charliki 16 Posted April 29, 2006 (edited) Natsu basho starts soon and it's time to return finally to sumo. If you want to play with us the french game HIGASHIouNISHI (EASTorWEST), you can be registered here. Each day, you will choose in one side of the banzuke 7 wrestlers arranged as follows : 1st maegashira (A sekitori...) -1st juryo :-( -2nd maegashira (A sekitori...) -2nd juryo (In jonokuchi...) -3rd maegashira (A sekitori...) -3rd juryo (In jonokuchi...) -4th maegashira (A sekitori...) . If you are in the east side of the banzuke of HIGASHIouNISHI, you will pick 8 days your rikishi in the east side of the banzuke and 7 days in the west side of the banzuke. If you are in the west side of the banzuke of HIGASHIouNISHI, you will pick 8 days your rikishi in the west side of the banzuke and 7 days in the east side of the banzuke. To help you, I will write each day under your forecast how much time you picked your rikishi in the east side and how much time in the west side until now (for example, the 10th day I could write like that: H=4/7 - N=6/8 ). After 15 days, you must have H=8/8 - N=7/7 or H=7/7 - N=8/8. I ask those which are already in the banzuke of HIGASHIouNISHI to inform me here if they want not to play this basho. You can be registered here (or you can send an email to If you want to play, have fun, you are welcome (even if you are not yet in the banzuke). Last time to be registered : Saturday May 6, at 8 am, time from Paris. Charliki Edited April 29, 2006 by charliki Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
charliki 16 Posted May 6, 2006 The torikumi of the first days are here. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mmikasazuma 12 Posted May 7, 2006 (edited) I can't enter my day 2 picks, becouse the sekitori I can choose from are not at the same side as they stand on day 2 torikumi. (Maybe still day 1 group?) :-D How did you enter? ;-) Edited May 7, 2006 by Mmikasazuma Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
charliki 16 Posted May 8, 2006 (edited) I can't enter my day 2 picks, becouse the sekitori I can choose from are not at the same side as they stand on day 2 torikumi. (Maybe still day 1 group?) :-S How did you enter? (Welcome...) I'm not sure to understand your problem (Sigh...) . You don't pick any more one side of the dohyo in the torikumi of the next day (as it was in the first version of the game called HIGASHIvsNISHI), but one side of the banzuke. All days the east (or west) rikishi are the same. Edited May 8, 2006 by charliki Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
charliki 16 Posted May 8, 2006 The results of day 2. (Sigh...) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
charliki 16 Posted May 13, 2006 Here the provisional classification after 7 days : Kaiowaka [M1西] 6-1 Zichi [M6西] 5-2 Mmikasazuma [M7東] 5-2 Fuseigou [M9西] 5-2 Kotononami [M13西] 5-2 Terarno [M15西] 5-2 Mushi [s西] 4-3 Konosato [K1東] 4-3 Mishu [M1東] 4-3 Hakuhohana [M3東] 4-3 Kasamatsuri [M3西] 4-3 Flohru [M10東] 4-3 Fatakiyama [M18東] 4-3 Marimo [M18西] 4-3 Tamanaogiyama [K1西] 3-4 Charliki [M4東] 3-4 Remiogawa [M5東] 3-4 Asafan [M8東] 3-4 Iwanoshima [M12東] 3-4 Hayabusa [M14東] 3-4 Krokonowaka [M15東] 3-4 Holleshoryu [M16西] 3-4 Mischashimaru [M17西] 3-4 Chimatayma [M2西] 2-5 Kitano [M7西] 2-5 Imumaru [M17東] 2-5 Damimonay [M9東] 1-6 Tainosen [M16東] 1-6 Daily results. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
charliki 16 Posted May 22, 2006 (edited) The final results Yusho Kotononami [M13西] 11-4 (60 winner) Y Zichi [M6西] 11-4 (55 w.) j-y Fuseigou [M9西] 11-4 (55 w.) j-y Kaiowaka [M1西] 10-5 (64 w.) g-s/k-s/s-s Terarno [M15西] 10-5 (60 w.) Fatakiyama [M18東] 9-6 (58 w.) Kasamatsuri [M3西] 9-6 (57 w.) Mushi [s西] 9-6 (56 w.) Mishu [M1東] 9-6 (56 w.) Hakuhohana [M3東] 9-6 (54 w.) Asafan [M8東] 8-7 (55 w.) Tamanaogiyama [K1西] 8-7 (54 w.) Hayabusa [M14東] 8-7 (51 w.) Mmikasazuma [M7東] 8-7 (49 w.) Holleshoryu [M16西] 8-7 (49 w.) Iwanoshima [M12東] 7-8 (51 w.) Marimo [M18西] 7-8 (51 w.) Tainosen [M16東] 6-9 (56 w.) Charliki [M4東] 6-9 (50 w.) Damimonay [M9東] 6-9 (50 w.) Kitano [M7西] 6-9 (49 w.) Flohru [M10東] 6-9 (47 w.) Chimatayma [M2西] 5-10 (50 w.) Konosato [K1東] 5-10 (47 w.) Krokonowaka [M15東] 5-10 (46 w.) Mischashimaru [M17西] 5-10 (45 w.) Remiogawa [M5東] 5-10 (41 w.) Imumaru [M17東] 3-12 (48 w.) Sansho Gino-sho 1 Kaiowaka (64 win). 2 Kotononami (60) 2 Terarno (60) 4 Fatakiyama (58 ) 5 Kasamatsuri (57) 6 Mushi (56) 6 Mishu (56) 8 Zichi (55) 8 Asafan (55) 8 Fuseigou (55) 11 Tamanaogiyama (54) 11 Hakuhohana (54) 13 Hayabusa (51) 14 Mmikasazuma (49) 14 Holleshoryu (49) Kanto-sho 1 Kaiowaka (31 Pts/k-s) 2 Mishu (30) 2 Fatakiyama (30) 4 Terarno (29) 5 tamanaogiyama (28 ) 5 Kasamatsuri (28 ) 5 Zichi (28 ) 5 Kotononami (28 ) 9 Fuseigou (27) 10 Hakuhohana (26) 10 Asafan (26) 12 Mushi (25) 13 Mmikasazuma (23) 14 Holleshoryu (20) 15 Hayabusa (16) Shukun-sho 1 Kaiowaka (5 Pts/sh-sh) 2 Mishu (4) 2 Kasamatsuri (4) 2 Hayabusa (4) 2 Fatakiyama (4) 6 Tamanaogiyama (3) 6 Hakuhohana (3) 6 Fuseigou (3) 6 Terarno (3) 10 Mushi (2) 10 Asafan (2) 10 Holleshoryu (2) 13 Zichi (1) 13 Mmikasazuma (1) 13 Kotononami (1) Day 15 : results. Edited June 4, 2006 by charliki Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
charliki 16 Posted May 22, 2006 (edited) Here's the banzuke for Nagoya (Hugging...). Edited June 4, 2006 by charliki Share this post Link to post Share on other sites