the way from Okinawa.


Even the lead singer of the "Mongol 800," Kiyosaku-kun, came to cut my hair.


Tochiazuma Oyakata taking a snip.


Okami-san was weeping as she cut off a lock.


Tamanoi Oyakata made the final cut and the mage-cutting was over.


Oyakata's speech. At first, he was smiling . . .


But, then, he got misty-eyed as he said, "My regret is that I couldn't make Tashiro a sekitori . . ."

I was emotional beyond words and tears just kept flowing down my cheeks.


A picture of all the folks that participated.

Here I am after the dampatsushiki in a suit and tie, which I rarely wear.

I had my hair washed and coiffed by a friend who is a stylist. ↓↓


I felt rather embarrassed.

Afterwards, Kiyosaku-kun of the "Mongol 800"--can you believe it--sang two songs!!!


I was really moved. To think that he would sing at an occasion like this. Everyone was impressed by him.


A final toast. "Kampai!"

I was filled with emotions and gratitude for having known such fine folks and to have lived among these wonderful people.

In the future, I would like to repay everyone for all the support I have received.

Thank you so much for supporting me for all these years!

The night after the dampatsushiki, the guys from the heya threw me a good-bye party.


I am so fortunate to have known the very best group of comrades.

From now on, I will be cheering for them as a Tamanoi Beya fan!



これからも宜しくお願いします!」- 東桜山

"Sumo fans from around the world,

I hope for continued good relationship in the future." - Tooyama

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Tamanoi Festival


Good Evening. This is Tashiro.

The Third Annual Tamanoi Festival was held today.

Tamanoi Festival is an activity constisting of sumo clinic and tournament held for the benefit

of the neighboring elementary and middle school students. This is the third year of the event.

There were 150 participants in the tournament, and if you include the family memebers, around five to six hundred people took part in the day's affair.

As entry prizes, the children received towels and tickets that could be used at the festival booths.

Also, all participants were given a pair of tickets for the Tochiazuma Dampatsushiki. They were all pleasantly surprised by that.


Outside the heya, there were booths, manned by rikishi, which attracted throngs of poeple.

Tochiazuma Oyakata and Okami-san were involved in activities like mochi pounding.



Children who participated in the sumo tournament. One of them is holding a beach ball provided by Crocs Company. All three are also wearing Crocs footwear. They sure are popular!

Takazuma and Tokotsuka at the cotton candy stand.


There's cotton candy stuck on Takaazuma's hands.

And inside at the tournament venue . . .


bout after bout of intense sumo. Family members were really into cheering for the kids!

Once again, outside, we have Ikinoshima and Amanowaka in charge of mochi-pounding.


Those two were wearing Crocs, also.

And, here we have a new attraction!




Debu Ranger! (Fatso Ranger)

Who would do something like this . . .

Of course, none other than . . .


That, ladies and gentlemen, was a report from the Tamanoi Festival.

In tomorrow's edition of the sports newspaper, "Sports Nippon," there is supposed to be an article on

Tamanoi Beya. Take a look if you have a chance.

Tamanoi Beya



これからも宜しくお願いします!」- 東桜山

"Sumo fans from around the world,

I hope for continued good relationship in the future." - Tooyama

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Nice....he had such a great Danpatsu shiki... (sniff sniff)

The soul of the Heya... :-)

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From the new Tooyama Blog


Tetrapots Ozumo Branch Activity Report

Good evening!

Today, I flew by plane, once again, to the place redolent with the appetizing aroma of tonkotsu soup.

But, I am here on business . . .. It's all part of work.

You may be wondering what Tetrapots in today's title mean.

Actually, Tetrapots is a new brand name established by "Sashi"-san of "Mongol 800" and "DR. CUE" of "NEW TOWNERS" to market such items as designer T-shirts. It is also the name of an organized fishing team.

Some of us [from Tamanoi] are members of the team, but we rarely have the opportunity to go fishing. We finally found the time, so we went . . . fishing!!


There, I am with the Statue of Liberty in the background. I went all the way to the site of the Statue of Liberty.

Did you think it was New York?

Am I huge or is the statue small?

It's sort of hard to tell.


Actually, it's Odaiba in Tokyo.

Half of the Odaiba Waterfront Park is "Fishing Allowed" zone.


Isoazuma, also a member of Tetrapots, checking his pole with the Rainbow Bridge in the background.

After only five minutes, ↓↓↓


Isoazuma got a bite! It's a baby sea bass.

Twenty long minutes later, finally . . . ↓↓↓


I hooked one, too. It is a bit tiny.

After that, we didn't even get a nibble . . .

Until, more than an hour later . . .


Ikeda got one on the line. It's another baby sea bass.

BTW, the T-shirts that Ikeda and I have on are the "Tetrapots" shirts.

You can purchase them at the Tetrapots Home Page. They are rather cool-looking, so get one for yourself or a friend.

The fish were small, but we had a lot of fun fishing.

All around our fishing spot were couples walking or sitting arm-in-arm.

We're sorry to have intruded on you . . . (Sweat)

We'd like to find another chance to go fishing again.



これからも宜しくお願いします!」- 東桜山

"Sumo fans from around the world,

I hope for continued good relationship in the future." - Tooyama

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Good Evening. This is Tashiro.

Right now, I'm in Fukuoka on business.

At Tamanoi Beya in Kyushu, the advance party is cleaning the lodgings, building the dohyo and otherwise doing preparations towards the Kyushu Basho.

Amid all the activities at the heya, Takaazuma from Brazil suddenly interrupts his cleaning chores and starts screaming repeatedly,

"What's that got to do with anything! What's that got to do with anything!"

That's a catch phrase which is extremely popular on TV currently.

It's funny how easily a gaijin rikishi would catch onto these things.

Our boy Takaazuma has managed quite adeptly to make it a part of his own act.

He'd be cleaning and suddenly . . . cry out,

"My granddaddy is a Brazilian dude!

But, what's that got to do with anything!"

Well, that's certainly true . . .

The only thing the guy did was steal the gag line from Yoshio Kojima's act,

but the abruptness of it made us all burst out laughing.

I really wanted to show you a video, but

when I tried to film him, he refused out of "shyness."

You'll just have to be satisfied with a still photograph.

Tamanoi Beya



これからも宜しくお願いします!」- 東桜山

"Sumo fans from around the world,

I hope for continued good relationship in the future." - Tooyama

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