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More Las Vegas pictures

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As the other threads are getting heavy with photos, here is a new thread, with what I think are exceptional pics..

Kasugaou and his koenkai:


Guys playing Blackjack:


Futenou doing shikos in his room..


Futenou and Tochisakae having a small snack:


Futenou and avid blog reader:


Edited by Kintamayama

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(Shaking head...)

Now I can understand the disappointment, it was just a show (Whistling...) , but to meet these guys in person, to get an "I am hungry" is just cool. I would be jealous if I hadn't met my hero in Switzerland. (Shaking head...)

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Is that actually Kisenosato?

If so, then not only he has broken the law as he is still 19 years old but he lied at the press conference after Saturday as he said himself he was too young to gamble and he has not done any gambling at all.

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Is that actually Kisenosato?

If so, then not only he has broken the law as he is still 19 years old but he lied at the press conference after Saturday as he said himself he was too young to gamble and he has not done any gambling at all.

Yeah, that was Kisenosato. I don't believe they carded any of the rikishi. (Shaking head...). Some others fall into that category, as well.

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Yeah, that was Kisenosato. I don't believe they carded any of the rikishi. (Shaking head...). Some others fall into that category, as well.

Just Kise and Hakuho, really. Everybody else in Makuuchi is at least 21.

Bunches more pictures can be found at Getty Images, btw. I won't link to any of them individually since they're watermarked, but if you're looking for much more views of the basho, there you go.

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Here's one that was brought in a Danish newspaper. (Shaking head...)

EDIT: How to I get the picture to show instead of just being an attachment?


Edited by Sesostris

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:-S Who's who ?????

Tamanoshima is the one doing the picking-up.

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Is that actually Kisenosato?

If so, then not only he has broken the law as he is still 19 years old but he lied at the press conference after Saturday as he said himself he was too young to gamble and he has not done any gambling at all.

Well, he could just be posing by the machine. No insertions of coins, no pulling of handles. No one actually photographed him PLAYING..

I rest my case.

Edited by Kintamayama

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Is that actually Kisenosato?

If so, then not only he has broken the law as he is still 19 years old but he lied at the press conference after Saturday as he said himself he was too young to gamble and he has not done any gambling at all.

Well, he could just be posing by the machine. No insertions of coins, no pulling of handles. No one actually photographed him PLAYING..

I rest my case.

Oh, Kisenosato was definitely playing! :-D He seemed to have a preference for the slots, we saw him twice alone somewhere in the middle of slot hell, while the others seemed to prefer the tables :-S



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Oh, and here is definitive proof that Hakuho WAS gambling :-D Call the cops!! :-S


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Wow, Zenji, what a picture... (wish I were you) :-S

The lucky-est of all fans must be the dolphin :-D (Eek...)

Edited by ilovesumo

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Wow, Zenji, what a picture... (wish I were you) (Eek...)

Aww, I was hoping you would wish you were Hakuho :-P Maybe I should better keep my Kotomitsuki photo to myself, then? :-D :-S

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Aww, I was hoping you would wish you were Hakuho :-) Maybe I should better keep my Kotomitsuki photo to myself, then? :-P :-S

You got a girlfriend. :-D

Mickey? HER DAMIT!!!!! :-P

So sad, no Kyokushuzan... mmmpf

Anybody had a drink with Musashimaru? (Eek...)

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Is that actually Kisenosato?

If so, then not only he has broken the law as he is still 19 years old but he lied at the press conference after Saturday as he said himself he was too young to gamble and he has not done any gambling at all.

Would you want to be a bouncer trying to "escort" Hakuho out of the casino? That would be a task indeed for anyone if Hakuho decided to resist. :-S

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Just Kise and Hakuho, really. Everybody else in Makuuchi is at least 21.

There were plenty of tsukebito there, as well. Many looked under the limit.

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So sad, no Kyokushuzan... mmmpf

Anybody had a drink with Musashimaru? :-S

well i didnt exactly have a drink with him but i have a picture with him :) he was the only one i got a picture with. i must not have the charisma in stopping people that Zenjimoto does

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well i didnt exactly have a drink with him but i have a picture with him :) he was the only one i got a picture with. i must not have the charisma in stopping people that Zenjimoto does

I credit Chiisabuke for that charisma. Initially I was a bit tentative, but she jumped right in there with female charm, and even chased after some guys after I identified them and found the right spot in the program for them to sign :-D And it's a lot easier to work as a team, especially when it comes to taking pictures - after all, some one needs to take the pic while the other one poses with the victim :-S

I just took photo inventory... looks like either Chiisabuke or myself (or both) got photos with (in chronological order): Hakurozan, Kyokutenho (but no autograph, grrrr!), Tamanoshima, Kotomitsuki, Hakuho, Ama, Asasekiryu, Oga, Tochiazuma, Roho/Hakurozan/Kotooshu, Kisenosato, Asashoryu (on the run), Kotooshu, Iwakiyama, Miyabiyama, Ishide, Kotoshogiku, Kokkai, Kakizoe, Aminishiki, Kasugao, Takamisakari, Tamanoshima again, Futeno, Chiyotaikai, Takekaze, Shimotori, Tochisakae, Tosanoumi, Tokitsuumi, Dejima, Tochiazuma again, Hakuho again, Kotonowaka, and Takamisakari again... :-) Needless to say, I am fairly happy with the loot :-D

Not to mention, exclusive pictures with Barbara Ann Klein, Takanorappa, Gaijingai, Gaijingal, and Akemisamaru! :-D Oh, and two Italian guys, who stood in my way when I was trying to take a video of Asashoryu at the cards table, and refused to leave until I took a picture with THEM :-D



Edited by Zenjimoto

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someone else besides me must have met Moose. (i would post the pic but i dont look good in it)

incidently Zenjimoto that is a very impressive list of names.

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someone else besides me must have met Moose. (i would post the pic but i dont look good in it)

Not a good pic, but a few of the SML had the pleasure of meeting Mushashimaru at Brunch (Thanks, Lynn!). The lighting was terrible (as it was around the casino & the venue), but I did get a photo. I'll post despite not looking good in it, nor making it much better in photoshop. :-S


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