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Day 2 results and day 3 pairings

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We had the rare event of all four ozeki and two sekiwake winning plus the sole yokozuna losing against Georgian Kokkai. The two ozeki Chiyotaikai and Tochiazuma and the two sekiwake Kotomitsuki and Hakuho are the undefeated sanyaku with Roho the only undefeated joi-jin after two days. Five more lower maegashira are 2-0, most notably Wakanosato.

Tochinonada is 2-0 in juryo with a win against Ushiomaru, while three other makuuchi regulars Kaiho, Shimotori and Takanowaka all lost. Dairaido picks up where he ended last year with a 2-0 start; he started 2005 at Ms22w and had six kachi-koshi with a 37-21 record. Daimanzuru also had a good year 2005, with 45-45 in juryo good enough to move from J14w to J4e; he also starts 2-0 and can set an eye on makuuchi by now. Homasho and Mokonami also are on the way up as shin-deshi and are 2-0. Satoyama lost to Wakakirin and is 1-1.



Day 2


Ms1e   Hokutoiwa (2-0)	 oshidashi	  J14w   Masatsukasa (1-1)
J14e   Wakakirin (1-1)	 oshidashi	  J13w   Satoyama (1-1)
J11e   Kyokunankai (2-0)   tsukiotoshi	J12w   Kotokasuga (0-2)
J12e   Homasho (2-0)	   oshidashi	  J11w   Sumanofuji (0-2)
J10w   Mokonami (2-0)	  uwatenage	  J13e   Kanbayashi (0-2)
J10e   Kobo (1-1)		  yoritaoshi	 J9w	Tamaasuka (0-2)
J7e	Takanotsuru (1-1)   sukuinage	  J8w	Harunoyama (0-2)
J8e	Ryuho (2-0)		 oshidashi	  J7w	Kaiho (1-1)
J6w	Buyuzan (1-1)	   oshidashi	  J5e	Takanowaka (0-2)
J6e	Tamakasuga (2-0)	oshidashi	  J5w	Asofuji (1-1)
J4w	Otsukasa (2-0)	  hatakikomi	 J9e	Shimotori (1-1)
J4e	Daimanazuru (2-0)   oshitaoshi	 J3w	Senshuyama (0-2)
J1e	Tochinonada (2-0)   yorikiri	   J2w	Ushiomaru (0-2)
J2e	Dairaido (2-0)	  oshidashi	  J1w	Daishodai (0-2)


M16e   Wakanosato (2-0)	uwatenage	  M16w   Katayama (0-2)
M17e   Kitazakura (2-0)	yorikiri	   M15e   Shunketsu (0-2)
M14w   Tokitsuumi (2-0)	yorikiri	   M15w   Wakatoba (0-2)
M14e   Tosanoumi (2-0)	 yorikiri	   M13e   Tochisakae (1-1)
M12w   Toyozakura (1-1)	abisetaoshi	M13w   Yoshikaze (0-2)
M11e   Hokutoriki (2-0)	oshidashi	  M12e   Kasugao (0-2)
M10w   Kotoshogiku (1-1)   yorikiri	   M11w   Kyokushuzan (1-1)
M10e   Takamisakari (1-1)  yorikiri	   M9e	Kisenosato (1-1)
M8w	Futeno (1-1)		yorikiri	   M9w	Toyonoshima (1-1)
M8e	Jumonji (1-1)	   yorikiri	   M7e	Aminishiki (1-1)
M6e	Ama (1-1)		   uwatenage	  M7w	Kakizoe (1-1)

M6w	Dejima (1-1)		uwatenage	  M5w	Kasuganishiki (1-1)
M2e	Roho (2-0)		  kubinage	   M5e	Iwakiyama (1-1)
M1w	Tokitenku (1-1)	 hatakikomi	 M1e	Miyabiyama (1-1)
S1e	Kotomitsuki (2-0)   yorikiri	   M4e	Hakurozan (1-1)
S1w	Hakuho (2-0)		kotenage	   M4w	Asasekiryu (0-2)
O1e	Chiyotaikai (2-0)   oshidashi	  M3w	Tochinohana (0-2)
O2w	Kotooshu (1-1)	  yoritaoshi	 M3e	Takekaze (0-2)
O2e	Tochiazuma (2-0)	oshidashi	  K1w	Tamanoshima (0-2)
O1w	Kaio (1-1)		  yorikiri	   K1e	Kyokutenho (0-2)
M2w	Kokkai (1-1)		yoritaoshi	 Y1e	Asashoryu (1-1)

