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Banzuke Surfing 2nd Wave Nagoya 2006

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Welcome to a new round of Banzuke Surfing (2nd wave).

Rules for the game can be found here.

New players can pick any rikishi from jk27e Otamura and below.

And here are the standings and the allowed picks for Nagoya Basho.

Deadline for new picks is shonichi 8 AM JST.

Rank Shikona			  Last Surfer   Position Allowed Picks				 
1.   Itachi***			Masuhikari	sd37w	sd38e Ryuyo and below		 
2.   Jejima***			Masuhikari	sd37w	sd38e Ryuyo and below		 
3.   Golynohana***		Masuhikari	sd37w	sd38e Ryuyo and below		 
4.   ragerkawa***		 Masuhikari	sd37w	sd38e Ryuyo and below		 
5.   Tameiki***		   Masuhikari	sd37w	sd38e Ryuyo and below		 
6.   Exil***			  Masuhikari	sd37w	sd38e Ryuyo and below		 
7.   Ganzohnesushi**	  Masuhikari	sd37w	sd38e Ryuyo and below		 
8.   charliki**		   Masuhikari	sd37w	sd38e Ryuyo and below		 
9.   Odoriou**			Masuhikari	sd37w	sd38e Ryuyo and below		 
10.  Profomisakari**	  Masuhikari	sd37w	sd38e Ryuyo and below		 
11.  Fujisan**			Masuhikari	sd37w	sd38e Ryuyo and below		 
12.  Shibouyama**		 Masuhikari	sd37w	sd38e Ryuyo and below		 
13.  Yubiquitoyama**	  Masuhikari	sd37w	sd38e Ryuyo and below		 
14.  Zenjimoto**		  Masuhikari	sd37w	sd38e Ryuyo and below		 
15.  Randomitsuki*		Masuhikari	sd37w	sd38e Ryuyo and below		 
16.  Torideyama**		 Chiyonoshin   sd50w	sd51e Tokachiumi and below	
17.  Kintamayama**		Tokusegawa	sd56w	sd57e Omatsuda and below	  
18.  kotooshu_bulgaria*** Daishoyu	  sd62w	sd63e Takunishiki and below   
19.  sekihiryu***		 Daishoyu	  sd62w	sd63e Takunishiki and below   
20.  Tamanaogijima**	  Daishoyu	  sd62w	sd63e Takunishiki and below   
21.  Azumaryu**		   Takunishiki   sd63e	sd63w Hamaeiko and below	  
22.  Susanoo**			Tomishima	 sd92w	sd93e Takamiryu and below	 
23.  Takamueda***		 Daishiyama	sd95e	sd95w Masunoumi and below	 
24.  Zeokage**			Teruyama	  jd1e	 jd1w Tochitaiga and below	 
25.  Asashosakari**	   Kiyoseryu	 jd10w	jd11e Asahio and below		
26.  Kotononami***		Tenryuzan	 jd49e	jd49w Ansei and below		 
27.  Takanorappa**		Yamada		jd53w	jd54e Fujita and below		
28.  Oshirokita**		 Fujita		jd54e	jd54w Tochinokuni and below   
29.  Misisko*			 DNP (1st)	 jd57w	jd58e Kurazono and below	  
30.  Manekineko***		Tomotsukasa   jd59e	jd59w Shimizu and below	   
31.  Andoreasu***		 Tomotsukasa   jd59e	jd59w Shimizu and below	   
32.  sashimaru***		 DNP (2nd)	 jd69e	jd69w Ikehara and below	   
33.  Doitsuyama***		Tochinoshin   jd95e	jd95w Kawataka and below	  
34.  Mattjila***		  Kasugashima   jd104w   jd105e Onofuji and below	  
35.  furanohana***		Maeyama	   jd108e   jd108w Takedani and below	 
36.  Kaiowaka***		  Teraomaru	 jd111w   jd112e Katagiri and below	 
37.  Kachitakai***		Teraomaru	 jd111w   jd112e Katagiri and below	 
38.  Jakusotsu**		  Teraomaru	 jd111w   jd112e Katagiri and below	 
39.  Tagada***			Echizenyama   jk2e	 jk2w Fukai and below		  
40.  Terarno**			Shobimaru	 jk5e	 jk5w Tamashinzan and below	
41.  Kitano***			Kasugaumi	 jk6e	 jk6w Masuamami and below	  
42.  Fay***			   Kotookuda	 jk21e	jk21w Tsurunoumi and below	
43.  Imumaru***		   Kototakaira   jk29w	jk27e Otamura and below	   
44.  Norizo***			Tsuji		 jk30e	jk27e Otamura and below

Edited by Randomitsuki

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This Basho I want to surf with

Sd39w Tochikasuga

If possible let him win 7 points!


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seems I have to start from the beginning again, so I take:


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seems I have to start from the beginning again, so I take:


Oops, I've made a mistake. I forgot to put Norizo and you onto the standings. Your pick Kotookuda finished 3-4, and still he was promoted to jk21e. So you are allowed to pick some other guys as well.

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I stay with Kototakaira (Shaking head...)

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Daishoyu- Sandanme 62 west-is injured, so

Sandanme 63 east-Takunishiki

Edited by Kintamayama

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Hi. (Shaking head...)

I pick E-Jonokuchi 15, Yoshidayama.



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SD62W Daishoyu

I too have picked an injured rikishiki.

I replace him with SD53E Daitensho.

Edited by Torideyama

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Sd45 Gagamaru

(Has to be)

Edited by Fujisan

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Jd117w Kotowatanabe (Sadogatake beya)


Edited by Kaiowaka

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