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  Adachinoryu said:
Tamanoi boys had last keiko today - leaving soon

Great. I look forward to seeing their exploits here soon.

And come to think of it, I will need to get back to poor Futenou-zeki's blog too.

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Jungyo Part 2


This is Takayoshi. Today, en route to the final jungyo site, Seiyo City in Ehime, we took a ferry that crossed the Inland Sea from Yanai to Mitsuhama. Back when I was in Hiroshima, I never thought much of it when I looked at Setonaikai. But, observing it from the deck, I felt what a lovely body of water it was . . . with its many islands, large and small, and its quiet, waveless surface, glimmering in the sunshine.

If I were still in Hiroshima, I probably wouldn

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  madorosumaru said:

Nickname: Keisukebe

;-) (Laughing...) (Laughing...) (In a state of confusion...) (Nodding yes...) (Whistling...)

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10/30/05 13:59:02 (JST)

Off to Kyushu


Hello! This is Tooyama, reporting from on board the Shinkansen.

We are now heading for Hakata on the Shinkansen!

The picture is of Teruazuma and Amanowaka just before boarding the train!

I think we just went past Shizuoka.

Most of the rikishi started eating their bento as soon as they got on the train. Some then read books; others listened to music.


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  madorosumaru said:
Family name: Ikeda

Nickname: Kintaro, Keisukebe

Why Kintaro? Is he a guy like the cool anime hero KINTARO OE(Golden Boy ) (A sekitori...)

Edited by ilovesumo

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These are truly great. Not only because of the Tamanoi-aspect but where else one could read such descriptions of jungyo days and preparations for a basho outside Tokyo. The bloq itself and its translations are good bulk-up supplements to growing sumofan's sumo-related information package entity.

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Kyushu Basho Banzuke Announced!


Good evening! This is Tooyama.

The banzuke for Kyushu Basho was announced today.

At Tamanoi Beya, Nishitani from Fukuoka and Karatsuumi from Saga were newly promoted to sandanme!


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Good evening! This is Tooyama.

The keiko to prepare for Kyushu Basho is getting intense.

For those of you that live nearby, feel free to drop by the local Tamanoi Beya to observe.


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  ilovesumo said:
  madorosumaru said:

Family name: Ikeda

Nickname: Kintaro, Keisukebe

Why Kintaro? Is he a guy like the cool anime hero KINTARO OE(Golden Boy ) (Welcome...)

Maybe he's strong enough to wrestle a bear like the original Kintaro in the stories... (Kimura Zatoichi...) - (Sign of approval)

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  madorosumaru said:

Do you know what they are fishing for?

The answer is . . . crawfish!

D-d-do you think . . .

they'll try to eat them???

YUMMMMM.... Suck the head and eat tail!!! (Kimura Zatoichi...) Dem Cajun folks knew how to eat them. (Welcome...)

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  Bishonohana said:
YUMMMMM.... Suck the head and eat tail!!! (Kimura Zatoichi...) Dem Cajun folks knew how to eat them. (Welcome...)

Yep, especially when wet, dirty, hungry AND handcuffed to Kim Basinger. Crawfish juice splattered all over the face and . . . [gotta stay PG].

Note: For the ladies, substitute Richard Gere for the lovely Miss Basinger. "No Mercy" (1986)

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When the banzuke was announced a week ago, there were questions as to the logistics of how they were distributed. Tooyoma addressed the subject earlier this summer when the Nagoya Basho banzuke was announced. To set the scene, Tooyama is writing from his hospital bed in Tokyo, recovering from surgery.

* * * * * * * * *


Banzuke Announcement


Good evening!

This is Tooyama.

Today is Nagoya Basho banzuke announcement day.

I received a photo from Ikeda who is in Nagoya!

Sumo trivia

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Yukio, the Chief Priest . . .

Hello, this is Yukio.

I am making a repeat appearance.

Right now, we are staying at a temple called Dorinji, our lodging during the Kyushu Basho.

The other day during clean-up, I was sweeping the grounds when

a local oba-san, who appeared to be a supporter of the temple, approached me

and said,

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Thank you Madorosusan,

My try of a translation of this one (with the help of our god- the Babelfish) wasn't very useful... Damn strange things can come out there. The coolest are the fish's "translations" of shikona... :-D

You ever heard of "Military affairs pair mountain Seki" ;-)

Madorosumaru ;-) (Laughing...) :-) for your human translations!

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  ilovesumo said:
The coolest are the fish's "translations" of shikona... :-D

You ever heard of "Military affairs pair mountain Seki" ;-)

Musouyama, I presume?

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Encouragement Party


Hello! This is Tooyama.

Sorry to have been away for a while.

The keiko for Kyushu Basho is getting intense and

I am starting to feel the buildup of fatigue.

However, I intend to gambarize so that I could remain injury-free and

approach shonichi in the best possible condition.

I have accumulated quite a bit of material for the blog, so starting from today

I will be doing some steady updating.

We held an encouragement party with the koenkai last Sunday.

We treated the members of the supporters

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  madorosumaru said:

Dear neighbors: Sorry to be such a nuisance . . .

May we please borrow the guardrail during the day . . . just for a little while.

Tamanoi Beya Blog

well, was going to use it myself ................. thinks 83 year old Ms Suzuki (Blushing...)

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  madorosumaru said:

While we were serving the chanko and pouring the sake,

I noticed Shibuya staring at the koenkai people with


His finger in his mouth . . .

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Chanko Scene


Good evening! This is Tooyama.

Well, opening day for Kyushu Basho is only two days away!

The Torikumi Formation Committee convened today and the match-ups for the first two days were announced.

We now know whom we are going to face and mentally we are getting into the basho mode.

Facing the beginning of two long weeks, I would like to rest up as much as possible . . .

so I spent yet another day, today, relaxing quietly in my room.

Most years, I go out quite a bit but this year I was darn near a pathological recluse (hikikomori) . . .

and didn

Edited by madorosumaru

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  madorosumaru said:
[...] Tochiazuma-zeki [...]

Four years ago at Kyushu Basho, he was promoted to ozeki.

Two years ago at Kyushu Basho, he won his second yusho.

Great things happen every two years so we

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  Manekineko said:
  madorosumaru said:

[...] Tochiazuma-zeki [...]

Four years ago at Kyushu Basho, he was promoted to ozeki.

Two years ago at Kyushu Basho, he won his second yusho.

Great things happen every two years so we

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