Day 2


J14e   Wakakirin (1-1)					Ms1w   Kinkaiyama (0-1)
J13e   Kanbayashi (0-2)				   J12w   Kotokasuga (0-2)
J12e   Homasho (2-0)					  J14w   Masatsukasa (1-1)
J13w   Satoyama (1-1)					 J10w   Mokonami (2-0)
J11e   Kyokunankai (2-0)				  J9w	Tamaasuka (0-2)
J8e	Ryuho (2-0)						J11w   Sumanofuji (0-2)
J10e   Kobo (1-1)						 J7w	Kaiho (1-1)
J9e	Shimotori (1-1)					J6w	Buyuzan (1-1)
J6e	Tamakasuga (2-0)				   J8w	Harunoyama (0-2)
J4e	Daimanazuru (2-0)				  J7e	Takanotsuru (1-1)
J5w	Asofuji (1-1)					  J2w	Ushiomaru (0-2)
J2e	Dairaido (2-0)					 J5e	Takanowaka (0-2)
J4w	Otsukasa (2-0)					 J1w	Daishodai (0-2)
J1e	Tochinonada (2-0)				  J3w	Senshuyama (0-2)


M17e   Kitazakura (2-0)				   M15w   Wakatoba (0-2)
M15e   Shunketsu (0-2)					M16e   Wakanosato (2-0)
M13e   Tochisakae (1-1)				   M16w   Katayama (0-2)
M14w   Tokitsuumi (2-0)				   M12w   Toyozakura (1-1)
M12e   Kasugao (0-2)					  M14e   Tosanoumi (2-0)
M11e   Hokutoriki (2-0)				   M13w   Yoshikaze (0-2)
M11w   Kyokushuzan (1-1)				  M8w	Futeno (1-1)
M10w   Kotoshogiku (1-1)				  M7w	Kakizoe (1-1)
M7e	Aminishiki (1-1)				   M10e   Takamisakari (1-1)
M9e	Kisenosato (1-1)				   M6w	Dejima (1-1)
M6e	Ama (1-1)						  M9w	Toyonoshima (1-1)

M5e	Iwakiyama (1-1)					M8e	Jumonji (1-1)
M5w	Kasuganishiki (1-1)				M2w	Kokkai (1-1)
M4w	Asasekiryu (0-2)				   M1w	Tokitenku (1-1)
K1e	Kyokutenho (0-2)				   S1w	Hakuho (2-0)
S1e	Kotomitsuki (2-0)				  M2e	Roho (2-0)
M3w	Tochinohana (0-2)				  O1w	Kaio (1-1)
O1e	Chiyotaikai (2-0)				  M3e	Takekaze (0-2)
K1w	Tamanoshima (0-2)				  O2w	Kotooshu (1-1)
O2e	Tochiazuma (2-0)				   M4e	Hakurozan (1-1)
Y1e	Asashoryu (1-1)					M1e	Miyabiyama (1-1)

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i haven't looked it up but i have the impression that Asashoryu loses all the time either to a yoritaoshi or a oshitaoshi ....

he just never gives up ... hope he won't pay it sometime with an injury ...

EDIT: ok i checked it and he lost 7 times since Hatsu 2005 and 4 of these were by yoritaoshi ... the rest sotgake,uwatenage hikiotoshi. So my impression was not very accurate but close enough. Anyway, the "won't give up" attitude is clearly demonstrated in his losses

Edited by aderechelsea

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it seems that Hakuho has changed his attitude towards his tachi-ai stategy ...

He stopped doing the "butsugari-style" tachia-ai, going for the left grip right away (which cost him a lot of losses in the past) but goes more "head-on"...

This assumption could be wrong though because i've only watched two matches by now, but since i always thought this was his worse characteristic in his game, it made a big impression ...

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