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Sadogatake Trip to Israel Chronicles

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Moti, I have no doubt that you have singlehandedly raised the sumo consciousness in Israel since its founding.

All your hard work really paid off for you and all the accolades you received, are receiving and will receive, you will deserve every bit of it.

You have contributed so much to the cause far more than anyone else I can recall around here.

I am sure those in the Kyokai and officials in both governments must be appreciative of your efforts.

Mighty todah and congratulations!

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Moti, I have no doubt that you have singlehandedly raised the sumo consciousness in Israel since its founding.

All your hard work really paid off for you and all the accolades you received, are receiving and will receive, you will deserve every bit of it.

You have contributed so much to the cause far more than anyone else I can recall around here.

I am sure those in the Kyokai and officials in both governments must be appreciative of your efforts.

Mighty todah and congratulations!

(I am not worthy...) well said, well said.

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[...and watch a smiling Moti in the last scene! (I am not worthy...) (Sign of approval)

He is obviously having a rotten experience! (Sign of approval) (Sign of approval) (Applauding...) (Applauding...) (Applauding...)

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With all this frolicking at the infamous "Sea of Sodom," should Kintamayama's adventures be known henceforth as the "Chronicles of the Dead Sea Scrotum?" (Applauding...)

Should the "Yam ha-Mavet" (Sea of Death) be renamed the "Yam ha-Kintama?" (I am not worthy...)

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Congratulations Moti,

You're getting to experience something that a lot of us can only dream about and I am really happy for you. (Applauding...) (Sign of approval) (I am not worthy...)

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Israeli and Japanese cultures couldn't much farther apart. When for the first time, the representatives of a sport that I love visit a country I have so much respect for, I can't help but being extremely impressed. It looked as if the Japanese delegation and their Israeli hosts were all having a great time.

Hoshitango was the first Jewish rikishi. Maybe this visit will someday produce another one. And if he ever joins Sadogatake beya, maybe his shikona will be something like Kotonegev or Kotoshalom. (I am not worthy...)

As we sometimes say in the U.S.A., "Moti, you done good." No, make that, "you done GREAT!" I am very proud of your efforts. I'm sure that all the members of Sumoforum echo my words.

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bigger image of that earlier one




Edited by sekihiryu

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Thanks, everyone, for the kind words. I'm off to the airport to say goodbye. I didn't have time to update yet since the schedule was really tight, but I'll do it in a few hours.

I promise you, it will be well worth the wait..

In the meantime:( a familiar figure in the lower left -hand corner..)



Edited by Kintamayama

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Osh's 'mud mawashi' leaves nothing to the imagiination! golly! (I am not worthy...)

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Osh's 'mud mawashi' leaves nothing to the imagiination! golly! (Eek...)

Mud/No mud (Dribbling...) He looks good in anything! (In love...)

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Yesterday, everyone was totally relaxed, since the "basho" was over. We left the hotel at 9 am for the Dead Sea, a ride that usually takes about two and a half hours. The rikishi, who, as mentioned, were on an incredibly tight schedule, asked for some time to go shopping, so we stopped in Beer Sheva for an hour of shopping at the mall. We finally arrived at around 13:00, to the sight of at least 20 TV crews from all over the world- for this was the big story of the visit-will they float or not..

First, they hit the pool, and were like kids in an amusement park, throwing each other around and stuff (video will follow). Moto-Kotozakura jumped into the pool and swam for a long while as well. Then,the big event- led by the Israeli Ambassador to Japan Eli Cohen (this whole trip was his brain-child) they entered the Dead Sea. And-yes..they floated, all of them. Oyakata did the customary "I'm holding a newspaper with both hands while floating on my back" pose. Then, some mud treatment. The media went wild.

After that, a short shopping spree at the "Ahava" mineral cosmetics outlet, and a long three hour drive for the farewell dinner, where presents were exchanged.

This morning, the goodbyes at the airport. It was quite nice to be able to chat with moto-Kotozakura for quite a while, as the others were busy with the check-in routine. We bid our farewells, and went our respective ways.

It was fun.

Edited by Kintamayama

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Thanks Moti, for all of this. This good bye must have been a very hard one...

great (Dribbling...)


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Thank's once again for the reports. This must have been a great experience for both, you and Sadogatake Beya, I'm really happy for you (Dribbling...)

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I would like to float as well. Being close to rikishi would be even better.

Thanks Moti for bringing them so close to us (Dribbling...) with your reports and pictures. (Sign of approval)

I am very happy for you for this great experience.

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"The wrestlers, who train and live together in a sadogatake, or 'stable,' are only allowed to leave Japan once every two years"

quote form those yahoo news photos posted by Odoriou - what have you been telling the media in Israel Kintamayama?


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"The wrestlers, who train and live together in a sadogatake, or 'stable,' are only allowed to leave Japan once every two years"

quote form those yahoo news photos posted by Odoriou - what have you been telling the media in Israel Kintamayama?


Oops, sorry. They are allowed to leave only every full moon, or when everyone has a moustache.


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Oh yeah, and this..


Awesome photo! This needs to be pinned somewhere! (Dribbling...) So, we can expect a dozen new Guess the Kotomitsuki players for Nagoya, right? (In love...)

Edited by Takanorappa

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